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2020/07/20 - Briefing Packet
Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28.7, in-person attendance to Commission meetings is temporarily prohibited. Our Commission meetings are live streamed at httu://masonwebtv.com/ and we will accept public comment via email —d1z0co.mason.wa.us; mail to Commissioners Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360- 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via your telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners' office no later than 4 p.m. the Friday before the meeting BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of July 20, 2020 Monday, July 20, 2020 Commission Chambers 9:00 A.M. Prosecuting Attorney— Michael Dorcy/Tim Whitehead 9:15 A.M. Support Services — Frank Pinter 9:50 A.M. Therapeutic Courts — Renee Cullop Criminal Justice Treatment Fund 10:00 A.M. Community Services — Dave Windom 10:30 A.M. BREAK 10:35 A.M. Public Works — Loretta Swanson Utilities &Waste Management Commissioner Discussion — as needed Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for the most recent version. Last printed 07/15/20 at 12:05 PM If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR WEEK OF July 20, 2020 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. co sa 4t r ... Mason County Support Services Department Budget Management c `gyp 411 North 5th Street Commissioner Administration Emergency Management ' Shelton WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails r 360.427.9670 ext. 419 Human Resources M ; Information Services ,w v Labor Relations Risk Management MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING ITEMS FROM SUPPORT SERVICES July 20, 2020 • Specific Items for Review o Commission meeting schedule—Diane o Coverage for Clerk of Board - Diane o June Financials—Jennifer 0 2021 IT Rates—Jennifer o RFP response for MCRA Irrigation System Replacement- Ross o CARES Act Funding& EDC Contract—Frank o Mason County Jail Study (KMB)- ready to restart?—Frank o Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan—Frank • Commissioner Discussion o Request from Port of Grapeview for letter of support for grant application o Redistricting Deadlines JADLZ\Briefing Items\2020\2020-07-20.docx Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday y 1 (— ~ ==F—2' 5Commission -- 7 `8 9 10 11 12 1 13. meeting � ���� 14 �— —16—1 17 18 j 19 20" schedule July 15�� E Sept - subject to 21 E 22 S 23 i 24 25 26 27 change L 28 —29 1 ' 30aa 1a sS L2 a 3 4 2020 July {. MENEM MONNEV750 2, 3 4f F5 6 7 g w r :a�rn� QU :briefing, Commission- ,�+ .z - tit •r. - r r.z z-a 23t wa 24 25': briefing, � Commfsslon'• � �,"�`r� ,.;? -a ;�',?�� b,�'?,'i>� .` #,. fY7 �6 - fek7.,f 119 S@ t ? r< a,� i� {p � ' mmission v ` 's�.��,.�•iz x'6"r' "•„# ,." " `�''r� 15,' 16 a•.1�7R b- 18�K .,,°19z � rtt;'4 ,1 d6o���Lss�`f�� . � 'i� a� #4�xf � °�*'� ''� z .�°•: Commission v- Commission r .�i'� br�leflngy:� Prepared by Diane 7/15/2020 Page 1 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Jennifer Beierle DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 532 BRIEFING DATE: July 20, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: N/A ITEM: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: June 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Review of Cash Balances, and Current Expense Revenues and Expenditures through June 2020. BUDGET IMPACTS: N/A RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Mason County Monthly Financial Report: June 2020 J:\Budget Office\Briefing,Agenda,&Public Hearing Items\2020\Briefing Summary 7.20.2020-June 2020 Financial Report.doc Co 8 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY s- JUNE 2020 FINANCIAL REPORT J:\Financials\2020 Financials\2020 June Financial Report-1 1 �re°x coals r MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL ;Ns _ REPORT JUNE 2020 2019.vs.2020 Current Expense Reyenue Comparison Revenue' Revenue Collected Collected Actual dif2019• Department Name . 2019. Budget Through End .Uncollected., %2019 202013udget Through.End , ..Uncollected:,' %2020 vs 2020 of Month Revenue of Month Revenue WSU Extension $ 20,440 $ 16,286 $ (4,154) 80% $ 20,500 $ 11,937 $ (8,563) 58% $ (4,349) Assessor 6,000 91417 3,417, 157% 7,00011 17,085 10,085 244%• 71'668 Auditor 744,371 320,467 $ (423,904) 43% 1,198,700 798,713 $ (399,987) 67% 478,246 Emergency Management 83,207 - (83,207) 0% 64,648 4,96& (59,680) 8% 4,968 Facilities&Grounds - 300 $ 300 0% - 5,225 $ 5,225 0% 4,925 Human Resources - 1,665 1,665 0% - - - 0% (1,665) Clerk 308,825 191,948 $ (116,877) 62% 328,058 100,000 $ (228,058) 30% (91,947) Commissioners: 824 419' (405) 51% - - - 0%. : (419) Support Services 700 1,995 $ 1,295 285% 700 66 $ (634) 9% (1,929) District Court 893,787 504,723 .(389,064) 56%. " 978,652 457,271,. ... (521,381) 47% (47,452) Community Development 1,667,810 924,261 $ (743,549) 55% 1,790,810 1,108,368 $ (682,443) 62% 184,107 Parks&Trails 42,200 17,150 (25,050) 41% 44,000. - 7,140 .(36,860) 16% (10,011) Juvenile Court Services 1,026,628 546,643 $ (479,985) 53% 1,161,972 564,053 $ (597,919) 49% 17,410 Prosecutor 182,23Z, 72,01-7 (110,215) 40% 192,951 79,804 (113,147) 41% . 7,788 Child Support Enforcement 206,367 55,212 $ (151,155) 27% 209,515 90,593 $ (118,922) 43% 35,381 Coroner 39,000 17,460 (21,540) 45% 35,000. 11,200 (23,800) 32% (6,260) Sheriff 1,164,692 550,972 $ (613,720) 47% 1,126,875 551,932 $ (574,943) 49% 960 Indigent Defense, 204,767-- `. 107,377 (97,390) 52%. 204,767 73,732, (131,035) .36% (33,644) Superior Court 48,550 18,618 $ (29,932) 38% 68,927 16,024 $ (52,903) 23% (2,594) Family Court' 2,500 1,008 (1,492), 40% 2;500' 1,048- (1,452) 42% 40 Therapeutic Court 575,241 89,438 $ (485,803) 16% 610,884 170,985 $ (439,899) 28% 81,548 Murder Expenditures - - 0% . - - 0%, - Treasurer 24,726,117 14,175,995 $ (10,550,122) 57% 26,348,450 13,181,901 $ (13,166,549) 50% (994,094) Indirect Payments.from Oth 3,922,058 1, 1,920,318 (2,001,740) . 49% 3,956,682' 1,633,516-. (2,323,166) 41% (286,802) Totals $.351866,316 $ 19,543,668 $ ('16,322,628) ;80/6 `$ 38,351,591 $:18,885,663` $ (1'9,466 028) 49% "$ (658,125) Una dited *Bent MEN fs 0% J:\Financials\2020 Financials\2020 June Financial Report-1 2 as�N �obN�A MASON C O U N TY MONTHLY JU_11�1l-E-1, 2020 R _ FINANCIAL REPORT Treasurer Department Receipts Treasurer it001-260-000' 2019'Bud et 2019`YTD This Month %:2019 2020 Budget 2020'YTD, This Month %d 2020 REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 10,169,566 5,802,856 95,202 57% 10,383,385 5,718,771 159,783 55% SALES TAX TITLE PROPERTY 133 133 0% 0 O/. LOCAL RETAIL SALES&USE TAX 5,225,000 2,742,266 489,374 52% 6,000,000 2,871,545 460,999 48% LOCALPUBLICSAFETY-CITY. 37,000. 24,420 4,398 66% 37,000. 23,211 3,885. 63% CRIMINALJUSTICE 600,000 354,887 63,619 59% 600,000 360,502 58,595 60% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX $5,0010 12,017 5,610- 34%. 35,000 ' _ 7,405 0 21% ; FOREST EXCISE TAX - 225,907 0 0% 225,000 24,787 0 11% FRANCHISE FEES 510,000' 251,414', 0 49% 520,000 242,238 0 47% PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAX/B OF L 275,000 288,550 288,550 105% 289,000 314,361 314,361 109% PUD PRIVILEGE TAX 700,000 0_ 0% 725,000 0 0%- DNR OTHER TRUST 2 100 53 0 53% 100 12 0 12% CITY-COUNTY ASSISTANCE 1;362,676 709,170 363,290 52% 1,415,000 63,8;597 250,440 45% DNR PILT NAP/NRCA 4,000 - 0 0% 4,000 - 0 0% CRIMINAL JUSTICE-'COUNTIES 680,000. 330,670 0 49% 680,000 370,314, 0 54%. ADULT COURT COST-JUVENILE OFFE 5,000 2,303 384 46% 5,000 2,470 412 49% CRIMINALJST-MARIJUANA:ENFORCE 85,000 40,761 20,379 48% . 85,000 42,474 21,237 50% DUI-OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE A 15,400 7,340 0 48% 15,400 7,212 0 47% LIQUOR/BEER EXCISE TAX .'116,920 28,048 _ . 0. 24%. 116,920' '_ 35,393 0 30% LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD PROFITS 205,000 135,095 50,222 66% 205,000 80,179 0 39% IN LIEU OF-CITY OF:TACOMA 175,000. ;99,235, 35,334. 57% 190;000 31,951 .: 0 17%' TREASURER'S FEES 0 0% - 23 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-MASON LK DIST 475 573 573. 121% 475 - 0 0% PAYMNT FOR SRVCS-ISLAND LK FND 100 120 120 120% 120 - 0 0% CHARGES FOR SRVCS-MACECOM 1,400 1,316, 1,316 94% 1,300 .1,324 1,324 102% RETURNED REMITTANCE(NSF)FEES 2,400 1,360 80 57% 2,400 1,440 240 60% REET COLLECTION FEES 100,000. 55,767 11,618-. 56% 100,000 47,694: .. . 12,779 48% REET COLLECTIONS COSTS 9,000 4,130 745 46% 9,000 3,875 745 43% TREAS.FIRE PROTECTION ASSESSM. 15,000 9,844 230.1. 66% 15,00a 9,470 345- 63% 3 Treasurer Department Receipts Treasurer g001-260,000' 2619 Budget 2019 YTD'• This.Month %2019 & 2020 Budget:_ 2020'YTD This Month %2020 TREAS OTHER WORD PROCESSING 400 185 33 46% 575 81 0 14% PUBLIC DISCLOSURE,CHGS SRVCS 10 106 6,,. 1063% 5 0 0% DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 2,000 1,401 101 70% - 106 0 0% GAMBLING TAX PENALTY.. - 478 0 0% 100' 0 0% REAL&PERSONAL PENALTY - 132,917 29,617 0% 350,000 148,797 36,619 43% PERSONAL PROP FILING PEN 10,761, 261 0% 5,000 12,243 488 '245%. PENALTY ON REAL&PERSONAL PRO 350,000 93,516 6,083 27% - 48,464 4,099 0% FAILURE TO.-LIST PERSONAL PROP 5,000 1,372 0 27% - - 0 0% INTEREST&OTHER EARNINGS 600,000 430,698 109,804 72% 800,000 335,010 32,447 42% INVESTMENT SERVICE'FEES(TREASc. 24,000 13,089, 2,250, 55%' 25,000 . 9,373 1,192 37% INT.ON CONT.NOTES-ACCTS.HELD,S 8,500 8,516 1,754 100% 8,500 7,782 1,058 92% LEASEHOLD EXCISE.TAX INTEREST - 5 2 0% - 4 0 0% EXCISE INTEREST 50 54 38 109% 50 33 2 65% INV,PURCHASED INT 45 4(4,785) 0. 0%:.' 0% .: . 5" INTEREST ON DELINQUENT PRTAX 650,000 393,257 42,268 61% 650,000 341,258 54,975 53% RENTS/LEASES-DNR TRUST 500,000- 3,224 0 1% 1,000: 4533 1,376 453% RENTS/LEASES-DNR TMBR TRUST 1 - 445,348 194,372 0% 500,000 124,733 15,374 25% UNCLAIMED.MONEY/PROCEEDS-SALES_ 102,248 0- 0% 102% . - 60,000 60,945• 0 TREASURER TAX FORECLOSURE TRUST 32,000 0 0% 64,000 - 0 0% _ CASH ADJUSTMENTS/OVER-UNDER 10 (348).., (135) -3478% 20 335 .(16) 1673% TAX DISTRIBUTION ROUNDING 10 - 0 0% - (1) (1) 0% MISCELLANEOUS-OTHER.REVENUE - - 68 ;. 0 0%- 100. - 0 0%: ROAD DIVERSION 2,160,000 1,255,967 20,812 58% 2,160,000 1,225,659 34,148 57% SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY - 32 32' 0% - (1;514) 0 0% LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 5,000 531 1,270 11% 5,000 (298) 0 -6% TIMBER EXCISE TAX . 53,000 53,836' 0 102% 53,000,. :5,849 0 11% DNR OTHER TRUST 2 50 13 0 25% 50 (955) 0 -1910% OTHER INT=DNR.INTEREST 50... 36 91 71% .50 . �34 7 68%. RENTS&LEASES/DNR OTHRTRST 1 2,500 105,233 46,392 4209% 2,500 24,127 3,958 965% SPACE AND FACILITIES'LEASES 4,500- 0 0% 4,500' - 0 0% Grand Total $24,726,117 I'. $14,175,995 ; $1,886,149' 57% $2.6,348y450 $13,181990 $1,470,917 50% Unaudited*Benchmark.for Month is'50°a 4 s MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL ,JUKE 2020 REPORT 2619 v'2020 Expenditure Comparison for Current-Expense, .;Expenditures Expenditures Unexended dual.dif Department Name 2019-Budget through.End,of• Unexended,-_ %2019 2020 Budget.. 'through End of •. Budget" %2020 zoie, vs Month . Budget Authority Month Authorit zozo" WSU Extension 259,872 $ 102,223 $ 157,649 39% 293,274 $ 118,879 $ 174,395 41% 16,656 :Assessor 11334,071 630,323' 703,748 47% 1,433,285 668,085 765,200 47%' 37,762. Auditor 1,345,142 619,422 725,720 46% 1,738,549 800,134 938,415 1 46% 180,711 Emergency Management 211,056 130,183 80,873 62% '; 232,009 ''141;468 90,541 61% 11,285 Facilities&Grounds 1,179,000 526,039 652,961 45% 1,309,792 529,121 780,672 40% 3,081 HR/Risk Mngt 738,873 332,676 406,197 45% ' 592,660 294,412 298,248- 50%., (38,264), LEOFF 65,600 38,415 27,185 59% 100,044 36,851 63,193 37% (1,564) Clerk 1,007,346 482,420 524,926 A8%`. 1,037;808 509,506 528,302 49% 27,086 Commissioners 356,881 166,643 190,238 47% 348,669 170,400 178,269 49% 3,757 Support Ser�iices 527,667 253,258 274,409 48% 716,397 350,253 366,144 49% 96;996 District Court 1,263,137 542,247 720,890 43% 1,291,480 591,821 699,659 46% 49,574 Community Development` 2,193;111 998;052 -1,195,059 46% : `2,458,927 1,085,274 1,373,653 44% '87,222: Parks&Trails 489,787 253,826 235,961 52% 547,442 214,653 332,790 39% (39,174) Juvenile Court Services 1,861,831 839,579 1,028,252 45% 1,943,451 912,542 1,030,909 47%-- 72,963 Prosecutor 1,647,636 639,501 1,008,135 39% 1,668,998 718,490 950,508 43% 78,988 Child Support Enforcement 210,020 85,617 124,403 41% 210,658 90,939 119,719 43% 5,322 Coroner 310,249 157,616 152,633 51% 321,934 144,500 177,434 45% (13,116) Sheriff 10,667,810 5,043,195 5,624,615, 47W .11,233,473, 5,458,310 5;775,163, 49% 415,114 Traffic Policing 2,159,999 1,016,495 1,143,504 47% 2,160,000 1,111,572 1,048,428 51% 95,077 Courthouse Security 170,740 ', '77,556 .93,184 45% 170,740. 84,921 85,819 50% -7,365 Indigent Defense 1,006,254 478,425 527,829 48% 1,127,136 521,108 606,028 46% 42,682 Superior Court 903,142 425,510 477,632 47% 986,175 475,296 510,879 48% 49,786 Family Court 2,500 1,350 1,150 54% 2,500 1,070 1,430 43% (280) Therapeutic Court 578,982 173;503' .405,479 .30%' . 617,849 239,883 ,377,966 .,39% 66,380 Murder Expenditures 50,000 13,868 36,132 28% 50,000 - 50,000 0% (13,868) Treasurer. 806,712 400,732 405,980. 50% 823,053 413;296 409,757 50% 12,564 Non Departmental 3,958,247 1,356,812 2,601,435 34% 4,328,914 1,242,843 3,086,071 29% (113,969) Motor Pool 37,438 5,245 32;193 '14% 5,245 Transfers Out to Other Funds 818,869 618,340 200,529 76% 913,913 714,322 199,592 78% 95,981 Totals $ 36,130;534 $ •16,403,830 $ 19,726,704 '45% $ 38,696,568; $ 17,645,193 $'21,051,375 46%- 1,241,364` Unaudited''Benchmark brMbnth'Is50%. J:\Financials\2020 Financials\2020 June Financial Report-1 5 JUKE 2020 Six Year Current_Expense Specific Revenue Streams'Comparison 6/30/2015 6/30/2016 6/30/2017 6/30/2018 6/30/2019 6/30/2020 Community Development Revenues $ 765,325 $ 933,208 $ 776,568 $ 881,597 $ 924,261 1,108,368 Detention&Correction Services $ 294,827 $ 76,276 14,683 15,277 8,939 53,455 Current Expense Property Taxes 5,248,537 6,297,563 5,534,346 5,540,388 5,802,856 5,718,771 Road Diversion Property Tax 850,298 690,184 864,689 1,225,976 1,255,967 1,225,659 County Road Property Tax 4,597,772 3,804,766 4,726,301 4,890,391 53145,720 5,132,053 Current Expense Sales Tax 2,025,101 2,017,935 2,220,007 2,423,066 2,742,266 2,871,545 Criminal Justice Taxes/Entitlements 601,542 587,596 610,598 643,071 735,961 782,971 Rural Sales&Use Tax Fund $ 262,283 $ 268,876 $ 291,581 $ 315,449 $ 375,504 381,725 400,OD0 300,000 200,000 1DD,DDD Corn Srvcs-Homelessess Preven Filings 165,279 182,127 213,356 226,327 310,764 364,896 400000 300:000 200000 100:001) Lodging(Hotel/Motel)Tax 125,712 144,894 145,751 164,521 201,378 142,953 150,000 1Do,000 sD,DOD REET 1 Excise Tax Only 283,147 350,567 490,532 5693305 576,906 582,710 REET 2 Excise Tax Only 283,147 350,567 490,532 569,305 576,906 582,710 60D,00o ' 400,000 WN.C."'100.000 JAFinancials\2020 Financials\2020 June Financial Report-1 6 �r9UT1 COO ? MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JUKE 2020 REVENUE MONTH 12019 REVENUE-F 2020 REVENUE DIFFERENCE JANUARY $ 417,707.75 $ 455,733.71 $ 38,025.96 FEBRUARY $ 522,335.70 $ 590,257.14 $ 67,921.44 MARCH $ 415,075.81 $ 449,177.66 $ 34,101.85 APRIL $ 367,492.05 $ 427,572.82 $ 60,080.77 MAY $ 530,280.53 $ 487,803.83 $ (42,476.70) JUNE $ 489,373.95 $ 460,999.44 $ (28,374.51) JULY $ 517,176.50 $ (517,176.50) AUGUST $ 614,829.65 $ (614,829.65) SEPTEMBER $ 576,324.52 $ (576,324.52) OCTOBER $ 539,794.06 $ (539,794.06) NOVEMBER $ 573,194.27 $ (573,194.27) DECEMBER $ 499,103.12 $ (499,103.12) TOTAL COLLECTED REVENUE $ 6,062,687.91 $ 2,871,544.60 PROJECTED END OF YEAR REVENUE REVENUE BUDGETED $ 5,225,000.00 $ 6,000,000.00 $ 6,579,940.99 YET TO BE COLLECTED $ (3,128,455.40) ANTICIPATED INCREASE $ V9,940.99 9 O J:\Financials\2020 Financials\2020 June Financial Report-1 7 Pgox CO JUNE 2020 Six Year Financial Recap Current Expense-,Recap 6/30/2015 6/,30/2016 6/30/2017 6/30/2018 6/30/201.9, 6/30/2020 Account.Receivable from-gelfair Sewer 1,200,000 General Fund Operating Reserves 6,520,791 6,817,603 Contingency Reserve 1,000,000 .1,000,000 Technology Replacement Reserves 200,000 200,000 Equipment&Vehicle Replacement Reserves 525,000 `525,000 Accrued Leave Reserve 520,000 530,805 Current,Expense Unreserved Cash ' ; 2,273,822, 4,320,934 this.Mon-th Current Expense Cash $ 10,277,187•:'$ f 6',530 805 .'$ 5,6Z8,578 $ 6,869,119 $ 11,039,614: $ 13,394,342 Adopted;Budget on December.3lst ". 36,198-316 40,787;973- 38,545,163. 36,930,990 41,404,3.49: 49,581229 Supplemental Appropriations - 4,950 591,099 1,035,267 250,106 407,320 Total Budget including,Supplementals 36,19%316 40,792,923 39,136;262 . 37;966,257 .41,654,455. $ 49,988,549 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance 7,234,903 8,019,728 7,309,944 3,061,750 5,786,719 11,636,958 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 4,315,462. , 4,120,994 3,196,919 3,729,495 5,523,921 11;291,981 Revenue Budgets 28,649,671 32,768,245 31,238,085 34,904,507 35,867,736 38,351,591 R'evenues.thru This Month of each year 16,236,750.. 16,867,174 .18,356,551 18,454,300. 19,543,688 18,885,563 9 5'1;/o: 59/o: S3,/0 54 = 13ud' eted Revenues Received , 57%: ° °" ° % •,,• 4'9% Expenditure Budgets 31,882,854. 36,773,434 35;939,443 34',236;762 36,130,.534 38,696,568 Expenditures thru This Month of each year 14,240,295 17,311,466 15,345,892 15,872,719 16,403,830 17,645,193 Budgete`tl'Expendtures E Xpended 4$% 47%. 43%, ` ,46%: ' 45% 46"/0 J:\Financials\2020 Financials\2020 June Financial Report-1 8 Special Fund:Cash.Balances. 6/30/2015 ' 6/30/201.6 6/36/1017 6/30/2018 .6130/2619 � '6/3012020 Rural County Sales&Use Tax Fund(.09) 400,898 315,344 303,689 330,662 463,702 $ 657,588 Auditor's,O&M 321;804: 211,081 189,677 222,853. 2311090 .257;415 County Roads Fund 8,689,486 11,504,300 10,887,671 11,676,037 10,502,294 12,696,902 Paths&Trails 214,243' 226,065 238,398 252,302 263,769' 275803 Election Equipment Holding 206,265 240,967 268,285 181,922 169,490 228,497 Crime Victims 250,798 228,847 225,131 219,483 176,696' 201,819 Victim Witness Activities 61,333 86,502 63,439 26,740 31,207 25,092 Historical Preservation Fund- 52;223 39,242.• 38,254 39,68.1 36,808 37,636 : Community Support Services Fund 292,649 501,055 427,736 469,937 754,760 871,359 Abatement/Repair/.Dernolition.Fund 266,789 264,714- 267,351 271,285' 276,145 279;259 Reserve for Technology Fund 133,979 91,800 173,753 177,701 92,690 BEET&PropertyTax'Admin Asst 53,070 63;318 72,497 66;927 70,766 66,010. National Forest Safety 79,067 92,610 44,564 26,720 49,297 44,136 Trial Court Improvement Fund `92,130 57,386 69,692, 94,687 103,453 120,522 Sheriff Special Funds 272,812 266,534 254,144 269,446 242,918 Sheriffs Boatin&Program 128,323:. Narcotics Investigation 83,621 Public Health Fund 432;823 214,684 207,468 109,398 212,354, 665,049 Law Library 85,668 78,182 85,604 79,453 73,677 64,070 Lodging.(Motel/Hotel)Tax Fund 320,514 3331"696 337,984 436,409 589,983 715,000 Mental Health Tax Fund 1,156,288 1,401,911 1,543,339 1,412,610 1,436,339 1,446,685 Treasurer's M&O Fund 127,378." .116,918 140,766 143;428, 165,342 196,995 Veterans Assistance 137,524 123,230 200,439 198,607 74,730 88,913 Skokomish Flood Zone 126,568 1051836 193,843 209,887. 25,630` 69;289 Mason Lake Management District 82,247 93,935 110,163 131,844 156,300 129,577 Spencer Lake.Management District _ 7,712 Island Lake Management District 11,734 15,506 21,535 22,871 25,324 34,418 ..Capital Improvement/'Reet,1 Fund 670,473 629 617 949,843 1;57%926 1,868,591 -`1,933,595" Capital Improvement/Reet 2 Fund 1,631,506 2,065,050 2,421,062 2,525,051 2,623,395 2,984,530 Mason County Landfill 497,787- 893,676, 694,007 933,356, 285',872 1,0081012 N. Bay/Case Inlet Utility 568,832 640,862 861,795 923,087 815,281 1,445,191 N.Bay/Case Inlet Utility Reserve 714. 716 719 -:. 727., 360 Wastewater System Development 3,986 3,986 31986 3,986 3,986 3,986 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 59,332 73,197 382,672 267,297 329,330 126,306 Beards Cove Water 239,205 266,480 318,544 401,305 435,275 514,385 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation 821,860. . 769,094 184,146: '377,698 613,861 .801,737 Reserve Landfill 507,602 508,944 511,803 497,224 474,222 447,615 Reserve Beards-Cove Ulid .309,552 321;511 334,106,. `349,902 195,303 205,212. Storm Drain System Development 280,051 166,931 57,684 63,757 184,087 180,745 Information Technology 206,623 599,552 134,427, 427,988 495,125 581,361 Equipment Rental&Revolving Fund 5,240,542 2,281,658 3,235,595 3,782,221 4,228,500 2,460,662 Unemployment Fund `158,714 179,015' 192,060- ' : 185,369 189,425 192,559 TOT $25,065,069 $26,07.3,953 $26;647, !, $29 380;783• $98,,973,378';.` $32,277,589 J:\Financials\2020 Financials\2020 June Financial Report-1 9 MASON COUNTY MONTHLY FINANCIAL JUNE w REPORT 2020 °:2020'Current'Expense and Health Fun ,E dR'&R andMotorPool'Bidgetto Actual'Expenditures FUNdORDEPARTMENT';- ORIGINAL REVISED T,6ER&R' ; YTD'MP -AVAILABLE %USED• APPROP,• BUDGET EXPENDED :EXPENDED. °BUDGET WSU 2,065 2,065 378 0 1,687 18.29% ASSESSOR 23;540 23540 0 1,041, 22;499 4:42% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0 0 224 0 -224 0.00% FACILITIES&GROUNDS 23,035 _ '23,035 • 43 4,441 .18;551 -m47% HUMAN RESOURCES 400 400 23 0 377 5.75% SUPPORT SERVICES 0. 0,, 114 = 0 114 0.00% COMMUNITY SERVICES 34,880 34,880 1,471 1,395 32,014 8.22% 25,851 25;851 0 PARKS&TRAILS° 1,641 . ` 24,210 6:35% JUVENILE COURT SERVICES 10,900 10,900 0 946 9,954 8.68% PROSECUTOR 31856 3,856 0 26 3,830 CORONER 13,828 13,828 0 545 13,283 3.94% SHERIFF ADMAN 493,801.. -4931801 .: O '98,574- 3951127 : 19.96% Tota0001 GENERAL FUND °•" 63,2,156 _,<632,156 ;2,252' 108,609 -.521,295, -17.54%' SHERIFF'S BOATING PROGRAM 7 0.00% NARCOTICS INVESTIGATION.FUND.': -3 0:00% COMMUNITY SERVICES HEALTH 25,847 25,847 1,036 1,553 23,258 10.02% TOTAL;SPECIALFUNDSf, "`251847., ' ',2$,847 1,036 1567 . ' _ 23,25& a0.07% Total GENERAL FUND•&,SPECIAL FUN Ds'll658,003 658,003 ,- 110 175'. 544,553'F 1Z.24% Unaudited*Benchmark for'month,i's50%, •, YTD°IVIR - %,O,F TOTAL IUIOTOR;POOL EXPENDITURES BY'OBJECT'CODE EXPENDED " TOTAL MOTOR POOL SUPPLIES 13,438 12.20% MOTOR POOL FUEL 50,692'- 46.0194. MOTOR POOL LEASE 24,586 22.32% MOTOR POOL MAINT-MONTHLY . 3;639 , 3.30% MOTOR POOL REPAIRS 17,525 15.91% . MOTOR-POOL INSURANCE 296 0.27% . TotaI;GENERAL'FUND•&HEALTH.FUND• . ' 110175 100sa0% TOTAL MOTOR POOL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES YTD MP %Op" !CAPITAL IS.N_DT ING.UDED IN THE BUDGETED AMDUNFOF$658003.50 gCTUAL GAPITAI COSTS'„ DEPARTMENT ,EXPENDED ARE NO7_INCLUDED W/INiMP CO5T5 + _ .. TOTAL F MOTOR POOL CAPITAL LEASE SHERIFF 2,527 2.28% MOTOR POOL CAP UPFIT SHERIFF 108,379. . 97.729/. Total GENERAL.F.UND,.