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2020/08/31 - Briefing Packet
MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR WEEK OF August 31, 2020 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. CO -1854 Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management 411 North 5th Street Commissioner Administration Emergency Management Shelton WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails 360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources Information Services Labor Relations Risk Management MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING ITEMS FROM SUPPORT SERVICES August 31, 2020 • Specific Items for Review o Confirmation of the Thurston County appointment to the Timberland Regional Library Board.of Trustees- Diane o Extension of Emergency Declaration - Ross o Update on Housing Authority- Frank o CARES Act funding update - Frank o Contract with Fire District 11 for services at Public Works - Frank o Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan—Frank • Commissioner Discussion J:\DLZ\Briefmg Items\2020\2020-08-31.docx h N` i Administrative Service Center 415 Tumwater Boulevard SW Tumwater,WA 98501-5799 360.943.5001 TRL.org August 26, 2020 Mason County Commissioners Mason County Building 1 411 N 5th St. Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Board Commissioners, The Thurston County Commissioners have appointed Nicolette Oliver to the Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees to fill the vacant unexpired at-large term that runs through December 31, 2026. The Thurston County Commissioners have requested that Timberland Regional Library secure the confirmation of this appointment from the other four county Board of Commissioners. A copy of the letter appointing Ms. Oliver is enclosed. If you concur with the appointment of Ms. Oliver,please send a letter of confirmation to my attention at the above address. Once we have received letters from Mason, Lewis, Grays Harbor, and Pacific County Commissioners, copies will be forwarded to the Thurston County Commissioners. We would appreciate your immediate consideration of this appointment. To further speed the process you may email the scanned letter to Rose Enos-Weedmark at renosweedmark(ctrl.org. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Cheryl Heywood Executive Director Enclosure MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Ross McDowell DEPARTMENT: Emergency Management EXT: 806 BRIEFING DATE: 08/31/2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: 04/07/2020, 06/15/2020 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources X Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Extending the Mason County Local Declaration of Disaster Resolution 2020-32 and 2020-54 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): The Board of County Commissioners of Mason County declare Mason County remains in a disaster due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) epidemic. The emergency authority granted under this resolution 2020-54 shall expire September 21, 2020. Mason County Emergency Management requests the Board to extend the disaster declaration until the State of Washington Disaster Declaration expires. Also, Mason County Emergency Management request that Section 4 of the disaster declaration remain removed and considered void. "Such authorization shall include unannounced entry and access onto and about private property, where such entry and access shall not violate those constitutional privacy and property rights under an emergency declaration" BUDGET IMPACT: FEMA and CARES Act funding is available and will be used for reimbursement on most costs. PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements, direct notice,website,community meetings, etc.) None RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Mason County Emergency Management and the Area Command for the COVID-19 Response and Recovery request that the Board of County Commissioners extend the Disaster Declaration until the State of Washington Disaster Declaration expires. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution extending the Local Declaration of Mason County as a Disaster Area for until the State of Washington Disaster Declaration expires. Briefing Summary 8/25/2020 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON RE: EXTEND DECLARATION ) OF MASON COUNTY ) AS A DISASTER AREA ) 2020-32 AND 2020-54 ) RESOLUTION# WHEREAS,for the last 233 days (starting January 27, 2020)there has been COVID-19 pandemic culminating on April 7,2020, in a disaster by creating multiple confirmed positive cases in parts of Mason County; and, WHEREAS, this COVID-19 pandemic has caused local resources to be exhausted or about to be exhausted, said resources are still depleted; and, WHEREAS, there is a present emergency which necessitates activation of the Mason County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan(CEMP), Public Health Emergency Activation Functional Plan, and utilization of emergency powers granted pursuant to RCS 36.40.180 and RCW 38.52.070(2); and, WHEREAS,a viral pandemic (Coronavirus) has and still is occurring to all residents and staff of Mason County resulting in the need for assistance to impacted citizens to quarantine and/or medically isolate with a focus of providing assistance for medical surges resulting in the need for emergency sheltering, funding, staffing and relaxed time frames throughout the county; and, WHEREAS, this disaster has caused and will cause an undetermined amount of financial, emotional and long-lasting impacts to citizens, businesses and public entities in Mason County, and, WHEREAS, severity and magnitude of this disaster/pandemic is beyond the capability of local resources; NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED SECTION 1. It is hereby declared by the Board of Mason County Commissioners that, in accordance with the terms and conditions of RCW 36.40.180, the emergency remains due to the above stated conditions in Mason County; therefore, the Board declare that Mason County remain a disaster area and extend the disaster declaration until the State of Washington Disaster Declaration expires. SECTION 2. It hereby also removes Section 4 from the Disaster Declaration 2020-32; "Such authorization shall include unannounced entry and access onto and about private property, where such entry and access shall not violate those constitutional privacy and property rights under an emergency declaration. " 1 ❑ REGULAR SIGNED IN ❑ SPECIAL SESSION THIS DAY OF ❑ EMERGENCY APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Michael Dorcy, Prosecuting Attorney MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor Sharon Trask, Chair Tim Whitehead ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner McKenzie Smith Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Clerk of the Board 2 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Frank Pinter/Dawn Twiddy DEPARTMENT: Human Resources EXT: 422 BRIEFING DATE: 8/31/2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: 7/6/2020, 7/20/20 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Approval to place on the September 8, 2020 Action Agenda a Resolution establishing the Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan and add it to Mason County Code Chapter 2. BACKGROUND: Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan represents a commitment to workplace safety by the elected officials and department heads of Mason County. The Board of County Commissioners and Elected Officials have the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards as set forth in RCW 49.17.060: Employer— General safety standard — Compliance, Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules, and Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Directive 1.70, General Coronavirus Prevention Under Stay Home-Stay Healthy Order. Mason County employees also have the responsibility to develop habits and procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury including attending safety trainings and wearing personal protective equipment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to place on the September 8, 2020 Action Agenda a Resolution establishing the Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan and add it to Mason County Code Chapter 2. ATTACHMENT(S): Resolution, Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan, and associated forms Briefing Summary 8/25/2020 MASON COUNTY EMPLOYEE PANDEMIC EXPOSURE CONTROL, MITIGATION AND RECOVERY POLICY O41 o- x ,T u x Resolution No. Creation Date: 1 of 8 I. EMPLOYEE PANDEMIC EXPOSURE CONTROL, MITIGATION AND RECOVERY POLICY 1. Policy#- 2. Effective Date: 7/1/2020 3. Review Frequency: As Necessary 4. Policy Owner: DEM / Human Resources II. PURPOSE 1. STATEMENT: We are committed to the safety and,h�ealth of our employees; accordingly, we strive to maintain a healthy worksite in accor�d,se,cce with state and federal law. Specifically, RCW 49.17.060 which states, "e r-h mploye�r shall furnish to each of their employees a place of employment free from recognized hazy ,ds that are causing or likely to cause serious injury or death to his or her employees and,shal comply with the rules, regulations, and order promulgated under this chapter." 2. AUTHORITIES: The Governor's Office; Safe Start Guide of 06/10 •0'' gives specific guidance to employers an&DOSH Directive 1.70, titled General Coronavirus Prevention Under Stay Home — Stay Hke thy Girder (Updated 04/27/2020) states, "People are required to stay home except``�fo�r essentla activities, which include a wide range of economic and social functionsnecessar aintain minimum living conditions. Employers who continue operations un eir the Qrrder are required to maintain coronavirus prevention practices c is ent w tWW. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Health, the CDC, Washington State L&I, DOSH, OSHA, and Washington State Department of Health guidance." Exposure to SARS-CoV-2, and any other pandemic is recognized as a very serious workplace had. 3 SCOPE: Governor lnslee's Proclamation 20-25 has given construction companies and other essential businesses permission to resume work activities using extreme caution. Mason County Commissi ners deems all government business as essential. We ask you, our employee, to join dip".-efforts by fully participating in the exposure prevention and infection c�ro measure soutlined in this policy. Essential business"functions performed b employees at Mason County, Per L&I p YY 1501-00 Co n y-Staff 4907-01 Prison Industries Staff 5306-07 County-Office And Administrative Staff 6901-00 Volunteers 6901-01 Student Volunteer or Unpaid Students 6905-01 County- Law Enforcement Officers 6906-01 County-Volunteer Law Enforcement Officers 7203-00 Community Service Workers 2 of 8 Mason County will strive to use telework and technology as a means to reduce the exposure of our workforce, offer staggered shifts where applicable, reduce the number of employees in a certain area if acceptable and control the types and number of staff moving around the facilities in order to mitigate potential future exposure. Mason County will not take any adverse action (such as firing, demoting, or retaliating) against any employee who chooses to exercise their safety and health rights, such as raising safety and health concerns to management, participating in union activities concerning safety and health matters,filing a safety and health complaint or participating in a DOSH investigation. All employees have thirty (30) days to file safety and health complaints with L&I DOSH and/or with Federal OSHA. 4. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: All Mason you ty Employees, Department Heads and Elected Officials are responsible to manage, mo r ito and maintain adherence to this policy as the County moves forward in managing and mitigating pandemic recovery. 111. POLICY 1. SAFETY OFFICERS Mason County designates_ °department's safety officer as the Pandemic Site Supervisor at each of its facilities.MThame n'd contact information of the Safety Officer will be posted at each facilities point of&try. The Safety Officer will educate their department's employees on the importance of usi gthe,self regulation stations and will report to an employee's supervisor if they appear to be ill m `oder enforce this Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy. During a pandemic employees and visitors are required to sign in and out on the Contact Tracing Log.The Safet}r fficer is reIutred to maintain these logs as Entry/Exit Logs— Facilities (DAN GS 25007) for retention purposes. If the county receives a public records request or a request from a union for employee records related to the personnel logs or self-regulation information, seek advice from the Prosecuting Attorney. 2. SELF-REGULATION STATIONS According to the CDC, hallmark symptoms of a pandemic, such as COVID-19 infection are; fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches or new loss of taste/smell. However, other symptoms or no symptoms at all have also been reported by a small percentage of patients. If an employee (or a member of their household) develops symptoms consistent with a pandemic, such as COVID-19, they are encouraged to stay home. If an employee (or a member of their household) has a suspected or confirmed pandemic or COVID-19 related infection, s/he is required to follow the isolation and quarantine requirements as established by the Washington State Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control. 3 of 8 In an abundance of caution, all employees will screen themselves at the self-regulation station, upon entering the workplace, for symptoms and instructions to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water upon arrival to each facility. It is the responsibility of each employee, who reports to work, to monitor if they (or a member of their household) have a cough, shortness of breath,fatigue, muscle aches or new loss of taste/smell. If they do,they need to stay home or if it develops during the workday, go home. At the self-regulation station each employee will measure their own temperatures using a 'no touch' or 'no contact' wall-mounted thermometer. Any worker with pandemic or COVID-19 like symptoms or a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, will immediately leave the premise and contact their supervisor via telephone to report they are going home based on their self-screened result. If an employee experiences the onset of symptoms during a shift, again,they will be immediately sent home and offered to work via a telework option if the position responsibilities meet the eligibility requirements. Screening employees for symptoms and chec an employee's temperature are considered medical examinations according to the Americans with Disab�l ties Act of 1990 (ADA) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). he ADA:and EEOC both define a medical examination as, "a procedure or test that seeks inforr a"'t[on about an individual's physical or mental impairments or health." Medical examinations are not typically performed or allowable by employers; however, the ADA and EEOC make an excepton.to this legislation when the CDC and/or local health officials proclaim a pandemic or other local`health emergency. Therefore, under the Stay Homed Sta Healthy Proclamation 20-25.4 (Safe Start Washington Phased Reopening Plan) signed by Wasmgton State Governor,Jay Inslee on 05/31/2020, Mason County may require emtoYee.s.bto�self-re ut'bte and perform the act of measuring employee's symptoms at all facility entry points \In cor."-14- nce with the ADA and HIPAA, Mason County will not document, maintain health, eecordssarh e, or discuss your personal health information with anyone other than the Mason County H6a "h Officer or designee. We are committed to respecting and maintaining the 156 sonal privacy our employees. Following the identification of symptoms.or a suspected/confirmed pandemic related illness or COVID-19 infection of either an employee or a member of their household), the employee will not be allowed to return to work until they have been evaluated by their healthcare provider and are symptom-free. Employees who are sent home or required to stay home may use leave associated with the Families First Coronavirus Act (FFCRA) until it is exhausted. Once exhausted employees are required to use their accrued leave prior to being authorized Leave Without Pay (LWOP), unless they choose to use Washington Paid Family Medical Leave. 3. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT(PPE) Mason County will provide all employees with two cloth facemasks but employees may use their own cloth facemasks if desired. Masks, in accordance with the Washington Department of Health guidelines or as required by the Washington Department of Labor&Industries'safety rules, must always be worn by every employee on the property or premises, unless they are working alone. 4 of 8 Therefore, employees are required to wear facemasks while entering any common workspace areas or in locations that others are in or are potentially within six feet distance. For example, a mask should be worn when using the restroom, walking in hallways, or when going to the copy machine. Gloves and eye protection, specific to the task being performed, will also be provided if necessary, please inform Human Resources. Nitrile/vinyl gloves may be used by employees who are performing tasks which do not typically require gloves. However, nitrile/vinyl gloves are one-time use only and should be discarded after each use. All other gloves will be cleaned and sanitized between uses. To prevent potential latex exposures, including anaphylaxis, to those with latex allergies, latex gloves are not permitted on any Mason County facility. Employees are required to adhere to all other PPE policies ou"tli in Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program. As an addition to that policy the Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy includes social distancing as a,safety prevention measure. Social distancing of at least six (6) feet of separation betwe'nemplo ees must be maintained at all times. Only infrequent passing within six feet is allowed bye pl6yees who are not wearing respiratory protection. Gatherings of any size must be managed by staggering work schedules '� and taking breaks/lunch in shifts. Anytime two or more persons must meet,\ensure a minimum of six (6) feet of separation. Materials or other work items must be tr-a_n`sported between employees by mechanical means or b using staging points. If a staging omt U' ed�;�mplo ees may o to that central point one at Y g g g P g� g p � � � Y Y g p ( a time)to drop off or pick up items thattypcalfy'transfer between employees. Employees may also have "mailboxes,"or"bins," at the periphery of.theiraqrkspace where materials may be left for them by other employees. However, at all_T a `icahtransfer, staging points and peripheral drop off bins, provisions must be made to cled ects handle when the items are transferred. Identify a�,e,choke points' and 'high-risk areas [r% t e office or in our facilities (areas where employeeXlnose :atdrally congregate), they must been lalieled as such. To control these areas and minim ze inter cfrb6i.wve are implementing an occupancy restriction of one (1) person at a time We also ask that you Wipe down surfaces after use, avoid touching door handles and wash or sanitize y ur hands befor xdting these designated areas. Occupied worksta io s will be separated by at least six (6) feet or will have physical barriers between them. Interactions when picking U or delivering equipment must be minimized. If possible, we ask that employees and delivery personnel maintain at least six (6)feet of separation at all times. Employee meetings will be limited to ten (10) employees and six (6) feet of spacing must be maintained by employees at all time. 5 of 8 4. SANITATION & HYGIENE Mason County will either provide a permanent or portable handwashing station to employees. Regardless of the type, soap and running water (hot and cold) shall be abundantly provided for frequent handwashing. Employees are encouraged to regularly wash their hands. Handwashing is absolutely required upon arrival and departure, before and after using the restroom, before and after eating, after coughing, after sneezing, after blowing your nose. