Regular Meeting
February 21, 2013
A) Call Meeting to Order— Commissioner Lindsey called the special meeting to order at
4:00 pm.
B) Roll Call—Present: Commissioner Susan Guerrero; Commissioner Danielle Skeeters-
Lindsey; Louann Davis, Chief Examiner, and Chief Alvord
Guests as follows: JesLindsey
C) Election of new chair
Motion: Commissioner Guerrero moved to elect Commissioner Skeeters-Lindsey as the
new 2013 chair. Motion passed unanimously.
D) Approval of Minutes January 17, 2013 and Special Meeting February 15, 2013
Chief Alvord requested to change 3.1 to read Chief Alvord requested the Record Clerk
job title be changed to Records Specialist. Commissioner Guerrero moved to accept the
minutes as submitted with the above change. Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Skeeters-Lindsey requested that Commisioner Chair Bariekman be listed under
roll call as absent. Commissioner Guerrero moved to accept the minutes as submitted
with the change. Motion passed unanimously.
E) Old Business
1) CS Commission— None
2) Changes to the Civil Service Rules- Chief Alvord asked for the language in Rule
10.1.13 remain as part of the rules. In addition she asked thate under Rule 8.15
change to less than 3 on the eligibility list for extra help since the Sheriffs Officer
hardly ever has more than one or two candidates on the extra help lists.
Chief Examiner Louann Davis stated she recommends the rules be looked at
closer for more changes. The commission directed her to go over the rules and
make her recommendation at the April meeting.
New Business:
1) Discuss internal records and processes of the Commission &the Chief Examiner
The commission decided to delete this item.
2) Sheriffs Office Update—Chief Alvord stated that one of the Systems Tech.
candidates request that his name be removed from the list. She requested that a
Corrections Sergeant list be created.
3) Chief Examiner's Update—CE Davis stated that the Records Specialist test was
on February 19 and that 13 candidates passed with a score of 70% or more. The
oral board will take place on February 26 and be only one day.
4) Discuss Meeting Time and Place—It was requested that the meeting time be
changed to 5:00 pm. The chief examiner passed out a schedule of the meeting
dates and times for 2013. Commissioner Guerrero moved to accept the
schedule. Motion passed.
Open Forum for Citizen Input(5 minutes per person)
Keith Lindsey stated that the meeting seemed to have less stress and more focus.
F) Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 4:23
Approved Mar 21, 2 13
e e Skeete -Lindsey, Chair
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Susan Guerrero, Commissioner
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Louann Davis, Chief aminer