&,HEALTH FUND ,1100906' T00.00%" MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Ross McDowell DEPARTMENT: Parks &Trails EXT: 806 BRIEFING DATE: 07/20/2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: 05/04/2020 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: RFP response for MCRA Irrigation System Replacement RCO Grant 18-1269D EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): In March of 2019 Mason County received information that Mason County would be award the grant of$325,000 grant (RCO 18-1269D) with a 50% match for the MCRA Irrigation system replacement project. On 05/04/2019 the BOCC approved the RFP to be put out to Landscape Architects to apply for the contract on the MCRA Irrigation Project. The RFP indicated to send three hard copies of the proposal by the end of business day, June 23, 2020. The RFP was sent out to all Landscape Architects on the MRSC list as of June 6, 2020. As of June 23, 2020, I received one complete proposal application from Robert Droll Landscape Architect. On July 1, 2020, I received an e-mail from Marion Campos from Jones &Jones Landscape Architects with an electronic proposal. Since the RFP closed a week earlier and sent in a software I was unable to open, the proposal was not accepted. I sent a return e-mail to Mario informing him that the RFP was.closed as of June 23, 2020 and that we could not open his attached file. As part of the RFP process, the proposal submitted from Robert Droll was reviewed by Support Services Director, Frank Pinter, Parks Supervisor, Carl Olson and myself. The proposal was complete for design and installation of a new irrigation system, controls and water main for the 7 MCRA ball fields as requested. The proposal indicated the following cost; Materials (irrigation & restorations) $181,184, Labor $299,847, Design Services $45,000 and WA Tax (8.5%) $40,857.89 for a total of$566,538.89. The anticipated starting date for this project is August 17, 2020 with completed by January 31, 2021. BUDGET IMPACT: 50% Match funding for the MCRA Irrigation System replacement project from REET 2 funding (up to $325,000). PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice,website,community meetings,etc.) Briefing Summary 7/8/2020 RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend acceptance and approval of the Robert Droll Irrigations System Proposal for the Mason County MCRA Sports Fields. ATTACHMENTS: Mason County MCRA Sports Fields Irrigation System RFP Robert Droll Mason County MCRA Sports Field Irrigation System Design / Build Proposal overview Briefmg Summary 7/8/2020 Mason County MCRA Sports Fields Irrigation System Proposal June 23,2020 5. Cost Proposal PUGET SOUND LLANDSCAPIN INC. - 332313 SOUTH BAY RD NE•OLYMPIA,XVA 98506•PHONT(360)943-9201•FAX(360)947748 June 22,2020 Mason County Parks &Trails Ross McDowell 411 N. 5,h Street Shelton,WA. 98584 RE:MCRA Sports Fields Design Build Irrigation Installation bid proposal. Dear Mr. McDowell, Puget Sound Landscaping,Inc. hereby proposes to supply and install the irrigation portion of the MCRA Sports Fields per RFP request dated June 2,2020. Design&Irrigation Installation for a total sum including Washington State tax of$566,538.89. (Five Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Eight and 89/100). Bid Scope Breakdown: Material-Irrigation&Restoration $181,194.00 Labor $299,487.00 Design Service $45,000.00 Tax 8.5% $40,857.89 Total $566,538.89 The following Inclusions apply • Includes all material&labor to install a complete permanent 2-wire Sports Field Irrigation System per provided design plans&details. • Includes new Irrigation Controller, CENTRALUS Module,VFD Booster Pump Station and accessories as per plan. *MCP will need to provide required signal method to controller location for CENTKALUS communication. *New Pump Station to be installed in enclosure outside of existing pump house. *Design build layout.Based on 65 PSI static off of City water main. • Includes irrigation sleeve material,installation and pathway repairs where required. • Includes topsoil placement and cleanup of all disturbed areas&trenches due to installation. • Includes seeding,fertilization and CoverGrow mulching of all disturbed areas. • Includes (1) year PSL standard Irrigation warranty. • Includes (5) year product warranty with use of all Hunter Products &Munro Pumping Station. *Product warranty to be provided by Hunter Industries. Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,4405 7eh Ave.,Lacey,WA,98503,36o•456.38i3,email:bob(a)rwdroll.com 15 Mason County MCRA Sports Fields Irrigation System Proposal June 23,2020 • Includes Pump Station start-up and training for Park personnel. • Includes product OEM manuals, training and As-Built drawings. The following Exclusions ably • Excludes any grubbing,sub grading or vegetation removal. • Excludes material or installation of required Ethernet or Wi-Fi signal to the controller location. *MCP will need to provide required signal method to controller location for Centralus communication. • Excludes any new irrigation for the interior area of park.New irrigation to be installed per plan areas only. *PSL will work with MCP to allow them to re-connect existing hones if applicable. • Excludes any site drainage material and/or work. • Excludes any erosion control material or installation of any kind. • Excludes material or installation of any Backflow devices. *Existing to remain. • Excludes any water meters or fees. • Excludes any new electrical work from source to existing pump house. *New 3-Phase power to pump house provided by others. • Excludes any tree removal and/or tree protection work. • Excludes any sod installation or material. *All areas requiring repair will be seeded. • Excludes any warranty of seeded areas in non-irrigated areas,damages by theft,vandalism or adverse weather conditions. • Excludes any type of apprentice program. • Excludes any maintenance. Our scope under this proposal is limited to the above items only.Additional work will be completed based on an agreed to cost by C/O when identified.There may be additional work that is not clearly defined or limited,and thus we have excluded any work not included in this written quote. Puget Sound Landscaping is a local South Sound company that has been providing quality landscape projects since 1978. Please visit our web site for additional information about our company. Quote is valid for 30 days.Additional work will be negotiated when identified.Please feel free to call or email with questions. Thank you for the opportunity! Puget Sound Landscaping,Inc. 3323 B South bay Rd NE Olympia,WA. 98506 Duane Householder:Estimator 0104'P—'olmlo�' Phone: 360.943.9201 dhouseholder@12ug,,etsoundlandscal2ing.com com Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS,44057th Ave.,Lacey,WA,98503,36o.456.3813,email:bob(a)rwdroll.com 16 Mason County MCRA Sports Fields Irrigation System Proposal June 23,2020 June 23;2020 Ross McDowell Mason County Parks&Trails Manager 411 N. 51'Street Shelton, WA 98584 Request for Qualifications: Mason County MCRA Sports Fields Irrigation System Dear Mr. McDowell, Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,PS (RWD)and Puget Sound Landscape,Inc. (PSL)hereby submit our Design/Build Proposal to design and provide a new and complete irrigation system for MCRA Sports Fields. Our Team is composed of the following members representing financially stable,professional enterprises registered in Washington and who complying with project insurance requirements. Principal-in-Charge&Project Manager....................Robert W.Droll ASLA,RWD Project Irrigation Designer.........................................Randal Taylor. RWD Construction Project Manager...................................Duane Householder,PSL As you review our proposal, I draw your attention to the following justifications for selecting RWD: RWD offers 40 years of designing sport complexes throughout the Pacific Northwest, all of these projects include sport field irrigation design; we are experts in sport field irrigation design. PSL offers deep experience with sport field irrigation construction which is why RWD ask PSL to join us on this endeavor. �D Our Team has visited MCRA twice within the last 2 weeks to understand site conditions and assure our proposal is comprehensive. :D RWD has prepared a 90% Irrigation Design which the cost proposal is based upon. We know exactly what needs to be done,what works, and what doesn't. This proposal fulfills and exceeds the RFP requirements. Our Project Team has the staff power,resources and enthusiasm to commence work immediately in August and achieved completion by January 31, 2021 for a cost that is under the project budget. I hope you will conclude from review of our Proposal,the RWD Team has the resources, experience,and energy to hit the ground running and produce safe,environmentally conscious, and cost-efficient results for the MCRA Sports Fields Irrigation System well within your project budget! Respectfully Submitted, JUO_3� l Ad 9 Robert W. Droll,ASLA, Principal Nasario Llamas,Puget Sound Landscape,Inc. Robert W.Droll,Landscape Architect,P5,4405 71h Ave.,Lacey,WA,98503,360.456.3813,email:bob(a)rwdroll.com 1 Mason County MCRA Sports Fields Irrigation System Request for Proposals I. Introduction and Summary Mason County has issued the Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking proposals from qualified firms interested in providing an irrigation system design and installation at Mason County Recreational Area (MCRA) ball fields. The complex consists of seven baseball /softball fields, four of which are synthetic turfed infields. The RFP includes engineering/design and installation of a new 2-line control system to replace the existing irrigation system. i A. Provide engineering plans and design for irrigation all fields and grass areas in MCRA to include irrigation piping, sprinklers heads, connections and electrical wiring. B. Provide pump station at location identified on plans;,Contractors work shall include: 1. Connecting the existing booster pump to meet system pressure requirements and provide a minimum of 220 gallons per minute. 2. RPZ to meet backflow requirements. Installed per County specifications. 3. Blowout connection for winterization: 4. Lockable weatherproof housing for all elements of both the pump station. /f 5. Connection to service riser. / 6. Connection of power top mp motor, VFD and system controls C. Provide system controller with ET sensor and 120V power outlet to be installed in a separate lockable weatherproof housing adjacent to the pump station location. D. Provide Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for pump controls installed with system controller. E. This syst m should be zoned appropriately to allow for on-demand usage. Connections should be at grade inside lockable valve box or equivalent. F. R storation of all disturbed areas to include topsoil and turf seeding. G. System provides a minimum of 220 gallons per minute and should operate to allow for fields to be ready for play by 12:00 p.m. each day. H. After a pre-application conference with the Mason County Building Department, apply for all needed County permits and, SEPA/NEPA reports if needed. H. Costs for all material and labor to be itemized in the final amount. Mason County Parks&Trails June 2,2020 1 I. Work may commence after August 15t" and all installation will be completed by January 31, 2021 for the spring system start-up completed by March 1, 2021. J. Providing a detailed sketch of the proposed irrigation system with the proposal. II. Purpose 1. Statement of Need The County needs a vendor to provide engineering/design plans and installation of a Hunter or Rain Bird 2-line irrigation system for MCRA's seven baseball/softball fields and grass areas of the park. The existing field irrigation system will be abandoned but the booster pump and electrical connection will be utilized. III. Vendor Qualifications and Requirements 1. The following minimum qualifications and licensing requirements are mandatory to submit a compliant proposal. The County has sole responsibility and authority to determine compliance and may use the RFP response or any other sources to determine°compliance. Proposals that aren't responsive to each shall be rejected by the County without further consideration: • Company proposing must have at least seven (7) years of consecutive experience in the field irrigation industry • Vendor must be Licensed Landscape Professional in the State of Washington • Vendor is not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for award of contracts by any governmental agency/ 2. Consultant,l s rance Requirements All insurance provided shall be primary and non-contributory. Comprehensive General Liability (Certificate of Insurance)-$1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, $2,000,000 general aggregate. Workers' •Compensation-Workers' compensation limits as required by the Workers' Compensation Act of Washington. 3. Independent Contractor It is the intention and understanding of the County that Vendor shall be an independent contractor and that the County shall be neither liable for nor obligated to pay sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax that may arise as an incident of employment. Vendor shall pay all income and other taxes as due. Mason County Parks&Trails June 2,2020 2 4. Prevailing Wage If required by RCW 39.12, prevailing wages shall be paid. Vendor specifically agrees to comply with RCW 39.12 and to file all required forms, certifications, and affidavits necessary to comply with Federal and State laws before final payment shall be made to the Vendor. The latest prevailing wage rate information is available per the State of Washington, Department of Labor and Industries, Industrial Relations Division. 5. Licensing and Business Tax Requirements The Vendor must meet all licensing requirements that apply to their business prior to or immediately after contract award or the County may reject the Vendor. Companies must license, report and pay revenue taxes for applicable Washington State business license(s) (UBI#) and city of Shelton business license, if required to hold such a license by these jurisdictions. The Vendor should carefully consider those costs prior to submitting their offer, as the County will not separately pay or reimburse those costs to the Vendor. / IV. Specifications and Scope-of-Work The Vendor shall: 1. Have at least seven (7) years of consecutive experience in the landscaping / irrigation syst m'installation under the current company name. 2. Obtain or prepare irrigation engineering plans of the proposed irrigation system to obtain the proper permitting for the project. 3. Supply and install all the components required for an automatic irrigation systern to provide supplemental water to the intended landscape efficiently and uniformly. Preference given for experience in irrigations systems for sports complexes consisting of a minimum 3 to 7 sport fields with 2-line control system using a decoder. 4. Restore all disturbed areas to include topsoil and turf seeding from ,installing piping and sprinklers. V. Proposal Requirements providing the information as detailed below: Summary 1. Provide a brief statement describing the company submitting the proposal. 2. Provide a summary of the company's history and general business experience as it pertains to this RFP. Mason County Parks&Trails June 2, 2020 3 Experience 1. Provide a minimum of three (3) references for which the company has provided similar services in the past 24 months that include name and type of entity; primary contact's name, title and phone number; a brief description of the services provided; and the duration of the contract. Performance Capabilities 1. Provide a description of how the company proposes to meet the specifications and scope-of-work as detailed in in section IV. Specifications and Scope-of-Work Requirements. Proposal Deadline Deadline for receipt of proposals is 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Proposal should be prepared according with this RFP and mailed to: Ross McDowell Mason County Parks & Trails Manager ' 411 N. 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 806 RMcDowel l(aD-CO.mason.wa.us i� Three (3) hard copies of the submittals/must be received by the deadline indicated above. Postmarks will not,bfe accepted. The County reserves the right to modify, re-let and /or withdraw the RFP as well as to not make an award.fThe County, at its own digression, can request additional information from individual responders as well as require on-site interviews. r . r Proposal Evaluation Process Proposals.will be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee and respondents may be inter viewed by members of the Committee. The Committee will make recommendation for contract award to the Mason County Board of Commissioners who will make final selection. Respondents should not lobby committee members or the Board of Commissioners. Respondents should contact Ross McDowell by phone or email for additional information. All proposals are public records. The committee reserves the right to request additional information from respondents. The County reserves the right to reject all submittals. The anticipated award date is June 29, 2020. Mason County Parks&Trails June 2, 2020 4 Evaluation Criteria: • Demonstrated level of experience with public sector agencies and facilities with a preference for proposals that reflect experience- providing services for a sports complex with a multi-field irrigation system. • Company's experience and capabilities quality of trained and experienced that support the RFP objectives, specifications and scope-of-work. • References. • Competitive costs. i J s {l J f J O Mason County Parks&Trails June 2, 2020 5 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Frank Pinter DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 BRIEFING DATE: 7/20/2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: 1-2$ Approval to place on the Julyfl, 2020 Action Agenda a contract with the EDC to solicit and fund grants with CARES Act funds to local businesses to assist with business losses due to pandemic closures. BACKGROUND: Mason County received a grant from the Department of Commerce to assist with Covid-19 related expenses. Available through the grant are funds the county can use to assist business to help with business losses incurred as a result of the closures mandated by Covid mitigation programs. This contract would afford the EDC the funds to place the grants with such businesses. RECOMMENDED ACTION: ZZ.1b Approval to place on the July.2�, 2020 Action Agenda a contract with the EDC to solicit and fund a grant with CARES Act funds to local businesses to assist with business losses due to pandemic closures ATTACHMENT(S): None Briefing Summary 7/16/2020 AGREEMENT BETWEEN Mason County, Washington AND Economic Development Council of Mason County This Agreement is made between Mason County (herein called the COUNTY) and Economic Development Council of Mason County (EDC) (herein called CONTRACTOR) for the CDBG Economic Opportunity Grant – COVID-19 Response Funding project (herein called the Project). As the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce) is authorized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide funds to units of COUNTY selected to undertake and carry out projects under the Washington State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations and policies; and As the COUNTY has applied for and received a Coronavirus Relief Fund for COUNTYs award, contract number 20-6541C-023 (CFDA 21.019), to fund the Project; and As it benefits the COUNTY to engage the CONTRACTOR to accomplish the Scope of Work and the objectives of the local CDBG project; The parties agree that: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. COUNTY Responsibilities The COUNTY is responsible for administration of the CRF contract, and ensuring CRF funds are used in accordance with all program requirements \[(24 CFR 570.501(b)\] and its Department of Commerce contract referenced above. The COUNTY will provide such assistance and guidance to the CONTRACTOR as may be required to accomplish the objectives and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The COUNTY is responsible for completing the following tasks to accomplish the objectives of the Project: Principal Tasks Execute contract with COMMERCE Execute CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Establish administrative and other record keeping systems Process and submit payment requests and CRF Reports Formulate and implement a CONTRACTOR monitoring plan and conduct on-site review Ensure grant activities are completed Page 1 of 19 Conduct a final public hearing Complete the grant close-out process with COMMERCE B. CONTRACTOR Responsibilities The CONTRACTOR will complete in a satisfactory and proper manner as determined by the COUNTY the following tasks to accomplish the objectives of principally benefiting low- and moderate-income persons or businesses. The CONTRACTOR will periodically meet with the COUNTY to review the status of these tasks. Principal Tasks Formulate and submit required reports and payment requests to COUNTY in an accurate and timely manner. Provide COVID-19 Response assistance in the form of emergency grant awards of up to $10,000 to qualifying businesses in Mason County to enable them to retain the level of employees as close to January 2020 as possible and to cover the cost of business interruption caused by required closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation. Utilize a 3-Ttiered ranking system summarized in Attachment 2. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The effective date of this Agreement will be the date the parties sign and complete execution of this agreement and will be in effect through October 31, 2020 with all reimbursement requests completed by that date. 3. AGREEMENT REPRESENTATIVES Each party to this Agreement shall have a representative. Each party may change its representative upon providing written notice to the other party. The parties’ representatives are as follows: A. CONTRACTOR: Economic Development Council of Mason County Name of Representative: Jennifer Baria Mailing Address: 310 E Cota Street City, State and Zip Code: Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone Number: 360 426 2276 Fax: na E-mail Address: jennifer@choosemason.com UBI#: 601137830 Page 2 of 19 B. COUNTY : Mason County Name of Representative: Kelly Bergh Title: Financial Analyst th Mailing Address: 411 N 5 Street City, State and Zip Code: Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone Number: 360 427 9670 ext 644 Fax Number: 360 427 8437 E-mail Address: kbergh@co.mason.wa.us 4. BUDGET The COUNTY will pass through to the CONTRACTOR no more than $300,000 in CRF funds for eligible incurred costs and expenses for the Project according to the following budget. Project Budget Element Budg eted Amount COVID-19 direct employee payroll assistance and $300 business interruption assistance of emergency grants ,000 Indirect Cost Rate: ___% Federally Approved Indirect Rate, or 10% de minimis rate, or fill out “N/A” declining to charge indirect Indirect Cost Rate if the CONTRACTOR chooses to charge Indirect under this grant, the CONTRACTOR shall provide their indirect cost rate that has been negotiated between their entity and the Federal Government. If no such rate exists, a de minimis indirect cost rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC) will be used. “Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)” shall mean all direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and up to the first $25,000 of each subaward (regardless of the period of performance of the subawards under the award). MTDC excludes equipment, capital expenditures, and rental costs. Any amendments to this Agreement’s Budget must first be determined by the COUNTY as consistent with its CRF contract with Commerce and then approved in writing by the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR. 5. PAYMENT The COUNTY shall reimburse the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the payment procedures outlined in the CDBG Management Handbook, Financial Management Section for all allowable expenses agreed upon by the parties to complete the Scope of Service. Page 3 of 19 Reimbursement under this Agreement will be based on billings, supported by appropriate documentation of costs actually incurred. It is expressly understood that claims for reimbursement will not be submitted in excess of actual, immediate cash requirements necessary to carry out the purposes of the agreement. Funds available under this Agreement will be utilized to supplement rather than supplant funds otherwise available. It is understood that this Agreement is funded in whole or in part with CRF funds through the Washington State Department of Commerce CRF Program as administered by Commerce and is subject to those regulations and restrictions normally associated with federally-funded programs and any other requirements that the State may prescribe. 