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60%ethanol or 70%isopropanol may be used by employees between handwashing but are not a replacement for handwashing requirements. Employees are strongly discouraged from touching their face (eyes, nose, mouth, ears) with unwashed hands or while wearing contaminated gloves. Employees are strongly encouraged to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. There will be a strict surface cleaning and sanitizichedule for public spaces. Employees are required to clean their areas by removing bgildup, dirt, debris, and other material on surfaces. To accomplish this, water and soap (or anotherdteaning fluid,) will be used with wipes, clothes, brushes or other physical means of removing these materials``so that there is no visible build-ups, ... � smears, or streaks on the surface. Once the surface is c[ear)r;'all high touch surfaces need to be sanitized. Surfaces may be sanitized using a bleach solution or another EPA approved disinfectant that will be supplied by our maintenance staff. Disinfectants will be avat abl lei Iworkers throughout the office and cilities; all cleaning supplies will be replenished regui `ra ly'1f)(du are running low on disinfectant or another cleaning supply, please notify the �aintenane department by entering a help desk request at http://helpdesk.mason 'cal, immediately. A SDS and MSDS will be provided or all chemicals used including but not limited to hand soap, sanitizer, disinfectants, etc. 5. SAFETY TRAINING During a pandernic all employees are required to actively participate in a safety training meeting on the first day back to work with updates weekly thereafter. A schedule of mandatory safety training meetings will be provided to all employees. Employees who work remotely are required to attend all safety training meetings through Zoom. Attendance will be communicated verbally- the trainer will sign in each attendee to prevent supply sharing and physical contact. Any required in-person meetings will be limited to ten (10) employees and attendees are required to maintain social distancing practices. Important information and reminders from the CDC, Washington State Department of Health, DOSH, and other governing agencies will be posted at each Mason County facility for employees to review regularly. 6 of 8 6. INCIDENT REPORTING Employees are required to seek medical attention and inform Human Resources if they or a member of their household has a suspected or confirmed pandemic related illnesses or COVID- 19 infection. 7. ATTENDANCE All employees will be given a contact tracing log, which they are required to complete daily. Contact tracing logs will remain at the facility. Employees are required to sign in/out and confirm they have sanitized their work area, were given the proper PPE, and washed their hands upon arrival. To the extent practical, only one visitor will be allowed on each facility at a time. Visitors include family members, clients, vendors, friends, delivery personnel, etc. All visitors are required to participate in symptom screening procedures an&Eheck in/out using the visitor logs located at each point of entry. Employees who do not believe it is safe to workmay remov pe themselves from the office and immediately notify management. If an employee does n t fell comfortable working, they will not be terminated or retaliated against for their decision to�"stay home and stay healthy. They will however be required to take appropriate leave. Paid Administrative Leave pay will not be authorized for any such leave, unless approved for all em loyees by the Board of County Commissioners. Mason County does oft rselecfi*administrative employees the option to work remotely;however, this option may be revoked at anyt�, a at the discretion of management. All employees working remotely are expected to.be loggdrn actively performing job tasks and answering phone calls JI during their regularwork scheddie:�'11tiCo king remotely is a privilege and we trust employees will treat it as su h�Masori County d es not offer g-leworking to all employees. In the eve man employee opt knot tc uvork and working remotely is not an option, information will be proved to him/her r�gar�ding expanded family and medical leave requirements included in the Families41rst Coronavirus;Respon e Act (FFCRA). Employees will also be allowed to use any available form-6 f�accrued paid leave, including vacation time and Washington State Sick Pay. 8. POST-EXPOSUR -RECOV,ERY PLAN DOSH defines a, "potentral�exposure," as, "having close contact or being within 6 feet of individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection, for more than fifteen minutes. The timeframe for having contact with an individual includes the period of time of 48 hours before the individual became symptomatic." Generally, workers who have been exposed will be asked to self-quarantine; however, the CDC updated guidance allowing Mason County employees to return to work to ensure continuity of operations of essential functions. In order to safely return, however, the potentially exposed employee must pass the entry point health screening, wear a mask at all times, practice social distancing and clean/disinfect workspaces regularly for a period of fourteen (14) days following the potential exposure. 7 of 8 If an employee or visitor notifies Mason County that they (or a member of their household) has a suspected or confirmed pandemic related illness or COVID-19 infection,the work space and/or facility will be sanitized immediately by maintenance staff, upon notification via http://helpdesk.mason.local/tickets/. Sanitation efforts will be focused on areas where the ill employee or visitor physically stayed longer than fifteen (15) minutes through the duration of his/her workday or visit. In addition to these focal points, all accessible surfaces will be wiped, any visible soiling will be cleaned, and commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized. Employees will not be permitted to re-enter the office and/or facility until this process is complete. A notice of possible exposure will be sent to all employees an,o�lvisitors who checked in/out on the day of exposure and two days after,which will be done tki the use of established contact tracing logs. The notice will be given via telephone, e maiI, and regular mail. The name and 1'11personal health information of the sick individual wil emai confidential, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. In the event of exposure/possible exposure, Mason County will no"' the Washington State Department of Health. Employees will be instructed to proceed with t [ng and/or treatment based on the CDC Public Health Recommendations for Community-Rela unless advised otherwise by the Wash ingtState Department of Health. For questions or concerns regarding t�iisPan is Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy, please contact Mason County Human Resources or the department Safety Officer. 44 Employee Acknowledgement,; (Employee Name) hereby acknowledge that I have read Mason County Pandetai Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy. I understand that it describes the conduct a dbehior expected of me as an employee of Mason County further understand that if I violate be described policies and procedures, disciplinary action may be taken against me and/or I may be sent home for the day and/or I may be terminated for cause because ensuring the health and safety of others is Mason County's first priority. Employee Signature Date 8 of 8 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Michael MacSems DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 571 BRIEFING DATE: 8/31/2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Approve and sign Amendment A to a previously grant contract with the Washington Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): In 2019 Mason County entered into a contract with DAHP for a $3,190.00 reimbursement grant to send a minimum of three members (including Staff) to a national historic preservation commission conference in Tacoma in July 2020. The deliverable is a 1-2 page written reflection from the members who attend, due in September 2020. Because of COVID 19, the conference was changed to an on-line event, and the total cost to send all seven members plus staff to the event was reduced to $800. Amendment A to the original contract reduced the grant amount to $800 and extends the deliverable deadline to October 30, 2020. BUDGET IMPACT: Ultimately none, but the HPC is covering the conference registration cost prior to reimbursement. PUBLIC OUTREACH-.(Include any legal requirements,direct notice,website, community meetings,etc.)The original contract was discussed in the public meetings of the Historic Preservation Commission on August 8th and September 12th, 2019. For the Amendment there was discussion at the July 9th, 2020 meeting. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Sign contract Amendment A Place the approval of this grant contract amendment on the Action Agenda for September 8thth, 2020. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of contract and Amendment Breifing Cover Contract Ammendment.doc dahp Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer GRANT NO. FY20-CLG-MASON Amendment Time Extension and Budget Reduction The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation,the DEPARTMENT, and City of Burlington, the GRANTEE, hereby mutually agree to amend Grant No. FY20-CLG-MASON to extend the end date by one month and reduce the budget to$800. End Date Currently reads: 9/30/2020 Per this Amendment, end date shall read: 10/30/2020 Contract amount currently reads:$3,190 Per this amendment the amount shall read:$800 The DEPARTMENT acknowledges and approves this change by the DEPARTMENT for the above to extend the expiration date and reduce the total contract amount. DEPARTMENT GRANTEE Department of Archaeology Mason County & Historic Preservation Signed by Allyson Brooks Signed by Director Title Title Date Date aTArg of P.O. Box 48343 Olympia,Washington 98504-8343 1 (360)586-3065 0 6 " State of Washington Department of Archaeology& Historic Preservation o� www.dahp.wa.gov �y�reaoa�y Rcvc1 v cv OCT 0 8 2019 DEPL OF ARCHAEOLOGY A HISTORIC PRESERVATION dcc,'u Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer Federally Funded Grant Agreement between Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and Mason County Grant No.: FY20-CLG-MASON Grant Title: CLG FY20 Effective Date: October 1, 2019 Expiration Date: September 30, 2020 Grant Amount: $3,190.00 Federal Grant No.: N/A CFDA No.: 15.904 Grant Purpose This agreement is made between The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT, and Mason County hereinafter referred to as the GRANTEE. The purpose of this grant is to facilitate the attendance of a minimum of 3 members (including Staff) of the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission to attend the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions' (NAPC) national conference in Tacoma, Washington in July 2020. It is understood that by attending this conference the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission will become Parties' Contact Information DAHP Contact Person: Hannah Armitage (360) 586-3072 Email: hannah.arinitage.@dghp.wa.gov GRANTEE Contact Person: Michael MacSems (360)427-9670 Email: mms@co.mason.wa.us , Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 1 of 13 d(D' hlo- Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer --,-�w> Section 1:Responsibilities of the GRANTEE A. The GRANTEE will perform or cause others to perform the work described in the "Scope of Work" (Attachment 2). Additional special conditions or specifics about the work required by this agreement, if any, are in attachments as enumerated and described in Section 3. The GRANTEE agrees to perform the work in accordance with any such special conditions or specifics. B. The GRANTEE understands that the work called for under this agreement must conform to federal administrative requirements as they relate to the DEPARTMENT, and the GRANTEE agrees to comply with all such requirements. The following documents summarize some of these requirements and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof as though set forth in full: (1) The requirements of 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F (formerly OMB Circular A-133 for States,Local Governments, and Non-profit organizations.) (2) The"Secretary of Interior Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation." All work under this contract must be in compliance with the relevant Secretary's Standards and Guidelines e.g. Preservation Planning, Identification, Evaluation, Registration,Historic Research and Documentation,Architectural and Engineering Documentation,Archeological Investigation, Historic Preservation Projects, and Preservation Terminology. (3) The Secretary of the Interior's"Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual." - Latest Revision,June 2007. (4) Historic Preservation Fund Annual Grant Manual and Application, and any Federal budget changes/special conditions applicable thereto. (5) 43 CFR 17 Civil Rights, Subpart A, Implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and Subpart B, Implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and Subpart C, Implementing the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; and subpart E, Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Department of the Interior. (6) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 1201 et seq. (ADA) providing comprehensive civil rights to individuals with disabilities in the Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MAS0N Page 2 of 13 pmlyel Rio post.9+pe ipy V,, Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer areas of employment,public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunications. C. The GRANTEE agrees to comply with the restrictions of 18 U.S.C. 1913 concerning lobbying with appropriated funds,which provides substantially as follows: "No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall, in the absence of express authorization by Congress,be used directly or indirectly to pay for any personal service, advertisement,telegram,telephone, letter,printed or written matter, or other device, intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress,to favor or oppose, by vote or otherwise,-any legislation or appropriation by Congress,whether before or after the introduction of any bill or resolution proposing such legislation or appropriation; but this shall not prevent officers or employees of the United States or its departments or agencies from communicating to Members of Congress at the request of any Member, or to Congress through the proper official channels,requests for legislation or appropriations which they deem necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business." D. The GRANTEE agrees to maintain records in a manner which will provide an audit trail to all expenditures reported to the DEPARTMENT. The GRANTEE agrees to keep these records for at least six years following the ending date of the grant. In the event that an audit of the GRANTEE or of the DEPARTMENT should take exception to any expenditure by the GRANTEE,the GRANTEE agrees to refund to the DEPARTMENT on demand the amount determined by the audit as due. In the event that the DEPARTMENT is required to institute legal proceedings to enforce this repayment provision,the DEPARTMENT shall be entitled to its costs thereof,including reasonable attorney's fees. When arranging for an audit,the DEPARTMENT should contact the following GRANTEE representative: Michael MacSems (360) 427-9670 615 W Alder St Shelton, WA 98584 E. The GRANTEE agrees to pay all the costs involved in carrying out the terms of this agreement prior to seeking reimbursement as provided for in Section 2A. When seeking reimbursement,the GRANTEE will submit a completed reimbursement form in writing to the DEPARTMENT and provide such documents as an affidavit of publication for newspaper advertising soliciting bids, contracts,photocopies of canceled checks and invoices, and other documents as may be requested by the DEPARTMENT. The DEPARTMENT will provide the Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 3 of 13 dahN1.1R piDLtCI the=1.-ripe 1W(.V! Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director 1 State Historic Preservation Officer GRANTEE with the reimbursement form and guidelines for financial reporting procedures. The GRANTEE agrees to submit its request for reimbursement within thirty (30) days following completion of the work. F. The GRANTEE agrees to provide the DEPARTMENT with a completion report following a form provided by the DEPARTMENT. The GRANTEE will submit this report on or before the end date. The GRANTEE agrees that the DEPARTMENT shall have the right to withhold all or part of the payment under Section 2A pending receipt of this completion report. G. The GRANTEE agrees that the"Budget" (Attachment 1) shall be a financial guide for the work called for by this agreement. The GRANTEE may exceed the budgeted amounts,but this shall in no way obligate the DEPARTMENT for a greater amount than that stipulated as DEPARTMENT share, and in no event shall the DEPARTMENT be obligated for a greater amount than the Grant Amount. In the event that the GRANTEE should spend less than the budgeted amount on an object or element in the budget,the DEPARTMENT may either reduce its obligation proportionately or it may terminate this agreement. The GRANTEE agrees to maintain records which will render an accurate accounting by the elements or objects in the budget. The actual expenditures for the amounts reflected in the budget may vary by 15 percent without requiring-an amendment to this grant agreement. H. The GRANTEE agrees that the DEPARTMENT shall have the right to terminate this agreement if the GRANTEE shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this agreement or if the GRANTEE shall violate any of the covenants, conditions, or stipulations of the agreement. In case of such termination by the DEPARTMENT,the GRANTEE agrees to return to the DEPARTMENT within thirty (30) days of the effective date of termination, any payments made by the DEPARTMENT to the GRANTEE under the terms of this agreement or any portion of such payments as may be directed by the DEPARTMENT. The GRANTEE agrees to submit documentation of the work identified in the Scope of Work on or before the grant end date. GRANTEE acknowledges and understands that final work which does not conform to the terms and conditions of this agreement or which does not meet the applicable Secretary of the Interior's Standards will not be reimbursed. I. The GRANTEE agrees to submit a"Schedule for Project Completion" (Attachment 5)before beginning work under this agreement. Said schedule form Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page.4 of 13 dah0t, �roW_ct Ih^Po:l,9,P trs W:wy Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer shall list each element described in the"Scope of Work" and shall indicate the approximate date when completion of each can be expected. J. The GRANTEE will maintain regular contact with the DEPARTMENT regarding the progress of the grant project. The GRANTEE agrees that the DEPARTMENT shall have the right to monitor the work called for by this agreement. K. The GRANTEE agrees to use competitive negotiation procedures (or small purchase procedures for under$25,000) for procurement of professional services and subcontracts. GRANTEE agrees to maintain records sufficient to detail the significant history of procurement and to forward evidence of competitive procurement to the DEPARTMENT prior to reimbursement of funds under this agreement. L. The GRANTEE agrees that it, its officers, agents and employees, and any other person or entity performing any work under this agreement, are independent contractors and not employees of the State of Washington. M. Federal funds are the basis for this contract. The GRANTEE certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in transactions by any state/federal department or agency. Should for any reason the Federal funds which are the basis for this agreement become withdrawn, or not appropriated by Federal congress the agreement may be terminated without penalty to the DEPARTMENT. N. To the fullest extent permitted by law,the GRANTEE shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the DEPARTMENT, other agencies of the State of Washington ("State") and all officials, agents and employees of the DEPARTMENT and the State,from and against all claims for injuries or death arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Contract. GRANTEE's obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless includes any claim.by GRANTEE's agents, employees, representatives, or any subcontractor or its employees. GRANTEE expressly agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State for any claim arising out of or incident to GRANTEE's or any subcontractor's performance or failure to perform the Grant. GRANTEE's obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State shall not be eliminated or reduced by any actual or alleged concurrent negligence of State or its agents, agencies, employees and officials. Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 5 of 13 f hIk rmle'l the DMI.ftf.IIWV e Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer Consistent with RCW 43.17.320.340,the parties shall make every effort to resolve disputes arising out of, or relating to,this Grant through discussion and negotiation. Should discussion and negotiation fail to resolve a dispute arising under this Grant, the parties shall select a dispute resolution team to resolve the dispute. The team shall consist of a representative appointed by the director of each party and a third party mutually agreed upon by the director of each party. The team shall attempt, by majority vote,to resolve the dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved in this fashion, either party may request assistance from the Governor pursuant to RCW 43.17.330. 