6. PERFORMANCE MONITORING The COUNTY will monitor the performance of the CONTRACTOR by tracking project progress, reviewing payment requests for applicable costs, managing the timely pass- through of CRF funds, overseeing compliance with Department of Commerce requirements, and ensuring recordkeeping and audit requirements are met. Substandard performance as determined by the COUNTY will constitute noncompliance with this Agreement. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the CONTRACTOR within a reasonable period of time after being notified by the COUNTY, contract suspension or termination procedures will be initiated. 7. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Withholding Payment: In the event the CONTRACTOR has failed to perform any obligation under this AGREEMENT within the times set forth in the AGREEMENT, the COUNTY may, upon written notice, withhold from amounts otherwise due and payable to CONTRACTOR, without penalty, until such failure to perform is cured or otherwise adjudicated. Withholding under this clause shall not be deemed a breach entitling CONTRACTOR to termination or damages, provided that the COUNTY promptly gives notice in writing to the CONTRACTOR of the nature of the default or failure to perform, and in no case more than 10 days after it determines to withhold amounts otherwise due. A determination of the Administrative Office set forth in a notice to the CONTRACTOR of the action required and/or the amount required to cure any alleged failure to perform shall be deemed conclusive under this clause, without prejudice to any other remedy under the AGREEMENT, to take all or any of the following actions: (1) cure any failure or default, (2) to pay any amount so required to be paid and to charge the same to the account of the CONTRACTOR, (3) to set off any amount so paid or incurred from amounts due or to become due the CONTRACTOR. In the event the CONTRACTOR obtains relief upon a claim under the Disputes clause, no penalty or damages shall accrue to CONTRACTOR by reason of good faith withholding by the COUNTY under this clause. B. Labor Standards: Page 4 of 19 CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements, including but not limited to those pertaining to payment of wages and working conditions, in accordance with RCW 39.12.040, the Prevailing Wage Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Davis-Bacon Act; and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act providing for weekly payment of prevailing wages, minimum overtime pay, and providing that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to health and safety as determined by regulations promulgated by the Federal Secretary of Labor and/or the State of Washington. C. Waiver of Noncompetition: CONTRACTOR irrevocably waives any existing rights which it may have, by contract or otherwise, to require another person or corporation to refrain from submitting a proposal to or performing work or providing supplies to the COUNTY, and CONTRACTOR further promises that it will not in the future, directly or indirectly, induce or solicit any person or corporation to refrain from submitting a bid or proposal to or from performing work or providing supplies to the COUNTY. D. Ownership of Items Produced: All writings, programs, data, public records or other materials prepared by CONTRACTOR and/or its consultants or sub-CONTRACTORs, in connection with performance of this AGREEMENT, shall be the sole and absolute property of COUNTY. E. E-verify: The E-Verify CONTRACTOR program for Mason County applies to contracts of $100,000 or more and subcontracts for $25,000 or more if the primary contract is for $100,000 or more. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that it will, for at least the duration of the AGREEMENT, register and participate in the status verification system for all newly hired employees. The term “employee” as used herein means any person that is hired to perform work for Mason County. As used herein, “status verification system: means the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 that is operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security, also known as the E-Verify Program, or any other successor electronic verification system replacing the E-Verify Program. CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain records of such compliance and, upon request of the COUNTY, to provide a copy of each such verification to the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR further represents and warrants that any person assigned to perform services hereunder meets the employment eligibility requirements of all immigration laws of the State of Washington. CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that any breach of these warranties may subject CONTRACTOR to the following: (a) termination of the AGREEMENT and ineligibility for any Mason County contract for up to three (3) years, with notice of such cancellation/termination being made public. In the event of such termination/cancellation, CONTRACTOR would also be liable for any additional costs incurred by the COUNTY due to contract cancellation or loss of license or permit. CONTRACTOR will review and enroll in the E- Verify program through this website: www.uscis.gov Page 5 of 19 F. Disputes: Differences between CONTRACTOR and COUNTY, arising under and by virtue of the AGREEMENT Documents, shall be brought to the attention of COUNTY at the earliest possible time in order that such matters may be settled or other appropriate action promptly taken. Except for such objections as are made of record in the manner hereinafter specified and within the time limits stated, the records, orders, rulings, instructions, and decisions of the Administrative Officer shall be final and conclusive. G. Notice of Potential Claims: CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to additional compensation which otherwise may be payable, or to extension of time for (1) any act or failure to act by the Administrative Officer or COUNTY, or (2) the happening of any event or occurrence, unless CONTRACTOR has given COUNTY a written Notice of Potential Claim within ten (10) days of the commencement of the act, failure, or event giving rise to the claim, and before final payment by COUNTY. The written Notice of Potential Claim shall set forth the reasons for which CONTRACTOR believes additional compensation or extension of time is due, the nature of the cost involved, and insofar as possible, the amount of the potential claim. CONTRACTOR shall keep full and complete daily records of the work performed, labor and material used, and all costs and additional time claimed to be additional. H. Detailed Claim: CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to claim any such additional compensation, or extension of time, unless within thirty (30) days of the accomplishment of the portion of the work from which the claim arose, and before final payment by COUNTY, CONTRACTOR has given COUNTY a detailed written statement of each element of cost or other compensation requested and of all elements of additional time required, and copies of any supporting documents evidencing the amount or the extension of time claimed to be due. I. Arbitration: Other than claims for injunctive relief brought by a party hereto (which may be brought either in court or pursuant to the arbitration provision), and consistent with the provisions hereinabove, any claim, dispute or controversy between the PARTIES under, arising out of, or related to the AGREEMENT or otherwise, including issues of specific performance, shall be determined by arbitration in Shelton, Washington, under the applicable American Arbitration Association (AAA) rules in effect on the date hereof, as modified by the AGREEMENT. There shall be one arbitrator selected by the PARTIES within ten (10) days of the arbitration demand, or if not, by the AAA or any other group having similar credentials. Any issue about whether a claim is covered by this AGREEMENT shall be determined by the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall apply substantive law and may award injunctive relief, equitable relief (including specific performance), or any other remedy available from a judge, including expenses, costs and attorney fees to the prevailing party and pre-award interest, but shall not have the Page 6 of 19 power to award punitive damages. The decision of the arbitrator shall be the sole and exclusive remedy between them regarding any dispute presented or pled before the arbitrator. At the request of either party made no later than forty-five (45) days after the arbitration demand, the PARTIES agree to submit the dispute to nonbinding mediation, which shall not delay the arbitration hearing date; provided, that either party may decline to mediate and process with arbitration. J. Venue and Choice of Law: In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or interpretation of any of the terms of the AGREEMENT, the venue of such action of litigation shall be in the courts of the State of Washington in and for the County of Mason. Unless otherwise specified herein, this AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws of Mason County and the State of Washington. K. Communication: CONTRACTOR will not communicate directly with COMMERCE concerning this PROJECT without COUNTY’s prior approval. 8. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. General Compliance The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with: The requirements of Title V and VI of the CARES Act. Regulations; and All other applicable Federal, State and Local laws, regulations, and policies, governing the funds provided under this Agreement. B. Independent CONTRACTOR Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to, or will be construed in any manner, as creating or establishing the relationship of employer/employee between the parties. The CONTRACTOR will at all times remain an “independent contractor” with respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement. The COUNTY will be exempt from payment of all Unemployment Compensation, FICA, retirement, life and/or medical insurance and Workers’ Compensation Insurance, as the CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor. C. Hold Harmless The CONTRACTOR will hold harmless, defend and indemnify the COUNTY from any and all claims, actions, suits, charges and judgments whatsoever that arise out of the CONTRACTOR’s performance or nonperformance of the services or subject matter called for in this Agreement. D. Workers’ Compensation The CONTRACTOR will provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage for all of its employees involved in the performance of this Agreement. Page 7 of 19 E. Insurance and Bonding The CONTRACTOR will carry sufficient insurance coverage to protect contract assets from loss due to theft, fraud and/or undue physical damage, and as a minimum will purchase a blanket fidelity bond covering all employees in an amount equal to cash advances from the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the COUNTY with properly executed certificate of insurance or a signed policy endorsement which shall clearly evidence all insurance required in this section prior to commencement of services. The certificates will, at a minimum, list limits of liability and coverage. The certificate will provide that the underlying insurance contract will not be cancelled or allowed to expire except on thirty (30) days prior written notice to the COUNTY. F. Funding Source Recognition The CONTRACTOR will insure recognition of the roles of Commerce, the WA State CDBG program, and the COUNTY in providing services through this Agreement. All activities, facilities and items utilized pursuant to this Agreement will be prominently labeled as to funding source. In addition, the CONTRACTOR will include a reference to the support provided herein in all publications made possible with funds made available under this Agreement. G. Amendments The COUNTY or CONTRACTOR may amend this Agreement at any time provided that such amendments make specific reference to this Agreement, and are executed in writing, signed by a duly authorized representative of each organization, and approved by the COUNTY’s governing body. Such amendments will not invalidate this Agreement, nor relieve or release the COUNTY or CONTRACTOR from its obligations under this Agreement. H. Suspension or Termination The COUNTY may suspend or terminate this Agreement if the CONTRACTOR materially fails to comply with any terms of this Agreement, which include (but are not limited to) the following: 1. Failure to comply with any of the rules, regulations or provisions referred to herein, or such statues, regulations, executive orders, and guidelines, policies or directives as may become applicable at any time; 2. Failure, for any reason, of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement. 3. Ineffective of improper use of funds provided under this Agreement; or 4. Submission by the CONTRACTOR to the COUNTY of reports that are incorrect or incomplete in any material respect. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.339, this Agreement may also be terminated by either the COUNTY or the CONTRACTOR, in whole or in part, by setting forth the reasons Page 8 of 19 for such termination, the effective date, and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. However, if in the case of a partial termination, the COUNTY determines that the remaining portion of the award will not accomplish the purpose for which the award was made, the COUNTY may terminate the award in its entirety. 9. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Financial Management 1. Accounting Standards The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with 2 CFR 200 and agrees to adhere to the accounting principles and procedures required therein, utilize adequate internal controls, and maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred. 2. Cost Principles The CONTRACTOR will administer its program in conformance with 2 CFR 200. These principles will be applied for all costs incurred whether charged on a direct or indirect basis. 3. Duplication of Costs The CONTRACTOR certifies that work to be performed under this Agreement does not duplicate any work to be charged against any other contract, subcontract or other source. B. Documentation and Record Keeping 1. Records to Be Maintained The CONTRACTOR will maintain all records required by the Federal regulations specified in 24 CFR 570.506 that are pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement and those records described in the CDBG Management Handbook. Such records will include but not be limited to: a. Records providing a full description of each activity undertaken; b. Records required to determine the eligibility of activities; c. Records required to document the acquisition, improvement, use or disposition of real property acquired or improved with CRF assistance; d. Records documenting compliance with the civil rights components of the CRF program; e. Financial records as required by 24 CFR 570.502, and 2 CFR 200.333; f. Labor standards records required to document compliance with the Davis Bacon Act, the provisions of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, and all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations applicable to CDBG- funded construction projects; and g. Other records necessary to document compliance with Subpart K of 24 CFR 570. Page 9 of 19 2. Access to Records and Retention The grantee, the Washington State Department of Commerce, and other authorized representatives of the state and federal governments shall have access to any books, documents, papers and records of the CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purposes of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions. All such records and all other records pertinent to this Agreement and work undertaken under this Agreement will be retained by the CONTRACTOR for a period of six years after final audit of the COUNTY’s CDBG project, unless a longer period is required to resolve audit findings or litigation. In such cases, the COUNTY will request a longer period of record retention. 3. Audits and Inspections All CONTRACTOR records with respect to any matters covered by this Agreement will be made available to the COUNTY, Commerce, and duly authorized officials of the state and federal government, at any time during normal business hours, as often as deemed necessary, to audit, examine, and make excerpts or transcripts of all relevant data. Any deficiencies noted in audit reports must be fully cleared by the CONTRACTOR within 30 days after receipt by the CONTRACTOR. Failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with the above audit requirements will constitute a violation of this Agreement and may result in the withholding of future payments. The CONTRACTOR that expends $750,000 or more in a fiscal year in federal funds from all sources hereby agrees to have an annual agency audit conducted in accordance with current COUNTY policy concerning CONTRACTOR audits and 2 CRF 200.501. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 21.019. C. Reporting 1. Program Income The CONTRACTOR will report annually all program income (as defined at 24 CFR 570.500(a)) generated by activities carried out with CDBG funds made available under this Agreement. The use of program income by the CONTRACTOR will comply with the requirements set forth at 24 CFR 570.504. 2. Periodic Reports The CONTRACTOR, at such times and in such forms as the COUNTY may require, will furnish the COUNTY such periodic reports as it may request pertaining to the work or services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, the costs and obligations incurred or to be incurred in connection therewith, and any other matters covered by this Agreement. D. Use and Reversion of Assets Page 10 of 19 The use and disposition of real property and equipment under this Agreement will be in compliance with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.311 and 313, 24 CFR 570.502, 570.503, 570.504, as applicable, which include but are not limited to the following: 1. The CONTRACTOR will transfer to the COUNTY any CDBG funds on hand and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of funds under this Agreement at the time of expiration, cancellation, or termination. 2. Real property under the CONTRACTOR’s control that was acquired or improved, in whole or in part, with funds under this Agreement in excess of $25,000 will be used to meet one of the CDBG National Objectives pursuant to 24 CFR 570.208 until ten (10) years after the contract between Commerce and the COUNTY is closed. If the CONTRACTOR fails to use CDBG-assisted real property in a manner that meets a CDBG National Objective for this 10-year period of time, the CONTRACTOR will pay the COUNTY an amount equal to the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acquisition of, or improvement to, the property after the CDBG program’s approval. Such payment will constitute program income to the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR may retain real property acquired or improved under this Agreement after the expiration of the ten-year period. 3. In cases in which equipment acquired, in whole or in part, with funds under this Agreement is sold, the proceeds will be program income. Equipment not needed by the CONTRACTOR for activities under this Agreement will be (a) transferred to the COUNTY for CDBG-eligible activities as approved by the CDBG program or (b) retained after compensating the COUNTY. 10. PERSONNEL AND PARTICIPANT CONDITIONS A. Civil Rights Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, no person will, on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, sex or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974: No person in the United States will on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, sex or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this title. Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as Amended No person will be excluded from participation, denied program benefits, or subjected to discrimination on the basis of age under any program or activity receiving federal funding assistance. (42 U.S.C. 610 et. seq.) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended Page 11 of 19 No otherwise qualified individual will, solely by reason or his or her disability, be excluded from participation (including employment), denied program benefits, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal funds. (29 U.S.C. 794) Public Law 101-336, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Subject to the provisions of this title, no qualified individual with a disability will, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity. B. Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968 Compliance in the Provision of Training, Employment, and Business Opportunities: 1. The work to be performed under this agreement is on a project assisted under a program providing direct federal financial assistance from HUD and is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given lower-income residents of the project area; and contracts for work in connection with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part, by persons residing in the area of the project. 2. The parties to this contract will comply with the provisions of said Section 3 and the regulations set forth in 24 CFR 135, and all applicable rules and orders of HUD and Commerce issued thereunder prior to the execution of this contract. The parties to this contract certify and agree that they are under no contractual or other disability that would prevent them from complying with these provisions. 3. The CONTRACTOR will send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, if any, a notice advising the said labor organization or workers’ representative of his commitments under this Section 3 clause and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment or training. 4. The CONTRACTOR will include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract for work in connection with the project and will, at the direction of the applicant, or recipient of federal financial assistance, take appropriate action pursuant to the subcontract upon a finding that the subCONTRACTOR is in violation of regulations issued by the Secretary of HUD, 24 CFR 135. The CONTRACTOR will not subcontract with any subCONTRACTOR where it has notice or knowledge that the latter has been found in violation of regulations under 24 CFR 135 and will not let any subcontract, unless the subCONTRACTOR has first provided it with a preliminary statement of ability to comply with the requirements of these regulations. 5. Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, the regulations set forth in 24 CFR 135, and all applicable rules and orders of HUD and Commerce issued hereunder prior Page 12 of 19 to the execution of the contract, will be a condition of the federal financial assistance provided to the project, binding upon the applicant or recipient for such assistance, its successors, and assigns. Failure to fulfill these requirements will subject the applicant, or recipient, its consultants and subCONTRACTORs, its successors and assigned to those sanctions specified by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which federal assistance is provided, and to such sanctions as are specified by 24 CFR 135. C. Conduct 1. Assignability The CONTRACTOR will not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the COUNTY thereto; provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due to the CONTRACTOR from the COUNTY under this contract may be assigned to a bank, trust company, or other financial institution without such approval. Notice of any such assignment or transfer will be furnished promptly to the COUNTY and Commerce. 