0. The GRANTEE agrees to provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage, as applicable,prior to performing work under this agreement. The DEPARTMENT will not be responsible for payment of industrial insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for this GRANTEE, or any sub-grantee or employee of the GRANTEE, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during performance of duties and services under this agreement. If the Department of Labor and Industries,upon audit, determines that industrial insurance payments are due and owing as a result to work performed under this agreement,those payments shall be made by the GRANTEE;the GRANTEE shall indemnify the DEPARTMENT and guarantee payment of such amounts. P. The GRANTEE agrees to include written acknowledgment of National Park Service and Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation support for all grant- related publications and public information materials including audio-visual and workshop materials. The GRANTEE fin-ther agrees that the written acknowledgment shall comply with the form and content stipulated in the "Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual—2007." Q. The GRANTEE agrees to any additional conditions identified in section 3 and attached to this agreement. R. There shall be no discrimination against any person employed by the GRANTEE in connection with work covered by or related to this agreement, or against any applicant for such employment,because of race, creed, color, sex, age,martial status,national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap in accordance with Chapter 49.60RCW. This provision shall include, but not be limited to., the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 6 of 13 d a h,IC pmlect the pwt.#+cUe nn fuu-� Aliyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer forms of compensation and selection for training. The GRANTEE shall insert a similar provision in all subcontracts for services covered by this agreement. During the performance of this Grant,the GRANTEE shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws,regulations and policies. S. In accordance with legislative findings and policies set forth in Chapter 39.19 RCW the GRANTEE is encouraged in the participation and use of Minority and Women's Business Enterprise firms certified by OMWBE. T. The GRANTEE agrees that for any match specifically identified to this grant agreement by the GRANTEE the GRANTEE will not claim match directly earmarked or identified for this agreement as match for any other grant, agreement or contract. The DEPARTMENT has first and exclusive claim to match provided by the GRANTEE to this agreement as indirect eligible match to the National Park Service,Historic Preservation Fund award to the DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT: Grant Amount: $3,190.00 GRANTEE: Minimum Grant Match Amount: $0.00 Section 2:Responsibilities of the DEPARTMENT A. The DEPARTMENT agrees to reimburse the GRANTEE one hundred (100) percent of its actual authorized expenditures for the purpose of this agreement, provided: (1) The total paid by the DEPARTMENT shall not exceed the amount stipulated in the "Budget" (Attachment 1) as DEPARTMENT share. (2) All expenditures were incurred between the beginning and ending dates of the grant. (3) No expenditures have been previously claimed in any other grant from any agency of the state or federal government. (4) The DEPARTMENT has authority to expend the funds required to meet the obligations contained herein. (5) The GRANTEE has met all requirements contained in this agreement. Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 7 of 13 d(c.-,-�,1hp p of-cl the P.I.5twe ihn lobes Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer B. The DEPARTMENT agrees to consider requests from the GRANTEE for progress payments if,in the DEPARTMENT'S judgment,the public interest will be served by doing so and if such payments are administratively practical and provided appropriated funds are available for which to issue a progress payment. C. The DEPARTMENT may unilaterally terminate all or part of this contract, or may reduce its scope of work and budget, if there is a reduction in funds by the source of those funds, and if such funds are.the basis for this contract. Section 3;Attachments The following attachments are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this agreement. Attachment#1 Competitive Negotiation and Small Purchases Contracting Documentation— consisting of one page Attachment#2 Scope of Work—consisting of one page Attachment#3A Civil Rights Assurance—consisting of one page Attachment#313 Statement of Understanding for Grant Management Requirements—consisting of one page Attachment#3C Certification Regarding Debarment,Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion —consisting of one page Attachment#4* Report of Services/Labor Value Appraisal form to be used by GRANTEE to document labor costs —*INTENTIONALLY NOT INCLUDED Attachment#5 Schedule of Project Completion—consisting of one page Attachment#6 Budget—consisting of one page Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 8 of 13 dahkL) . pnleat the Past.s!npe sM VVe Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer Section 4:Amendments This grant agreement may only be amended if such amendment is in writing (with the exception of the 15%variance for actual expenditures identified in Section 1.G), agreed to and signed by all the parties, and attached hereto. DEPARTMENT: GRANTEE: Washington State Department of Archaeology Mason County and Historic Preservation By: Allyson Brooks By:Kevm S utty Its: Director Its: Chair, Igoard of Commissioners Date Date wmsg Federal Identification Number Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 9 of 13 e dano, voted he pml.snwe Ine 1WWe Allyson Brooks MD.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer ATTACHMENT#1 COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION AND SMALL PURCHASES CONTRACTING DOCUMENTATION This format should be used for contracts for professional services and other procurement to document compliance with federal procurement standards. 1. Grant Number: 2. Type of Contract: Professional Services Printing Equipment/Supplies Other 3. Addresses of Contractors Contacted: Name of Person/Business: Street or PO Box: City/State/Zip Code: Work Telephone Number: Quote/Bid given: Name of Person/Business: Street or PO Box: City/State/Zip Code: Work Telephone Number: Quote/Bid given: Name of Person/Business: Street or PO Box: City/State/Zip Code: Work Telephone Number: Quote/Bid given: Contractor Selected: Basis for Selection: Lowest Price Other If the basis for selection was not the lowest price, explain the basis used: Signature of Grantee Official Date Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 10 of 13 I Golecl the p0:1,y`ove u,e tuLL•e , da�no Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer ATTACHMENT#2 SCOPE OF WORK WORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED: The GRANTEE shall conduct the following activities: A. MASON COUNTY NAPC 2020 CONFERENCE TRAVEL ®ISTRATION 1. The GRANTEE shall register for and travel to the NAPC 2020 Conference in Tacoma, WA. 2. REIMBURSEMENT: The GRANTEE will be reimbursed for travel expenses up to but not exceeding$3190 (for no fewer than 3 people). Expenses may include mileage (2020 state rate),registration,per diem(2020 state rate),parking, conference tours or ticketed events, and lodging. Receipts must be turned in for all expenses except for fuel and food/beverage (covered in mileage and per diem). PRODUCTS: The GRANTEE shall at a minimum submit the following products to the DEPARTMENT: A. NAPC CONFERENCE: Thoughtful 1-2 page discussion from each participant of something learned or of interest. What did you find useful for your work on the commission? Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 11 of 13 4 poled the Nui4 5i�a fly lul—i Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer ATTACHMENT#5 SCHEDULE FOR PROJECT COMPLETION List each proposed grant activity separately estimating the start and completion dates. This should be a complete listing of all potential activities associated with the grant including draft submittal dates, DAHP review and final product submittal. WORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED STARTING DATE COMPLETION DATE MCHPC Commissioners and Staff will attend July 22, 2020 July 26, 2020 NAPC Forum 2020 Reimbursement requests submitted to DAHP Sept 1, 2020 Sept 30, 2020 Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MASON Page 12 of 13 ptulecl:he puU.i7+voe❑»:Wwe' Allyson Brooks Ph.D.,Director State Historic Preservation Officer ATTACHMENT#6 Budget GOODS & SERVICES Travel Federal Dollars Hard Match Soft Match Total Hotel in Tacoma WA $1,452.00 $1,452.00 3 people x 4 nights) $121/ni ht Per diem $959.00 $959.00 3 people x 4.5 days) $71/da Mileage from Mason Co to Tacoma $179.00 $179.00 3 eo le x 102 mi. $0.585/mi Other Registration 3 @$200 full conference rate, $600.00 $600.00 3 $100 daily rate Total Goods &Services: $3,190.00 $3,190.00 Federal Dollars Hard Match Soft Match Total Project Cost Total Funding Request: $3,190.00 $3,190.00 Grant No. #FY20-CLG-MAS0N Page 13 of 13 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER BRIEFING August 31,2020 Briefing Items • Road Vacation No. 401 —Petition from Tru North Investments to vacate several streets in the plats of Lakewood Plats A, C, D and F. Discussion Items 0 Retirement/Truck Driver position Commissioner Follow-Up Items Upcoming Calendar/Action Items Zoom Attendees: Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public: _Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson _Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins _Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson Others(list below) MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins,'PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: August 31, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other — please explain ITEM: Road Vacation No. 401— Set Hearing Date with Hearings Examiner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Tru North Investments has petitioned for a vacation of several streets in the plat of Lakewood A, C, D and F. All of the requested street to be vacated front properties that Tru North Investments own. These plats were recording between 1912 and 1913 and all of the lots are very small and currently have no access road to them. With the vacations Tru North Investments has recorded easement deeds for the properties in this plat, that are not owned by the company and not being vacated, to use a access road that the company intends to construct. An Engineer's Report has been prepared (Preliminary attached) for the Hearings Examiner and Public Works recommends the vacation as submitted, subject to retaining existing easements for ingress and egress for any other purpose,,if any, and in accordance with RCW 36.87.140, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the proposed vacated right of way. BUDGET IMPACTS: Petitioners have paid the required administrative fee of $500 for the Petition for Vacation of County Road. PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public notice will be posted at the site and published in the county official newspaper, as required by RCW 36.87.050. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve and execute the resolution setting a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 1:00pm to consider public comment on the petition for vacation of several streets in Lakewood Plats A, C, D and F. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Preliminary Engineer's Report 2. Hearing Notice Briefmg Summary 8/26/2020 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE Ilk SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 26, 2020 TO: Mason County Hearings Examiner FROM: Phil Franklin, Right of Way Agent, for Mike Collins, County Engineer ,k Cc: Loretta Swanson, Director for Mason County Public Works 4,�{Y SUBJECT: ENGINEER'S REPORT—ROAD VACATION FILE NO. 401 ,. Vacation of several streets in Lakewood Plats:A, C, D',prid,f, h!k Background: Tru North Investments, LLC has petitioned for vacation of seveV`a1streets in"the plats of Lakewood Plat A, C, D, and F. A majority of the lots in these plats are owned by;the investment company and only the areas in front of their lots are being requested to b'e;vacafed Tru.;North Investments has recorded easement deeds for the properties not owned by thern,,and'n,ot being vacated to use the access road that investment company intends to construct Therecorded easements are located in this vacation petition in Exhibit B and noted as Amendment#1 &Amendment#2. These Plats were all recorded between 1912.,and 1913 and were very small lots, as if to be camping lots with roads that were never constructed to most oft e lots in these plats. The surrounding topography of many of these properties is steep,and rolling'"with some steep drainage ravines running through the area of the platted streets. The petitioner is asking for;this vacation in order to build a useable road to access the area of these plats for the possibility of`future`'buildiogsites. In fact,the petitioner has purchased two lots adjacent to Hwy. 106, South Shore Road,,for access points to these platted areas. The vacationrequest has been reviewed by the Public Works staff and the two added amendments to their;original,petition .,Both amendments are included in this report in Exhibit B. For an overview of the area that Tru North Investments is requesting to be vacated, please refer to the mapped exh'.ibits that are attached to this Engineer's Report as Exhibit C. The$500 fee required for road vacation petitions has been paid by the applicant. In compliance with RCW 36.87.40, at the Board of County Commissioners and County Engineer's direction, Public Works Department staff examined the portion of road right-of-way requested to be vacated and solicited comments on the proposed vacation. Our findings are the following: 1. None of the requested roads to be vacated is in use or even actually built according to the best e knowledge of Public Works. 2. The road is classified as "Class A" per MCC 12.20.040 and no compensation for fee simple interest or appraisal is due prior to vacation. 3. The proposed vacation area is not deemed necessary to preserve for the County road system for the future. 4. The public will benefit by this action, since it will clear title, add the vacated area to the tax rolls and relieve the county of liability. Public Notice Public notice has been provided as required by RCW 36.87.050, both by posting at the site-Rand, by publishing in the county official newspaper. Recommendation` Public Works recommends the vacation of multiple streets in Lakewood Plat A, C, D;and F, See attached legal Description in Exhibit E. As petitioned, subject to existing easements for ingress and egress to all lots not owned by Tru North Investments, or any other purpose,"if any,`and, in accordance with RCW 36.87.170, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County.for any`utilities present in the vacated right of way. nx. Hearing Examiner Options 1. Find that this vacation meets the stand" '!s'established;by state law and recommend the vacation be granted as petitioned and/or as recommended by�th..e County Engineer. 2. Find that this vacation fails=to meet the s't"n arils established by state law and recommend the vacation be denied. ;h 3. Finding that only part of theacation;as°'petitioned or recommended by the County Engineer complies with the law, develop reccimmendations to grant the compliant portion and deny the other. Attachments:' • Exhibit Al through A27 ;,Petition, Amendment#1 , Receipt and pictures of area to be vacated • ExhibitBl- B26;, Copies of recorded easements for Amendments to Vacation Petition • Exhibit C1=C 4 Ad'rial Pictures Showing Streets to be vacated�iyfor cop.i:es contact Pnrglic Wiorks,, • D1�-.D:3-Letters from other departments that may have concern of road vacation • E1=ES:.,Legal Descriptions of parcels RECEIVE® MAR 0 4 2019 MASON COUNTY MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners C/O: Mason County Public Works Department 100 W. Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 We,the undersigned,being owners of the majority of the frontage of the below- described county road,hereby petition the Board of Mason County Commissioners for vacation of the following described county roads, located in Lakewood Plats A, C. D. and F,as recorded in the Records of Mason County, Washington(see attached copies of Recorded Plats): Road Names: IN LAKEWOOD PLAT V Recorded on or about March 6, 1912,in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 29,Records of Mason County,Washington: PINE STREET, adjacent to Lots 41 and 42 of Block 6. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT UJI Recorded on or about April 9, 1912, in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 30,Records of Mas n County, Washington: FIRST AVENUE between YEW and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; SECOND AVENUE between YEW and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; THIRD AVENUE between PINE and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; YEW STREET, adjacent to Lots 1 through 12, inclusive, of Block 2,and Lots 29 through 40,inclusive, of Block 1; YEW STREET, adjacent to Lots 1 through 8, inclusive,of Block 8, and Lots 24 through 31, inclusive,of Block 7; SPRUCE,MADRONA,EVERGREEN, and LAKE STREETS,in their entirety. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT a Recorded on or about June 6, 1912, in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 27,Records of Mason County, Washington: ALL STREETS IN PLAT: THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH AVENUES;YEW, SPRUCE,MADRONA,EVERGREEN,and LAKE STREETS, in their entirety. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT F,Recorded on or about March 4, 1913,in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 25,Records of Mason County, Washington: BROOK, CANAL,PARK, and LANE STREETS, and SIXTH AVENUE,wherever adjacent to Blocks 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12, in their entirety. (Note: a Section Map on file with the Mason County Auditor indicates that these streets are already"VACATED,"but I cannot find any separately recorded documents or County Ordinances to support this). Exhibit A-Pg.1 Road Numbers: NIA Description of road right of way to be vacated: IN LAKEWOOD PLAT A,Recorded on or about March 6, 1912,in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 29, Records of Mason County,Washington: PINE STREET, adjacent to Lots 41 and 42 of Block 6. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT C,Recorded on or about April 9, 1912,in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 30,Records of Mason County, Washington: FIRST AVENUE between YEW and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; SECOND AVENUE between YEW and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; THIRD AVENUE between PINE and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; YEW STREET,adjacent to Lots 1 through 12,inclusive,of Block 2, and Lots 29 through 40,inclusive,of Block 1; YEW STREET,adjacent to Lots 1 through 8, inclusive,of Block 8, and Lots 24 through 31, inclusive,of Block 7; SPRUCE,MADRONA,EVERGREEN, and LAKE STREETS,in their entirety. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT D,Recorded on or about June 6, 1912,in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 27,Records of Mason County, Washington: ALL STREETS IN PLAT: THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH AVENUES; YEW, SPRUCE, MADRONA,EVERGREEN, and LAKE STREETS, in their entirety. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT F,Recorded on or about March 4, 1913, in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 25,Records of Mason County, Washington: BROOK, CANAL,PARK, and LANE STREETS, and SIXTH AVENUE,wherever adjacent to Blocks 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12,in their entirety. (Note: a Section Map on file with the Mason County Auditor indicates that these streets are already"VACATED,"but I cannot find any separately recorded documents or County Ordinances to support this). Plat Name: SEE ABOVE Recording Date: SEE ABOVE Sections: 12 and 13 Township: 22 North Range: 2 West of W.M. Attached herewith is a map secured from the Mason County Engineer or from the Mason County Assessor. We have shaded the right of way herein petitioned to be vacated and have also shown the ownerships along said right of way. IN SUPPORT OF SAID PETITION,PETITIONERS ALLEGE: I That the undersigned are the owners of the majority of the frontage of the county road right of way petitioned to be vacated and said right of way is located in Mason County, Washington. PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page bit A-Pg.2 II That contact information, signatures and legal descriptions of the property owned by each petitioner on the right of way to be vacated are provided below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE PROPERTY/PARCEL# PHONE Tru North Investments,LLC Lots 13, 14,41,42,Block 6, c/o 1 Roy Kadoun,Managing Member Lakewood Plat A,Vol.2 David J 10441 Case Road SW, Of Plats,Page 29 Britton, Olympia,WA 98512 253-383- X 7113 Tni North Investments,LLC Lots 10-13,23,26,37-40, c/o 2 Roy Kadoun,Managing Member Block 1;Lots 1-4,7-12, 17-28, David J 10441 Case Road SW, 32-40,43-56,Block 2;All of Britton, Olympia,WA 98512 Block 3; All of Block 4,except 253-383- Lots 41-44;All of Block 5;All of 71 U Block 6;Lots 1,4, 13-23,24-31 Of Block 7;All of Block 8;All of Block 9, except Lots 36-39;All of Block 10;All of Block 11;All of X Block 12,Lakewood Plat C,Vol. 2 of Plats,Page 30 Tru North Investments,LLC All of Block 1;All of Block 2; c/o All of Block 3,except Lots 29-36 David J 3 Roy Kadoun,Managing Member And 51-52;All of Block 4;All of Britton, 10441 Case Road SW, Block 5 except Lots 37-40;All of 253-383- Olympia,WA 98512 Block 6; All of Block 7;All of 7113 Block 8; All of Block 9,except Lots 24-27;All of Block 10, except Lots 1-4;All of Block 11; All of Block 12,Lakewood Plat D,Vol.2 of Plats, Page 27 X Tru North Investments,LLC Lots 19-28,47-56,Block 4;Lots c/o 4 Roy Kadoun,Managing Member 19-28,47-56,Block 5;Lots 19-24 David J 10441 Case Road SW, 11-20,24-31,3443,Block 10; Britton, Olympia,WA 98512 All of Block 11;All of Block 12, 253-383- Except Lots 1-2,4043, 7113 Lakewood Plat F,Vol.2 of Plats, X Page 25 (NO Additional petitioners are listed: Petitioner is the sole owner of a majority of the street frontages for which vacation is requested.) Exhibit A-Pg.3 PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 3 III That, if the plat was recorded prior to March 12, 1904, and,if the right of way is not now in use as a public road,the following proof is provided that the road was never opened for public travel for five years following recording of the plat: N/A. The Plats in question were all recorded between March 6, 1912 and March 4, 1913. IV That such county road right of way is useless as a part of the county road system and that the public would be benefited by its vacation for the following reasons: The real property in question currently consists of undeveloped forest land and clear-cut, and is completely devoid of roads of any kind. None of the"streets"and"avenues" platted out by the developers of Lakewood Plats A-F in 1912-13 was ever actually built, with the exception of a small, unpaved portion of Olympic View Drive in Lakewood Plat A that does not serve any of the property owned by Petitioner Tru North Investments. Moreover,the currently platted street system is completely obsolete, and would not be accepted for inclusion in the County road system if built out as currently platted. Each of the street rights-of-way as platted in Lakewood Plats A-F is 40' wide. Mason County Road Commission design standards for all County streets and roads, (Section IV(C)(2), Page 7), require that County street or road rights-of-way be no less than 66 feet wide. Even as purely private roadways,especially given the hilly terrain,40' wide streets would likely present problems for utility and emergency vehicle access. Petitioner proposes to vacate the streets as currently platted, and employ more modern and appropriate County street design standards for any new street or road system serving the property. To the extent the affected property is to be developed for use-by the public,the public would obviously benefit fi-om redesigned roadways that conform to modern design standards. V That this road vacation is requested for the following purpose: Petitioner Tru North Investments, LLC has purchased the parcels of real property legally described in Section II, above,for purposes of real estate development. As explained above,the property cannot be developed by building out the street system originally platted in 1912-13,because the streets as now platted, at 40' wide, (even though they were dedicated to the County at the time the Plats were recorded),would not meet current County design standards. Building out the streets as currently platted would certainly present problems for utility and emergency vehicle access as well, and seems totally inappropriate, given the rugged terrain and the large number of individual building lots as currently platted(generally 12 blocks per Plat at 46 lots per block). Petitioner ' See the Dedications on the face of each individual Plat:such dedications to"the public"of private property specifically for use as streets,roads or(in this case)"highways,"contained in a plat approved by a local jurisdiction,are deemed to be dedications of easements to that local jurisdiction,for the specified use. Kielv v. Craves, 173 Wn 2d 926,932-34,271 P.3d 226(2012). Exhibit A-PgA PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 4 requests the street vacations set forth in this Petition as a first step toward development of its private property in conformity with Mason County land use and design standards.. VI That this petition is accompanied by a deposit in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00),payable to Mason County Public Works,pursuant to statute, conditioned upon petitioners paying into the Mason County Road Fund the amount of all costs and expenses incurred in the examination,report, appraisal and all proceedings pertaining to this petition for the vacation of said road right of way. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of March, 2019. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS,LLC —:z 62--� — ROY KkDbUN, Managing Member 10441 Case Road SW, Olympia,WA 98512 BRITTON LAW OFFICE, PLLC DA BRITTON, WSBA#31748 Attorney for Petitioner TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC 535 Dock Street, Suite 108 Tacoma,WA 98102 Exhibit A-Pg.5 PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 5 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MUNIS VENDOR#1925 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON,WA 98584 (360)427-9670 Receipt No:E04 Date: 0412019 Payment Type: eck#3825 Name: BRITTON LAW OFFICE Description Amount ROAD VACATION of 500.00 TOTAL $500.00 Receiptecl by: Medcalf, Kelle R. Exhibit A-Pg.6 - kt 3 1 f Gr Y r SLY§i F — __ _— _ __ _ - S A.x �`34•!. 1Kt #�jZ,u y� �mu v. +s'"w a y °' "r"r'•s w x i 5"t e " x � :p x xx k'At: 1 h xh o-'`£S �•�4°°'.w'�'.C,' '�: ' ""iy„l, sY # `'� � > a asp fi' � .,� qy �+ . xy°'"; . x ?U,y � r �K:.r� '�° "'�y ..r 'S£ � 3>�Dr'. ys, t�� a `} aSr � p� �t �• `}�m�x +z" C" 'O��'r� f A��� � �.3� _- " 5c• .r- 7{"tie"may`yy' `+;"'a a�v : 4.r: `" #i dg t: ' , t4E g t �f 'KxS' '�' t'r 4,;x ra" a• �$ '.y F f `3. /.t,✓"yg 3�^k tt„"', xa `�.. w zy�, v^, x ^'v' '^ srq' rf "a•; ?`, w It— ix, e >r iri tj�,p<' s� .-r �'� `' $!s � '_ �•'g h�� r �z ,��� �xµ'�'ky.. QJ s L�d i„ T t •4.,� p .: e- vd w �' r >� �x Y�"! P•t" <.i 5r � �,4 � ':�' � ,.q a�•!�gyri•A y r�"i �z`C' i x,r 1 ,.- ��.R e�,�• i � Ka e � d� �^,` v„ � {Rr ; - 't, c 8t ,-. .� 1 s• s r z ss r n: a a rs rn `... .,,a zA "' #.g �e� �e a� � _ �€s'�'t� Vs�z r� ��t�.��Kw$ � L �' [ 4,r'fi•C k '" * 'k � � 't* k, Y.a:"}�o� �. �,•x. ,.. s��a'�'k�+q� �rt. #- .d,.� "��b.•°.�k h� a q�y�� '� .�� "`p ���� 7a x° Y.. a a yw t f #ay' i ry t*y` u K t, ". r d' W. � � 8r?'SkiF'< t *�e�ryx�, ¢s� � `T �+. " r r t `$2���� yy z ��a< 4z. ..�"2'S � "`` a�� t ,•s� P4>~ . � - r �. ` •ass i > 7�r }� - sr -� x plan�i�i�9��K0�1�9 �3fl@ _7 1AWNS,� D� t- '«' `zs €� �� v ✓ : t "� s r` xt y i K .t ^�r-11 ?• '>'D� LA�f`�'' „,,¢ kit.i �,,,se't 'w ' �t at��i" .� d xf: `< r,;.s b a FTC-sx tu- ➢ s. vw?,+ i t 3�f t�.d '';'z<q.2 FL+�'Ttm i- ' 'x ' ` z 7. x�"j> � ` - v r � 4 g C. � �;. . t s v- �1..t�t j t �'�``• .. V- ¢., �. y"'•4k �' y =_ � �' t:��'1 '4'T � �'S� 'l h� :� '�xx 3 f> ° iF 7 ^-s � _a, �. Y � �.� q�.v, Y e u� ,� � 1��, s.x'',r F •��i«�--x@+ l� r�'� "F'�.: `'F` - �.. x. , n� s1,t47 ' RE, WA, » 3,y z25. "`` `��j="' 3'h az•. ON ',i.s' i� .:# ,� i •� � �; M. 101 iri C>r•�t'��"'�`�- i - x•M x".. rt' L l C d k 4: '�"-r ,�'ET� aJL $ . '•.�° Me.d �"<,R, '� w.f , x �.A fin`' 4 a ti•'xy '"{`r� sst?,q,° ."".+ � ��wR9•G °t dr.,,q@y'`5'w+_ i k "jt r 'd R 4 xry`e w .„' 4 P: l - f 2105051 MASON CO WA 01r1S12019 tt:19 PM SWD AFTER RECORDING 61,UL TO: IIII�IIOIIII�IdIIIII[IIII��IIIIIC`<II�If�IIgInIQ��IIIIIIIII8121t42 Rae Fee: IO2 III! CC Pages a , Clarence D.Kadoun 40 SE Mell Road Shelton,WA 98584 AFFIDAVIT No..: .`, �4 y WA R.E. EXCISE TAX JAN 15 2019 Filed for Record at Request of: PAID �� •OD Olympic Title and Escrow Escrow No.:011%1-12591-SB LISA FRAZIER Treasurer Mason County Statutory Warranty Deed THE GRANTOR Shelton Auto loan Co., a Washington corporation lbr and in consideration or TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION in hand paid,conveys and warrants t0 Tru North Investments, 1,LC, a Washington limited liability, company the following described real estate, siluulcd in the County of Mason. Statc or Washington. Abbreviated Legal:PINS OF LAKEWOOD PLAT A,C,D.F,Cl R L PTS OF SECTIONS 12&13 T22N R2W For Full Legal Sec Attached Exhibit"A" Subject to:As fully described on Exhibit"A"attached hereto and made a part hereor Tax Parcel Number(s):12208-50-03049,2 21 1 2-50-060 13,22212-50-06041,22212-52-01010,22212-52-01013, 22212-52-01023,22212-52.01026,22212-52-01037,22212-52-02DO1,22212-51-02007,22212-52-02017, 22212-52-02033,22212-52-02045,22212-52-03001,22212-52-D3017,22212-52-03037,22212-52-03041, 22212-52-04001.22212-52-04025,22212-52-04045,22212-52-04047,22212-52-05001,22212-52-06001, 22212-52-07001,22212-52-07004,22212-52-07013,22212.52-07024,22212-52-07028,22212-52-07040, 22212-52-08001,22212-52.09001,22212-52-09013,22212-52-D9017,22212-52-09040,22212-52-10001, 22212-52-11001,22212-52-12001,22212-53-01001,22212-53-02001,22212-53-03001,22212-53-03037, 22212-53-03053,22212-51=04001,22212-53-05001,22212-53-05041,2221243-05042,22212-53-06001, 22212-5347001,22212-53-07011,22212-53-07032,22212-53-07034,22212-53-08001,22212-53-09005, 22212-53-08024,22212-53-08032,22212-53-09001,22212-53-09016,22212-53-09028,22212-53-09036, 22212-53-09039,22212-53-10005,22212-53-IOD43,22212-53-11001,22212-53-11009,22212-53-11017, 22212-53-11024,22212-53-11040,22212-53-12001,22212-53-12005.22212-58-00011,22213-11-00010, 22213-50-11021.22213-50-11044,22213-50-12003 Dated�,Z of'? _ Shelton Auto I.A011 Cow G By:Patricia M.Borst,,President STATE OF tart 'Gtlr1 I COUNTY OF `1"Y_.(yL\ ) SS: I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Patricia M.Borst arc the person(s)who appeared hcrorc me,and said personi s)acknowledge thatand L�signed this instrument,on oath stated isiare authorized it)execute the instrument acknowledge that as the President ofShelton Auto Loan Co. to be the free and voluntary act of such party(ics)1'or the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dotal: G�TZr�I� .11% PAp Ile0 Notary Public in and for the State of W�R�htf\rtr�Cfl Q ! - e Residing at Y ky-11(YVA +,Q' A `9 A9y appointment expires: &an,PU Commission A 1.PA 10.OX i•11 20OW4 a Pqc 1 of 4 CCR1fn. tl� 30, O Exhibit A-Pg.8 EXHIBIT A PARCEL I: Lots 49 through 52 inclusive,Bluck 3; of Lakewood Addition Plat G, is per plat recorded in Volume 2'of Plats, page 24, records of Mason,County,Washington. PARCEL 2: Lois 13, 14,41 and 42,Block 6,of Lakewood Addition Plat A.as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats,page 29,records or Mason County,Washington,except road rights of way. PARCEL 3: Lots 10 through 12 inclusive, Lot 13,except the North 7 feel thereof.Lot 23,except the North I I feet thereof,Lot 26,except the North 4 feet thereof and except the South 21 feet thereof, Lot 37 through 40 inclusive,Block 1; Lots 1 through 4 inclusive, Lots 7 through 12 inclusive, Lots 17 through 28 inclusive, Lot 33 through 40 inclusive and Lots 45 through 56 inclusive,Block 2; Lots I through 56 inclusive,Block 3; Lots I through 40 inclusive,Lots 45 through 56 inclusive,Block 4: Lots I through 56,inclusive,Block 5; Lots I through 28 inclusive,Block 6; Lot 1,except the South 3 feet thereof,and except the North 22 feel thereof,Lot 4,except the South 10 feet thereof,and except the North 15 feet thereof,lots 13 through 31 inclusive,Lots 40 through 46 inclusive,Block 7; Lots I through 46 inclusive,Block 8; Lots 1 through 35 inclusive,Lots 40 through 46 inclusive,Block 9; Lots I through 46,Block 10; Lots I through 46,Block 11: Lots I through 23 inclusive,Block 12; Of Lakewood Addition Plat C. as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 30, records of Mason County,Washington. PARCEL 4: Lots 1 through 56 inclusive,Block 1; Lots I through 56 inclusive,Block 2; Lots I through 28 inclusive,Lots 37 through 50 inclusive,Lots 53 through 56 inclusive,Block 3; Lots 1 through 56 inclusive,Block 4; Lots I drough 36 inclusive,Lots 41 through 56 inclusive,Block 5: Lots I through 28 inclusive.Block 6; Lots I through 46 inclusive,Block 7; Lots I through 46 inclusive,Block 8; Lots I through 23 inclusive,Lots 28 through 46 inclusive,Block 9; Lots 5 through 46 inclusive,Bock 10; Lots 1 through 46 inclusive,Block 11; Lots I through 23 inclusive,Block 12; Of Lakewood Addition flat D, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 27, records of Mason County,Washington. PARCEL,5: Vacated Lots 19 ihrough28 inclusive.Luis 47 through 56 inclusive,Block 4; Vacated Lots 19 through 28 inclusive,Lots 47 through 56 inclusive,Block 5; Vacated Loh 19 through 24 inclusive, Lots 26 through 28 inclusive,Lots 29 to 46 inclusive,Lots 47 through 56 inclusive,Block 6; Vacated Lots I through 5 inclusive, Lots I I through 20 inclusive, Lots 24 through 31 inclusive, Lots 34 through 43 inclusive,Block 10; Vacated Lots 1 through 20 inclusive,Lois 24 through 43 inclusive;Block I I; Vacated lots 5 through 39 inclusive,Lots 44 through 46 inclusive,Block 12; LPa to-Mi-11 NEC 2 of 4 2105051 Page 2 of 4 01/15/2019 11:19:08 AM Mason County,WA i Exhibit A-Pg.9 I - Together with those portions of vacated streets abutting said property which would attach by operation of law; Lots 21 through 23 inclusive and Lots 44 through 46 inclusive,Block I L Lots 3 and 4.Block 12; Or-Lakewood Addition Plat F, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, page 25, records of Mason County,Washington. PARCEL 6: That portion of Tract 2A,of Lakewood Addition Plat L,as per plat recorded in Volume 4 of Plats, page 12,records of Mason County, Washington,lying Southerly of State Highway No 14,Except road rights of way. SUBJEET TO THE FOLLOWING: L Any claim to(a)ownership of or rights to minerals and similar substances,including but not limited to ores,metals,coal,lignite,oil,gas uranium,clay,rock,sand,and gravel located in, on,or under the Land or produced from die Land,whether such ownership or rights arise by lease.grant,exception,conveyance,reservation,or otherwise;and(b)any rights,privileges, immunities,rights of way,and casements associated therewith or appurtenant thereto,whether i or not the interests or rights excepted in(a)or(b)appear in the Public Records. 2. Anv and all offers ol'dedications,conditions,restrictions,casements,boundary discrepancies or encroachments,notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed on the face of Lakewood Addition Plat A recorded in Volume 2 of Plats at page(s)29. 3. Any and all offers of dedications,conditions,restrictions,easements,boundary discrepancies or encroachments,notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed on the face of Lakewood Addition Plat C recorded in Volume 2 of Plats at page(q)30. I 4. Any and all offers of dedications,conditions,restrictions,easements,boundary discrepancies or encroachments,notes andlor provisions shown or disclosed on the face of Lakewood Addition Plat Q recorded in Volume 2 of Plats at page(s)27. 5. Any and all offers of dedications,conditions,restrictions,easements,boundary discrepancies or encroachments,notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed on the face of Lakewood Addition Plat F recorded in Volume 2 of Plats at page(s)25. 6. Any and all offers of dedications,conditions,restrictions,casements,boundary discrepancies or encroachments,notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed on the face of Lakewood -Addition Plat G recorded in Volume 2 of Plats at page(s)24. 7. Any and all offers of dedications,conditions,restrictions,casements,boundary discrepancies or encroaclunents,notes andlor provisions shown or disclosed on the face of Lakewood Addition Plat L recorded in Volume 4 of Plate at page(s) 12. 8. Conditions,notes,casements,provisions and/or encroachments contained and/or delineated of the lace of the survey recorded under Mason County Recording No.491945. Afrects: Parcel LPa 2105051 Page 3 of 4 01/15/2019 11:19:08 AM Mason County,WA Exhibit A-Pg.10 I __ 10. Reservations contained in instrument. i Recorded: May 2, 1990 Recording No.: 508067 j As follows: Excepting timber thereon 11. Conditions,notes,easements,provisions and/or encroachments contained and/or delineated on the face of the survey recorded under Mason County Recording No.578106. Affects: Parcel t 12. Provisions of the articles of incorporation and by-laws of the Lakewood Heights Homeowners Association and any tax,fee,assmineols or charges as may be levied by said association. 13. Covenants,conditions,restrictions and/or easements;but deleting any covenant,condition or restriction indicating a preference,Ihnitation or discrimination based on race,color,religion, sex,handicap,family status,or national origin to the extent such covenants,conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604(C). Recorded: June 13,1904 Recording No.: 589609 14. Loss or damage by reason that there appears to exist no insurable right of access to and from the land herein described to a public right-of-way.Unless this matter is solved to the satisfaction of the company,the forthcoming policy/endorsement will contain an exception to coverage for loss or damage by reason or lack or a right of access to and from the land. Affects: Parcel 6rr4l Initial ��T_ Initial 2105051 Page 4 of 4 01/15/2019 11:19:08 AM Mason County,WA Exhibit A-Pg.11 CC T _a Vj-07 22 o ©wimp i elf ° m u , .7oogle Maps Sunset Beach { ,:ate ., It Ae r• Y f ♦f'� f Imagery©2019 Google,Map data©2019 Google 200 ft Google Earth view of Lakewood Plats A, C, and D. There are no roads South of Olympic View Drive in Plat A, and none East of"Hydrangea Hill Rd."West of Plat t . Sunset Beach Washington 98528 CClear with periodic clouds 34°F 10:37 PM Exhibit A-Pg.13 L + / �' tit� •�� v-�d`� � _;i "t s'' -'✓ ' r d.; ♦ �:��1•� �� �t 100, jAi(�.�� Y Looking East from "Hydrangea Hill Rd.;" View into Lakewood Plat C from West Edge of Plat. Exhibit A-Pg.14 t- 3et� i3" it. ']�",. t ,��'�y{� ip,;� ♦� 'ai tt}.uf"�C ly":ykr�1 r y'}( � • --f�'•I ���,"�'• � i •i. f -r �q e,�,•�•. '^.`�^ —"� +;,, :... a �;�3'"5�'�.�y;1F�'a ,..7��� i ,, 1 ��TF � -�} �y tl`�*}�y �y�, '� �Y •f •� �9�� h ,t .,�t� � ,h- y t i�( ;� oil/y � x i r!•rl` ti�� f���Ai�:/•��"; (f F � C e-tTj���,- if � { ?T• *, Lrsf.r' t � '`.,:- :;r''f' 'irk t`' i�i1 i q I [ 'q i C ��. Y• �� '��}�il `�'?� -J r x td�yl Aii t�/•'', °3 `��� ••f c'�`�,� �� it u��,"�'f9��. ,. 4 - �.c;.,.G „_,.. ..tj f ct«^•--�' d 7` k•� _ cry a..•,r. �•fi'tt��+�.� .r-,.�, ® � l /r�) r�rJl�t �'r�,,{ F f i � fj �� � t. p� ;•, y, ;•� Pv 4 � ir64+1�-;- r� `�i 1�,� ,@,w h� � }''`�'��1� _t�rJ 1 F: h. a•�: "4 �'��}�� - �z' i cam_�� .yi7't-{!� > a - rr�•j r r '� Will r14 Rt � i�„ � -_3 �� .t. � �y: t,`a4 r`; i<7''� x+���4f•..r 4fl �q � ! 2' :fit.. �-�}, „' •1 C .M .y, r"z t it "J lT, , l � '�ra�,�,,r��;+ '� ., _ 1��'�' t.• 3��`, t�* ��, rjt '� i � A/�G,',-+'4y�s�' +� i' t 8i+�� �..YJ•1 lr S" N ,sY h" aS i T g .� J F 17 J .a� 7 y *r'Y �� � �� � � S.. � ����} ��t'.';r �,. !'�•i .f4✓�"r�y'. t� p r fts f rr` �r��{4tT ^! t w� � ..�a —' t'Tfar'�' i•- t) i .t ,.( xt �t Bf*h c� S t, p�.�.. t .:r- � •s � -�vr _ , �--'-� "���"""f 1��ti�� � �' '� �p � °�,,,�� -� � s.\ '�'' �►'• t +"'a"�t ��-a. R'�-�,r '' -. X: `. �''s�:�� ''' ,4'4'� '�•.a� - '-.� �..,� %,3 1,d4 �`+�•„',. .t?,i"'ash. . 4 a° + ,ti" t, .-*3 R '�:, :ta ILL �-k >k• 7 -,�,x`c.. �, �'�s,+t "'�,t, yt• ^-'v fir.`" 7._ o '�•-rpypy •r• -Cr i �T 7 er }.t. r -��j„ L<"� cy�d+. ' ILLY, QK•J-�i.�'r � .L �.. A� }r, fi f^.may /kv e iJ f L.'^+c4r��itcf���..../� '••'��� ►. .�- a r@ Looking South from "Olympic View Drive' in Lakewood Plat A. View into South half of Plat A. Exhibit A-Pg.15 1(1 i � r in +r ��>• -r:'"5 AvYtix�S��pri��1 �iP �,y i.yas• ,s, ram. `-�. t� vo d _ t4J'�,r �`� r ,3�}�llllll,��([ '_.. , -e•.' a pi;✓r' it. '*yi.�•�'ke�1 y�u.stt .Xs�f>^,,..%�` •.