2. Conflict of Interest No member of the COUNTY’s governing body and no other public official of such locality, who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning or carrying out of the project, will have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement; and the CONTRACTOR will take appropriate steps to assure compliance. The CONTRACTOR agrees to abide by the provisions of 2 CFR 200.318 and 24 CFR 570.611, which includes maintaining a written standard code of conduct that will govern the performance of its officers, employees or agents engaged in the award and administration of contracts supported by Federal funds. The CONTRACTOR covenants that its employees have no interest and will not acquire interest, direct or indirect, in the study area or any parcels therein or any other interest which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services hereunder. The CONTRACTOR further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having such interest will be employed. 3. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions a. The lower tier CONTRACTOR certifies, by signing this contract that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. b. Where the lower tier CONTRACTOR is unable to certify to any of the statements in this contract, such CONTRACTOR will attach an explanation to this contract. D. Copyright Page 13 of 19 If this Agreement results in any copyrightable material or inventions, the COUNTY and/or Commerce reserves the right to royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use and to authorize others to use, the work or materials for governmental purposes. E. Religious Activities The CONTRACTOR agrees that funds provided under this Agreement will not be utilized for inherently religious activities prohibited by 24 CFR 570.200(j), such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization. 11. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected thereby and all other parts of this Agreement will nevertheless be in full force and effect. 12. PERFORMANCE WAIVER The COUNTY’s failure to act with respect to a breach by the CONTRACTOR does not waive its right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. The failure of the COUNTY to exercise or enforce any right or provision will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR for the use of funds received under this Agreement and it supersedes all prior communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written between the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR with respect to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR have executed this Agreement as of the date and year last written below. Mason County Economic Development Council of Mason County By: ___________________________ By: ____________________________________ Sharon Trask, Chair Jennifer Baria, Executive Director Date: _________________________ Date: __________________________________ Approved As To Form: _________________________________ Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Page 14 of 19 EXHIBIT A SCOPE-OF -WORK The Economic Development Council of Mason County (EDC) will be responsible for completing the tasks and activities below as well as others as detailed throughout this AGREEMENT, Washington Department of Commerce's (Commerce) guidance as required to provide referral and direct services in compliance with the CRF program and Mason County's (COUNTY) policies and procedures. It is the EDC’s responsibility to review, understand, implement and adhere to all requirements as this Scope-of-Work is a summary, not an exhaustive list. CONTRACTOR will: 1. Conduct applicant eligibility screening for Mason County businesses to determine program eligibility incompliance with CRF requirements. 2. Provide emergency grants of up to $10,000 each to eligible businesses. To enable these small businesses to retain the level of employees as close to January 2020 levels in response to the COVID-19 crisis and to cover the cost of business interruption caused by required closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation . 3. Collect, track and report PROJECT data in a manner consistent with the requirements detailed in this AGREEMENT, COMMERCE's guidance’s as applicable. CONTRACTOR must ensure that the services provided to eligible individuals under this PROJECT are not reported to any other funding entities for the purpose of meeting contractual obligations. 4. Voucher Requests and Reports: A. Formulate and submit a Washington State Voucher Distribution request (form A19) to th COUNTY on a monthly basis due the 15 of the month for the prior month. Submission to include one digital copy in WORD e-mailed to Kelly Bergh and one copy that has been printed, signed and either scanned and e-mailed or sent by U. S. mail or hand delivery. Signed and certified timesheets must be maintained by the CONTRACTOR. COUNTY will be responsible for submitting completed requests to COMMERCE. See "Exhibit E Sample Forms and Instructions." B. Formulate and submit a CFR Monthly Beneficiary Reporting Form and a CRF Project th Status Report to COUNTY on a monthly basis due the 15 of the month for the prior month. A digital or hard copy is acceptable e-mailed or delivered to Kelly Bergh. COUNTY will be responsible for submitting completed forms and reports to COMMERCE. See Exhibit E Sample Forms and Instructions Kelly Bergh Mason County 411 N. 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 kbergh @co.mason.wa.us Page 15 of 19 5. Participate in PROJECT meetings, including a grant start-up meeting, as scheduled by COUNTY. 6. Participate and support on-site compliance reviews conducted by COUNTY per CRF requirements. 7. Assist COUNTY with all aspects of program administration and requirements including grant close-out process as requested. Page 16 of 19 EXHIBIT B Budget 1. The approved project budget for the CONTRACTOR of $50,000 allows for direct COVID- 19 Response assistance to Mason County businesses through grants of at least $10,000. 2. Financial policies, practices and processes must adhere to the requirements detailed in this AGREEMENT, COMMERCE's CDBG Management Handbook and other guides as well as applicable Mason County's (COUNTY) policies and procedures. Page 17 of 19 Page 18 of 19 Page 19 of 19 MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dawn Twiddy DEPARTMENT: Human Resources EXT: 422 BRIEFING DATE: 7/20/2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: 7/6/2020 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: Approval to place on the July JX, 2020 Action Agenda a Resolution establishing the Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan and add it to Mason County Code Chapter 2. BACKGROUND: Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan represents a commitment to workplace safety by the elected officials and department heads of Mason County. The Board of County Commissioners and Elected Officials have the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards as set forth in RCW 49.17.060: Employer—General safety standard — Compliance, Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules, and Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Directive 1.70, General Coronavirus Prevention Under Stay Home-Stay Healthy Order. Mason County employees also have the responsibility to develop habits and procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury including attending safety trainings and wearing personal protective equipment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to place on the Jul, 2020 Action Agenda a Resolution establishing the Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan and add it to Mason County Code Chapter 2. ATTACHMENT(S): Resolution, Mason County Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan, and associated forms Briefing Summary 7/16/2020 MASON COUNTY EMPLOYEE PANDEMIC EXPOSURE CONTROL, MITIGATION AND RECOVERY POLICY Z7> co C' (gv £ , v+ :............. Resolution No. Creation Date: 1 of 8 Mason County, will strive to use telework and technology as a means to reduce the exposure of our workforce, offer staggered shifts where applicable, reduce the number of employees in a certain area if acceptable and control the types and number of staff moving around the facilities in order to mitigate potential future exposure. Mason County will not take any adverse action (such as firing, demoting, or retaliating) against any employee who chooses to exercise their safety and health rights, such as raising safety and health concerns to management, participating in union activities concerning safety and health matters,filing a safety and health complaint or participating in a DOSH investigation. All employees have thirty (30) days to file safety and health complaints with L&I DOSH and/or with Federal OSHA. 4. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: All Mason Cq=,nty Employees, Department Heads and Elected Officials are responsible to manage, mo�r%�r and maintain adherence to this policy as the County moves forward in managing and mtigating pandemic recovery. III. POLICY �s 1. SAFETY OFFICERS Mason County designates a h-,department's safety officer as thandemic Site Supervisor at each of its facilities The°'nme<fd contact information of the Safety Officer will be posted at each facilities point a0e try. The Safety Officer will educate their department's employees on Uo the importance of using self regulation stations and will report to an employee's supervisor if they appear to be ill in,,rdetr co Genf rce this Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and 41 Recovery Policy. During a p nTdemic emp' a ffinand visitors are required to sign in and out on the Contact Tracing Log.The Safetiy,� fficer is r ' urged to maintain these logs as Entry/Exit Logs— Facilities (DAN GS 25007)for retentre�`p.urposes. If the county receives a public records request or a request from a union for employee records related to the personnel logs or self-regulation information, seek advice from the Prosecuting Attorney. 2. SELF-REGULATION STATIONS According to the CDC, hallmark symptoms of a pandemic, such as COVID-19 infection are; fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches or new loss of taste/smell. However, other symptoms or no symptoms at all have also been reported by a small percentage of patients. If an employee (or a member of their household) develops symptoms consistent with a pandemic, such as COVID-19, they are encouraged to stay home. If an employee (or a member of their household) has a suspected or confirmed pandemic or COVID-19 related infection, s/he is required to follow the isolation and quarantine requirements as established by the Washington State Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control. 3 of 8 Therefore, employees are required to wear facemasks while entering any common workspace areas or in locations that others are in or are potentially within six feet distance. For example, a mask should be worn when using the restroom, walking in hallways, or when going to the copy machine. Gloves and eye protection, specific to the task being performed, will also be provided if necessary, please inform Human Resources. Nitrile/vinyl gloves may be used by employees who are performing tasks which do not typically require gloves. However, nitrile/vinyl gloves are one-time use only and should be discarded after each use. All other gloves will be cleaned and sanitized between uses. To prevent potential latex exposures, including anaphylaxis, to those with latex allergies, latex gloves are not permitted on any Mason County facility. Employees are required to adhere to all other PPE policies ou �a in Mason County Safety Policy T,zand Accident Prevention Program. As an addition to that olJ the Pandemic Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Policy includes social distancing a a safety prevention measure. Social � � .\ distancing of at least six (6) feet of separation between employees must be maintained at all times. Only infrequent passing within six feet is allowed bye pe es who are not wearing respiratory protection. Gatherings of any size'must be managed by`stAgering work schedules : :X and taking breaks/lunch in shifts. Any time two or more persons must meet; ensure a minimum of six (6)feet of separation. must orted between employees b mechanical means or Materials or other work items u e t anspy by using staging points. If a staging pornN uses,employees may go to that central point (one at a time)to drop off or pick up items that yp�icalF 1K an er between employees. Employees may also have "mailboxes,"or"bins," at the periphery ofitheir w�space where materials may be left for them by other employees. However, at al t�echa ical`tr nsper, staging points and peripheral drop off bins, provisions must be made to cl�K60j cts handled when the items are transferred. Identify all,,,choke points' and 'high-risk areas'in the office or in our facilities (areas where employees.natu`raNy bngregate), they must been labeled as such. To control these areas and minim lose inter coon we are implementing an occupancy restriction of one (1) person at a time T j , ask that you wipe down surfaces after use, avoid touching door handles and wash or sanitize your, ands before exiting these designated areas. Occupied workstatio ,s will be separated by at least six (6) feet or will have physical barriers between them. i k or equipment must be minimized. If possible, we ask Interactions when p c g u. gp , that employees and delivery personnel maintain at least six (6)feet of separation at all times. Employee meetings will be limited to ten (10) employees and six (6) feet of spacing must be maintained by employees at all time. 5 of 8 6. INCIDENT REPORTING Employees are required to seek medical attention and inform Human Resources if they or a member of their household has a suspected or confirmed pandemic related illnesses or COVID- 19 infection. 7. ATTENDANCE All employees will be given a contact tracing log, which they are required to complete daily. Contact tracing logs will remain at the facility. Employees are required to sign in/out and confirm they have sanitized their work area, were given the proper PPE, and washed their hands upon arrival. To the extent practical, only one visitor will be allowed on each facility at a time. Visitors include family members, clients, vendors, friends, delivery personnel, etc. All visitors are required to participate in symptom screening procedures andRcheck in/out using the visitor logs located at each point of entry. Employees who do not believe it is safe to work" ay remove themselves from the office and immediately notify management. If an employe' no t_e�I comfortable working, they will not be terminated or retaliated against for their decsion t6 stay home and stay healthy. They will however be required to take appropriate leave. Paid Administrative Leave pay will not be authorized for any such leave, unless approved for all employees by the Board of County Commissioners. Mason County does o�fferselect administrative employees the option to work remotely;however, this option may be revoked at anytrnl a at the discretion of management. All employees working remotely are expected to Be loggerv61n, actively performing job tasks and answering phone calls during their regular work scheduler Wrking remotely is a privilege and we trust employees will treat it a. a Fi°—Masan ounty,d es not ffer��eworking to all employees. In the ev`` an employee opts not to vuork and working remotely is not an option, information will be provided to him/her regarding expanded family and medical leave requirements included in the Families4F rst Coro navirus"Response Act (FFCRA). Employees will also be allowed to use any available fo m of3accrued pal leave, including vacation time and Washington State Sick Pay. 8. POST-EXPOSUREJRECOV,ERY PLAN DOSH defines a, "potent►alAxposure," as, "having close contact or being within 6 feet of individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection, for more than fifteen minutes. The timeframe for having contact with an individual includes the period of time of 48 hours before the individual became symptomatic." Generally, workers who have been exposed will be asked to self-quarantine; however, the CDC updated guidance allowing Mason County employees to return to work to ensure continuity of operations of essential functions. In order to safely return, however, the potentially exposed employee must pass the entry point health screening, wear a mask at all times, practice social distancing and clean/disinfect workspaces regularly for a period of fourteen (14) days following the potential exposure. 7 of 8 RCW 29A.76.010: Counties, municipal corporations, and special purpose districts. Page 1 of 2 RCW 29A.76.010 Counties, municipal corporations, and special purpose districts. (1) It is the responsibility of each county, municipal corporation, and special purpose district with a governing body comprised of internal director, council, or commissioner districts not based on statutorily required land ownership criteria to periodically redistrict its governmental unit, based on population information from the most recent federal decennial census. (2) Within forty-five days after receipt of federal decennial census information applicable to a specific local area, the commission established in RCW 44.05.030 shall forward the census information to each municipal corporation, county, and district charged with redistricting under this section. (3) Except as otherwise provided in chapter 301, Laws of 2018, no later than eight months after its receipt of federal decennial census data, the governing body of the municipal corporation, county, or district shall prepare a plan for redistricting its internal or director districts. (4) The plan shall be consistent with the following criteria: (a) Each internal director, council, or commissioner district shall be as nearly equal in population as possible to each and every other such district comprising the municipal corporation, county, or special purpose district. (b) Each district shall be as compact as possible. (c) Each district shall consist of geographically contiguous area. (d) Population data may not be used for purposes of favoring or disfavoring any racial group or political party. (e) To the extent feasible and if not inconsistent with the basic enabling legislation for the municipal corporation, county, or district, the district boundaries shall coincide with existing recognized natural boundaries and shall, to the extent possible, preserve existing communities of related and mutual interest. (5) During the adoption of its plan, the municipal corporation, county, or district shall ensure that full and reasonable public notice of its actions is provided. Before adopting the plan, the municipal corporation, county, or district must: (a) Publish the draft plan and hold a meeting, including notice and comment, within ten days of publishing the draft plan and at least one week before adopting the plan; and (b)Amend the draft as necessary after receiving public comments and resubmit any amended draft plan for additional written public comment at least one week before adopting the plan. (6)(a)Any registered voter residing in an area affected by the redistricting plan may request review of the adopted local plan by the superior court of the county in which he or she resides, within fifteen days of the plan's adoption. Any request for review must specify the reason or reasons alleged why the local plan is not consistent with the applicable redistricting criteria. The municipal corporation, county, or district may be joined as respondent. The superior court shall thereupon review the challenged plan for compliance with the applicable redistricting criteria set out in subsection (4) of this section. (b) if the superior court finds the plan to be consistent with the requirements of this section, the plan shall take effect immediately. https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=29A.76.010 7/16/2020 PORT OF GRAPEVIEW PUBLIC COMMENT July 14, 2020 MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Request for letter of support Intro: Bob Pastore; Stretch Island, Grapeview resident/50 years. Port of Grapeview volunteer/facilitator/no authority which rests with the commissioners. Member of the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (two members from each District) which makes recommendations as tasked by the Commissioners due to RCW 42 disallowing Commissioners from meeting unless in an open session. Grant History: Our annual budget is 26 thousand dollars a year. We have been successful in grant awards from the Washington Recreation &Conservation office to the tune of a little north of two million dollars over the last six years to build recreational infrastructure. Our success lessens the financial burden on Mason County and Mason County Parks and Trails'budget. RCO Grant 14-1866 went towards rebuilding our disintegrating boat ramp built in the early 60's and adding a new boarding float. That was completed in 2017. RCO Grant 16-2774 allowed us to acquire property adjacent to the boat ramp to build auto/trailer turnaround, adding an ADA compliant restroom, mitigating creosote pilings on the beach and adding an ADA trail from the turnaround parking lot to the beach. That was completed in 2018. RCO Grant 18-2420 funded the building of the turnaround which is currently in process as we speak. If you visit the site today, you'll see them in action. Washington Public Ports Association: Is our lobbying group. They represent the Ports from the large, like the Port of Seattle,Tacoma and Olympia to the smallest—the Port of Grapeview. Last month they gave us the 2020 award for Creative Partnership. Here's what they said in their statement: "[We]are pleased to be reaching out to you today to let you know the Port of Grapeview was selected to receive our 2020 "Creative Partnership"Award. WPPA was impressed with your... ability to leverage your relationships and networks to form a truly creative partnership that helped advance the Port of Grapeview's mission and benefit the community at large." We're very proud of that, most especially since most of the work is accomplished by volunteers. Not too bad for the smallest port up against the likes of the Port of Seattle. My Appearance today is to inform you of another grant in process with the RCO. We wish to acquire another adjacent property to allow for public access to the water, remove a concrete armored bulkhead and re-grade the property for non- motorized boaters—that is kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, etc. One of the evaluator grading elements is"Community Support." We are expecting the Grapeview Community Association, Washington Water Trails Association, Washington Kayak Club and others to advance letters of support. Now we are asking you: Both the Mason County Comprehensive Plan and the Mason County Parks and Trails Department Comp Plan, after many public meetings, revealed that access to the water was the #1 priority. If I may be a bit bold, if you agree to our request, we ask that your missive contains the following facts: Suggested language: MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Daniel Goodell, Superior Court Judge Robert Sauerlender, Court Commissioner Renee Cullop, Program Manager DEPARTMENT: Therapeutic Courts EXT: 296 BRIEFING DATE: July 20, 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: (If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information ITEM: 1) Approval of First Addendum to C]TA Strategic Plan 2) Presentation of Annual OTA Contract for Signature EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): 1) Mason County received an additional supplement CJTA funding for the 2020- 2021 contract year in the amount of$42,750. Attached is the First Addendum to the strategic plan which has been approved by the Mason County CJTA Panel for an expansion of services using the additional funds. 