-'�"'..'t :`- - �',y, t". "' r,. +1�� * ` ✓a ' '' � .emu-;` 1; Looking West down Olympic View Drive in Lakewood Plat A. This appears to be the only street in the Lakewood Plats that was ever(partially)built out. Exhibit A-Pg.16 �Sl k� .t��a f�aM'^s `• �^• . � .' rn "`-A'i ^-:� <. J ce y ^� li1J �r' > t� �>-s*,; „r.�,� �; #+�H ,.'I^,�""�'� 1 �.y. � � �X"� s'�x�r, Hy{> �` •:f y,,.,� g3 +�_ :f .� ��,*ai j.ci . ;�i' rs"_+27t�T. :z r.'� • yrt ''� a r N r.��� 'Y; ,1-y�r _ _ #€', ,fi�. '` ir.�y} ` •a 't..,a�; � ;2. ''�"�+ ,�}r a� ���K >t t%i ..,. *'fy_'`-�?ai'��_i�r,:��� �. - .m . .a >7[��yy.��' ��:+�'` *e< C sy i�i ti3�4p�2'_ ..�21'-��w"- t k'Ms 'i�'67 '-ri>f ,�,+•., S,ti. i? °a� 4"' vi �s - `�,"�ti ,.��:'� �::.*s#\' a ip ^. ,�{ �.-tf`:`�„p� ..�., `•�'.2.,,dr' 'f�i.r.�` .w ,i`'t r��'".R;:a .,@`..q�e':�', y���_"r^. a^TC:4. - ••• • • - • i - ;Re� :� 4,�.,, c . .}- �.h i�7,• F •j��. tip°s:. A. .w � , 6 � ' t ,�• � ����` "fir t � ,. �r � ! matt 0.. 1�1di.l1 �g}��y�I7 i�A i1� 6!" a��!"•'- ,a;9i�2� � �1 �!>p, r ai , ' ..Ti. 1,�..�_..,aia.+>�-.�_ . a�'m�?�,.4� . •�7�c7 Looking West from clearcut near South edge of Lakewood Plat A. Part of this area appears to have been logged off years ago, but there is no vehicular access now. Exhibit A-Pg.18 - 222125006013 X Show search results for 22212... , '.... L .. . .`. . i 1 _ )• t is f ltin Ch -LiL EEE] 7 FT booft Exhibit A-Pg.19 x k Y '9' u. a 7'&, S5 a �...�,vj ,+;. ,�i a, 01 � 'a ��`"a�'a a €t x ak '=F ,- -* f'A' y yx'''A'° R ` - 2 'Z� 'e'. &• rx"� ,i 4m �� ; .ro �� ;:S ti r •�' u` +# '`� \'Sf,�e" 3 � {f Xtitll Oki es'ti*.r'rr ti'1 ,'ei, Trs"'e .}, �, 1 ^F' : .a;A.a L. s„t` '•ka, , `Y"° S .a k :.4 - t b l OO ti, plat t �tiF11 01 t��aI e �u° of ; c l urc)Ljased`OM, IfFUVI of Ins s iii rd # "1�,"4 O `k x }. y �a'"Sr+s 3t' 'i'`-�" "?.'� '�r � x'^a ,@ """ro `fir �.a n t °'§^5" r s+,�°` a n•`' Ez > R . z s. x o- r z yz +"?+, �` AD Az �01 ux e .� ":� I �,�->�' � ±�$ a>• � °'� s � fir" r e• s ��y'� � � R�����.� t`�'�c'�. 'tti�� -c t• �'' � s�"3 s1�`r j r„"a�' b ^y YXr # F�Y •'w'.,T' r;"X� vy-csr'�f" ::++., ar •`` f '� s*q 5 rt 'r•^ '�a.T�,.,,, 'fi 1 J." � 'y ` "�� �� nr,� $ �; u r ,���,� v( •- t{ >r'k s, � �: a ;� X �a r :i �t"r & v .� H::- s � N I . Q Ll KE#1000 pmT 11V/l0O/T/ON TO THE COUNTY OF MASOK X • SCALE/=/ca �•M:rticN4N4E W ALL LOTS ANE?srito.' - ,y ':'r;/r llld/(" •.• /NTAL PJ%NT'7`.•-.• 1� ilP/!/i I i y1r � ALDER --- - -- STRFET e a a I 7,P 617/p/9 J / }� ^P / P 7 d S f 7 p p/J///P a4,/ F/ P 970./ e. • ^.9 aJ 6 9 4v / J P 9 OJ/.•< 9 6 e b� I __- CEDAR --- — - -- STREET ✓vsrsa i ?3 f J 67F9/0U/s'/9///J/0 mr1-11 / _ 67/' /PSJJl7P P,•//2rJ/f/Jl7AJl./p C h rl ry v JP irs Y 7 Y.P H-1 // 7 / f of ,J OLYMP/CklIPlL----- - - ---- STREET S6719is// ?3/f.S/S/ :7/?'9 f .-:r / 3f S07✓9.F1//?3 ly W bIW . �il sj + __+ rS If SS fl___ -:i�+ Y I STREET KEY ° S aJ° r♦ Ib/ ?99 SE 79 7/! /�395/G /I 9'7 f �/ P 3f SJ 7 P 9/O/l/3/ 14 0 y O. Po ryl j ?Z PAItta- 5 0WIVE10 SY TAU NO' J a q �.. av Q 9 - o 1NVESTMEN73,a(- n ` - I� -- r KPH•�•~ /14APLE .r I , >,:^. --- .STR _ " i PRE-EXISTING S=Sr' VACATiauS: 134SS 7 f9/9///Z a,4; i d" :6 i /?3 9J 789/AU2P9/s ��rl - . VACATION W36y, AFN 1436524 CP44TA) ,y a /1 3 J 6 / a a Pot. OF AWL.9 SWEET, AO-►•7v BLOCK If, WTS 76-46, 6LZXK 12, LOTS I -25 • -- - ��- 7Nf a -79, O VA GATIION A 3-17, AFN 199 2.111 CPLAT 0 ' Polk. 1"tAVE ADJ. 7o UT3 i 121,BLOGR 1 i W . Polk. PINE sT,aor.7a Lor3 1-11,7-9,aLALdC i O ,•SEe 615a u MAP"OA FILE W179 WUAA_Y A3Z55p/I: 108IcAt-ES ENTIRE JAKEAVM PLAT F 15 VACATED. APPEAA.S TD IN010M BAOOK, 4AAmL.,rA,a.1c,LAm sT erpTs, Aab 6*4Av6W*. LA<f WCDIJ e AL.4T OL' L N/CCWOOO PLAT'L"COMPR/JGJ ALL Or GotWPlY'1G(YT LOT3. GTA1-1 YCD AWO APPROVCD TA/.7 Anth DAY O/• I-V /937 ,f• / C' JGCrIOW 12,TWp.L2 W.. R. 2. 4. n IV\ OLD/CAT/O!Y me/neGR AnaMwacaCnv r °� w'_ vnrw'*L4 PICW OY JNGJG.ORG•JCWTJ T,✓RT WG,Mt.U10CR3/5WGO. 4�f a• t:I :,�•� ✓.ct O.IKT<GTT M/WT/G O.O RTLc7T'.MU 9 O O M//c. /.v Y y0 w0/SOO vc•� TX/.] ONY O.•� O.1/IG93 M!•GG J/J/J MPlG OP TNG LRWO NCPGAY PLATTCD.NLRGCY /(,��"^�• /937 . � �A/� ZWCL.9RG TN/J PLATNlYL7 OLD/CNTG TO 7WC UJG O/TNG •• a'a R73LIC rCRCVCR.ALL OTRCGT.7,AYGW!/G3.pL ACGJ W"D ^//A/RMRW,COAAO Ol COU Y yob/ © / N,Acv+ JGI✓GR CAJCMCWTJ OR WM..9TCYGR POOL/C PROPCRTY TACRC =Q�IL/ems COMM1JJlOnCRA. \/ 1 IS 3NC NW GW TNG PLAT,FWD TNG UJG T.YGAc I POR wIYY qW0 qLL PUOL/C PURPOJCJs w430 TAC R/GNT TO MwKC ALL f!r( y/7T TNG.Q,.yyGJT Cr /e : WGC<3JAAY JLOPG POq CUTJ OR//LLJ UPofY TNC LOTd, '[,L_TM/J `llgY OLOCKJ,TRwCT3,ETC.JA'OWW OW TN/J PLAT/!Y TNG RGAJOIY- C. f•��•.33��✓,NT_J'3 J•f/WUTGJ gOLc CR/G/WRL GRwO/WG OPALL JTQCGTJ.AYGWUCJ,.O/ACC.x PAJTILLQ'CLO 'S7WD•PCCOROGO/W �., 6 (L ai• / C7L•,SROMY NGRCOY)'. VOLUMCLATJ,PAGG fY_ /W Aar,Yl.73 WNGRGO G AVG JGT OUR NwWOJ RLC0.4o3 Of•MA.70/Y COUWTY,f✓ASN/1Y97UW /t �� i C�G>•<r A00 3GAL3 TN/J OPY •A.O.. /9 -_ _ JO! D AND,9CRL5;J/N TNC PACJGNCG O>• L7CPUTY /� b�7 P JTRTC OT/✓wJN/lriL7tW) TNG UWDGRCIGa&o CCUI✓Tl' 4r ^W.+ •�,, .f� / A • ES COUWTl•Or/•IRJOW JS" p TRI:NJU4Li@C!•MAJOO' O /• ' / �e os•' 4 �} 0��•t� / CUUWTY.WAJM//YGTOfY, \may �• d d f: h£e� TN/J 19 7o CGRT/lY TNAT CW TN/5/ ONY or Q•� ``+ rl� ` Y N I9J7,OGIOQG/VZ.TNC U/YOGR916lYLD,N/YOTRRY ALL:W117W DCW, lY /{ X3• / 1�. PUI.'L/C/ AWO rOR TNG JTATG Or WAJN/lYGTO/Y,DULY COM' TNG W/TNNY OGJC4/5C0 ` �a �•L / ±,} AaO MriCO A/Y0 Orr.-7,PGRJCNfaOf&PGA4C0✓B&XMOW" ,ptNL GJ7JiTL`,/IYCLUO- / AWO M rlf& D.1MIA40 MM CX&CWO D r Nl/•G,70 MG KI)oWN YLI TNo3C roR TNC /� 7o CC TNG/WD/YUPLJ WOC OY tY CD TAG rORGGO/W6 OCO/• yL`AR/9J7.1/NYG OGCfY CNT/O'Y PWD ACKWOWLGOGGO 70 MC TNAT TXGY 3K.WG0/IIYO rULGY PA/O. �/ •fib �? JCFLGO TNG JAMG w3 TNG/R rRCG AWD VOLUWTFRY wCT RWO DCGO'=TNG UJGD,VWO LY/RPOJCJ TNGRG/WWGWlKJWCO. / bra rJ i�, Y/ / •o\2 ;.•• 5 W/7'&G$7 MYNANO AWO O/•HCIAL JGAG TNG DAY l d HL0�..4/ .,•i R'� .,` I q glYO YGAR P/RJT+YOOVG W.P/TTG/Y. _ TRCAJU.PGP_ (]/` y /.wJOW CUUWY•Y. l• R + \ r� -- r✓NJN/WG7ClY. \9/ r/ +a'l�� `J ; RP i q+lfiY IGLCtif J g'9!fG/J a i,rta,1FJT ] �SLTcN V PL_ ``,i•. �/�� /!U d\ L n. •LfYGlNftQ:S CGQT/1-ICA27C• ,�� /� a':d t r? l�.• /A /p-0 /p /AGRCOY CCRT/lY TNRT TNG PLRr Or L frch—o P1AT•L-,/J `,f ,��•�/ ® q F - /r �• DAJCO UPOWA/YwCrUNL OURVCY/7W0 JUOD/V/J/ON— ,,l JGCTJOW/2.TOWWJN/P 22 WCRTN,RAWGC 2 WCJT.W M.,TNAT r,f 4�.,��� J�• - - r' P f,j TNG D/JT.VWCG.S AWO COU.QJC 3 J NOWW T,VCRCOW AR v C COB- 1 56 f,d • 7-- RGCT'T//RT TNG MoaU fla YWVC CCGIY OCT FWD LOT /\ �/8 .f® •+•bc )at �J } / • AWO OLOCK CO.PWGRJ JTANGO ON TNG GROUWO. /\\J y .4• •' �•'��+ / q `i C//L•GWGIWEGR .r ,,\ c ,P•• / d � � `J •fYOTC ALL LOTS AJ JNOM/Y OW PLAT.GITG/YO �•• M• W y o / O PROM BOYGRIYAICWT—aoW R L/WG 7b �,. �,• �,� ti� �• t\ •• �.� }•. o TNC twJT om COf/TN 4camowRY OF �) •s • •' ',\ �\o t y SAID GO V'T.LOT 3.GTCCPTLOTJ 7 7F. �G�., V �� �d '7 r •\ \ %/ G. 7-C.Y 'YP AWO 7— Da F. lNL,1,•.-. L ^•'� 2^�• f$. / 3CRLG //WCN /001Cer •' f �� u�, {� g u- \ -4 /// N'� T�JO L /y+ � V /p© � h e•i•ipd -± ,✓ y' i - t\\ d;/ nL '-t •� ,A.i'w�Oo � �i •�,fl"bN�p��i''p ` ®ie� ©\ on "� j% tom: ✓ / �Ne:•`° e•'� ''� " . 4.�i'C / °, at �' e�Si :e'f 4'y°• ,�� �TGias� /�?p'•/ © y . � L V. `' 1Jrt^, a e✓�' ' '' ` n` .\j•o. g CLQQYG C95f10 \ /+P,P,Fe '�•,' � a �t \ ® C/Y/L Gr/G/WCGR. /AYlJTq 1 ~ A y,+ 9'+ S •i _ •. m ,��.a+Y. ./RrnJ+R JULd N 09•QJ'/7•V. /�/e.o9 Exhibit A-Pg.22 ce) C*4 0) Vol P7 30 L X Iff H/00,0 PL,J7*-C AN49.0JR011 70 THE eat.• Ty OFJ-'f.4.50N. OZ'JCRIPrION x rA,.s map clLAWIWOOV vL,4;r C e�nhewcer rht fewe— AW C-1-f-- J)"re-Y "W h.north...e. �,W�.ajrm'—;j C -1, v 6 7 S I-e lb A� h— J-I,— A DEOIC4710,v. I(NO-WfLI YEN ff1',—NZJC)-,?fJfAl7-T 7*1,.1 H,9-11.71 .11A- ip. 7n, a Me 6y —.1--1 of"0.—"l,— 'Ito- WA to�o ON w w"rvfjl A—w Jet *,j f A.,,1 1 f.2 MIL�;P,W�-4 14 --5011f4f T -7 Q-44 7� a. W 4 1, V� Jrore o1)#ojh,;7?fm] S., ";L. w 2 -M IF:- ii fd 1-1,ry that 1hij day.1,4p-I AD 7 Lp -.r T. z wirwInss WllzRrof� A—A——f. - k lea/M. dW, L f "M -Z-YZA61fffN dTV 7' zr Aa wmff7 LA uS TZ Y, 71 riz Plr, W, A F/J/ie..v..n7 o/n.owry /-as.+/.prra1a v:y yr n1prs-rYp r—aarL a�ra/5I lwv �.. c G '6i* r°•�4.1 [�; r v�c,s '1'.0'�M,/ �x `�u� A �ti 7 4 � "-.'x 4 f --AP ruor n ,. ?3.,1 :f� .. • .,,.n..r.. .� i/ra.r+ray, _ ' r ��, f.,�•r'� :.:� H� .�'��,+�'� w�'�� / '_ i:. �'�r ! '� � . i..( aoL 3'w k . �t • r r++ w pr rry !ram �ov:. Fv..crj yr;41 :• f 3 �: i.^ .:s,. r F F/••-:) ✓-n!.• p ra•.e rrr .n, itr-q MJ rf/Pu"e.Ir/. + �; 1� _ xd{y ( r y •,� `{- r r iw✓.A✓�/r/.•nr)� 1 1 W I L J 4 -.�1 �/ rY S � �p I ! 1 � riFr u[• .._f,Fr✓ -i.w/P�rH p ice: � .:s_ T.as... _... ._..:.-,;.. _..:�.: U-_ w .... 4 —.Z77V1s' i<r rn s�•r+..�d yrak I-' � i `l -} 1 r+1 v-ie+i; pa.•r?ivzs F.. r 1 a.° r�r ' _ o ! ,J t*' r-eu.,•nrr- 44 i •'....jiH.. �.li�.•f P�� tr P Div/.rr N.r:lso^'n c { � ry: ,u y. L t' 1 a r.+..u/•-v...:P...y.r nr �••,+'y+oY/ 7d3HM S'!'�iY1/.Y N/ n.,wW ✓rersw rwe7•ad Pra aaM IMi'9r/Mv lw/�^ - _ . -•L.�...yr _ - -'-�, �/ I F'_.r� _ _...__i � � _ � �•a r.•y.Y...•.,•...y r.y�arar+..•/.�n>ar 'av /•wr a.v �P^�vr•r'v"'r.. d� /+.rr^177�115 - - � dNLtb/OVH ..—'1 /..s.•ter..G i�r�P..i.,.y/.�avi t P+luxynr pvo P Ina+va Jaw r a.s E � 'r 11 rr....�-� �t 1 C•.}� ar R igt 8 lY•�yr�tw�,[•x r sA a -a 1 ot1`• •/ a+... o Yr I OY v a�[ce^.r,f"fZ-J•!!F/Lm r r y! _ fa 4t r1NJW90�7rf10N.VJ/' � � � ,... �L. _ .:. { 1 � _�:.. � r r �.Y,:__� r _ t ._ • i 1 .._. -i.orr'•-17�N1S - --f � ...�rrlr-wru--.�.�/!b/o[S'— •-- - •-�. �-•• '♦ ••nHr�or�v!.P..a!rY[1....ar.f/x Pvry Fu. f17N1/M 1 �'S�...t_ �--":^ 1 t;t { j -•� r, - -rs r-.,-I { ,+�- .�• � 1 a ava st' rrevr ra r+..rase P..a v!r//D rF yi.y ry C h-.d. 4 �. �['r•c .!.r{ tac a• s jf �` s rc� - +Ct..R�r-�4,�• � ��\ i.... ,./e••d•Y/la.,rn+w/ra/aa pup Pre✓a•'r/y/ •iH P Ag, jr rag^P✓v '? y.�.{C. .'y S- .�.��5,.c G-i•-• .. `.r" .. ',y Z .�L"'. e o.....- •[/:....i.✓o� vr o arm.r r.•a..ro.Ir rr•�6t yr A/N t/f�Iiaa I 1 ..,,.rare now IBF a �I p71_ �r{ {pr x e.•d"+ A'Ir» .:'1.«,M*-. S' J.-I f •iris ' .r rr r .r 1u r7s� � s4�' ` ro!.• c xr/rvA&•/'leYl S'1N7fJ7/d:7f7H1 A9 N7!✓:7Y MON•V 1 v-t•-^-' � J' NO/ld'1/O70 _ C_ r.. L. s'K .N.0 vv.v,rr..a rJ•/ dI' k � - i1.:.0 ` '� �aa I�+S ruin"d t1• w 3 i� (r ...�7. ! �.. '3_oe.aa,oN av�p/...aar I Y {.- d F ,c yr rrat � r i r �i"ts,rr �.ira Kla l+ 1 r�-ray'+-m+ikM> {• I v ,. .�+r P.rr + r••v avi P,.a fir.ava r•s.,✓-V//✓ _ r �� eljM.• .y �lt� � ;.r M Oa F F. x 1 k ' .-t 1 [.r..., }•-. ....y,a;,q.....r� ar.... /a te rv'.rr•/•aaryr�r:v M.rr.61r 4•' r ,7�;r � {,^ r k 14^.[,. ( sa* •+rY��r a a v/(r r w^I"'} k;R:a p„ d`vi.l. >r..yu'..[...r rr �•[.•.ar+•,_,r."vi..rr.w r.!aH qv[ .._,._ ._-•. u..�._,.::.. 1: �;.. N .f 'i.W-�:`-`� !�.�,.:..:_ .r+- m W.V'Ar:.y •,yrr✓1 zr r:.yar•/a�3'1' aw la I rfl'S•+,Vl• '.. a__ 1��h/1S' _ —Tarr•-1'�vrr..ao./ �N/e�.. _a.v.. � '77r1y7c' -7r1• :17� ':I' X rr••'!'••erHarv.•Q 1/1,afv/1.`J ,,,//a/rive J aV!✓,/P la%Pr%'/� '7'3 mmvvD,cc/M'7 'm•rJ 7�r�C r.r riW alr! avp raaery✓+O 1✓7d'OA7M7YP7!dow r/yL A10f', W !O d1N/70J•7//1 Ol N0/1/COY Nv CS NO/1dldJs JC' Q_Z /c 6WIM-7,W7 D ' U") C14 LAKEWOOD PLAT F vo 1 12, P? 5 z x y .5!6 7 e 9 id:1) 12 11 -1 Is 16 17 6 is!zo u 21/,z-s ZD?;.a 5 16 7 J WIL04•I000 -STREET V S 6 7 Ili 2 13 1 5 it 17 10 119.11 V 22 23 2v V 26 2712.f 1 2..:3. if S.6 7 6 9 Id-If -Z 13 IS 16 17 d.IJ Uc v 1.0 0 12 19 412- 1, 44 417 .3, ;1 3;33 34:0 1-- -- m 31 32 33 3y ar,36-1-YalJ9, -1. Gil 4,ielm'si ZY Z5 9 281" 37 381—lxi-0.412!'127 31, f YE 8AY STREET 2 31 5 617,8 9 'o I/ 1z;13'!M- 's 1. 17/a 16 2,.;Z:2:23'-F-I-I'V 2e l/ A 7:6 a /oi J3 JY 516*17•JW19 W b-221;j T123 Y 29 30 31,32 33 NFRS,36 37 36-119 i;o V 4r.0"I'li'M#b-W'-Yiq sz S3:6, 's-% Y 2S!Z,' 26 2&!30i 1 2:3 q 51617 a a I IQ 1)112 13,lf,i5 16 )7 It 3d wflvd YS V6 Ic ml Um 1.% WA a .01 M wo m M a 0 p MEE24 a 6-1 a Ad er 2 Y 4 S 6 7 8 9 /o 11 112 13 111 s .16.7 o i I 29 0 31 32 M 39 35 36 37 ja 38 1//1.2+fj 14v'is.16 a Rk 0 ki PASS P r U�A Fj 0 0 MECTI f-f : � : 1 11718 ,t OOOiiilll 'MAL�3R r F. 12 9YS6,7-8.9 /6!11 112131YIiS:16 I I I % ? 1 1i T 4 j "maw !77'Al �,-i [:��w SNA sr'.4 Emma TEO! 87-A LAKE-WOOD PLA T G° " A//ADD/T/ON TV.TN4• CDU/KwY OF Mr¢SOAmir- • � SCALE/=/o1." "- - L,M/ss�mo/1 Cam- ` ALL LOTS ARE?JX/G.J - S�a/f/G - '_ tlt---- - -- - - -'--`- -PIIVE -- -/ e3 - r — ------car-� ��- --- - i I I /7 9/9 J P/ P3 N P6 / I / I 9 4 J 6 T P y/O///2 r3//r /6 17 If91 I ' � I I - i19393/9�J33f3 3637 8994D 4/41434/ 46¢ JD / IJ3 J4J 2 I ¢'J Af 7 1 I I'/— 7X-19 — — — — I — —-24-N' 1 I / P39rd7Y9 B/r/?,7/¢/ /!/9�D / Fo /ra45 P9/o//z3;/q /6 d J.7.? Tq1+'6 4 /I 90 J7 - - - - - - - - - -5f'AU6L` _�/sPi - - -- ——I - - - - -- - rizro �T,4EET- - -- --p--•-y �, x 22/tick q / P 3 i r 6 7J--9/O///2/ / /5 6 7 9 0 / r el 4j � Fe.d Rm.l 31 'pr, 7.7io¢9q/¢ 4 ¢ /9 I ✓ 6 / ' 43 r o // I I T JPM-11 cr d P 3 ./ S 6 7 P P/3 q 6 7 P/ TJ � 6 7l r n / 2 9 ¢ J d 7 P .910/// /3 l�c� ! Z/ r PJ S 6�7 B I i 1 3 4 9 9 /O// 2/3/4?/6 ea; .�l3 2909 P•1 �6%�71.Ir � A4�t' 47✓fi7 J/ 191✓ J6�IP ! 6' /v 3a 916 93 2/3 / Ps ' / I bt kl / IN - Exhibit A-Pg,26, ;;;I PETITIONER'S ANIENDMENT TO NIASON COUNTY PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners c/o: Mason County Public Works Department 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton, WA 98584 TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC, being the owner of the majority of the frontage of the below-described county road, hereby AMENDS its Petition to the Board of Mason County Conu-nissioners for vacation of the County roads described in our Petition as originally submitted to the Public Works Department on March 4, 2019. PET 1TIONERS HEREBY AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT THEIR PETITION AS FOLLOWS: I It has been brought to the Petitioner's attention that the County's approval of the Petition as currently stated would result in a denial of legal access (ingress and egress)to the owners of eleven (Il)small parcels in Lakewood Plats C and D. These eleven(1 I) parcels are not owned by the Petitioner. It was never the Petitioner's intent to create landlocked parcels. Petitioner therefore AMENDS and supplements its Petition as follows, to correct this discrepancy and ensure legal access to the eleven potentially landlocked parcels not owned by.Petitioner., II Petitioner believes it would be counterproductive to scale back the vacation request by decreasing the number and/or footage of streets to be vacated, since to do so would be to divide up the plats again and make it difficult if not impossible to come up with a logical street system in any Riture plat or MPD application. There are only a small number of these potentially landlocked parcels left; Tru North Investments has purchased two parcels (Block 4,Lots 41-44 and Block 10,Lots 1-4 of Lakewood Plat C)not included on our original Petition, and efforts continue to purchase the remaining parcels wherever possible. III Petitioner Tru North Investments,LLC therefore promises and undertakes, as a condition of the County's approval of its Petition, to grant express, recorded, nonexclusive easements for ingress and egress to each of the potentially landlocked property owners in.Lakewood Plats C and D, as identified in the attached draft Grants of Easement,which are incorporated into this Amendment by reference. These-rants of nonexclusive easements for ingress and egress will provide all potentially landlocked owners with a legal right of ingress and egress over and across certain legally Exhibit B-Pg.1 described property owned byTru North Investruenls,LLC:. The effect-will be to provide the same legal access to these parcels as their owners currently enjoy. TV Connecting these property owners to any eventual street grid proposed and built by Petitioner is something the parties can voluntarily agree upon when the lime comes to plat a development,if the parcels have not been purchased outright by Tru North Investtirents. Any property owners who still own any of the eleven(11)parcels identified in the attached draft Grants of Easement would.have the choice of either retaining the legal access granted by those easements,or voluntarily agreeing to connect to Petitioner's street system on terns to be voluntarily agreed to by the parties.Because these easements will run with the land and be binding on successors in interest,any eventual re-plat or MPD will of course have to take these easements into account,unless the patties can voluntarily agree to extinguish them in exchange for physical access to the new road system. The anticipated easements are legally describedin the attached draft Gnutts of Easement. DATED this0 day of. C7 V+� _ 2019. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS,LLC �ZQ- ROYKA I Managing Member 10441 Case Road SW Olympia,WA 98512 BRITTON'L % UFF[C:E,PLLC 4DAJ.BRITTON,WSBA If 31718 Attorney for Petitioner TRU NORTH INIVEST,•,ENTS.LLC 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 Tacoma,WA 93102 AMEND�ItENT TO PETITION FOR ROAD VACATION Page 2 Exhibit B-Pg.2 2132356 MASON Ca IAA M EA5M7 I!IIIIII Ilflll LAW U1i fl IIIIIf III(HII AFTER RECORDING MAIL 70: IIIII IICI IIIIIII II III IUII IIIII IIII Ali Britton Law Office PLLC 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 FFIDAVIT Tacoma,WA 98402 A R.E. EXCISE TAX JUN 12 2020 i EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER Treas., Mason County Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMEN LC Grantees: RICHARD A. SLUNAKER i Legal LOTS 29-32, BLOCK 1, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT C,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel ID: 22212-52-0102 Full legal: PAGE 1 EA MENT FOR INGRESS EGRESS CO TR ION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY THE GRANTOR, U NO NVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of the r prope�t hereinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby Ar�t� - RANTEE, RICHARD A.SLUNAKER,a nonexclusive perpetual easement f i1%e� an egress,and construction and maintenance of an access roadway, over and across he f tlori g legally described portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, Washingt� L07fol ANU2-40 OF BLOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW 1�RT S DJACENT O SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11.12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12,39- �:OCK 4,TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLU E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON. er ,Grantor, nor any of its heirs,successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any ermanent structures in, upon or under the above-descrbed easement area,except for roadways sidewalks,and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC 111z ROY DOUN,Managing Member Date I 1 I I Exhibit B-Pg.3 i I i i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF MASON ) C 1 V i I certify that I know or have satisfactory evio th QY KADOUN is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowlejgfi on fatt thaf he is the Managing Member of i TRU WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC, and as such is la thorize to execute the within and foregoing ; instrument; and that he signed this instrumen�ja tt, , ,and acknowledged it to be his free i and voluntary act and deed for the uses andb rose therein mentioned. 1 20 i Given under my hand and official s I his day of J 200. , \\� ...$q oN No;J ��r 1�1� � lly N, TARY PUBLIC in and for the State of , shington, residing at =ltl� �a : \ commission expires — v `4 1 *-- fJlf0 I i I 1 I 2132356 Page 2 of-2 06/12/2020 /0:34:27 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B-Pg.4 2132357 MASON CO WA 06112/2020 1p:34 W ERSMT AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO; tB(RtIT`T11O{{Nll{{LAW(U401 i444{{IIZ. F0!0: $104.50 IIPIrralgeeIstt: 2II Britton Law Office PLLC f�il�f�l{I111111�iil����������1���������lu�I����11��lt�l��l�I�����1 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 �FIDAVIT Tacoma,WA 98402 ONo........:,:................... WA R.E. EXCISE TAX JUN 12 2020 EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER 1 Treas., Mason County Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS L I Grantees: NANCY K. (BAILEY)BESS;PATRICIA B. KENNEY; MARTIN J. KENNEY Legal LOTS 24-27, BLOCK 9, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT D,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PA E 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel ID; 22212-53-0902 Full Legal: PAGE 1 j ��Vi E SEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS. i ZONS TRUaTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY 1 THE GRANTOR, (U NO H INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of t` ea pcope I hereinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby �raQ��thre GRANTEES, NANCY K. (BAILEY)BESS, PATRICIA B. KENNEY, AND MAf�ryt �K •I�NEY,AS JOINT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP,a nonexcl s�v rpetua easement for ingress and egress, and construction and maintenance of an ac•ass +ya way, over and across the following legally described portion of Grantor's real pro rty i asor� County, Washington: i AND 32-40 OF BLOCK 2, TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW ` R T'A IJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- l 40 OFF LOCK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET DJA NT TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN f E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; GETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM A LINE BETWEEN THE SW CORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 3,TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 11,BLOCK 4, LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 9, TO AND THROUGH THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT C; ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM THE WEST BOUNDARY OF LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 27, BLOCK 9,AND THE NE CORNER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1.0 OF SAID PLAT D; ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D,AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Neither Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any permanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways Exhibit B-Pg.5 i i or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. { The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covet nts that run with the land j and are binding upon heirs,successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC ROY KA OUN,Managing Member Da STATE OF WASHINGTjD ) ss. COUNTY OF MAS ) I certiMl t know have satisfactory evidence that ROY KADOUN is the person who appeared be dM e, aid person acknowledged on oath that he is the Managing Member of TRU WES t�NV 7 MENTS, LLC, and as such is authorized to execute the within and foregoing instrume an hat hidsigned this instrument in that capacity, and acknowledged it to be his free and vo ryf�t and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Sender my hand and official seal this 1 day of J LIvLC 7t?18r NOTARY PUBLIC in and fir the State of ,.0 y ; r" Washington, residing at 1 izUr S +.1 v m My commission expires SOP �\\ //7iQlo 1WASN�XA ���\ Exhibit B- Pg.6 2132357 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA 2132358 MASON CO WA 06/1212020 10:34 AM EA519T BRrTTON LAW #140114 Rea Fee': 51104.50 Pages. 