2) Annual Contract for Washington State Health Care Authority and Mason County's CJTA Funded Treatment and Recovery Support Services Amendment Needs approval and signature of County Commissioner BUDGET IMPACTS: Additional $42,750 revenue and expenses RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: 1) Approve and sign the First Addendum to Strategic Plan 2) Approve and sign the 2020-2021 Annual Contract ATTACHMENTS: First Addendum to CJTA Strategic Plan 2020-2021 CJTA Contract Briefmg Summary 7/15/2020 f Jgl:�'�'J Cdd �rj. t .'4 Q M:LF(b1 611.C7d Jl M rwa '[ u �I ed �6jwl Ix , PaIAOAf,10 s,4nq s pjI Oul:1!L.lua :siyx j dx EUJOppdII 04 up srs �QZ°M m P1,0e0 IV � 04-0 3Hl:;a�t1t}iV. � u 1 to lu Walt PUL.O?J1�tcr� u rx : a dri a : urrsr�� 11. a u� tt�a. JAIar M& APO IAI POO 'b'wLt` <� }.1 1i�+ 01u� dl. � a r r ' �1S S . 1 . �A CEO: INOO IiWitiW SOP' �.03 1papun . ;10uf c crr� pe,61 f, rrns anH i#f rr�� C r pe s 12 f Caa� f [ "a � u1 : hyenible •Ta#la, r etiuer'abl€ 1,YP,D� . Al a paeiel r si nejd try Cgogty: IsJanr Atstti�rttr 61 iat fPjtes.` f' wv#Il °G 'q u�aPP ft7oOtal: H11 ba 6H�ritl ��aeterJJT4 fvtxiae and cater3dor-daf ,74 } penctire fe , t�f`.; kate Fiscail:���rt�t" hHx�#tort##rl '-an�i!€�r:c� rtt �ly 4 �andr�afr�d y e rig te r €rn rrt f ep ; Qf. Late Fs 10' „ ie�gh>SecHst off Tr nsr l^tcl dear11cfa#.�Vl�asroaHJm` v!npeaa ori et ,: pecaale�ms' Ht� Ivcr�d�tfHsr 'CrrtpHtsH4Hta _ - r aHndd.ta re1:a : f lfOW4 lie mfitrac or l fr f#q IHtr jt Adrraf*t ora is tc� r; as i# w l fi � �a�the`C rrE ari t t u r� trs on Adrnir��slratlon c����+rrf1 MOO �d b fi r b nd taased r q rrhdfdh.rep rti Asp the fO e, d lax nt r r r p a d v[ewo l bye h f-f A Beta;�vaoial.:Fle�th A�I+�iiH�[�#ratlaraa . . . Pe,rt' :,, - f 1d t tf 'rtf 13 Caibfe ;,-TO Mfby+ hb,date Ht'dic `Htl, 3;5. f op t+ d yr xp rHs r fait rtf r�rt�rrn r��Un8er th C061ract�`Cr?c�d ra b to , HI 1#er t fr ±� 1, fad art ,'tnr als, rid rn �fen ls® #I(:t�ot b 't I 'b" ttit��rtpr. ... �attr f Fun hp�,becr MaMhji6r'n:`-r� H a#is Ht pe bC! rand r I a�fr In I fContceck € 101, Page 3"�f 24 -- _ #: Ca ra expiraf� n. of the Cantract, k�y�cl �M `�,a ate nt for b is �a a Payable �an�Ier '. ♦ orate as# a cnourre prior i s"the 6 f�tio dater u ;f � uiin; . contract r to I A�rrat�i axtyr �� ca t a dar�i�y after tti Gdr%tr t c ii titan, late: ts:ti dr r.: o ca ligation 1I pay;any 616iins�t6 t"ere bm d . s 3yr orae: or_rta�aa c l ndo days,af r�I�a��ratract�upirabon date{�beW� :. iaiirras" fy mil!Pa .Biatad,` Ilairras at�t�':salEl lcaa ,.end aaarsG�.pantj�l pyrat is �ntigera upon f � �tlifiifyof r�ds: ora" pecJ l' awns ar<d t;oradlti ohs,3A C.sntractor and 1CA Cntrdtamended tb read oManAggrs, "H Ob ntract M,arii4iijsa nsib le far%monatorling the Contractors�;perfdrnnance:ar d will be the 6nta i n for dii co nrhu I at¢oria r a ing contra t perfar n Fa tf iiiral�f Abe HC cctrTr� grs tl�atatfaefy{scat;or.ajd"ttia awi s pr + iddd and��st"�tag�rove ontraa#ar's f e antic and; p�t��it�aa���p�r'it S bra r to ul c vent a t tit . ` :font 3,.80e�ial Tee ittdns,IS Contractor and HCA.�oelta act,f�ana arsr� f8 ,4 na ct f anapor tia : p of d " rfnilatai,Jugti "�� avlorat t-J affh tda i trat4r.' Sect'. 3, p�ci i T art ,and` 6atd1t o,* �7]ncorpera6on-,,of ,64d,Oro4r,(it Precedence;is-alm,onded to rears as#b`jro- v6.-. 3.7 inc rpoa�ttc n of i c�cum"tts and Order,of P,eceden : 'a a ofth i documents listed belovr is.by this ref �r eor�a�t��f fat#o titts.Ccrafaaet; In . tha e4 nt"6 t'pn i"9,90 i t rally,#h. qjncon$j tency.Suf i l sr lit d.tta tha follcry iti :card r df pre oe 74 A00e t to oct$ ii an:State df Washington"statutes and regulatiaa?sg 3,1: ri#alb; 7; Specaaf Yearns and Condition f: General Terms'artd Conoitiorla;. 317.5 andoraCdefafity a7 Att hm-o f "t 0 tfa,i"tif rmadon;Secur RetiOirani nts;: : ch cii t A` taterr�or�t:of:IM-o rk ' . 1 Attacthment 2e Quarterly Progpa ss Reipdrt Ter plate '17-�V Aftachmqnt,3-Qua, 'R6v6r1' ' d Exp'Miturn;l p t#': ' atlpfata:a.: t . any ralhcr pr isic ra, t rrto"vr a r t r�+rpor t+ed to raga . y{ref a n of.atf r+ i; incorporated,, H�A Cantrad Na P f;24 braa�R # n :as t .st� drtra # p r4 t r v r th:::IblFafi ; a : rt r f�:HG t �° nit: r@ h.rr t e,.pe orm r of try #s� pit s tl�rt 'iarn �rRd t�c�rllt'i�r5 , 3 Uhaartfrar� st� �etFr� 3 field in 9,.; r t trrOtyr Il rer nlr arb � r'sar ; UUbs, �er�tly,r r ar d Fnt tt�l Tel ren etldn 4,. rrert`f ents a,erar� Fahsi. rrn`rnir�, '� rrra�nr�fir 1. ' ekrrarr Jb-e:J �rt !6 the,evert H A determines Athatz Contra Car lit �rF d: a ri�t� t it rrr s arid' c rtron r�[h c r°�t a t. HGA tr y rr �tttrr s t pe�id ar Ina t thisCon trectGA �wEfFrrtrttr in 4'1rtfiFr,g tth need t fe die eEF Ife at3 ti E + t n curt l the ti eti�me, a rtrmad' `11 tie 0 t d tl p, ar ather t me po,ri i". red t ;lrr' n byeatl `parrres,.�hdr�fifact.rOr :.terrra .} t1A rertes:th t to n e d f alI�r af;th� r t at, witht0d fOTthef p4y'rnenf pr na4rt . . . . Contrac dr firm inc�[rr�r� �� �bif��tior�� '�����dupnq Fpyp� ptiqh oil d'c errptiarrc k�r ch and pendihi 6 rr a t a F aro by rr# a ar or, t06 den�r� tt� ra ;. fn tie oet,t a t Pub inpt an for: efaul,# Ar tr star. rai b :l fiat f a ng s uored:I }� atr ialtad�n ,but r, #lrti�ted tx�e dFffer Eitreen rltr� f:. ar tract d thPyetatli ibentb 6dvt~. iC6ntraat tid 'IJ=adrnrnrstre�l�� rreaff . r F ted t he roofeae , 6nt.Ct retract AV., �qSfi OF q iddlr�g,,:r �tarfl {r cfi; te1�ci �. Bf Ft,is rt t rr rn fi that c rtlr Ct r {I vt s rt: t ar5 d fie ft�,ar fin) its ritrr t0 pe,Orm as, 0 u t Fde df britral, i rlt ar r tIg01110 t I erM atiar WFI de me d:a'"Termin tidr7; fi r:b pVenjgrt « . chine�s1, Statrrient=0 ' lc , rpettF �e % r atrfachc le #c err . rrt�r,`and rrhr� h 1 ;:rs ad d, attached;-k*retq arrdJn r crated: tkeeEt 6;:4ftachent A, rf �rrall�strae #rraant, t� tt� rep cstatImr�t ad rs:: #€ fr# k�eret aid"f`rcra# d tarelra tarat Prc� rtl�ttic=Tr+ atrnerrRp 0.1,34 atctreda� aspat 1.s�at� t. anci�ni~ rpird ttrerio: .Thy . "rnO�� Mont'Mill k ffecfiva uly_,'t,20���"�fit��tl .Date:} 29." fl t p tall ed.terms t'b1fi rw,We dairi ed h n Faave °:rne r 3r g asOr ped, >Fr f "the t tFi . nta. t l!c(th terms,and:condltF6n�6 ti���g�tr�at��enl�ir�.urrc�a � �f`:�r�d rri=��rlJ f�►��e:.erd 4f ct, H A-` ntradN JQ964 i1, fi ge:74f2 C ¢tiCr ta3r l!pra i ra th vJc s "slp 60 �thr 1 : Deficr tJ [t ��4tttea'raa ri defy Ac{dEctf ra�P►aud3 Fna J J �n'64n !h i C r(tarin�iCt j fi f e In F, i . tratrrtzrtF � raC fifrt lost f7 tta�ir�rwtuaC'-- aids array p�a;rurP a carrrtn ftrc� cat`h�trt�c; blop5yctaAC� aJ:�a. ir#, rtd tre ,trrrents' drdCtra}rr trerrit;,:J�!kS,c�ICtJf� tiF1t# J ifi e : tvrces„� hra;ll"'aisa a d ssOs tha Carttr l=i Ores refie t;in r ay; 'pasta>�uT�irragr���nJt"cfr"G�s�1Vlarfioago*+,_$* vi I 1 0 r�ri ns s�i:E,- brsc i r cc�lci srrJCaktPs='�rarrr�o�eatrdne de ddr�fF�rJa���d t�rra sf aa1�,rrstd�greistt:haJe,r 7rd s;rq�rsf�rlt tetit t ffins ae I drtir=a�s x�fif!t►drr etceh rty iP�pS€koa r a � ikh S��r��ria it+rfm d're pa`��sriaaaountr l��a l'lu�a�s lD€a�Ps s� �se3�dshiVq QPartr 6n �Fi Cas$t sUiirr�c r eCt:ir�arar€r,aa r d�lmain ats �gtiad�airtra iaCrrl a ip : in trtrirrt `ragas tf3 ry i craft f carr nv ou%, fair ci r�rrl or acute trredar l�n�i 1r , la�i n p iii ctdrontc�ra�abrtaq care startd br been,au 07-k to st'� rtaslh&inratua(triCrv�s bei we' rt;frt ;t hrrti ,tarlity Qayr4€fir£ Itlt praeCdarrs or s�rurce ark , rnr7agedd "carderractt7 aFtItc�rrd fee=faa srfric aids rie atri >~rnrdhtanr�arfarcars afa rrnnar:4raf ky. rr ,tencryr�arttir� ,.:tItf�.ctnCca�ki ���r rig=hvs }i�i� ;aidrrtaFan�# rr+ il iJ� t ; rec-ove, t zue► 1VE�aa #�"tre�rrs rt J�rritl3crae�s rF�ut'ttmat, t� tls�C�rar-Oliar; as,sJ1 rrtne 1ctcld tCeape€�tir�rts u�?C# faQ h trr ara JcF�d Pstirrr J�Jaariey, �CJtat�r Syr this ed t " t1 JeFaTr hC,rl,�t srJ �l trkq�;pntl l,agal f jnct. 3c .th r�p� rtC " irrr C .i }., ��rrr@et��:,ttast3te�t'��rtrr�entld�cdua��� .�'A}°rf���ns tt�+��cac�rait�'��ji b��F��+`�sJti€igt�trf�k�a .: LegrsJt�r tea#may bexn€ted sal lyr fasrtrCtararsordtr�ts�€f trekrcnt rsri �tlrt, srvic for C�tdiivais 9vith aLtanc diort3el tiles tt not ttd . UI1 result rrt, sJdretiarti� garist Whom c 3 +'Je�la., � � i�U . tt �raey"ln: hlrs toi� adi.TA,P6 ra mie n tk:e car:'lli t fs d k ed serrlls t�. rtsrrrt, cal, t thrr ccun hr_rrrt�rt sa�r�+ s or'.�h��+ta�rai},r�6ttYa i��'Pr�secCrttrr�cuuraiy siler�l�. county su�e�iar r a s�aE�rrtur�c�rx��dl'sorcJ$r� 090� rrr�nC Prtn,�des app r rt r b�+;th c n Ja st tr r atridia h�. rr r Eger.of ddMinaFd le bar appernt "h cuuaatygasfaJtur3 ar�tf�qF7T afd,iuratls e�itJ "r3maurt� epresanttl . ": err �I� 1 24.£J� 9� �ha Ian shlii bpraawetl Cad tieos�rtt �isCtl� atrarrrtr arrrrtkis end; -5pbrn tied to thr� trel st lr f~ieaf In �Q f ttris kCar ,'fcae i prasrtfr r c#; E tI1e t Fled rQaiCci ' [7F�1 the C�iT�4.utilfh=ra th���curity. ` uitr�r lG : rrd brag[rr t ii pry i rui + { iLp, �°rt r r � thd. Mari l Ean sds rer health an Cae�CtJr���:C�t�rr�esri Car�+�ne.�;J���CttC-��uck y 3rrtprcm� , � alr.a�laCy,sracf;i�l+ra�Er��Ee he;�lt a�rsp�frkr b�+ ` est�6€i�hirtg a:biu'�pr�a�f�?r Cra�ttt �rrat heatk}�"�a�r�tit��rra��tit�rra= "�9ErC�rcaraf� h �itoralfth�nd lRcav�n}�arr°iliR"mans tyre!ialtta, ,. [rttiiiky s Jwistcj .c� Be via J hI I Ci:�raci Recc ry and ij erpptgyaas P60 auftwlzPq*i* His CCM2 Psi It 1$ Qf Z4 .means ►i a 'that-aria t[Cal tb'a Parti.iPSnt's eJ carrtpl6#l6n f 1 br,"r substance., iasQ dt afzir�c"tl tr e r P rr��r�rrrFi t but r1�t Ff n3tad tdAhe. o upps�aF ancf:csth r pr i m rt tl 6101ndnts,outlined in',CF+epie.r 246w 'i �l�i " antpport"; ears.servat s S�i r F nwoftstioq"to fMtrr r€at e lnpa#iettt r crttt e€iertt tr�tiriet t. ser ae .trhefi na v iabl altefnawe SIs 'bnd.chII.d 6*a�ervi 'thbtaim,rt-, tv.en r a �aarlic���i�t's ebitty,tt�ait~eri�,ouFptien�tre�trrtent: 'i�� Valhi 6tr tri State 9atF".cr"JgiF° een a ci esh7rlr.. ► .c unty.,reglo al, Ur,trib F jailo Per4t,ingrn ttr sttote ofi; 2, Puri r traplcrr Dili Prc�rrde> atMent and,recnver+'support,$4t►ir�$? nded y nrsi[rial.le tic 1 Tatra*rt cc4�rnt f�tndsr.Cp int#i�rid Is in of er!in the drlrttlr�6l'Justibe 9�Stems ,.. CTJ#AC'CoOk rvle eci is E.11giblifty On4Ir nd9rtg.Re q i n e e:: Ifr aC ord face ti�rth t +CV+l. S.��, 8(] 'i✓vratr*iCtor VA respon's pie fc,a tNal�nerrt and recovery supscrt a for criminally involved i6d,!riduaia, $tatutory Funding G01,0e16 1. in aecaa'dande watf�I b'U' C►t7448 arnt�es thai:use CJTA arwWor Stag l�rtfg�d�rt�r h��tv support . r rcie sec�?ts t Therpeue. Qsa�f F' rriirticFpn ra�fat rah;;an s' oller-fir-doller i as*an,equal Otllftntuf 1=1 funding tnoti'it d'sh cr ib-klnd fe urees:MQreys ap _prooftted. uridea thls arc i r ra b y be tier�p�dc.cc�urq�; St - plt - Ct fd pren ,R, t nt f ocall funds for, .. 2_. care tlrera ten pQ c itt i ? o,the tptal CAA fin ds T.p y.4p.,iasO fdr ttie:tollctvirfg support: rv[ces,combined, i. Twsortv$lon;.'and rj., Child,Cate S t r as,, .. t�te. r hurt:, i to addiart tc ata fur7d"crag under tFte fi,tTAa, +renal iorntie recai+e addltibnrt Mete Puffin ,apecifs lIy for DIUg tvrGs.Mete oru cor�rt,fI nd i;3 pcoaidgd to'the fi llovv'6g;C*Unties: l lle ,Cowitz,Xing,Xitsap;Plgr ;.8lt 91t,_80clsar $I rhd'Thu� rt. T�e'r�unta�s.tt at r Wltte, tate Drug Uuf t fundirig rrsust censure fhe Frisian of libstance.arse disOiddr Fr a tare . .ancl suP rt serarsc .de-M iced.in this Cantract;and in accc rdance�Vrth F 71;24,5eaad 11CW1. 6.030' �UPP:Gm4fftal Apprdprratioihs.,idr tat-e.rikaI Year 202-1 i; I rr grossed tubstitute agate Bill e 108.1 Section 21Z§7 pr 4aded.d;r�e,tirrie SUP r d i ntal ;t'ur!ding under:the C,f'f 8 =45 . Page"4 F f, # g, ease t anagemeq, a t D t�> rr"n re,Inpetf t, id gligTre4tMent €eve, i:: l.arig rt a. ,r esid ndial Tr e t(4S .. "FC3U5ee17` trtt 'iA � J s ment: irucla� tt t r rum le- r�" ii Community Outreach, Iu art'mer�t:1'��� g ti rrrs,and ar t . M "ROOM W d Ord� estdenl ai T�'�a rt `Oh ') :pl Tr tap atts r= r hi �e�e��rafils. tlrio� s1 ; ,job,. preet�ra :. FatrgWmamrle'e d l tr#rrr r peef -,mentoring an. coachi a.. ��lf�� ;e "s �ri��tat,refigEs;�up.pb grv�.p A !-1€, ingsup rt�seivi s". n Dui I&;dbpo 7. Life dell" dtldn TcCuig, 1Q sure}" .and. t t t nce 1rt ism er ftep##err#16 01;jail '-j--,A,fbhdg v. of suoplant.:a "currentl.r fuun d:progFams that iaU t r e�cist6d lit .jell an rorirsr ept.,; rden r 5 rlc `$ar t f pees who are.pre$trJbed_arty®f the Fed era1 Drug'Adrttjnf a+prct nd med- at.,na to#rat all:substance.use..d"rsarder�. .. 1`fr G atrar,$r may not subcontract with:a T her2peufi,c 0,ourt P.rogrem t at is krt0Vtrt trr pe' :polt s.. pct C ur rn Nace that-M811 ate ti on of Ong pee brti�e 'Fl��a�pt����.tea"��e� bt�s to treat, rry subs tanc u;e` I orxler; ot7dit.Ibn-b perficlpants heijn atirriit l trtt tt a pro.9ram, ttintrirag l the pragra , s r radt Ong iC to the progra. m.w th1he uiud rs ndlh5 that c sio�a ortcerning m di � an adtu tree'are Made s��ely bQ den tit"a-.taarticip rrt and tf�cir�iro�cribfr� c. pr. 4. Ctrntractor'm tst;aitytl the if a# f tier Ih t A`CJ`A funded Thera Litic:�ar ram�s .. p aaptfcfng anf af_the fnt►ruMho" t RequJrin rscttrttmttatic�t,tii atiorM, oal r irtan a$:th it arJicat�on:: egarna ;pre tt i t`actor in-a rnittahr rnt a T rapermtfr`p�o�art"pnq rogr m Requrr[no pcirtICIO�ts:alfeady in the art ra n�iscontim f►li4 ter i rird rto he In rarnplaatl oe- ;vmi#h,prarri ruaretts i R r�i I— drscontinia pnR titraitcn;.c :0tteraticn O t it l4i OUD ci rca#ice r aip t .a h ces rripon rtt,`bf a ii g"@ ragratrequire vents forgraduaoor r n a T drag ra ot�rt pr grant. AJI cfi�crsions r6 -rd.ir7g arR Ihd iduai's r ena#tlit}t anti appr prla.t ness'for Jtr'UD will be rnagi.,` the rrtrli+idU0.Ifh n ri wrfFi ttrOOicaf ptra Ossipr�all, .CjTA h a, crttracfcr,r rust ct cr lvl t i# t( e:[t?cat J1 A Panel far tht3 cotarrty cr`r rtan in order lto'faciliate=tt�e planriirtg prpcessvAth camrn tnft ;end +? anrn rtt l putt rers t�escrib in 1�C;W r 1 24 580(6) QountI, Eck fun,dtng rloCt ire establish by the locel' ;tTA..piriel,The ahz sh[>d dat rl th cr tnatit rr wiShtn ties et rty,le C�ga,#J�e taee# erwic es to tote catrtcttta t tY, an d reach 0116 intand'�.pcaputatipri far the CJTXkf1d,arty JTP�fund e�'arts vnust be,IhcI' e in tbe`dJTt'F?ta t; irtclt�dit7 i ie'ft lit scin , . specific eie"tints:. 1 a .4 lie in 0641 iJ hog - ubst t ce u isord tima:tmerit and support serweas 04ll .diA ered' Within the region 2 Per�ecEicrn 3 ba f thr tatem entofWdrk address fihe. ,xT t,, cour t Match► {! egt�lreh tint ff ft nt)s J ads treatm i cr re traren at aRor e i .tp thivrapetatic c,ft a t pant b.. . . rplu e $et iaE prOJcts such as best precficslie & rirtt stress€ltlgfiartt �±t deeserre po�t�lati.n >ttr tagiioti 1. ncleatr--ors cdtr In tf�e. 11 x+ r g:,, . 1, besofibe the.profect arid:how R staid be 0on's 5tent Ith site 11. Describ6hdiv,the prOJect,a+�ll€n ance*tmsht sei^� ;$cr""'irt41VIdtiaak in.ate ctimanaijusti . k 14 c ntr t J a E -Dt ' of 24 21 Tfae i ntractar will be re taan lble fbr st bM,.lttrn9 the»&,E' a qr iertooy, pia,-The.HCAm l ravid the ant ctor s l fet°iplet ford that-oa ktrr s tFtie s a;e cFent@ituree"1br tha(quarter.The, rrtrictai , ik Will use th 0,12mel-sixeadthee't prt�W by H A ilz. VWI1 apart the a noun i of TA e�tpertdrtt�res in' t rerr oritr actor.fa r each-St to sa l qu6rkr st te --`rscaf ClUarters tn&ory m4rrtr 34"June 30, pte -r ; and, ecember 31)r air , arnplet the,t#o;uMeft in fts'_i r is ;ty.-: rid f ubrrri ft Irttemaltyry re4le artd OD p[qt#—t rt ti ithirr 5.ieys sxf tha of ct1 Thy PontractGr is respaa��ial�f�r:��a�t�6#taen�the�Tf�gat .�Us�fbr.tt��r�ugh��ecure !o"�rar�Sf�a`. S } The HCoo Dili provide Qbe Gb13tract€►r ninth ark excel W&P'i ' temp li611 4--.11'1,e a 1dr�etYf ds�lr4r �f1lC prt�grrramatt d6ta that sUpp4rts tlier9t[e€ Ir►: pratiecE b3`"ttr : tote p ipropriatlart , ir%;addit ar,ttals rocesa will,Include.the'liatlax, 1, T11e robtrootor ME eRsiure that their subcon>raotdr fat t rnp te.,6H dale bl menu r0gu�tod in tie 1�TR . l►, Th Contractor may Alt the aubbontreetar to da bil.data eptry►but ttt�P Cl�r���t k� brrtitte into the)3eir r%�rsi-1 e�@tfa Qate yst rr�( C3Sp b+tf a cntra ri'hraugh 0fe stela sh 'd are ale Team�for p c eedure wftbin 4�mays,- M6i one Ofeach'at6te'Fl ei Quarter. .may mgarest an—extension of thr�requirement dttri'rag fhre first GQntrapt' term_IF s b n i ci MUS can orm tb,thb tail V�!tn rlat late con r Ctrata; l crar�t Name> iif: The Contraatb�wfj rovr6 r for c 1 6 f?TR tilafi thoy reca ve.from, the subccahtractor, 'tv. The`;6aie .ctbr vi ll tivork With ttierr s ► Sodntrac16rs to-ensure th6t any opplicablb Ret se,Gf Ififorrrratfe �ft�t .farms Ore Update tb:a6e6unt fOr th, star rah cif F?�arse na:l fyeat -Informattort (PHY)'With the HCA.. J✓! t ra �r1 ffJ f1bunlao.,o i ttt i�fccfrti¢� may raot JpifJ1C p �teat fr�rr�dtdJour p tay;J errd'is far rffiak '; ftt free[�tf artrra rs�t[5 g ter I p Qt reifie s 10 tho" J Terri ❑C; to r a�rf Je tl4ln t�eJ Ccn d t�tral mt rtka�rrar�:is rr>iF rraatEan::'tl� it sPe r afl rr`it Eed'f qm. djs, r+�:tayr r,Ji,�ayr t ltt e:t ut C ,: rt IC fis€Jlb or��ti�� s f 7F P rd rsr r�r g err@pf t ee"p 00ript f o[ds� . . .. Ilk: kfarrrrtC rarctic�:IT ar5$rastrttatrar��nd: et �#aa79terr�d teldrrtartnr�ars# t ; Con derttra�lrl5arre, �rrlrt Jf Heil rmatiaWAh is:s e�dati k yfated f€ tiscfsuen for; rhiaha *. peei Ci�r stri .i7 ndlel�r ret��l'Irm t to a . iictat tle strc b r, t tortes;:r t i�#iar3 ; sr: greraFist ;;- rlartsens aauld` rJ 'frcrr�.ur re ia�# id�ieffi�ca sty tJits t�i: J and`'. :.. 1$t�i:or.J.�gat hctrar�s�; °Cvnstr3lrfsrt,lte 4:€ TJ i beta L e�lr1 tt r l �sSea is M.Ined and,bdlo gbfo+,fC.A,, :? kais fttr�ct d rraC G9rastt "#a r 1.��sa of the t)at4 fur hb Ca'ntraator's.d► cre 09e7k C irtract rrttust use-tfte.Date raaar yr�cc �s�ed�f fh �rrrc tgaf r+��rt�rJf�tst b�ro,tf�tr�Pctt€rrrl�r tgo fl t ,, a , , . p c�rcy�trt t1�����pQs tl rs Coir,r J s no . POn,ktetl rtf � :t-1 . 'S,pr:(or mt!�: . nsen ,3. J a JC 6ed a �sk Bred tinder,thi§:Coratrgrrtins1udEt, e, 42 C RR.Part:2 kro. acct3r § ,#hl ,-het fi Jaer1,�i�sele�i fia teQfrJrtcteciedert entriltiy ruts t42 C 1= aet ,TJt�federal rvtse{isbrt err .arty fr�am rrirrrg a lly Bas her dC lest�rc of t [ at 1ft tide tJti s•� atJ�l t i s h l69 J a er g J a bs r7aa ra ` d r ererthef c rr` ct3y, f8 'IV t 110 prrJ I C� a� it k�i it fcrrria at art h veri> rti+a f c� h td ttttfaetttar$by rtottt r rsran t4less fsrfthe�dFsaJos ara Js x fsss#y perm tt d +:#he tiardEttert�aditselt. cxPtE a f� lvtdera�+ Erase rr5t9r1r2e on. des lc� ed:oa a t ther�rri p ftte�! C FFI a'rt . t : `eraeral authari trQt�1 rth re.ease.of rrteclJcat ar afher I i r do J T s t i iert#fir this p v 1) Tfle.fede ,6164 hvest ' refte+ +t �rtientwt&t����t�st�►�� ese� l�ar¢��r,;`�x��pt�es:p���,�ift �C�# : r"lR t 1 d14sr r `.bf'Cet ip tp fa tt ;Cafttra. I uneutJ-or ararj subl€ nalltk.ktd tttaffisd Cri t : :_61;. Data �r�tectaari HC Giaittt tV fC39.6 0 t'� f; etitrat�r avtllt3�ur tt cadsmptOY `ar Subcara�r�rrbr�flecs .tfe Coat 3agn the.. serAgr ®rraecta +lcrtt } ? ocnfrt,Pr�frrar + ltr, tttictrttra�lvr�rriil :retat�rflt sxgnee cp f the lJs r m ont t��►t t1.�'brt f?r�f �r�=Gt i pl peps p r chin l.�r1e r.;i r iiitmura� f "r bM h d et S ;e tip t ra u lae.av tIL' 0.tc FCC u drt r ut:3t I��tlea�Qr't�r aUftd,+Od':i f cs a 6f Dim t tti taros tl.1cludI'tg RCW 14' 34 6Q,prid R MM(JZ a end err Rules, Ff ' r#9£ and pwt 1 - rtfiiattuttk �l ca1ci } F' tierttds 4rt ark Sft�arinr��rrlr�r�cripfrtts �orre�r ties,+ G:rtPsrt Subpart f prOhibi unailt ; cue [if' J cl , ` i° t derCtr l taif r r tCt ri �a crttr�ietor Muit,corn �vath fl ap rI able fed�r d:,la�vs and r uC ttcr�t riP�rrarnctf >I«t ,usex��t dtsclaure Sri`:P€rsdrtat triftagiattpr�::and PIt IV tcirtfh�rte:la It t�! rtrti ?: PitC priti ar flt Qriavr � ts.fu�C wJcnsl>`ifl3y and 113xiitl}r;f�r a ? naiprrpltara tryf�[ts e 1d rfs bcnrrtr ct ss?.'ItCrtl� s I Sys ar�ci, r viof tlpe�s`p,f.tti�; ntr?c ; .. 7 Data Shart' tt��cbca�a efars;, lea csss t�bamt Eta a. r�b :ratrac 'u �1r1rs batt.;ttieitrectr arttrstrLlJf 1 he at catr ttt y t !ms- of dittans d req lr, mee s t.f rth i i-t is Cataract tit erry i ct7 ta6ii n} , h{�t�l=v��, 1��subctr ��+tll!ferr�'irnC�flee�Ctra�r's���a!r�spertsibllJty to E-€> ,ter nary�c�k pe3ft��r��d onset fits Crt n irr. irretstt It€�f a�y;frnc aa� a rsp �tslrlftr tfiCCe .ttny� $;I. 'Fe BaePh yr prtt�al:ctrrpPrar�tisaf Crat ,rsurkt be rpr�rtd to HCartc .Cer at pi- PM Ofiic r r �.va nou uwi itr busCrr+�s tf s drsct�+ Garr raid- 1,"iii.not," , Ctev�.f�raf t etatts,it stvral r� i �vdtafi t fr3rr a{C I i�as? to Orp,,10 dull 3W s'rvittrjn s rta .de Cisca ry �raIlia' a t:pr����.l�le, �+�ast.anclrJ�l �t �n�lcti�iertg, S'9 Thti C€1e�oCi�catio , eaef fit Ct tdua3 wl ow Pkil has b$s t r rr�a} p be pj rr3pr. p ri! 4coe s d a q �ir d," s der tl s4ldsed 1; i : csclar+�, tare[rring; briefscriptCr�pf., [�e de'50P#00 OfIN Pipe*I cf PHI Invalu � ,.fi: Thy Cr��ratn�b and rc?rdtl�pq` lr 'teark#rciarils a�t��cr ©c,tc� f� ?,+ I[:ta :t n p gent; i . bt Iarrful: C is n., PrdLact a Sibat:re'ur1j,",; any Cetarle r� cessaryf r� aetr�lr� _jja ion cf e pgte�ittaf hsrrr�tp Ir��MOtials tyhbsO PHj`5 eked tta faee .ijsr.; ispCsd` ttd.ttar step tCao 'fa iditi�il�t9s shtJ�d to pr�teet �Ft��sct�t� fl a�r«i� .. 8 y ate r Pnforrn tto H re soobbl re+quest& Attarhment'2-A:.Qttaftrtj prog s�WO��rzi�foe. , 1I MIN AL JUSTICE TREATMENTOUNT lwm e-asere:panct td.e h q�re t ran an sU n eta ep rat att >atiane t'e th qu rterl R&i Report to .wpj ga Report[guar r L7]trly ZfPt�jai Ater bra 201 : Q.dOher 20,19 0 Becembet2019 1necar}� tl te1er h rli Fi�2t]#a lrane.2Ztb Name of C$..� tr Cpm 1e$I 0ilrk at tup'h;Jrq to tester��! F�leaster. arsttars Tea easy€tertr i item is tnr�piete pBea iast yzsur prof ud3ng ecti€r§staken d tarot da�e'(6riwmpic"Og. .,:,contrurciehtired Al OCOV4e,6 and up lerr�erilt�tl trarsactlew�,�'fu�ed A i�t�th'e."i 11�14�rtiarider�nr r��$�k"? If r, F p(easeenter Poc:,. ,C Th programMat c[rea n t.Repaat th rough the ur2 f=11e Ts4risFer? ff:na;please.enter P,,DC, [mount u s tt C42 QuawtWY..Revenue and3 Exp ditur6,.ReOcVt> [j"f flq if tip plPOSO t3ntuMC 4. Couuty 05 madlEkl"rnpts to expand aeceg�t�Re�a�re�jS ipport��r�riees#ar the Intended 06 pul. �on? If•na;plae�t�en���:�C S.. t`J��f:UrtC�in�p�6ride� ra�it��f€,r in��au�l In�."[ eraRetie���rt.Praatib�, iF YQs,p�e��li�dita€e th .t�r�an�er.mf�radia�id't�als+ra���ec�:�dmizted Hr�t�ti`te-pras�r�tn tturi'r�t�t3���� eravhQ;�tr;�eti'ei�ing medicattrpisijed trtmenz;ar'Fnedreatns"fnzr 1sd a s�isaddt 11 'r ,please,indicate r atrned tatfons'the individuals admitted into the jar ram"Lokn Is quarEet.�arereoeivirr� . 6upreriprphi etd i�etJtexan : 6 . t thar arindlt��an thatth�'Tbrape�xtfi€C rg;pC+ rarxs. rEfatng trbrxa C FRAmr?Opyl. pr'reirang tftrati Fta mr any medic ticans're'r Op116 d'arse'& rc rr 01 P5 0Nt Ple; eRter_any at eamr,0ents here: HCA.Ctontred No,K3804-07: Page 23 af24 first Adden.durn to I a**I cbuhty CrftOinal USticeTreatmem krpUntstrat Jt�i j.3,2t1 9�iu e;U"24 . This Firs t Addendumtdthe Mason County Crfrgilr'a[a�st'ce`i'reat b'n Accportt Strateglc plan. (M C9 A5P)I's provided Ih es it e and pur$ ant to the Atn�jj fnnent to tt fr nt:Sery ices C®ntra t.between, tE a WasWgt6 Sitat4 Heaith Care aatha� l n�d..f is nCounty, masllon'cauftw until weave,ain adoltlibtraf�pprofitiatiob of aptrrbx mately 2'i,7 0,to be used for., expansion,of Berl "iICJT is dteeby .mmd�d`pd the. li .erdng nett+prflisfcrrs are. added' 5ectidrt Ptb rn I !es ptiWS: >e her PO itf r'13c r e�pansiian cif senric will be pr6videa la the,way of view position tp.he estabiish�d,.' partn efts writ On fthe.Therapeutic:Caa r#'s:areatrr�ent ptovider enci . ThIswiW fay a 5harefPosi4On with the designate .treafinentprovidet'ageincya,hdwild h46rt_fi& part-tint or, fuEf time pQ i#icanr depending upot)contr bating funding of th trcat�er<t.prawsd'er agen . Td�is i$.a ttoer p051000 that will workwfth:indlvoduais tKat find thertroselVe's avithln tf1e. crirrrrnal) stFee sysioelt,particularly those with In t146711�RrapeueIcC6urt syst6m il re;�n1< , E}I � s►rt; tent f f [th C urt,Vete anS MAT re e try._e#e . Thi ; cn iti�vn wp i[d;a+t ork ::as a ease rnanagerl entor,and Would be trOne as a-cOtifie'd,Pb4i`. ounse or, III(S) Young Dr �e�rart'i�r D'CrIplipra. An expansion,of the Adult Felony C� f rograni w�ll1�e est�dxlished that MITI pra�rid 'e young G rit Qurt'Tear k f+�r participart2 ita tti Deus- Q rt +i�lra a e.ages: ��2S years. of age 'T- he program will be'O€rested to f its�ri�pr�g a�irlt ale ���arrd�+if�pcu�,r�ra th+��pe�ial challenges f y6409 OUit in the Qru� o trt Pr+i ra ,. Appirovdd n... dotbifbye piste i tr4 efin o :pu 10;2 1.: Approved by MasOri oar ty Board Of 0imilty:Cdtt'm-m-, tar��rs on 2020 The rt�►�s3a fthe Uet r ns urtls tQ en hrt a puf 11�sa etyr� d redue r id i4il d.i rkninal dEfer�tl r is wha t tret fan v Ponnet00g Itham Wit eteran'�benefits,tr�atarr�Rt s ► grid. support services. �� a�tal�'d�ithy�ur,#�r�ck 3���,►�� Ct+�erl��iean The t!P: vn Cc►un't-�,Nle tat i alth,Ci�prt is .'Pr-+s�gaitty Plan z��art i�p r �dP ac cr►prehers lv . trearnt nt pr grata fo_r rtin 1cientoffendefs.endi ther,+, PrcgirC� a car dl C vui��uf r fr�am fner�tat.ilrtess Irdrdcr�is Funded a�nder this.