2 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: IIIIIID MINI IIIIII#I1111IIIIIIII11111111111I1IIIII1I11111!I11111111111 Britton Law Office PLLC 535 Dock Street,Suite 109 Tacoma,WA 98402 t AVIT ..........I................... A R.E. EXCISE TAX i JUN 12 2020 EXEMPT I LISA FRAZIER Treas., Mason County i Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMENT Grantees: CATHIE L. WAMSLEY; JACK MSLEY; HAYDEN B.WAMSLEY Legal LOTS 51-52, BLOCK 3, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT D,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY i Parcel ID: 22M-53-0305 i Full Legal; PAGE 1 AEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS, i CONS T UEYION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY V THE GRANTOR, U NO H VESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of the r rope rt hereinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby gent n c11 RANTEES, CATHIE L.WAMSLEY,JACK B.WAMSLEY,AND i HAYDEN B , qL€ ,AS TENANTS IN COMMON,a nonexclusive perpetual easement for ingress an egr ss, 15ni construction and maintenance of an access roadway,over and"across the folloz ally described portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, Washington: LO - A 1 2-40 OF BLACK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW ST DJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- -4 8-QQCK 4,TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET GVTO SAID LOTS 11-1,2;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLU 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; I HER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM A LINE BETWEEN THE SW ORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 3, TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 11, BLOCK 4, LAKEWOOD DITION PLAT C, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 9,TO AND THROUGH THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT C; ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM THE WEST BOUNDARY OF LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 27, BLOCK 9,AND THE NE CORNER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 10 OF SAID PLAT D; ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D,AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Neither Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any permanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. Exhibit 13- Pg.7 The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns, TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC Z I ROY I DOUN, Managing Member ate 1 E STATE OF WASHINGTON ) r/ ss. COUNTY OF MASON I certifythat I k ��or e satisfactoryevidence that ROY KADOUN is the person who appeared before me"a. a'i on acknowldged on oath that he is the Managing Member of TRU WEST INVEST NTS�I , and as such is.authorized to execute the within and foregoing instrument; and t t he sign d this instrument in that capacity, and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary ct dee r the uses and purposes therein mentioned. •Zv Gi uncle . y hand and official seal this I day of J U y\-Q ,20�T � 1111u ttllUtl/ifi/��� \'a NMo.eq�ii�� NOTARY PUBLIC in angrthe State of Washington, residing at ! K My commission expires �•' I.Z Dr to pUg4�6 Z' T��s, -�*�� Ii Ilfl 11111�������\ 1 Exhibit 6-Pg.8 2132358 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA 2132359 . MASON CO WA 05r12/2020 10:34 AM HRSfiT BRITTpN LAW pS4011 Rec Fea: E1o4.50 Pages; 2 AFTER RECORDING MAGI.T0; lllllllfllllllilllllllllll Iff!.�l lIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf Ilf Illfftll(�llllllllffl Britton Law Office PLLC 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 Tacoma,WA 98402 <^ A !DAVIT GVA0. R.E. EXCISE TAX JUN 12 2020 EXEMPT LISA FRAzIER Treas. Grantor: IRU NORTEJ S .-� INVESTMEN Grantees: v-.n t..LIff-AI X) Legal LOTS 41-44, BLOCK 4� LA WOOD ADD PLAT C, AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel ID: 22212-52-0404 • Full Legal: PAGE 1 ! eA EMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS: r,ONUNION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY ' I THE GRANTOR, U NO,�j vH INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of t��r I-prop y hereinafter described,for and inconsideration of mutual benefits, does hereb roq-unto-tt-te GRANTEE, a nonexclusive perpetual i easemen r ir} resnd egress,and construction and maintenance of an access roadway,over and acr s t oilowi g legally described portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, WasIgt L °�7 AND 32-40 OF BLOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH,VACATED PORTION OF YEW i ADJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- F�BLCK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET ADJAIpFNT TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOL E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON. either Grantor, nor any of its heirs,successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any either structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area,except for roadways or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC L� — s ! z..o ROY KADOUN, Managing Member Date Exhibit B-Pg.9 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss, COUNTY OF MASON I certify that I know or have satisfactory evide ce.hat`f'O,Y KADOUN is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledg on oat ha he is the Managing Member of TRU WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC, and as such is uthorize o execute the within and foregoing instrument;and that he signed this instrumen irrt .a adit and acknowledged it to be his free 9 p Y� 9 and voluntary act and deed for the uses and b irpose t erein mentioned. Given under m hand and official se s day of • �-t - 20 W. Y l t� Y �S' }� I RY PUBLIC in and the State of i oN' o;'ro� i�� ashington, residing at t Y\ My commission expires I Z- 2_ p 2.3 I I _LU IZZ = r N0. t 1 y P0v Q7 Nfll tltl�� i I I i f 2132369 Page 2 of 2 08/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B-Pg.10 2132360 MASON CO WA 06/12/2025 10:34 AM EASMT 13,I`ItT70N IIL1AppWII ff#14II0II1141fflw Fe ffe :!$111!04((.5L0[P`'ages; 2 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO; �I��uli����0� �I ��il1111l IN IN 1111111 Britton Law office PLLO 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 F�DAVIT Tacoma,WA 98402 Q A R.E. EXCISE TAX i i JUN 12 2020 EXEMPT j LISA FRAZIER Treas., Mason County 1 I Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTME LLC! f Grantees: KAI S. LINNE 4 Legal LOTS 41-42, BLOCK 2, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT C, AS REC IN VOL 2 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNT Parcel ID: 22212-52-0204 Full'Legal: PAGE 1 JVT FOR INGRESS EGRESS C045TRUC TION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY THE GRANTOR, NO �TH,v UNVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of the prop r y hereinafter described, for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby ggrk�nntoJtl e RANTEE, KAI S. LINNE, a nonexclusive perpetual easement for ingress an"g es and construction and maintenance of an access roadway, over and across the follow e'Ad leg�alty2i�escribed portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County,Washington: LOTS r 2,4I;7D 32-40 OF BLOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW STR T QD �`J ENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- 40 ��CK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET AD TT TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN . OL E�2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Neith Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any e ant structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways or sidewalks,and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's sement rights as granted herein. i The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land f and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC - i f 2 ROY D UN, Managing Member Date Exhibit B-Pg. 11 I I i t STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON ss. O j I certify that I know or have satisfactory evid `ROY KADOUN Is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowled d on)�l�"at he is the Managing Member of TRU WEST INVESTMENTS,LLC, and as such i utho �t to execute the within and foregoing instrument; and that he signed this instrumentt t. ak y, and acknovrledged it io be his freeand voluntary act and deed for the uses aPe ,parpos s-thin mentioned. I J ����e200, 2v i Given under my hand and official I this day of ,200 ; \\111ti�fllUflllf/!/ r�� r1Q �,yfs� ,otnAh p;� S NPTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at `,V-u 4=�^. LrJ My commission expires a3 N'1� bets ryo�'s"^` rrfimtt t 1 I I Exhibit B- Pg. 12 2132360 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA 2132361 MASON CO WA ' 05/1212020 10: AM EASMT AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: BRITTOPI LALJ R1 I14 Rae Fee: $W4.50 Pages: 2� Britton Law Office PLLc I IIIIIII�IIIIi III I(II IIIIII I IlIII III!11111IIlli IIIIIiI>II IIII IIIII IIlII IIII IIII i 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 Tacoma,WA 98402 I-PAVI WA XCISE TAX I 1� 2020 EMPT ► FRAZI E R ' -� eas., Mason County I \\ I Grantor; TRU NORTH INVESTMENT.�`t;L� , Grantees: EUGENE H. BRAY Legal LOTS 5-6, BLOCK 2, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT C,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PAgE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel ID: 22212-52-0200 Full Legal: PAGE 1 � I , l EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS, -6 ST UOTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY THE GRANTOR, LINO H INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of t� e Lgert hereinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereb /graI GRANTEE, EUGENE,H. BRAY, a nonexclusive perpetual easement i for ingres and��egr s�s and construction and maintenance of an access roadway, over and across t legally described portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, W�T-S� i gton;�� , n LI 2 AND 32-40 OF BLOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW �DJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11 A2, 39A0 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- QCK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET ; ADJA NT TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOL E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. I either Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any ! rmanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways I or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC -:� cu_ - f ` z0 R0Y I DOUN, Managing Member Date Exhibit B-Pg. 13 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF MASON O ss. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evi me t z Y KADOUN is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowied era]on oa that he is the Managing Member of TRU WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC, and as such is � horize to execute the within and foregoing instrument;and that he signed this instrume t' ha cci y, and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses an urpos 'therein mentioned. 2AD I Given under my hand and cfficial se hiss, day of J�� ,2014. NN//, \ M...... q� r` `���:y�oa No 104-� =% � NARY PUBLIC in and i the State of °1ARV v:, ashington, residing at �Uv�S IT 1yD Wd-4 . N z=� My commission expires C) 3 po r o OF I a i j i I I ilt I Exhibit B-Pg. 14 2132361 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA i I i 2132362 MASON CO WA 06/12/2020 10:34 RM EASMT BRITTON LAW R1d0114 Rep Fee: $104.60 Pages: 2 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: 1111111111111111IT 1111111111111111111 I 111111111111111111111111111111111 HI1111 Britton Law Office PLLC { 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 Tacoma,WA 98402 AFFIDAVIT O No....`...... t WA R.E. EXCISE TAX JUN 12 2020 i EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER I Treas.,Mason County Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMENk, , Grantees: DONALD R. LEMASTER Legal LOTS 29-36, BLOCK 3, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT D,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel ID: 22212-53-030 ' Full Legal: PAGE 1 EMENT FOR INGRESS EGRESS QTRU'C lON AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY THE GRANTOR, RU NOR' H INVESTMENTS, LLG, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of t� L rop r hereinafter described, for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereb ra�tt\\ur�ts c�GRANTEE, DONALD R. LEMASTER; a nonexclusive perpetual easemenVv r I r s and egress, and construction and maintenance of an access roadway, over and acres th ollow ng legally described portion of Grantor's real property in Mason'County, Wash' ib L 7 AN 32-40 OF BLOCK 2, TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW STRE ADJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- 6 0 B ,CK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET ADJA NTTO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLU E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM A LINE BETWEEN THE SW ORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 3, TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 11, BLOCK 4, LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CO RNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK { 9,TO AND THROUGH THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT C;ALL IN LAKEWOOD i ADDITION PLAT C, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON; 's TOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM THE WEST BOUNDARY OF LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 27, BLOCK 9,AND THE NE CORNER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 10 OF SAID PLAT D;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, Neither Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any 1 permanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area,except for roadways Exhibit B-Pg. 15 or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real cov ants that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC O ROY "DUN-_ , Managing Member D e f I i )I 1 STATE OF WASHINGT N ) } ss. COUNTY OF MAS©� } I certifytf�d I knor(�r have satisfactory evidence that�� v?� ry ROY KADOUN is the person who , appeared.bef�e�e aid person acknowledged on oath that he is the Managing Member of TRU WESJ��N 10TS, LLC, and as such is authorized to execute the within and foregoing ' inst, me (an ah signed this instrument in that capacity, and acknowledged it to be his free and volu ct and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ven er m hand and official seal this i Y day of__-- �Ll_V�.Q. ; 2t�9; NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of ,off roTaAh �.,{ ' Washington, residing at 'T bk-u✓-S 1zn Cv i „i My commission expires A N� GUg G1 ��l�/lllrltiRillll������ Exhibit B- Pg. 16 2132362 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA 132363 MASON CO WA 061 12/2020 IQX AM EAS117 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO; BRI TON LAW 0 40114l ReQCE Je1er S104.Q5Q0fPa�es�y 2tt Britton Law Office PLLC ��t��If�l l�� 1��l1I����I� ��i�f 535 Dock Street,Sub 108 Tacoma,WA 98402 .F IDAVI A R.E. EXCISE TAX I JUN 12 2020 EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER f Treas., Mason County Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMEN7���LC/) Grantees: RICHARD J. HOMER; JO IRI -i-OMER Legal LOTS 29-32, BLOCK 2, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT C, AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel ID: 22212-52-0202 Full Legal: PAGE 1 SEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, COS tJC ION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY THE GRANTOR, U NOR�NVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of the r propey.y hereinafter described, for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby gr%nt u a-4h RANTEES, RICHARD J. HOMER AND JO IRIS HOMER, HUSBAND ND�1A ICE, a nonexclusive perpetual easement for ingress and egress, and construct* aGdmaI•tn finance of an access roadway, over and across the following legally described, pyG n of Grantor's real property in Mason County, Washington: LOT 7-SSA , 240 OF BLOCK 2, TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW STf -E,1ADJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- A� �L•• CK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET TO SAID LOTS 11.12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOL U E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. t er Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any ermanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways j sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein, i i The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC co," �2r f/ - 2D i ROY K OUN, Managing Member Date Exhibit B- Pg. 17 Ii If i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF MASON ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evi e . he �OtY KAbOUN is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledg on oat tha•• he is the Managing Member of TRU WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC, and as such is thoftepo execute the within and foregoing instrument;and that he t� signed this Instrument'n-that e'ti and acknowledged it to be his free 9 � �y 9 and voluntary act and deed for the use an poses tT rein mentioned. ll ` , Given under my hand and official se �t is l 1 day of v12 20K .