(li Pt«rri.are indien,dirals diaa d gal,#h4 subs , u*e disorder artd he' refote enrol l rn seFi t n e arse disp der t atment.. 1 he mis lr of the Masan CIPUnty Mental 3feelth Court is to.efiha c public�ifity:aiad reduce. e d risrn!j�e.Ocve'rb in p rtneasFtip be? l th :mental health,and Criminal Justice carnnvum- tees. . This per trtershipAw 11 Wres the;spa l�l�tatf neeris ffen em Ojagngsed,emsath Mental illnem ¢hgre}ak«rc u la ettda�tl rtl.fdtes.parr n)Otibg pubft s�afet',r-aetd ifipra�r3n the qudlC 6''life"F fEen,ders r esta611, ►n mandatory,cGnbprehensiveg.ommen d ge Mce ' Withiin'tbe R4a►etefines of the P is srk'C��►a�Ly 1e,t !ti.ealth,Cotact_ till.: CriThEmal Justice Treatment Account lnna vatdve Pei)Ject Pkat►Jnty;jF-zgS9 H ne 4,30 1 acfi prat ram that trtihaes 1 Funding n�iist use a pq le) of those funds to 6d %vard an It�r►�vat►ti e pT1�t,� l pr n•d eat pre tic prt}l t�or a.7el � o em, P..t soai County?.Wfll ut►ihe,dTA inncarr tiv funds# prca«aadal3 i. fi a ti rt it C py;as a Core pike of#h�ttaerape t�irttery stC�re; Moral i'tem6a.►O Therapy(PART)I�a fi[ghly structua e t cdznitht at 6haviarW treatme.ryl Strafegy that��ar s► an hang►ng a throIdng f be<iets)a,d behaftrs that lead to pr¢ !e► s' su6�t�nce sr'd rcler,rel ta'cr sh"rp t►�el:u tiLS,ond Fte sat re�er3m rabla iJ Df stytes. T si ni cant[*p'rses r: oral tea-soning levets;helps the Participant set ff43I , aid:de leia5. ► m,rEre.ips ree rest tfe icsn meek➢ng t "daa the tbin bcus it the r3pht than t d�a:' fvtflrt+s a faraRu tCe: tlry Gar► can"u ene+ tirF Frith incti�iduaiertillir ;strengh mthf;Ier«cpeess#zc in# rviantior of the prQbirnlwin caur#. CITAl ndi w-11 alp e:used to Inclode beat not It ited to the fbIRnw ng; Astessme,4[RPPJp€lucle A§sCss mergs dIn3aa.while In la�l� rife ' r tttit nt iaa tii larl{lirr herd to sesdnns) dtt;OPVerySuppert Services tk "frail ng sxe� "Stitabl�gels and cb4m —, shail.lae aE�tairin ; ) Identify eh$i ale afFen,'40� Prvicde!utlicial Oversight, �} Inea'ease.�e�tr�r ;it en�Reer�t aa'id.reteei#err d Reduce'reddivism MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dave Windom &Todd Parker DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 260 40 BRIEFING DATE: 710/20 PREVIOUS. BRIEFING DATES: 6/15/20 If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): The Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board has one citizen opening for Commissioner District 3. Two applications have been submitted since the press release. BUDGET IMPACT: None PUBLIC OUTREACH:(include any legal requirements,direct notice,website,community meetings, etc.) Press release and email blast RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Request interviews ATTACHMENTS: Applications Briefmg Summary 7/6/2020 6/19/2020 Mail-JGiraides@co.mason:wa.us- ------- GlerkJ-� ) _)ECEN FL �N4SON COU- N-Ty,COIV ISSZ41VERS } .411 NORM FIFTH STREET JUN 19 2020 SHELTON WA 9858.4 yc ,i MASON COUNTY Fax3Gd-427=84S7-;.Voce360-.427�967Q' Ext.499;2764467-or482-5269 � I r � t I PM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Gyt � I�� z f ;�j �j :�4_�)�. WME- AbDRESS:. G, CG-S Cat/C G PRO' CITY/Zip VOTING PRECINCT:l 1NOR'K'PH �E- el�v�l (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU WE) EMAIL:: _—_��-- ---------- — — - -- -------- ---------------------- C.OMMII(lty,SERVICE EMPLOYMENT:(IF.RETIRED PREVIOUS'EXPERIENCE) (AOTN[riES OR MEMBERSHIPS) .. —^ /f coMPaNv: -7 l Cal/' - ! ftdjed yRS Ietwle ' ' ` j POSITION:. , ,, S. 2. 17 o h COMPANY: /�j GG S J Y/ Y`Les YR-S t POSITION: In your words,what ciq.37ou perceive is-the role' .purpose of the Board,C_ortimittee or Council fo which y u ale applying: d :e �A , d IP � What interests,skills o you wish to offer the.Board,Committee,or Council? t 17 1 Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position,on this Board: .ff-a:create a potential conflict of interest) Your participation is dependerit..upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Publlc Records).The trainings'wouid be at no cost to you,Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yt 5 Reaiisticaliy,hnw Much time can you glve.to.this position? Quarterly nthly Weakly i7 - ' Office Use 0`nIy� �` 1' /6 1�. l'�� ' AppomhnentDate ., ,Term Expire Date J https:llowa.co.mas6h,wi.us/owa/#path=/mail 2/3 ,[lV LI E Clerk s Coay� NlA,SC?N COUNTY COMMISSIONERS i i1 411 NORTH FIFTH"STREET Mason CoLlnhj SHELTON WA98584 Fax 360-427 8437; Voice 360-427-9670 Ext.419,275-4467 or 482-5269 Commissioners IBSs� 1 AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board NAME:Virginia Beech .ADDRESS: 321. E Pcikering Dr PHON CITY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHON Shelton, 9858(OR AREA IN THE(ZDUNTY. YOU LIVE)312 E-MAIL COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (I'F RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: Event Horizonz 5yrs YRS Shelton Elks 5 yrs Pioneer School Board 7 yrs WSSDA Legislative Committee 2 yrs POSITION: Owner board Z.yrs Harstine Women's Club -1 yr COMPANY: Naliey's Fine Foods 12yr yRg POSITION: Administrative Manager In yourwords,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying; An advisory board is a representative,of the general public: I hope the advisory board would be tasked with gathering further information requested y the;regular oar an willring forward.information .om the genera,pu bjc on issues that are important to them 1he advisory board has na a kA any d,-b4§1on--eir dhanclog,just.iPfamatlein . What interests, skills do-you.wish to .offer the.Board, Committee, or Council? Board experience,.Roberts Rules, Familiar with state legislation, laws, RCWs.,WACs and legislative research,Ability to leave personal agenda at the door, Listening skills,.Connected with.the community thru clubs ands ch,,00l;Ability to o hoth s es f an ass r� out issues nd f" �l♦b�tteleMitaC1n a u�'r co:otr�-ol�i.Tvrcn-riTuue�l3fli�t9-I£arR-ab6acunsrra transparaney and'discretion,ability to speak in public, ability to voice.an opinion with sensitivity Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which.may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential-conflict of interest) No You keep your value system but leave your'personal agenda at the door. Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings.made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public-Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? ves Realistically, how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Monthly Weeldy Daily ®i;`f'ice Use Only 6-22-20 Appointment Date Signatur Date. Terin Expire Date MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Dave Windom / Todd Parker DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: 260 BRIEFING DATE: 7/20/20 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: n/a If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal b Other— please explain ITEM: Emergency Solutions Grant Covid-19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: (If applicable, please include available options and potential solutions): Cares Act Emergency Solutions Grant($165,874: July 15,2020—September 30,2022)funds are to be used to prevent prepare for and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance. The funds will also support additional homeless assistance and homeless prevention activities in the form of rental assistance and case management services. The application was submitted June 29. BUDGET IMPACT: $11,611 will be retained for administration PUBLIC OUTREACH:(Include any legal requirements,direct notice,website,community meetings,etc.) Press Release NOFA RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Approval to enter into contract with the department of Commerce and subcontract with Crossroads Housing and Shelton Family Center ATTACHMENTS: Commerce ESG-CV Contract Subcontracts face page and scope of services: Crossroads Housing and Shelton Family Center Briefing Summary 7/15/2020 3, Washington State Department of 1P 44® Commerce Grant Agreement with Mason County Health Services through Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unit For Emergency Solutions Grant — COVID 19 (ESG-CV) Start date: July 1, 2020 SpecialTerms and Conditions......................................................:................................... 1 FaceSheet.............................................................................................................. 1 1. Acknowledgement of Federal Funding..............................................2 2. Grant Management ...................................................................................2 3. Compensation ...........................................................................................2 4. Billing Procedures and Payment ...............................................................2 5. Subcontractor Data Collection.........................................................3 6. Insurance...................................................................................................3 7. Order of Precedence.................................................................................4 General Terms and Conditions.........................................................................................5 1. Definitions .................................................................................................5 2. Access to Data.......................................................................................... 5 3. Advance Payments Prohibited..................................................................5 4. All Writings Contained Herein ...................................................................5 5. Amendments.............................................................................................6 6. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)......................................................6 7. Assignment ...............................................................................................6 8. Attorney's Fees .........................................................................................6 9. Audit..........................................................................................................6 10. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension or Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion...................................................................................................6 11. Confidentiality/Safeguarding of Information ..............................................7 12. Conflict of Interest.....................................................................................7 13. Copyright Provisions.................................................................................8 14. Disputes....................................................................................................8 15. Duplicate Payment.................................................................................... 9 16. Governing Law and Venue........................................................................ 9 17. Indemnification.......................................................................................... 9 18. Independent Capacity of the Contractor ...................................................9 19. Indirect Costs............................................................................................9 20. Industrial Insurance Coverage................................................................ 10 21. Laws........................................................................................................ 10 22. Licensing, Accreditation and Registration............................................... 10 23. Limitation of Authority.............................................................................. 10 24. Noncompliance With Nondiscrimination Laws........................................ 10 25. Pay Equity............................................................................................... 10 26. Political Activities..................................................................................... 11 27. Procurement Standards for Federally Funded Programs ....................... 11 28. Publicity................................................................................................... 12 29. Recapture................................................................................................ 12 30. Records Maintenance......................:...................................................... 12 31. Registration With Department of Revenue.............................................. 12 32. Right of Inspection....................................................................... 12 33. Savings ................................................................................................... 12 34. Severability.............................................................................................. 13 35. Site Security............................................................................................ 13 36. Subgranting/Subcontracting.................................................................... 13 ii Grant Number:20-4613C-117 Washington State Department of Commerce Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unit Emergency Solutions Grant—COVID 19(ESG-CV) 1.Grantee 2.Grantee Doing Business As(optional) Mason County Health Services N/A 415N6THST SHELTON,WA 98584 3.Grantee Representative 4.COMMERCE Representative Todd Parker Kim Murillo 1011 Plum Street SE Housing&Mental Health Program Coordinator Grant Manager Olympia,Washington,98504- (360)427-9670 Ext 293 (360)725-2763 2525 tparlcer@co.mason.wa.us kim.murillo@commerce.wa.gov 5.Grant Amount 6.Funding Source 7.Start Date 8.End Date $165,874.00 Federal:X State: Other: N/A: July 1,2020 June 30,2022 9.Federal Funds(as applicable) Federal Agency: CFDA Number: Indirect Rate (if $165,874.00 HUD 14.231 applicable): .25% 10.Tax ID# 11.SWV# 12.UBI# 13.DUNS# XXXXXXXXXXXXXX SWV0001893-04 232002101 N/A 14.Grant Purpose This grant provides resources to prevent,prepare for,and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic(COVID-19)among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance;and to support additional homeless assistance and homeless prevention activities to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Grantee, as defined above, acknowledge and accept the terms of this Grant and attachments and have executed this Grant on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Grant are governed by this Grant and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Grant Terms and Conditions including Attachment"A"—Scope of Work,Attachment`B"—Budget,Attachment"C"— Guidelines for the Emergency Solutions Grant—COVID 19(ESG-CV)Program. FOR GRANTEE FOR COMMERCE Signature Diane Klontz,Assistant Director Community Services and Housing Division Print Name and Title Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY BY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVAL ON FILE Last revision 4/14/20 1 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS 5. SUBCONTRACTOR DATA COLLECTION Grantee will submit reports, in a form and format to be provided by Commerce and at intervals as agreed by the parties, regarding work under this Grant performed by subcontractors and the portion of Grant funds expended for work performed by subcontractors, including but not necessarily limited to minority-owned, woman-owned, and veteran-owned business subcontractors. "Subcontractors" shall mean subcontractors of any tier. 6. INSURANCE The Grantee shall provide insurance coverage as set out in this section. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the state should there be any claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any loss, or negligent or intentional act or omission of the Grantee or Subgrantee/subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms of this Grant. The insurance required shall be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business within the state of Washington. Except for Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance,the insurance shall name the state of Washington, its agents, officers, and employees as additional insureds under the insurance policy. All policies shall be primary to any other valid and collectable insurance. The Grantee shall instruct the insurers to give COMMERCE thirty (30) calendar days advance notice of any insurance cancellation, non-renewal or modification. The Grantee shall submit to COMMERCE within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Grant start date, a certificate of insurance which outlines the coverage and limits defined in this insurance section. During the term of the Grant, the Grantee shall submit renewal certificates not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to expiration of each policy required under this section. The Grantee shall provide, at COMMERCE's request, copies of insurance instruments or certifications from the insurance issuing agency. The copies or certifications shall show the insurance coverage, the designated beneficiary, who is covered, the amounts, the period of coverage, and that COMMERCE will be provided thirty (30) days advance written notice of cancellation. The Grantee shall provide insurance coverage that shall be maintained in full force and effect during the term of this Grant, as follows: Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy. Provide a Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy, including contractual liability,written on an occurrence basis, in adequate quantity to protect against legal liability arising out of Grant activity but no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Additionally, the Grantee is responsible . for ensuring that any Subgrantee/subcontractor provide adequate insurance coverage for the activities arising out of subg rants/subcontracts. Automobile Liability. In the event that performance pursuant to this Grant involves the use of vehicles, owned or operated by the Grantee or its Subgrantee/subcontractor, automobile liability insurance shall be required.The minimum limit for automobile liability is$1,000,000 per occurrence, using a Combined Single Limit for bodily injury and property damage. The Grantee shall provide, at COMMERCE's request, copies of insurance instruments or certifications from the insurance issuing agency. The copies or certifications shall show the insurance coverage, the designated beneficiary,who is covered, the amounts, the period of coverage, and that COMMERCE will be provided thirty (30) days' advance written notice of cancellation. Local Government Grantees that Participate in a Self-Insurance Program Self-Insured/Liability Pool or Self-Insured Risk Management Program—With prior approval from COMMERCE, the Grantee may provide the coverage above under a self-insured/liability pool or self- insured risk management program. In order to obtain permission from COMMERCE, the Grantee shall provide: (1) a description of its self-insurance program, and (2) a certificate and/or letter of coverage that outlines coverage limits and deductibles. All self-insured risk management programs or self-insured/liability pool financial reports must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and adhere to accounting standards promulgated by: 1) Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 2) Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and 3)the Washington 3 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERAL FUNDS 1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this Grant, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: A. "Authorized Representative" shall mean the Director and/or the designee authorized in writing to act on the Director's behalf. B. "COMMERCE" shall mean the Department of Commerce. C. "Grant" or "Agreement" means the entire written agreement between COMMERCE and the Grantee, including any Exhibits, documents, or materials incorporated by reference. E-mail or Facsimile transmission of a signed copy of this contract shall be the same as delivery of an original. D. "Grantee"shall mean the entity identified on the face sheet performing service(s) under this Grant, and shall include all employees and agents of the Grantee. E. "Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC" shall mean all direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and up to the first $25,000 of each subaward (regardless of the period of performance of the subawards under the award). MTDC excludes equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs and the portion of each subaward in excess of$25,000. F. "Personal Information" shall mean information identifiable to any person, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a person's name, health,finances,education, business, use or receipt of governmental services or other activities, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, other identifying numbers, and any financial identifiers. G. "State" shall mean the state of Washington. H. "Subgrantee/subcontractor" shall mean one not in the employment of the Grantee, who is performing all or part of those services under this Grant under a separate Grant with the Grantee. The terms"subgrantee/subcontractor" refers to any tier. 1. "Subrecipient" shall mean a non-federal entity that expends federal awards received from a pass- through entity to carry out a federal program, but does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such a program. It also excludes vendors that receive federal funds in exchange for goods and/or services in the course of normal trade or commerce. J. "Vendor" is an entity that agrees to provide the amount and kind of services requested by COMMERCE; provides services under the grant only to those beneficiaries individually determined to be eligible by COMMERCE and, provides services on a fee-for-service or per-unit basis with contractual penalties if the entity fails to meet program performance standards. 2. ACCESS TO DATA In compliance with RCW 39.26.180, the Grantee shall provide access to data generated under this Grant to COMMERCE, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the Office of the State Auditor at no additional cost. This includes access to all information that supports the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Grantee's reports, including computer models and the methodology for those models. 3. ADVANCE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED No payments in advance of or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this Grant shall be made by COMMERCE. 4. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Grant contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Grant shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 5 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS C. The Grantee agrees by signing this Grant that it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by COMMERCE. D. The Grantee further agrees by signing this Grant that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction," as follows, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions: LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS a) The lower tier Grantee certifies, by signing this Grant that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred,suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. b) Where the lower tier Grantee is unable to certify to any of the statements in this Grant, such contractor shall attach an explanation to this Grant. E. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, person, primary covered transaction, principal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this section, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact COMMERCE for assistance in obtaining a copy of these regulations. 11. CONFIDENTIALITY/SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION A. "Confidential Information" as used in this section includes: L All material provided to the Grantee by COMMERCE that is designated as "confidential" by COMMERCE; ii. All material produced by the Grantee that is designated as"confidential" by COMMERCE; and III. All personal information in the possession of the Grantee that may not be disclosed under state or federal law. "Personal information" includes but is not limited to information related to a person's name, health, finances, education, business, use of government services, addresses, telephone numbers, social security number, driver's license number and other identifying numbers, and"Protected Health Information"under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). B. The Grantee shall comply with all state and federal laws related to the use, sharing, transfer, sale, or disclosure of Confidential Information. The Grantee shall use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of this Grant and shall not use, share, transfer, sell or disclose any Confidential Information to any third party except with the prior written consent of COMMERCE or as may be required by law. The Grantee shall take all necessary steps to assure that Confidential Information is safeguarded to prevent unauthorized use, sharing, transfer, sale or disclosure of Confidential Information or violation of any state or federal laws related thereto. Upon request, the Grantee shall provide COMMERCE with its policies and procedures on confidentiality. COMMERCE may require changes to such policies and procedures as they apply to this Grant whenever COMMERCE reasonably determines that changes are necessary to prevent unauthorized disclosures. The Grantee shall make the changes within the time period specified by COMMERCE. Upon request, the Grantee shall immediately return to COMMERCE any Confidential Information that COMMERCE reasonably determines has not been adequately protected by the Grantee against unauthorized disclosure. C. Unauthorized Use or Disclosure.The Grantee shall notify COMMERCE within five(5)working days of any unauthorized use or disclosure of any confidential information, and shall take necessary steps to mitigate the harmful effects of such use or disclosure. 12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Notwithstanding any determination by the Executive Ethics Board or other tribunal, the COMMERCE may, in its sole discretion, by written notice to the Grantee terminate this contract if it is found after due 7 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS • be mailed to the Director and the other party's(respondent's)Grant Representative within three (3)working days after the parties agree that they cannot resolve the dispute. The respondent shall send a written answer to the requestor's statement to both the Director or the Director's designee and the requestor within five(5)working days. The Director or designee shall review the written statements and reply in writing to both parties within ten (10) working days. The Director or designee may extend this period if necessary by notifying the parties. The decision shall not be admissible in any succeeding judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. The parties agree that this dispute process shall precede any action-in a judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal. Nothing in this Grant shall be construed to limit the parties' choice of a mutually acceptable alternate dispute resolution (ADR) method in addition to the dispute hearing procedure outlined above. 15. DUPLICATE PAYMENT COMMERCE shall not pay the Grantee, if the Grantee has charged or will charge the State of Washington or any other party under any other Grant, subgrant/subcontract, or agreement, for the same services or expenses. 16. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Grant shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington, and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 17. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Grantee shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the state of Washington, COMMERCE, agencies of the state and all officials, agents and employees of the state, from and against all claims for injuries or death arising out of or resulting from the performance of the contract. "Claim" as used in this contract, means any financial loss, claim, suit, action, damage, or expense, including but not limited to attorney's fees, attributable for bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or injury to or the destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting therefrom. The Grantee's obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless includes any claim by Grantee's agencts, employees, representatives, or any subgrantee/subcontractor or its employees. Grantee expressly agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State for any claim arising out of or incident to Grantee's or any subgrantee's/subcontractor's performance or failure to perform the Grant. Grantee's obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State shall not be eliminated or reduced by any actual or alleged concurrent negligence of State or its agents, agencies, employees and officials. The Grantee waives its immunity under Title 51 RCW to the extent it is required to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the state and its agencies, officers, agents or employees. 18. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY OF THE CONTRACTOR The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Grant. The Contractor and its employees or agents performing under this Contract are not employees or agents of the state of Washington or COMMERCE. The Contractor will not hold itself out as or claim to be an officer or employee of COMMERCE or of the state of Washington by reason hereof, nor will the Contractor make any claim of right, privilege or benefit which would accrue to such officer or employee under law. Conduct and control of the work will be solely with the Contractor. 19. INDIRECT COSTS The Grantee shall provide their indirect cost rate that has been negotiated between their entity and the Federal Government. If no such rate exists a de minimis indirect cost rate of 10%of modified total direct costs (MTDC)will be used. 9 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS (iii)A bona fide regional difference in compensation level must be:Consistent with business necessity; not based on or derived from a gender-based differential; and account for the entire differential. This Grant may be terminated by the Department, if the Department or the Department of Enterprise services determines that the Contractor is not in compliance with this provision. 26. POLITICAL ACTIVITIES Political activity of Grantee's employees and officers are limited by the State Campaign Finances and Lobbying provisions of Chapter 42.17A RCW and the Federal Hatch Act, 5 USC 1501 - 1508. No funds may be used for working for or against ballot measures or for or against the candidacy of any person for public office. 27. PROCUREMENT STANDARDS FOR FEDERALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS A Grantee which is a local government or Indian Tribal government must establish procurement policies and procedures in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, for all purchases funded by this Grant. A Grantee which is a nonprofit organization shall establish procurement policies in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, for all purchases funded by this Contract. The Grantee's procurement system should include at least the following A. A code or standard of conduct that shall govern the performance of its officers, employees, or agents engaged in the awarding of contracts using federal funds. B. Procedures that ensure all procurement transactions shall be conducted in a manner to provide, to the maximum extent practical, open and free competition. C. Minimum procedural requirements, as follows: i. Follow a procedure to assure the avoidance of purchasing unnecessary or duplicative items. ii. Solicitations shall be based upon a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements of the procured items. iii. Positive efforts shall be made to use small and minority-owned businesses. iv. The type of procuring instrument(fixed price, cost reimbursement) shall be determined by the Contractor, but must be appropriate for the particular procurement and for promoting the best interest of the program involved. V. Contracts shall be made only with reasonable subgrantees/subcontractors who possess the potential ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the proposed procurement. vi. Some form of price or cost analysis should be performed in connection with every procurement action. vii. Procurement records and files for purchases shall include all of the following: 1) Contractor selection or rejection. 2) The basis for the cost or price. 3) Justification for lack of competitive bids if offers are not obtained. viii. A system for contract administration to ensure Contractor conformance with terms, conditions and specifications of this Contract, and to ensure adequate and timely follow-up of all purchases. 11 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERALFUNDS 34. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Grant are intended to be severable. If any term or provision is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Grant. 35. SITE SECURITY While on COMMERCE premises, Grantee, its agents, employees, or subcontractors shall conform in all respects with physical, fire or other security policies or regulations. 36. SUBGRANTING/SUBCONTRACTING The Grantee may only subcontract work contemplated under this Grant if it obtains the prior written approval of COMMERCE. If COMMERCE approves subcontracting, the Grantee shall maintain written procedures related to subcontracting, as well as copies of all subcontracts and records related to subcontracts. For cause, COMMERCE in writing may: (a) require the Grantee to amend its subcontracting procedures as they relate to this in (b) prohibit the Grantee from subcontracting with a particular person or entity; or (c) require the Grantee to rescind or amend a subcontract. Every subcontract shall bind the Subcontractor to follow all applicable terms of this Grant. The Grantee is responsible to COMMERCE if the Subcontractor fails to comply with any applicable term or condition of this Grant.The Grantee shall appropriately monitor the activities of the Subcontractor to assure fiscal conditions of this Grant. In no event shall the existence of a subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the Grantee to COMMERCE for any breach in the performance of the Grantee's duties. Every subcontract shall include a term that COMMERCE and the State of Washington are not liable for claims or damages arising from a Subcontractor's performance of the subcontract. 37. SURVIVAL The terms, conditions, and warranties contained in this Grant that by their sense and context are intended to survive the completion of the performance, cancellation or termination of this Grant shall so survive. 38. TAXES All payments accrued on account of payroll taxes, unemployment contributions, the Grantee's income or gross receipts, any other taxes, insurance or expenses for the Grantee or its staff shall be the sole responsibility of the Grantee. 39. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In the event COMMERCE determines the Grantee has failed to comply with the conditions of this Grant in a timely manner, COMMERCE has the right to suspend or terminate this Grant. Before suspending or terminating the Grant, COMMERCE shall notify the Grantee in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is not taken within 30 calendar days, the Grant may be terminated or suspended. In the event of termination or suspension, the Grantee shall be liable for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original Grant and the replacement or cover Grant and all administrative costs directly related to the replacement Grant, e.g., cost of the competitive bidding, mailing, advertising and staff time. COMMERCE reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Grant, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Grantee from incurring additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged compliance breach and pending corrective action by the GRANTEE or a decision by COMMERCE to terminate the Grant. A termination shall be deemed a"Termination for Convenience" if it is determined that the Grantee: (1)was not in default; or(2) failure to perform was outside of his or her control, fault or negligence. 13 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT FEDERAL FUNDS 42. TREATMENT OF ASSETS Title to all property furnished by COMMERCE shall remain in COMMERCE. Title to all property furnished by the Grantee,for the cost of which the Grantee is entitled to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost under this Grant, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon delivery of such property by the Grantee.Title to other property,the cost of which is reimbursable to the Grantee under this Grant, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon (i) issuance for use of such property in the performance of this Grant, or (ii) commencement of use of such property in the performance of this Grant, or (iii) reimbursement of the cost thereof by COMMERCE in whole or in part, whichever first occurs. A. Any property of COMMERCE furnished to the Grantee shall, unless otherwise provided herein or approved by COMMERCE, be used only for the performance of this Grant. B. The Grantee shall be responsible for any loss or damage to property of COMMERCE that results from the negligence of the Grantee or which results from the failure on the part of the Grantee to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound management practices. C. If any COMMERCE property is lost, destroyed or damaged, the Grantee shall immediately notify COMMERCE and shall take all reasonable steps to protect the property from further damage. D. The Grantee shall surrender to COMMERCE all property of COMMERCE prior to settlement upon completion, termination or cancellation of this Grant All reference to the Grantee under this clause shall also include Grantee's employees, agents or S ubg rantees/Subcontractors. 43. WAIVER Waiver of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Grant unless stated to be such in writing and signed by Authorized Representative of COMMERCE. 15 Attachment B Budget Budget Total Admin $11,611.00 Outreach $51,497.00 Shelter Case Management $23,500.00 Rapid Re-Housing Rental Assistance $64,266.00 Prevention Rental Assistance $15,000.00 Total $165,874.00 17 MASON COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT CONTRACT#SFC:CaresAct.ESG-CV THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Shelton Family Center hereinafter referred to as"CONTRACTOR." 6.S,fielton:.Youth Connection) 'C, -$, 2P 'lSt' $4 J,f, 3 Ad Phone PH Mp--r _pQ adt,Na -Ti usaaJK1r-ch"Q ff,Executi ve Direc tor__Primary G t dt-'Ph6n6&,..El- 2- _yk�qna_ 360, 46 BId s ut Pi pp, 0 'T 66 F fitad" OJ�qa Contractor Fiscal-Phone,, 'Email,-..,, ;2 corh 43 i� k Zf 03._: -Federal.EfN Tofal 0 tract ,_ nt,radJfT b`6h.O, -O .a, i0..q _. _j. 202. 0,J , U ne—,3,0j 0 _ - Count a6htrkfC06tatf, yQ061heif, 0 u- ti ,. 7 .Ouht. Contract Email; Pli6 w d oext..,04County`Fiscal C;ontaet - y.dab 06 Casey Bingham, FIscaf.Manag -. Email,Count .Fiscal_ .6Aq V 62 PURPOSE The Emergency Solutions Grant Covid-1 9 (ESG-CV) funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance. The funds may also support additional homeless assistance and homeless prevention activities to mitigate the impacts of the Coronavirus. COUNTY and CONTRACTOR, as defined above, acknowledge, and accept the terms of this contract and EXHIBITS and have executed this contract on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this contract are governed by this contract including any Special Conditions, General Terms and Conditions, Exhibits, and Department of Commerce Grant Guidelines. CONTRACTOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Agency Name Sharon Trask, Chair Authorize Signature Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: Print Name & Title Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Date Professional Services Contract(rev 04/2019) Page 1 5. MASON COUNTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT CONTRACT#CH:CaresAct.ESG-CV THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Crossroads Housing hereinafter referred to as"CONTRACTOR." 66 d"h -q- ox, -77" 1 12.$a P :-," ' Shelton, 'Sh"It, VVL_0894 5 on,, Phone N`p" -T,14 Primary Name z-9 Director Tanya -:5;�..kdirectdro-h net.`7, Pnma a _Ph-06.6,k,5rltgif .3 Con tractor Fiscal Contact,_-, an-bwski!'-.'%, Contractor Fiscal.Phone &_Emmail 427 OR 6,c,.h .'W6Sh1'hgt0h 3995 1.45494 F,,ed061'E IN j, $7 Total�-ftatd!C' fitt:V 06 'j. 302 6 fT,6, June "y -h �e f; u*J3,000*6 Contact:_._ Co unt bhtra" Phone; -8 7 e kt.40 4 Count rIfy ri-- 's.0 I,'.0-'6nt4ct-' 4g6 !�;3664214-61.04)&%`2! I--php. C -VbO- in _Fiscal E Email, PURPOSE The Emergency Solutions Grant Covid-1 9 (ESG-CV) funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance. The funds may also support additional homeless assistance and homeless prevention activities to mitigate the impacts of the Coronavirus. COUNTY and CONTRACTOR, as defined above, acknowledge, and accept the terms of this contract and EXHIBITS and have executed this contract on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this contract are governed by this contract including any Special Conditions, General Terms and Conditions, Exhibits, and Department of Commerce Grant Guidelines. CONTRACTOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Agency Name Sharon Trask, Chair Authorize Signature Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: Print Name &Title Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Date Professional Services Contract(rev 04/2019) Page 1 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS—COMMISSIONER BRIEFING July 20,2020 Briefing Items • Road Vacation No. 405 —Request from Union City Partners, LLC, representing David Pitt to vacate a portion of Sharpe Street. • Road Vacation No. 406—Request from Neil and Julie Jones to vacate a portion of Fir Street. Discussion Items Commissioner Follow-Up Items Upcoming Calendar/Action Items Attendees: Commissioners: Public Works: Other Dept. Staff: Public: _Randy Neatherlin _Loretta Swanson _Kevin Shutty _Mike Collins _Sharon Trask _Richard Dickinson Others(list below) MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: , 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing, lease provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Road Vacation No. 405—Set Hearing Date with Hearings Examiner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Union City Partners, LLC, represented by Mr. David Pitt, have petitioned for vacation of Sharpe Street that lays adjacent and West of Block 92 Lots 1 — 30 in the Plat of Union Hood Canal Land &Improvement Company's Addition to Union City. This right of way is 30 feet in width and approximately 290 feet long. This old unused dedicated portion of Sharpe Street does not provide any access to any other lots in the Plat nor will vacating it land lock any other property. The right of way easement was never opened or maintained by Mason County or any other private party. The right of way to the south of this requested street vacation on Sharpe Street was petitioned for vacation and approved in 2009. Even though this portion of right of way may have been vacated by operation of law, the completion of this formal vacation request will clear title for the applicants. An Engineer's Report has been prepared for the Hearings Examiner and Public Works recommends the vacation as submitted, subject to retaining existing easements for ingress and egress for any other purpose, if any, and in accordance with RCW 36.87.140, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the proposed vacated right of way. BUDGET IMPACTS: Petitioners have paid the required administrative fee of$500 for the Petition for Vacation of County Road. PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public notice will be posted at the site and published in the county official newspaper, as required by RCW 36.87.050. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve and execute the resolution setting a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 1:00pm to consider public comment on the petition to vacate a portion of Sharpe Street located West and adjacent of Block 92 as recorded in Union Hood Canal Land &Improvement Company's Plan of Union City, Road Vacation No 405. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Engineer's Report 2. Hearing Notice Briefmg Summary 7/15/2020 MASON COUNTY +� DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE N_C�Q SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mason County Hearings Examiner FROM: Phil Franklin, Right of Way Agent, for Mike Collins, County Engineer Cc: Loretta Swanson, Director of Mason County Public Works SUBJECT: ENGINEER'S REPORT—ROAD VACATION FILE NO.405 Vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street located West of Parcel 32232-50-92001 as it was Dedicated in the Plat of Union Hood Canal Land & Imp. Co. Addition to Union City Recorded April 6, 1889 Background: Union City Partners, LLC, represented by Mr. David Pitt, have petitioned for vacation of a portion Sharpe Street that lays adjacent and West of Block 92 Lots 1—30 in the Plat of Union Hood Canal Land & Improvement Company's Addition to Union City. This right of way is 30 feet in width and approximately 290 feet long. This old unused dedicated portion of Sharpe Street does not provide any access to any other lots in the Plat nor will vacating it land lock any other property. The right of way easement was never opened or maintained by Mason County or any other private party. The right of way to the south of this requested street vacation on Sharpe Street was petitioned for vacation and approved in 2009. Even though this portion of right of way may have been vacated by operation of law, the completion of this formal vacation request will clear title for the applicants. In compliance with RCW 36.87.40, at the Board of County Commissioners and County Engineer's direction, Public Works Department staff examined the portion of road right-of-way requested to be vacated and solicited comments on the proposed vacation. Our findings are the following: 1. The road is presently not in use by the public and is heavily forested. 2. The road is classified as "Class A" per MCC 12.20.040 and no compensation for fee simple interest or appraisal is due prior to vacation. 3. The proposed vacation area is not deemed necessary to preserve for the County road system for the future. 