\�����111�IItllfMllflll/l�irj o� taP `� C�• �oN N° • 9`�% N.qTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of ashington, residing at .i�`U v_S ? ;U M �_ sty commission expires _ i ZI 2-2- 120 Z3 i LP:� e OF lrirrtl tl�il� f I I c I I 2132363 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B-Pg. 18 • i 2132364 MASON CO WA 06112l2020 A0:34 AM EASM BRITTON LAW N1401 f4 Rep Fee; VO4.50 Pages: 2 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO; IIIIiIII IIIIIIIifllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt I II�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII�II IIIIIIII Britton Law Office PLLC 535 Dock Street,Suite 1os Tacoma,WA 98402 FFIDAVIT No.,:........................... WA R.E. EX.0 IS E TAX JUN 12 2020 EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER Treas., Mason County f� Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS LIILG)) I Grantees: RYAN E. TERWILLIGER; GiR�ETT C.TERWILLIGER Legal LOTS 33-36, BLOCK 1, LAKEWOOID ADD PLAT C,AS REC IN VOL 2 I OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel ID: 22212-52-01033 E Full Legal: PAGE 1 EA EMENT FOR INGRESS EGRESS GAO STR C'nON AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY I. i THE GRANTOR, U NO H INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of t e�r�� rop hereinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby,.,gr ant• e GRANTEES, RYAN E. TERWILLIGER and GARRETT C. TERWILL ER as a ants in common, a nonexclusive perpetual easement for ingress and egress, �CO2tructl` n and maintenance of an access roadway, over and across the following legal( e 6�i (�d portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, Washington: L(Y 7 'AND 32-40 OF BLOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW ; ST ADJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3;LOTS 11-12, 39- 6-O L�QK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET AD JA NT TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLU E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. either Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any rmanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land II and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. I TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC _FC, ��, — ROY KAIJOUN,Managing Member Date Exhibit 13- Pg. 19 i I1 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF MASON SS. , I certify that I know or have satisfactory evid� t�t Y l<ADOUN is the person who appeared before rne, and said person acknowledg on oa that he is the Managing Member of i TRU WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC, and as such is thorize o execute the within and foregoing instrument; and that he signed this instrume t a s i y, and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses an urposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official se hi / day of l—t V 20i-T Mi11/lhi�iii��� Q„ `��qis Mo:'�o<� TARY PUBLIC in and for the State of , ashington, residing at �t��+V ( v _,-- My commission expires a-C1 4 3 Do Dlll '� i i i r � I i 2132364 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B-Pg. 20 i • i I I 2132365 MASON CO WA O 212020 13:34 AN EPSMT I AFTER RECORDINGMAlLTO; B{RITTON LAW 014011 Reppo Fee: $II104.ppg50 IPIa o,; 2 Britton Law Office PLLC I�{ Ifl� ��II������ III! �lil IIII� f��II 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 Tacoma,WA 98402 A 0AVITJ r i Q,Q,tAR.E. EXCISE TAX JUN 12 2020 i EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER Treas., Mason County i Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS L�� Grantees: LINDA SUE OSBORN-BAAR Legal LOTS 37-40, BLOCK 5, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT D,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PA E 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY I Parcel ID: 22212-53-0503 Full Legal: PAGES 1-2 �EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, E@NIS5W QTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY V THE GRANTOR, U N0 3 H INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of tf e p Wiese �hereinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby-gram unfo-the�GRANTEE, LINDA SUE OSBORN-SAAR, a nonexclusive perpetual easemen frr ingrr ss'ad egress, and construction and maintenance of an access roadway, over and acro4 ttt}e ollowing legally described portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, Was i , to LO S } AND 32-40 OF BLOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW STR,,E-ET DJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- 0 �C GK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET AD JA NT TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOL E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; f TOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM A LINE BETWEEN THE SW i ORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 3, TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 11, BLOCK 4, LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 9,TO AND THROUGH THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT C;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM THE WEST BOUNDARY OF LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF i LOT 27, BLOCK 9,AND THE NE CORNER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 10 OF SAID PLAT D; ALL IN 1 LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, I RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH LOTS 9-10 AND LOTS 37-38, BLOCK 4, LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, LOTS 9-10, BLOCK 5 OF SAID PLAT D,AND THE PORTION OF EVERGREEN STREET ADJACENT TO SAID LOTS 9-10 OF BLOCK 5; ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D,AS Exhibit B-Pg. 21 i RECORDED IN VOLUME,2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, i WASHINGTON. } Neither Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall pl�g, plant or construct any permanent structures in, upon or under the above described ea m r�t1area, except for roadways i or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruc •or- therwis�,gnterfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. O The terms and condition of this Easement shall consti re 1•covenanis that run with the land ! and are binding upon heirs, successors and assign TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC Cam r ( �- Z� ► ROY KADOUN, Managing Member Date`} V STATE OF W ! 0 ) COUN F MASO } ss. �I certi ' that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ROY KADOUN is the person who apLs�re.Yefor one, and said person acknowledged on oath that he is the Managing Member of TRl7 ST INVESTMENTS, LLC, and as such is authorized to execute the within and foregoing and that he signed this instrument in that capacity, and acknowledged it to be his free and o n ry act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ' Given under my hand and official seal this �^day of 202-ANA N .,�o .y� NOTARY PUBLIC in and to the State of o� �OT49, 'g�. Washington, residing at U✓5'{y- CJ a My commission expires f 2132365 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit B-Pg. 22 2132366 MASON CO WA 06/12/2020 10,34 AM EASMT SRITTON LAW {1140114 Rea Fee: $104.50 Pages. 2 i III!111 Illlll il(IIII IIII111 IIII(I Illl IIII 01(I Illl!llllll(((11111111111111111 Jill IIII AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: AFFIDAVIT Britton Law Office PLLC 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 ......................... Tacoma,WA 98402 E. EXCISE TAX JUN 12 2020 I EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER zqzo:�� Tress., Mason County Grantor; TRU NORTH INVESTMENT -LC�� Grantees: E.R. HAHN ; Legal LOTS 36-39, BLOCK 9, EW6ADD PLAT C,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RE R?�S MASON COUNTY Parcel ID: 22212-52-09036 Fuil Legal: PAGE 1 i EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, j CONSTRUCT-ION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY v� I THE GRANTOR,TRU NOt�QZ V TMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of the real p opeeinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, i does hereby grant untoTEE, E.R. HAHN, a nonexclusive perpetual easement for ingress and egresp, 5r co r�bfion and maintenance of an access roadway, over and across the following leg I descri dd nrtion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, Washington: I LOTS 7-12 A 0�32 LOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW { STREET ADDJ�E T SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- 40 OF BST CK/ , T RTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET i ADJACEN, - SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C, AS RECORDED IN VOL,ME -- , PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,'WASHINGTON; TO•C�E,T R WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM A LINE BETWEEN THE SW NER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 3,TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 11, BLOCK 4, LAKEWOOD A© h IIIO��PLAT C, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 9,T AND THROUGH THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT C; ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADD ION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF C� C�N COUNTY, WASHINGTON. \�either Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place,plant or construct any permanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's easement rights as granted herein. j The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real covenants that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. I TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC I i ROY KA UN, anaging Member Dat I i Exhibit B-Pg. 23 I I i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF MASON ) � l I certify that I know or have satisfactory eviideneejt ROY KADOUN is the person who I appeared before me, and said person acknowled ono t t he Is the Managing Member of TRO WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC, and as such i uthoriz to execute the within and foregoing instrument; and that he signed this instrument in th t�ca a�.' and acknowledged it to be his free 9 P� }}Y� 9 f and voluntary act and dead for the uses an o n e-ein mentioned. , 20 Given under my hand and official I this day of �J ,20".' I ��\\\\\111ltllUll!!1////�/// �� � TARY PUBLIC in and for the State of !. .sION;'' % shington, residing at -C�t1v�S} ►� (;'v p• � -p y commission expires ��d'3 f U ,OT4+ i 2132366 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27Exhibit B-Pg. 24 AM Mason County, WA 2132367 MASON CO WA 06/12/2020 10:34 AM EASMT BRITTON LAW #140114 R8c Feo: $104.60 Pages: 2 AFTER RECORDING MAIL T0: Il(Illiflll(fllllllfl Illllllllillllll (flflllllflflllllll(Illlf(Illf(f'J119flllll Britton Law Office P.LLC 535 Dock Street,Suite 108 Tacoma,WA 98402 'F I AVIT A R.E. EXCISE TAX i JUN 12 2020 EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER Treas., Mason County Grantor: TRU NORTH INVESTMEN�C. Grantees: WILLIAM H. HULL Legal LOTS 1-4, BLOCK 10, LAKEWOOD ADD PLAT ID,AS REC IN VOL 2 OF PLATS, PA E 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY Parcel I D: 22212-53-100 Full Legal: PAGE 1 4 EASEMENT FOR INGRESS EGRESS, C01NST-IR C "ION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY t THE GRANTOR, U NCO H INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, the owner of ti\ pc0peyl!y hereinafter described,for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does hereby�r u 1�GRANTEE, WILLIAM H. HULL, a nonexclusive perpetual easement for ingre "An��grr s and construction and maintenance of an access roadway, over and across t Oh ot1 ing legally described portion of Grantor's real property in Mason County, 1 Was gtor�`� L '2 AND 32-40 OF BLOCK 2,TOGETHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF YEW I T. T,.ADJACENT TO SAID LOTS 7-12; LOTS 11-12, 39-40 OF BLOCK 3; LOTS 11-12, 39- 0 Q. tOCK 4, TOGERTHER WITH VACATED PORTION OF MADRONA STREET t ADJA LENT TO SAID LOTS 11-12;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C,AS RECORDED IN VOL` E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; jOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM A LINE BETWEEN THE SW -----GORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 3,TO THE NW CORNER OF LOT 11, BLOCK 4, LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 39, BLOCK 9,TO AND THROUGH THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT C; ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT C, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH VACATED MADRONA STREET, FROM THE WEST BOUNDARY OF LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, EASTWARD TO A LINE BETWEEN THE SE CORNER OF LOT 27, BLOCK 9,AND THE NE CORNER OF LOT 4, BLOCK 10 OF SAID PLAT D;ALL IN LAKEWOOD ADDITION PLAT D, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON. Neither Grantor, nor any of its heirs, successors or assigns shall place, plant or construct any permanent structures in, upon or under the above-described easement area, except for roadways Exhibit B-Pg. 25 or sidewalks, and then only in such a way as not to obstruct or otherwise interfere with Grantee's. I easement rights as granted herein. 'The terms and condition of this Easement shall constitute real cove nts that run with the land and are binding upon heirs, successors and assigns. TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS, LLC f , « •- 2.Q i ROY KA OON,Managing Member D. f ; i f 'STATE OF WASHING ss. COUNTY OF MAS (� ) , certit th knows`' have satisfactory evidence that ROY KADOUN Is the person who appeared befor.�� d person acknowledged on oath that he is the Managing Member of TRU WES VE-kTf TENTS, LLC, and as such is authorized to execute the within and foregoing instrumegnVan.,rat he�signed this Instrument in that capacity, and acknowledged it to be his free and vo untnd deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. 2D ; en n er my hand and official seal this day of�U�YV tllllll!!i'1!/ i ?osaAr ter'; — NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at (�L�v'.� � -� z My commission expires r '.�� P�gV. ,•lam` � I wAS��`` ��ii�rurlflg1u11»���� I i i i I Exhibit B-Pg. 26 2132367 Page 2 of 2 06/12/2020 10:34:27 AM Mason County, WA PETITIONER'S SECOND AMENDMENT TO MASON COUNTY PETITION FDIC VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners c/o; Mason County Public Works Department 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98594 TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS,LLC,being the owner of the majority of the frontage of the beloNv-described county toad,hereby AMENDS its Petition to the Board of Mason County Commissioners for vacation of the County roads described in our Petition as originally submitted to the Public Works Department on March 4,2019. PETITIONERS HE,REBY AMEND THEIR PETITION AS FOLLOWS: It has been brought to the Petitioner's attention that the County's approval ofthe Petition as currently stated would result in a denial of legal access(ingress and egress)to the owner of Mason County Parcel No.22212-52-2029(Lots 29-32,Block 2),in Lakewood Plat C. These four lots are not owned by the.Petitioner. It was never the Petitioner's intent to create landlocked parcels. Petitioner therefore AMENDS and supplements its Petition as follows,to ensure legal access to Parcel 22212-52-2029: The Petition for Vacation of Streets in Lakewood Plat C is hereby AMENDED to read in its entirety as follows: IN LAKEWOOD PLAT C,Recorded on or about April 9,2012,in Volume 2 of Plats,Page 30,Records of mason County,Washington: FIRST AVENUE between YEW SPRUCE and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; SECOND AVENUE between YEW and LAKE STREETS,inclusive not including the intersection of SECOND AVENUE and YEW STREET; THIRD AVENUE,between PINE and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; YEW STREET,adjacent to Lots 1 through 12,inclusive of Block 2,and Lots 29 through 40,inclusive,of Block 1; YEW STREET,adjacent to Lots 1 through 8,inclusive of Block 8,and Lots 24 through 31,inclusive,of Block 7; SPRUCE,MADRONA,EVERGREEN,and LAKE STREETS,in their entirety. DATED this 15 f` day of �s f ,2020. 47 TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS,LLC DA J.BRITTON,WSBA 931748 Attorney/Authorized Representative of Petitioner 535 Dock Street, Suite 108 Tacoma, WA 98402 Exhibit B-Pg.27 i Re:1'_,alcewood Plat Vacations_Phi_1 Franlci.in Page 1 of 1 Re: Lakewood Plat Vacations Terry Conley Wed 9/4/2919 3:50 PM TOM Franklin <Pdf@co.mason.waus>; Phill, I have no issues with the vacation the sections of roads he owns the property on at least one side of the road. Terry - From:Phil Franklin Sent:Wednesday, September 4,201911:08:36 AM To:Terry Conley Subject:Lakewood Plat Vacations Terry, Roy Kadoun has requested a vacation of several dedicated roads in a few of the Lakewood Plats of A, C, D and F. I have attached some aerials and highlighted the streets in yellow that he is requesting to be vacated. To the best of my knowledge,we don't have any utilities In any of these old unused streets but could you please talce a look and let me know If you have any concerns about this. There are a few lots in Plat F that he does not own that are highlighted in red.They have no current access to them at this time and Mr. Kadoun is willing to allow them access via a road that he plans to build in the area. Thanks for your input. Phil Phil Franklin Right of Way Agent Mason County Public Works 360-427-9670, Ext,456 i I i Exhibit D-Pg.1 htlps;l/owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 9/5/2019 1 tte: Laxewooa riai x oaa v a.caiton tcequesE-rmi r twain rage i of z i I Re: Lakewood Plat Road Vacation Request Rod Larue Tue 9/10/2019 6.42 AM To-Phil Franklin <Pdf@co.mason.wa.us>; Phil, I spoke with alien eaton and we see no reason to put these roads into county maintenance thanks rod From:Phil Franklin Sent:Wednesday,September 4,2019 3:22:28 PM To:Rod La rue Subject:Re:Lakewood Plat Road Vacation Request Not a problem, I can move on with other stuff that I need to do for this. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Enjoy the time off. Thanks Again, Phil From:Rod Larue Sent:Wednesday,September 4,20191:00:11 PM To: Phil Franklin Subject: Re:Lakewood Plat Road Vacation Request I'm on vacation until Monday 1 will look into them sorr6forth inconvenience Thanks Rod Sent from my Verizon,Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------Original message---- From: Phil Franklin<Pdf@co.mason.wa.us> Date:9/4/1911:12 AM (GMT-08:00) To: Rod Larue <RLarue@co.mason.wa.us> Subject:Lakewood Plat Road Vacation Request Rod, Roy Kadoun has requested a road vacation on several old unused platted roads that are in Lakewood Plat A, C,D and F. Exhibit D-Pg. 2 https://owa.co.mason.w&us/owa/ 9/10/2019 5/20/2020 FW:Tru North Investments Reply I ® Delete Junk I v ••• X FW: Tru North Investments Michael MacSems <j Reply Yesterday,1:50 PM Phil Franklin Inbox You replied on 5/19/2020 2:15 PM. Label:MasonCounty(3 months)Expires:8/17/2020 1:50 PM Phil, The Planning Dept is fine with this proposal since no one will be denied access to their property. Michael MacSems Planner/Subdivisions and Forest Practices 360-427-9670 ext.571 mms@co.mason.wa.us From:Kell Rowen<KRowen@co.mason.wa.us> Sent:Tuesday, May 19,2020 1:40 PM To: Michael MacSems<Mms@co.mason.wa.us> Cc:Scott Ruedy<SRuedy@co.mason.wa.us> Subject: RE:Tru North Investments OK, I'm good.Thanks. Sincerely, Kell Rowen I Planning Manager Mason County Community Services 360.427.9670 ext. 286 Mason County Permit Assistance Center and Building and Planning Departments are currently closed to the public. Staff are continuing to work for you either from home, in the field or in the office. To find out how we are operating TODAY, please visit: httpJ/www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/Community Dev/how-are-we- operat! g_pdf. From: Michael MacSems<Mms@co.mason.wa.us> Sent:Tuesday, May 19, 20201:33 PM To: Kell Rowen<KRowen@co.mason.wa.us> Cc:Scott Ruedy<SRuedy-@co.mason.wa.us> Subject: FW:Tru North Investments Kell, Exhibit D-Pg.3 httpsJ/owa.co.mason.wa.uslowa/projecUon.aspx 1/3 5/20/2020 FW:Tru North Investments Reply ® Delete Junk I v ••• X owners will lose access. Phil Franklin is going to require that the Kadon's record access easements for all of those parties. Please let me know in the next day or so if you have any concerns. Thanks, Michael MacSems Planner/Subdivisions and Forest Practices 360-427-9670 ext. 571 mms@co.mason.wa.us From: Michael MacSems<Mms@co.mason.wa.us> Sent:Monday,May 18, 202011:38 AM To:Michael MacSems<Mms@co.mason.wa.us> Subject: Fw:Tru North Investments Print out at work Michael MacSems Subdivision, Forest Practices, Historic Preservation Mason County Permit Assistance Center and Building and Planning Departments are currently closed to the public. Staff are continuing to work for you either from home, in the field or in the office. To find out how we are operating TODAY, please visit: http://www.co.mason.wa.us/community-services/building index.php. From: Phil Franklin Sent: Monday,May 18,2020 11:20 AM To:Michael MacSems Subject:Tru North Investments Michael, Here is the Petition and the Amendments to the petition. The reason for the Amendments to the petition are because there are a few ownership's that Tru' North does not own in the area where they asked to vacate. Even though there are no roads in these areas, I told Tru North and their attorney that they needed to allow those home owners the right to use any road that Tru North may put in to allow them access to their property. They said they would but at a cost. I of course said no go on that. So their attorney has written agreements for all of those property owners to use their roads to get access into the area but that httpsJ/owa.co.mason.wa.us/owalprojection.aspx 2/3 Exhibit D-Pg.4 Legal Descriptions Road Ntim' b6rs:..N/A Description of road rizht of way to.be.yacaiek IN:LAKEWOOD PLAT A Recorded on di about March 6, 191 in Volume 2..of Plats, Page 29,Records of.Wson.Cqunt.y;Washington:: PINE STREET,adjacent to Lots-41 and.42 of Block 6. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT Recorded-on.or about April 19 1 2;in Volume.2.of-Plats" Page 30,Re66rd§':6f-1v1asorL C6uhty; Washiiigton: FIRST AVENUE-between YEW and LAKE-STREETS,inc-lusive-, SECOND AVENUE.between YEW and LAKE STREETS, ,inclusive;. THIRD,AVENUE betWe6h PINE&id.LAKE.-STREETS,inclusive,. YEW STREETj..adjacont to Lots;I through 12,inclusive,of Block 2,and Lots 29..through 40,-inclusive.of*Block I YEW STREET,adjacent tqLots I through,8, inclusive,of Block 8,and Lots M through 31,inclusive.of Bloc.k-,7; :.SPRUCE,MADRONA.EVERGREEN;and:LAKE.STREETSJn their entirety. 'IN LAKEWOOD PLAT D.'Recorded on:or about June 6, 1912, in Volume.2.6f Plats, 'Page 27,Records of M8on.County, Washington: ALL STREETS IN PLAT-THIRD;FOURTH AND FIFTH AVENUES' YEW,. SPRUC LAKE STREETS theit-'entirety, IN LAKEWOOD'PLAT F,Recorded onbr'about March 4, ioi*3,iiVolume 2 of Plats, P 25,Records of Mason County,Wqqhi)igtoti- age BRQQr,,. CANAL,PARK.,aud.LANF,STREETS, and SIXTH AVENUE.,wherever- in their-entirety. CNote a-Sbcfioa-Map on file,with the Mason.:County Auditorindicat.es:thEifffiese streets are already but 1(abnotiqfid any.-sepant6ly.recorded.docu ments 6r: County:Ordinances nanc ort.thi$). Ps to s up P.. . Plat.Nitme- SEE ABOVE Recording Date:. '8EE.A8OVE. Sections: 12atid.111 To*fishjo 22 North Ranae-.2 West of WM. Attached herewith is a map secured from theMason County Engineer.q,from thaDylagon OjOiity 'Assessot. WO,.bzi*t-shaded.theiibr, of way herein- petitioned to,bevacitedand havealso shown thq s'along. .ownershi s -'of way;P, ma.light. IN.SUPP-ORT OF'SAID PETITION,PE TITIONERS RS.ALLEGE; That the:unders.igned are-the.owners.of the majori.ty.of the fronta.ge of the county road right of way petitioned.to be vacated and said-right.pf Way is located in Maso.n.Count* Washington. Y� Exhibit E-Pg.1 II. That codtact:information;signatures.and Iegal;descriptions.of the properly owned:by:each petifioner on 1hd:righi of°way to be vacated are provided below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NAMEVA.DDRESS/SIGNATURE 'PROPERT IPARCEU PHONE. Tm North.lnvestmen:ts;,LLG Lots.,13;14;41;42,Block,6, c/o ] Roy Kadoun,Managing Member. Lakewood Plat A;Vol.2 David J .10441 Case.Road.SW,. Of P1ats,.Page 29. Britton, Olympia;WA 9851.2 253-3.83- X: 71.1.3 Tni Noitlijnvestnieuts,LLC: Lots'10-13,2.3,26,37-40, c/o 2 Roy.Kadoun,Managing Member Block 1;Lots 1-4,7.-42; 1.7-28, D id J 10441:Case Road SW,- .3240,43-56,.Block 2.AD of Bri to1r; Q1ymp.ia,1VA 98512 Block.3;All'of Block.4,except 253-383= Lots 4144,All.of Block 5:.All.of 71 IT Block:6;Lof 0j 4; t3-23,24-3I Of Block 7;All of Block 8;.All of Block9,except Lots 36 339;All of Block 10 All of Block 11;;All of B lock..12,.Lakewood.Plat:C,Vol. 2 of Plats,Page 30 T.ru North Investments,ILC All ofBlock 1 .All of Bl' �2; 'c/. :All:of Block 3;,except Lots 29:36< David.J 3 Roy Kadoan;Managing Member And.51=52;All of Block;4;All of Britton,. 10441 Case::Road SW,. Block 5except Tots 37-40;Altof 253-383= Olympia,WA 98512 Block 6,All''ofBloc'7';:A11.:of T113:: Block S. All ofBlock 9,:except :Lots 24-27;.All of Block 1.0, eicePi Lots l-4;A11 of Block l:l.; All ofBlock 12,LakewoodN.at: D,V6L.2 of Plats,Page 27 X Tru:North Investments;LLC Lots.19-2847-564 Block 4;Lots c/o 4 Roy'Kadoun,.Managing Member 19-28,:4T56;:Block 5 Lots'a 924 David J 10441 Case.Road..SW, 11-2.0;24.31;34-4'3;B1.ock..10;, Button,. Olympia,WA 98512 All.of Block 1]:;.All:of Block 12, 253 383- Except:Lots 1-2,40-43, .71.13: Lakewood Plat F,:Vol:2 of'Plats; ... . .. . Page 25 (NO Additional petitioners.arelisted:Petitioi of is the.sole,owhOfbf a:majority of tlie, street.frontages for-~Much iracation is requested.) Exhibit E-Pg.2 RESOLUTION NO. VACATION FILE NO. 401 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF MULTIPLE STREETS IN LAKEWOOD PLAT A, C, D AND F WHEREAS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Public Works Department is requesting the vacation of the following right of way: Multiple streets in Lakewood Plat A, C, D and F (see attached legal description and petition amendments, Exhibit E) WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commissioners did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Hearing Examiner and directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said hearing has been set for Wednesday, October 14, 2020 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and be heard either for or against the vacation of the above said streets located in Mason County Washington. Hearing may be available via Zoom, visit the Mason County Hearings Examiner Agenda webpage at www.co.mason.wa.us/hearings-examiner or contact Public Works at (360) 427-9670, Ext. 450. DATED this day of , 2020. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Assessor Auditor Kevin Shutty, Commissioner County Engineer Petitioner Post no later than (20 days prior to hearing at each terminus of the county road or portion thereof proposed to be vacated or abandoned.) Vacation File No. 401 JOURNAL— Publish 2t: — (Bill Public Works) Legal Descriptions and Amendments #1 & #2 Road Numbers-N/A Description of road right of way to.be vacated IN,LAKEWOOD.PLAT A,Recorded on or about March 6, 1912,in Vol time 2 of Plats, Page 29;Records of Mason County,Washington: PINE STREET, adjacent to Lots 41 and 42 of Block 6. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT C.Recorded on or. about April% 1912,.in Voltune 2.of Plats, Page 30,Records of Mason County, Washington: 17115T AVENUE between.YEW and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; SECOND AVENUE between YEW and LAKE STREETS,inclusive THIRD'AVENUE.between PINE and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; YEW STREET,:adjacent to Lots 1 through 12, inclusive, of Block 2, and Lots.29 through 40,inclusive,of Block I; YEW STREET, adjacent to Lots i thi6ugli 8,inclusive,of Block 8;and Lots 24 through 31,inclusive,,of Block7; SPRUCE,MADRONA,EVERGREEN, and LAKE STREETS;in their entirety. IN LAKEWOOD'PLAT D.Recorded.on or about June 6, 1912,in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 27,Records of Mason County, ashington ALL STREETS 1N PLAT:TEIIRD,FOURTH'AND.FIFTH AVENUES YEW; SPRUCE,.MADRONA,EVERGREEN,and LAKE STREETS,.in their entirety. IN LAKEWOOD PLAT F;.'Recorded on or about Marcli 4,.1,913,in.Volume 2 of Plats, Page 25,Records of Mason County,Washington: BROOK, CANAL,PARK,and LANE STREETS, and.SIXTH AVENUE;wherever adjacent to Blocks,4, 5,6, 1.0,.1 Land 12,in thee'entirety. (Note: a Section Map-on file with the Mason.County Auditor indicates that these,streets are;already"VACATED,"but I cannot.fuid any separately recorded,documents or County Ordinances to support'tbis). Plat.Name: SE'8 ABOVE Recording Date: SEE ABOVE Sections: 12 and.13. Township:22 North Range:2 Westof W.M;: Attached herewith is a map secured from the Mason County Engineer or from the:Mason. County Assessor. We Have.shaded the right of way herein petitioned to be vacated and have also showmthe ownerships.along said.right of way. 1N SUPPORT OF SAID PETITION,PETITIONERS ALLEGE: I That the undersigned,are,the owners of the majority of the frontage of the county road right of way petitioned to be vacated and said.right of way is;located in Mason,County; Washington. Exhibit E-Pg.1 II Tliat.contact-infom-lation, signattges and legal.descriptions:of the.Property owftod.byldacli petitioner on the,right of Way to be vacated are provided below:. LEGAL DESCRIPTION.OF NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE PROPERTY/PARCELY PRION!E TntNortli.lnvestments:,�LLCI Lots 13, 14i 41 j 42,B lock;6, c/0' Roy Kadoun,Managing Member 'Lakewood Plat A,Vol..2 David J 10441 Case Road SW, Of Plat,Page 29 Britton,. blyrnpizC,;WA 9851.2 253-3,83 X 7113 Tim N.Pilli Investments,,LLC L6%10-113'23,26,3 7-40, c/o 2 Roy Kadounj Managing Member Block 1;Lots.1-4,7-12,.17-28,, David J 10441 CaseRoad-SW, 3240,43-56,.Block 2;All of Brittoiij, Olympia,WA 9851.2 BI ock,3;All of Block 4,except 253-383= .Lots 41441-All of Block 5;All of 7113 .B.I.Ock 6;Lots I.,4, 13-23,,24-31 Of Block 7;All of Block 8;AIL of Block.9,except Lots 36-39;All of Block 10;All of Block I I.;All of X Block.12,Lakewood Plat,C,:Vol. .1 2 of Plats,:Page 30 Teu Nordi Inv.e.s.tinentsj1LC All of Block l'All bfBl ck-2; c/o All.of Block 3j,except Lots 29 36: David J j Roy Kadoun,Managing Member And:51-52,All of Block 4; All of Britton, 10441 Case Road SW, Block 5 exceptLots 37-4.0;All of 2-5 3 8 3- Olympia,WA 98512 Block 6;All.of.Block 7;All:of 7.11 Block,8.;All-of I 1310ck 9,except .Lots 24-27;All of Block-,10, except Lots 14;All of Block.I .All of Block 12,La I kewood.Plat D,Vol.2 of Plats,Page 27 X Tru North Investments,LLC Lots.19-28,47-56,3 lock 4;.Lots C/o 4 Roy Kadoon,Managing Member 19-28,47-56,Block 5'Lots 19-24 David J 10441 Case Road SW, 11=2 0 1,24-3 1,34743,Block 10;- Brittan, Olympia,WA 98512; All of Block I];..All of Block 12, 2 53-3 83- Except.Lols 1-2,40-43, 7113 Lakewood.Plat F,Vol.:2 of'Plats, PageI5 (NO Additional petitioners,are listed:Petitioner is the sole owner of a majority.oftl ie: street frontages,for which vacation is requested.) Exhibit E-Pg.2 PETITIONER'S.A)PIENDM NT TO IVIASON COUNTY PETITION FOR VACATION OF COLTNTY ROAD TO:. Board of Mason County Commissioners :c/o-Mason County Public Works Department. 100 W.Public.Works Drive Shelton,,WA 95534 TRU NORTH.INVESTMENTS, LLC;,being the owner of the majority of the frontage of the belo«<-describe.d county road; hemby AMENDS its Petition to the Board of Mason County Cornmissionzrs for vacation of the:County.roads described in our Petition as. originally submitted to:the;Public Works Department on lvlarch 4,,20 t 9. PETITIONERS HEREBY AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT THEIR PETITION AS FOLLOWS: It his beenbeought to the Petitioner's attention that the Counfy's approval of the Petition as currently stated would result in a.denial of legal'access;(ingress and egress)to the 4. owners ofeleven(11)small parcels in Lakewood Plats C and D'.. These eleven(Ij) parcels.are not owned by_the Petitioner. it was;riever the Petitioner's intent.to create landlockedpareclt. Petitioner tlidefore AMENDS rind-supplements its.Petiti.on as follows,to correct this discrepancy and ensure leaal access to the eleven potentially landlocked parcels not owned by Petitioner. li Petitioner believes it would,be cotiinterproducti.ve to scale back the...vacation request by decreasing the number and/or footage of streets to be vacated,since to do so would ba to .divide Alp the plats ngain and make it difficult if not impossible..to come up with a,logical street system.in any Riture plal.or N4PD application. There are only a.stnall number of these potentially landlocked'parcels,left'T.rii North Investments bas purchased two parcels (Bloch 4,Lots 41744 and.Block 10,Lots 1-4 of Lakewood Plat C)not included on our original,P.etition, and efforts continue to purchase,the remaining parcels wherever .possible. III Petitioner Tru North Investments, LLC:therefore promises and undertakes, as a condition of.the,.:Cuunty's approval of its Petition, to grantLy ress, recorded, nonexclusive easements far ingress and egress.to each of.the potentially landlocked pr9pti 1.tv a4;ncrs in,G rlreiv ood Plats G anti:D,as identified in the attached draft Grants of Easement;tiff hieh are incorporated into this Amendment by reference. These Grants of.nonexclusive eascnictits foringress'and'err ress will.provide all potentially landlocked owners with a legaf right of.ingress and egress over and across certain legally Exhibit E-Pg.3 described property dwned by,1 n. !-N'rth luyesinienls,LLC. The etlect will ba Itj;:pri ide the shire Iegal access to these parcels as their owners currmtly enjoy. IV Co mectinng:these property owners to any t«entnaLstreet grid:peoppsed and built by. Petitioner is something the parties can voluntatilyagrce upon when the time comes to plat adevelopment.if the parcels have not been purchased outright.by Tru North bmesttnents: Any property owners who still own any of the eleven(11)parcels identified ill the attached dralt Grants,of Easement would have(Ile choice hoice of ritlier retaining the. legal access granted by those easements,or voluntarilyagreeing'to connect to Petifioner's streersys,teiri onteens to be toitnnlarily aereed.lo by the parties.'Because these easements will.run !arid and be bill successors iainterest,any eventual're-plator biPD will of course have tq I#e these easements intaaccowit,unless the parties cats yoluntarily agree to extinguish them in exchange for physical access to the new toad systeiii. The anticipated Lasetments'are legally,described.iu lbe atlached draft Grunts of Easement. DATED this L . ;day of TRUNORTII INVESTNIEYM LLC ROY U t,Managing,,Kember 10441 Case:Road SW Olynipia;WA M12' BR-f`l'ON LAW OFFICE,PLLC 4VA *B1ON,A 1SBA!{317 43 Attorney for Petitioner TffU NORTH IK TSTMENUS,.LtC 53.5 Doek'Street,Suire 168. Tacoma,WA 98.402 A41END412\7 TO PETITION FOR;ROAD VACATION Exhibit E-Pg.4 PETITIONER'S SECOND Ai6•i;t✓1�II91�' +1�''I':TO..1v1ASON COUNTY PETITION FOR VACATION OIi COUNTY ROAD TO: Board ofMason:County Commissioners c/o:.Mason County Public Works Department 100.W.:Public Works.Drive Shelton,WA 98584 TRU NORTH INVESTMENTS,LLC,being.the owner of the majority:of the frontage of the.below=described county-road,hereby.AiM"NDS its Petition to the Board ofMason County.Commissioners for vacation.of the County loads described in our Petition as originally submitted to the Public Works Department on March�1,.2019. FETITIONE,RS I3E By AMEND:THEIR PETITION AS FOLLOWS: It has been brought to the Petitioner's attention that the County's Approval-of the Petition .as ctuTently.stated would result in a denial of legal access.(ingress.and egress)to the owner:of Mason County ParcelNo.2t1.2-5.2-2029(Lots 29-32,Block 2),in Lakewood Plat C. These four lots are-not.owned by theTetWoner. It was never the Petitioner's intent to create landlocked parcels. Petitioner therefore.AIvfENDS and supplements its Petition as follows,to ensure legal access to Parcel 222I2=52-2029:: The Petition for Vacation of Streets in Lakewood.Plat C is hereby AMENDED to read in its entirety as.follows: IN LAKEWOOD PLAT C,Recorded on r about April 9,.2012;in:Volume:2 of Plats,Page 30,Records of mason County;Washington: FIRST.AVENUE bettiveeri .SP.RUCE and LAKE STREETS;inclusive; SECOND AVENUE between YEW and LAKE STREETS,iaeiuslve not including the intersection of SECOND AVENUE and YEW STREET . THIRD AVENUE,between PINE and LAKE STREETS,inclusive; 'YEW STREET,adjacent to Lots.I through 12,inclusive ofBlock 2,::and Lots 29 through40' inclusive,,of Block l; YEW STREET,adjacent to Lots 1 through 8,inclusive of Block S,:and Lots 24: through 31,inclusive,of Block 7; SPRUCE,MADRONA;EVERGREEN,and LAKE STREETS,in their entirety. DATED this.. 13*0' day of_ iu sic f ,2020. TRU NORTH INVESTiMENTS,LLC DA .DJ...BRITTON,WSBA 9.31T18 Attorney I Authorized.Representative of Petitioner 535 Dock Street, Suite 108 Tacoma.,WA 98402 Exhibit E-Pg.5 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Daniel Goodell DEPARTMENT: Superior Court EXT: 206 BRIEFING DATE: August 31, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Extra help Bailiff— increase hourly rate EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Superior Court would like to increase the hourly rate for our extra-help bailiffs from $15 per hour to $17 per hour. Human Resources surveyed comparison counties (copy attached) and indicated they would support an increase to $17. BUDGET IMPACT: Superior Court requested Cares Act Funding from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) for additional bailiff wages in 2020. AOC has authorized reimbursement up to $10,745 for the period of August-December 2020, including salary and benefits. This amount also includes an amount to cover the anticipated need to hold two jury trials during any given time and to allow for the use of two bailiffs, instead of the typical single bailiff, as the need may arise. The increase to $17 per hour was included in the Court's proposed 2021 budget. PUBLIC OUTREACH;(include any legal requirements, direct notice,website,community meetings, etc.) RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Authorize increase in hourly rate for extra-help bailiffs. ATTACHMENTS: Salary survey prepared by Human Resources. Briefmg Summary 8/25/2020 STATUATORY COMPS SALARY SURVEY Current Mason County HIGH Salary Rank Mason County LOW Salary Rank JURISDICTION LOCALTITLE LOW HIGH Bailiff LOW HIGH Bailiff LOW I HIGH Bailiff 1 SKAGIT Baliff $ 20.84 $ 27.71 1 CLALLUM Baliff $ 13.75 1$ 16.75 CLALLUM - Baliff $ 13.75 $ 16.75 LOW HIGH 2 ISLAND Baliff $ 15.80 $ 18.98 2 JEFFERSON Baliff $ 14.001$ 14.00 COWLITZ Ballff $ 16.74 $ 16.74 AVERAGE $16.05 $17.92 3 CLALLUM Baliff $ 13.75 $ 16.75 3 LEWIS Baliff $ 15.00 $ 15.00 GRAYS HARBOR Baliff $ .. 16.25 $ 16.25 Mason County $15.00 $15.00 4 COWLITZ Baliff $ 16.74 $ 16.74 4 MASON Baliff .. $. 15.00 $ 15.00 ISLAND Baliff $ 15.80 $ 18.98 5 GRAYS HARBOR Baliff $ 16.25 $ 16.25 5 ISLAND Baliff $ 15.80 $ 18.98 JEFFERSON Baliff $ 14.00 $ 14.00 Difference: -$1.05 -$2.92 6 LEWIS Baliff $ 15.00 $ 15.00 6 GRAYSHARBOR Baliff $ 16.25 $ 16.25 LEWIS Baliff $ 15.00 $ 15.00 -7.03% -19.46% 7 MASON.` Baliff - $ 15.00 $ 15.00 7 COWLITZ Baliff $ 16.74 $ 16.74 SKAGIT Baliff $ 20.84 $ 27.71 8 JEFFERSON Baliff $ 14.00 $ 14.00 8 SKAGIT Baliff $ 20.84 $ 27.71 MASON Baliff $ 15.00 $ 15.00 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Daniel Goodell DEPARTMENT: Superior Court EXT: 206 BRIEFING DATE: August 31, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Extra help non-judicial staff(legal secretary/exhibit handler) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Due to COVID-19, workloads and responsibilities of Court Administration staff and bailiffs have increased, both in volume and complexity, and.extra help is needed. Superior Court requested and has been authorized Cares Act Funding from the Administrative Office of the Courts for an extra help part-time "as needed"legal secretary/exhibit handler to assist with managing exhibits during trials, assisting bailiffs, monitoring and ensuring that participants comply with the Court's COVID-19 requirements during in-person Court appearances, setting up and arranging Courtrooms in order to meet the needs of various types of hearings/trials, disinfecting seating and other furniture during various phases of trial, hosting zoom hearings, preparing documents, scheduling hearings, coordinating with IT and Facilities to ensure that ongoing Court needs continue to be met and such other related duties as may be assigned. Human Resources was consulted regarding the wage, and it was determined that Range 13 (Step 0 or 1) would be appropriate based upon the duties. BUDGET IMPACT: None. Superior Court requested and has been authorized Cares Act Funding from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) for this extra help position. AOC has authorized $13,348 for the period of September-December 2020, including salary and benefits. PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website,community meetings, etc.) RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Authorize extra help part-time"as needed"staff for Superior Court Administration. ATTACHMENTS: None. Briefing Summary 8/25/2020 MASON COUNTY. BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF.MASON COUNTY COM ISSIONERS FROM: George Steele DEPARTMENT: District Cod EXT: 278 BRIEFING DATE: August 31, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): O..Budget/Finance r Human Resources El Legal iI Other—please:explain ITEM: Extra help Bailiff— increase hourly rate EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable,please include available options and potential solutions): District Court would like to increase the hourly rate for our extra-help bailiffs from $15 per hour to $17 per hour. Human Resources surveyed.comparison.counties (copy attached) and indicated they would support an increase to $17. .BUDGET IMPACT: District Court requested Cares Act Funding from the.Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) for additional bailiff wages in 2020. AOC has authorized reimbursement up to $8,000 for the period of August-December 2020,.including salary and benefits. This arnount'also includes an amount to cover the:anticipated need to hold two jury trials during any given time and to allow for the use of two bailiffs, instead of the°typical single bailiff, as the need may arise. The.increase to $17 per hour was included in the Court's proposed-2021,budget. PUBLIC OUTREACH: (Include any legal requirements,direct notice,website,community meetings,.etc:) RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Authorize increase in hourly rate for extra-help bailiffs. ATTACHMENTS: Salary survey prepared by Human Resources.. Brief hgy.$L mmary 8X2512020 STATUATORY COMPS SALARY SURVEY IURISMC110N LOCAL TITLE Current Mason County HIGH Salary Rank Mason County LOW Salary Rank LOW HIGH Bailiff LOW HIGH Bailiff LOW + HIGH BaIBff 1 SKAGIT Balilf 5 20.84 S 2731 1 CLALLUM Balilf 5 13.75 $ 16.75 CLALLUM Safiff $ 13.7S S 16.75 LOW HIGH 2 ISLAND Baliff $ 15.80 5 18.99 2 JEFFERSON Baliff S 14.00 S 14.00 COWLITZ Baliff 5 16.74 $ 16.74 AVERAGE S16.OS $17.92 3 CLALLUM Baliff S 13.75 S 16.75 3 LEWIS Baliff $ 1S.00 $ 1S.00 GRAYS HARBOR Baliff $ 16.2S S 16.25 Mason County S15.00 $15.00 4 COWLITZ Baliff S 16.74 S 26.74 4 MASON Raw -S," 35.00 S`' .15.00 ISLAND Baliff $ 15.80 S 28.98 S GRAYS HARBOR Balilf S 16.25 S 16.25 5 ISLAND Baliff S 25.80 S 18.98 JEFFERSON Baliff $ 14.00 $ 14.00 Difference: -$1.05 •52.92 6 LEWIS Baliff S 15.00 S 15.00 6 GRAYSHARBOR Baliff $ 16.25 $ 16.25 LEWIS Baliff S 15.00 $ 15.00 -7.03% -19.46% 7 MASON Baliff S. IS.00 S .1S.00 7 COWLITZ Baliff S 16.74 $ 1474 SKAGIT Balilf $ 20.84 $ 27.71 8 JEFFERSON 8a1i11 $ 24.00 S 14.00 6 SKAGIT Balilf $ 20.84 $ 27.71 MASON.... Baliff. 5... 25.00 15.00