4. The public will benefit by this action, since it will clear title for the petitioner, add the vacated area to the tax rolls and relieve the county of liability. Public Notice Public notice has been provided as required by RCW 36.87.050, both by posting at the site and by publishing in the county official newspaper. Recommendation Public Works recommends the vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street located West and adjacent of Block 92 as recorded in Union Hood Canal Land & Improvement Company's Plan of Union City as petitioned, subject to existing easements for ingress and egress or any other purpose, if any, and, in accordance with RCW 36.87.170, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated right of way. Hearing Examiner Options 1. Find that this vacation meets the standards established by state law and recommend the vacation be granted as petitioned and/or as recommended by the County Engineer. 2. Find that this vacation fails to meet the standards established by state law and recommend the vacation be denied. 3. Finding that only part of the vacation as petitioned'or recommended by the County Engineer complies with the law, develop recommendations to grant the compliant portion and deny the other. Attachments: • Exhibit Al thru A9- Applicant's Petition • Exhibit 131 thru B6- Aerials & Maps of Vacation Area • Exhibit C- Legal Description • Exhibit D1 thru D4- Letters of Approval from Local Agencies I 44 i MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF"PUBLIC WORKS. I MU.NIS.VENDOR#.1925 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE j ShIELTON,WA 98584 I (360)Q7-9670 Receipt No: 16708 Date: 09/20/2019 Payment Type: Cash Name: Union City Partners Description mount Road Vacation'# d, _ 500.00 TOTAL $500.00 Receipted by: Braakman,Aniy Exhibit A-Pg.1 MASON COUNTY PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners c/o: Mason County Public Works Department 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 We,the undersigned,being owners of the majority of the frontage of the below-described county road,hereby petition the Board of Mason County Commissioners for vacation of the following described county road: Road Name: s 4A F-?r S'rrt eC--r Road Number: Description of road right of way to be vacated: A l..- Pcjtn ur.r yr SHAMPE SrFet-- AgU-7-n-1 12Aczc6Lt S2232-so—2z9 o22, 32-132.-5-0,— g2-oy1 t 32232-S'c- gZS6 Alm rl%A-r 170k cieJ fL14 +r Or wAY KIVu,v+V AS TPAILI?C Sr,tet"r r,.J ye,po.v 33, joe-r,iH.P 22 Nt 017-1-14 1 11-At4GE 3 WBSi t VJ-A.t. MnSeS�J (uvr�i``7/ Pi t r o' I+v o 01J GAr AL- Plat Name: _ ,,ti,�,,,,eN.d„1- �..;�.ry�� Recording Date: At z-r L C' t ge F LA- of V M G.J Section: 33 Township: 21N Range: 3 W Attached herewith is a map secured from the Mason County Engineer or from the Mason County Assessor. We have shaded the right of way herein petitioned to be vacated and have also shown the ownerships along said right of way. IN SUPPORT OF SAID PETITION,PETITIONERS ALLEGE: I That the undersigned are the owners of the majority of the frontage of the county road right of way petitioned to be vacated and said right of way is located in Mason County,Washington. II That contact information,signatures and legal descriptions of the property owned by each petitioner on the right of way to be vacated are provided below: NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PHONE PROPERTY/PARCEL# 1 JRr�6N C,ry PnrirNr=�t,t_lL 32232-5'u -417-otJI c/a Dnv)o P,n- C7CC) 3a4-1471 132.9 nr rdA.nianwE &V47 32Zi7- Iv -q,4q o 2- S�r1'lYt.tr, w 9 Y r O 3 $2232 tI2 9 0 1 X 2 X PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 1 Exhibit A-Pg.2 NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PHONE PROPERTY/PARCEL# 3 X 4 X (Additional petitioners are listed on the attachment hereto.) III That, if the plat was recorded prior to March, 12, 1904, and, if the right of way is not now in use as a public road, the following proof is provided that the road was never opened for public travel for five years following recording of the plat: V N P r/O.W N IV That such county road right of way is useless as a part of the county road system and that the public would be benefited by its vacation for the following reasons: PcZ•nt, ► ar S-0--V 4E SritL--Zr' 0,vi Ntvm setti.► vse+7 4-S a 17-0.k0WJAy AN!) I S H e A V,k.If T11-M V That this road vacation is requested for the following purpose: Lt).v$ol„o..rrE wl'M R1�:inc.�-rir PH LCA--- S A-r-7 A-A,.-rA#-J ME �'I�oyr�4r7 VI That this petition is accompanied by a deposit in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), payable to Mason County Public Works, pursuant to statute, conditioned upon petitioners paying into the Mason County Road Fund the amount of all costs and expenses incurred in the examination, report, appraisal and all proceedings pertaining to this petition for the vacation of said road right of way. DATED this 2 day of se-V e/-kge-n ,20 1'7 PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 2 Exhibit A-Pg.3 ATTACHEMENT TO PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD ADDITIONAL PETITIONERS NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PHONE PROPERTY/PARCEL# 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 X 11 X 12 X 13 X PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 3 Exhibit A-Pg.4 �1LL T-Par PO;zy1u- ELF S'ti L-Yl"G r.,uR--'W THE CLr -je- -L>•%if, - Dr /}LLY.-+ AVGNI.La A-c-JO 5.Ov-ro vF r►il; $O�tiRI (2-1&WF— O-r—WAY L17JC Op POI-+r7v5 AvF-""E ! AS JA10 5pAgLib 14VpAJ�.IC I S SHOWn! Q}v fZ�tCG7L1) bS' 5tAa-vEY F1Lr-"0 5'EPrr)"'Qr-7L 77 'Lot,? , I- 600fe- 33 c1= S"zveyj �r i'A 4E ZVr VNO L-M AU 01 tv)'1-S F1 L[ nJ ItiM&J—VL- el 112 Exhibit A-Pg.5 20 A kt 4n 41 tw oli Ow A L v Yl A' 11 I ;l 4 .F ,0i � �� •x � t,'� �- � (r�s ', a r�`'�_,r + 'I//'i�`i/��e 7�5�.' rT, ,� ''t At 7 Y Ilk . , " - - I AF jr ir if It AL lw Al 7" *t A l 4W' Exhibit A-Pg.6 Mason County WA GIS Web Map LL I . 111 PoL45 OM1r AVE 370 E ORRE NOBLES RD °37I E ORRE NOBLES RD uI O lc; 91_E ORREONOBLES R 441 E ORRE NOBLES RD �21 E RRE NOBLES RD C� 461 E 9?RRE NOBLES RE Le / 0.0 Fee Lerdath: 602.1 ee 32237-- - y24cZ 390 E ORRE NOBLES RD / G ' 92-E-ORRE-NOBLES-RD 0 E ORRE N BLES RD O 4630 ORRE NOBLES RD O E ORRE NOBLES RD ng 0.5 Feet 3 223 2 9 a o0 1 Length: 289. Feet 6730 E STATE ROUTE 106 wour-J V4-caTT9 S/ SNFrtz�E ST� length: 60,_.1 Fe, 6780 E STATE R '1 OUTE06 SP 22 67E0 E STATE ROUTE'106 SP 9 O 6780 ESTATE ROUTE•10G SP•166 80 ESTATE ROUTE*106 SP'16 Q 67 SO E S Tt+ 0 ROUTE 106 SP? fr�4Gb7f9 1I o Q d �� O 67&�E STATE ROUTE 106 SP 15 T Q 67$0E STATE ROUTE 106 SP'18 t.17$0 E STATE ROUTE'106 SP 17 6780 E STATE ROU •10G SP'12 3780 ESTATE ROUTE 106 SP•10 6780 E STATE ROUTE 1 6 SP 230 0 ^ 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106 S P 21 67E0 E STATE ROUTE 106SP27 4 6780 E STATE ROUTE'I Ora SP 6 O 6780 ESTATE ROUTE'106 SP 3'1 p 67EOIE S TATE ROUTE'106 SP 24 6780 E STATE ROUTE'106 SP 35 p MO E STATE ROUTE 106 6780 E STATE ROUTE'106 SP 265780 E STATE ROUTE 106 SP 326180 E STATE ROUTE 106 SP 34 (5) 96780 E STk7E ROUTE 103 SP 33 m 3 8/19/2019, 10:09:53 AM 1:1,532 p 0 0.01 0.03 0.05 mi County Boundary Tax Parcels (Zoom in to 1:30,000) D 0 0.02 0.04 0.08 km (Q G Sources:Esri,HERE,Garmin,Intermap,Increment P Corp.,GEBCO.USGS. 4 Site Address (Zoom in to 1:5,000) FAO,NIPS, NRCAN, GeoBase. IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey,Esri Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Esd Canada,Esri,HERE,Garmin,USGS.NGA,EPA,USDA,NIPS r ,{ _ _ t ��.`r'riYt-r. ✓ r_4i � x't�, � .I_ � py'�.:� 3�r•a''e '] �,.� i �•' L_t • t I Y A ;�e+lr! �r l - e _ _ mcsyr,.._,.�..� t�q jr 79 r F1 :jcJ1 t t f a.T >tis i NaT v✓4c,rrEp �fz �� -r i .'� tf ✓ 6 —.I L3 -� f X 00 i .� r ,3 1, -: ;' at .-'6+' •. �,, s _ram.. ',�.�' jY•f� � _t� � r}"•.; '- . ram-h '.-R i t.,� •��t-y ���, J2t.ts it f?• t ,t r wik 7.1 14 F . SY •- t 4 .. -. '- .�.. "' a .�° t} ,� C1�:.•y . - � yet ��� t ja AREA OF REQUESTED ROAD VACATION IN THE FAR BACK OF THIS PICTURE Exhibit B-Pg.1 Mason County WA GIS Web Map i � G 111 E MAS ON AVE O 370 E ORRE NOBLESRD U) E ORRE NOBLES P.D u� 0 (L' ij 39'I..E,ORRE N BLES RD O i1 44'I E ORRE NOBLES RD 421 E ORRE N OB L ESI RD O 0 461E ORRE NOBLES RE e O.O Fe- L-e ,gth: 602.9 Feet / 3223Z- So- gZ9oZ 390 E ORRE NOBLES RD 92-EORRENOBL-ES RD 90 E ORP.E N BLES RD p � 4G0 E ORRE NOBLES RD O44 I E ORRE NOBLES RD ngt I: 90.5 Feet 3 223 2 -so— 9 Z®a 1 Length: 289. Feet 6730E STATE ROUTE'106 Q V*c.4 r99 32232,Sv- 92401 1:;;-.P ,. . 'v ,•, „ _ (50.410E sr� ength: 606.1 e'e 6780 E STATE ROUTE Ora SP 22 6780 E STATE R '1 OUTE06 SP 9 O 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106 SP'I6 O 0 6780 E STATE ROUTE-I OG SP'I6 kv G780 E STATE ROUTE 106 SP 8 V,q�,y�q O p J 67&0ESTATEROUaTE106SP15 6780E STATE ROUTE'106 SPP 180 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106 SP 17 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106 SP-120 678 0 E STATE ROUTE 106 SP-10 6780 E STATE ROUTE 1 6 SP 230 ° 6784 E STATE ROUTE*106 S P 21 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106SP27 0 6780 E STATE ROUTE '106 SP 6 a 6780 ESTATE R`'?t UTE'106 SP 3-1 d 6780 E STATE ROUTE f 06 SP 24 6780 E STATE ROUTE 103 SP 35 a 0 6780 E STATE ROUTE 106 6780 E STATE ROUTE•I OG SP 268780 ESTATE ROUTE 106 SP 32 6780 E STATE ROUTE 106 SP 34 X 1 r;, 06780 E ST,vTE ROUTE-1C3 SP 33 —�=r 8/19/2019, 10:09:53 AM 1:1,532 0 0.01 0.03 0.05 mi 03 �- County Boundary Tax Parcels (Zoom in to 1:30,000) 0 0.02 0.04 0.08 km Sources:Esri,HERE,Garmin,Intermap,Increment P Corp.,GESCO.USGS, N o Site Address (Zoom in to 1:5,000) FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase,IGN. Kadaster NL,Ordnance Survey,Esri Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Esri Canada,Esri,HERE,Garmin,USGS.NGA,EPA,USDA,NPS 322338888888����� �#�010609 32232508790000 32232�5087T13 322338888888 322328888888 j[2232508701] 22325010608 ....- 322325087002 32232550087701100- a0 3223250105047 � �some maN► �® �r 322332222222 322325087903 322325087008 ® 322325010503 322338888888 322320060000 322325087006 322325010512 OE+ 322338888888 v 322325087007 322325087013 322325010504 322325010505 322325081008 322325087002 322325087011 322325010515 322338888888� 322325087010 322338888888 322325087001 322325087004 322325088016 322335288001 322329999999 322335211001 ��— 322325089011 O m 322335213001 322338888888 322325080013 to 322335282001 322325089003 322325089013 � O 322335281001 322335215001 322325089019 I N; p 322338888888 322330060000 322325010802 N 322325089022 322325089016 ;p m N d 322335248001 322325010802 322325089021 v 322325010401 Q 322339999999 322335244001 = 322325010301 322335242001 322325010304 N 322325010901 W 3.22325090001 322338888888 322325010302 322325010308 322325010902� 322325079016 322325010303 58600 322325010339 322338888888 322325079017 E MASON AVE qr-%� N 322325010202 Mp.S X.� 322325010205 322325078001 22325010201 322325010203 Q� �322325011001 322325091001 322325010213 322325011002 322325010208 322325010214 322325010211 322325010207 322325.011004 3223299 9 99 322325092902 j 322325010905 322325010101 322325010102 322325010105 322325010106 322325011101 32233 9 9999 322325092001 322325011102 322325092900If 322325011103 322338888888 322325010109 322325010108 32�10002 322325092901 1322325011104 322325010030 322325010035 0 322325010010 322325010030 322338888888 322325093001 322325010030 322325010011 322325010019 322325010000 322335000010 4+ 322333370420 322335000007 AMWA 322325099000 322335000004 +mot mw- 322335000003 322325094000 322325094010 322325099010 322335000002 322335000900 322325094021 322325094007 322325099000 �NJp�T ERWHFF�p 322325094015 322335000906 < 32232400.2000 322325095011 ❑ 322335000904 m 322325094011 322325094001 0 } 322335090050 322339999999 322325098001 co m w J 322335000009 U-) a❑ 322335000008 322325094002 322325094008 W 322335000906 322325094006 322325094005 322325094009 322335090060 322325094004 322339999999 322335000009 322335000005 322320060010 322335000001 322335000008 Exhibit B-Pg.3 } 5127/2020 Mason County WA GIS -� �'�.I it I _ r` Search by Parcel or Addres Q, E MASON �-- ` 370 E ORRE NOBLES RD TI E ORRE NOBLES RD 3-' ORRE N BLES RD 4 �1 E ORR -- 421 E cRENO6LE5 RD 0� 390E ORRE NOBLES RD O 392 E ORRE NOBLES RD =100 E ORRE N BLES RD- p DOE �'4r, 6730 E STATE ROUTE'106 O ,n 6780 E STATE ROUTE'I 06 SP 22 678!J EIS TATE ROUTE 106 SP 96780 67 ESTATE ROUTE'146 SP lib'80 E b p6780 E ST TE ROUTE•106 3P 1567 80 E STATE ROUTE•101 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106SP 18 p6780 E STATE ROUTE 106 SP-17 6780 E STATE ROUTE '106 SP'12Q 06780 E STATE RQ,�JTE-106 SP 23 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106 SP 2•I 67E0 E STATE ROUTE•I06 SP 27 O 6750 E STATE P.OUTE'106 S P 6 0 6780E STATE Cc UTE-I Oni S P 3.1 p 6780 E STATE P,OUTE106 SP 24 6780 E STATE ROUTE•106 SP 35 © Q 67E 6780E TATE ROUTE•106 SP 266180 ESTATE ROUTE'106 SP 326780 E STATE ROUTE'106 SP 34 d e 6720 EST ESTATE ROU�E'106 SP 300 5784 E STATE ROUTE'106 SP 83 6780 E STATE ROUTE-106 SP 25 4ZI,2 E DALBY RD ��-100h Exhibit B-Pg.4 https://gis.co.mason.wa.us/mason/ 1/1 r HOODS CANAL I-4AID d MPjeOVE/lENT COS ADD T/ON TO U/Y/O/V C/TY BrILOW/N Al/E. L�tf.-(lcct 7 __ y - S5Ca/e oae //,70h = 200 /16 f31,Gk.66,67,7o(e/..t,no),;r,7.',84. •S" G ''S i•ly,: fGca{cd9,...tF, 111 . oSt�.c�T r° Fucl,Av',In/7ft ff vb:raS?a:l:r1,(,FI ly 1,',14!:`:r3n2 ?'r,.Cuir nc ul Q ► MOE'GAi✓ u Alm {..✓�/ S.%4,P N n.e,r 4d/e:.'I.e I C..✓c I / rJ Sy I "'/ _ / ,.. ,vd r1;vp Li.rrn dL.h N.'.'PP I � Y,,v'rie�vf�brtar.;c..J i/,•..pic I t �' -deed,�J •- 'v 3n.TJ _,f I Y"'!''':/:,.faj•;..en r e eev e, .'P =/ a c z st w r ��• .- and '',?•�,f I/ /•err S,linJ✓I l�Ss_l.e lv �uu.l:la�/cr2a' _ sld � � / rS..l4 f•� r'll.Aivi VrJ'i , r .$rrnr.n 9 ti °f,,ni el.pun•r / C IIP � �rrl,Irs�tlz)z•_ U .. 4 ,r I7 Gr.c_.. 3C1 � \u _\, °J r .{ h.. ? 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Cr e((•,/I'n rr'°�I ilr a✓ =� '�.�. ?��P"�' -_-�D 1 �Ser„wr $r.drf 1311574 n.e,rt s.,err.o'v.]r.9 P; f I E lv IJ/ad ranr.w3 SL X.,,/DrA•,)+.)/ Z 2= 3 1 { It, ,-N..rrcS r/,P•r4- I a,a� a r a r a,9 � , .v.r.•.9rn rf./vS^)ws•n f....iy. '` � � -. ° I 1 • I I °• n Yzsz nrzgv.y:9/ ,c •,.�: I 1, f. rt �V/•,v •I- I 44 1 IG Exhibit B-Pg.5 r Legend Sharpe Street Vacation , ~ Area of Requested Vacation ~ In " wry -. m,•; �'` d^ _ ifs •tM s d.� S _.._.fir^ �, 1^. � 'R'l'Sk K,.{•y - � - �� � ,,. ��..'_r••a1k_. ,�-r'_"w'• +N�l*,. wt. _i'9= q.,-r'S,-X '� .:4A ""•."�},�yvi P r'��mF., t'+°"..w _l_ L —_r J, +a � �`« �, � ,r� ,�: �yy?���y�.. 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C-���-�.1���,.. _�Ji.+O�is._L^t _ �—•-�- _ _ !_.�.��• l Exhibit C Legal Description of Vacation A portion of Sharpe Street as shown on the "Plat of Hood Canal Land and Improvement Company's Plan of Union City", Mason County, Washington, as filed in Volume 1 of Plats at Pages 8 and 9, described as follows: All that portion of Sharpe Street lying north of the centerline of Allyn Avenue and south of the south right of way line of Pontius Avenue, as said Sharpe Street is shown on Record of Survey filed September 7, 2007, in Book 33 of Surveys at Page 205, under Auditor's file number 1905112 Exhibit C 5/28/2020 Vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street in Union off of Orre Nobles Reply v ® Delete Junk v ••• X RE: Vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street in Union off of Orre Nobles Brenen Profitt Reply I v tw Today, 5:52 AM Phil Franklin;Terry Conley Inbox Label:MasonCounty Q months)Expires:8/26/2020 5:52 AM Phil, I don't have any issues with vacating this portion. Thanks, Brenen From:Phil Franklin Sent:Wednesday, May 27,2020 4:27 PM To:Terry Conley<TerryC@co.rnason.wa.us>; Brenen Profitt<bprofitt@co.mason.wa.us> Subject:Vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street in Union off of Orre Nobles Terry and Brenen, We have a request for a street vacation and I have attached some maps and aerials of the area to be vacated. The area to be vacated is marked in yellow or with yellow arrows and the Orre Nobles Road is marked in blue. may have asked you to take a look at this and get back to me already but I can not find the email nor your response in any file. If you could take a look and give me a response on any concerns of this vacation, I would appreciate your input. Thanks, Phil Franklin Right of Way Agent Mason County Public Works 360-427-9670, Ext. 456 Exhibit D-Pg.1 https://owa.co.mason.wa.usIowa/projection.aspx 1/2 Re; Requested Road Vacation in Union/Robin Hood Area-Phil Franklin Page 1 of 3 Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union / Robin Hood Area Kell Rowen Tue 9/24/2019 9:52 AM TO:Michael MacSems <Mms@co.mason.wa.us>;Phil Franklin <Pdf@co.mason.wa.us>; cc:Ronald Buckholt<RBuckholt@co.mason.wa.us>; I'm good.Thanks. Sincerely, Kell Rowen I Planning Manager Mason County Community Services krowen@co.mason.wa.us 360.427.9670 ext. 286 From: Michael MacSems Sent:Tuesday,September 24,2019 9:36 AM To: Phil Franklin Cc: Kell Rowen; Ronald Buckholt Subject:Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union/Robin Hood Area Phil, I have no issues with this. I'm coping Kell Rowen and Ron Buckholt on the off chance that they have a comment or question. Thanks, Michael From: Phil Franklin Sent:Tuesday,September 24,2019 7:07:39 AM To: Michael MacSems Subject: Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union/Robin Hood Area Michael, The large parcel owned by Charles Johnson can be accessed off of Dalby and the South end of Sharpe Street and the parcels to the North Northwest can be accessed from the North end of Sharpe Street and Sprague Avenue.There is an unopened street that is located South of Sprague Ave that cuts Exhibit D-Pg.2 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 9/24/2019 6/1/2020 RE:Vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street In Union off of Orre Nobles Reply Delete Junic X RE: Vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street in Union off of Orre Nobles r Terry Conley Ej Reply v Thu 5/28,3:32 PM Phil Franklin v Deleted items This message has been archived by Retain on May 29 2020 13:32 Label:MasonCounty(3 months)Expires:8/26/2020 3:32 PM I have no Problems with this vacation Phill Terry From: Phil Franklin Sent:Wednesday, May 27,2020 4:27 PM To:Terry Conley<TerryC@co.mason.wa.us>; Brenen Proffitt<bprofitt@co.mason.wa.us> Subject:Vacation of a portion of Sharpe Street in Union off of Orre Nobles Terry and Brenen, We have a request for a street vacation and I have attached some maps and aerials of the area to be vacated. The area to be vacated is marked in yellow or with yellow arrows and the Orre Nobles Road is marked in blue. I may have asked you to take a look at this and get back to me already but I can not find the email nor your response in any file. If you could take a look and give me a response on any concerns of this vacation, I would appreciate your input. Thanks, Phil Franklin Right of Way Agent Mason County Public Works 360-427--9670, Ext.456 Exhibit D-Pg.4 https://owa.co.mason.wa.uslowalprojection.aspx 1/2 Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union/Robin Hood Area- Phil Franklin Page 2 of 3 through to them and splits the two larger parcels for access that have not been opened nor have they been formally vacated. Phil From: Michael MacSems Sent: Monday,September 23, 2019 4:51:45 PM To: Phil Franklin; Kell Rowen; Ronald Buckholt Subject: Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union/Robin Hood Area Phil, Thanks, I get it now. I think that Kell and'Rbn should look at this as it relates to connectivity for future development in the Union area:Can the parcels to the west be accessed from the north? Michael From: Phil Franklin Sent: Monday, September 23,2019 3:17:55 PM To: Michael MacSems Subject: Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union/Robin Hood Area Michael, The area requested is that area of Sharpe Street West of 32232-50-92901, 32232-50-92001 and 32232- 50-92902. 1 have attached another aerial to help show the area of the request. All of the parcels are owned by Union City Partners, LLC. I am sorry that the parcel lines and street lines don't show up.They show on the map that I image but not on the image itself that I have attached. The yellowish green shaded area is the portion of Sharp that they want to vacate. They are adjacent to the three parcels I have listed above.The Red area is a portion that was vacated in the past. The attached aerial is from our ARC reader and is oriented with North at the top of the page. The parcel given for the road is one of the bogus, 99999 numbers. 32233-99-99999. Sorry I can't get the lines to show at all on the aerial. Phil From: Michael MacSems Sent: Monday,September 23,201911:13:01 AM To: Phil Franklin;Terry Conley; Brenen Profitt; Kell Rowen; Ronald Buckholt Subject: Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union/Robin Hood Area Phil, Just to be clear, is the area of the vacation being proposed limited to the area shown as TPN 32232-50- 92900 on the photo map below? Michael Exhibit D-Pg.3 https:/lowa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 9/24/2019 RESOLUTION NO. VACATION FILE NO. 405 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF SHARPE STREET WHEREAS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Public Works Department is requesting for the vacation of the following right of way: a portion of Sharpe Street located West and adjacent of Block 92 as recorded in Union Hood Canal Land & Improvement Company's Plan of Union City that is approximately 30' x 290' in size. WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commissioners did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Hearing Examiner on the matter and directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said hearing has been set for Wednesday, August 26, 2020 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and be heard either for or against the vacation of a portion of the above said street located in Mason County Washington. DATED this day of , 2020. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Assessor Auditor Kevin Shutty, Commissioner County Engineer Petitioner Post no later than (20 days prior to hearing at each terminus of the county road or portion thereof proposed to be vacated or abandoned.) Vacation File No. 405 JOURNAL— Publish 2t: — (Bill Public Works) MASON COUNTY BRIEFING ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FROM: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, Deputy Director/County Engineer DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 BRIEFING DATE: , 2020 PREVIOUS BRIEFING DATES: If this is a follow-up briefing,, please provide only new information INTERNAL REVIEW (please check all that apply): ❑ Budget/Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Other— please explain ITEM: Road Vacation No. 406— Set Hearing Date with Hearings Examiner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Neil &Julie Jones petitioned for the vacation of the north half of Fir Street adjacent to Block 8 Lots 21 through 28 in the Plat of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City. The vacation area is approximately 20x30 feet in size and abuts Mr. and Mrs. Jones property. The vacation would add useable space the portioner's lot and shut off unwanted access to the back of their property. An Engineer's Report has been prepared for the Hearings Examiner and Public Works recommends the vacation as submitted, subject to retaining existing easements for ingress and egress for any other purpose, if any, and in accordance with RCW 36.87.140, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the proposed vacated right of way. BUDGET IMPACTS: Petitioners have paid the required administrative fee of $500 for the Petition for Vacation of County Road. PUBLIC OUTREACH: Public notice will be posted at the site and published in the county official newspaper, as required by RCW 36.87.050. RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED ACTION: Recommend the Board approve and execute the resolution setting a hearing date with the Hearings Examiner for Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 1:00pm to consider public comment on the petition to vacate a portion of the north half of Fir Street adjacent to Block 8 Lots 21 through 28 in the Plat of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City, Road Vacation No. 406. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Engineer's Report 2. Hearing Notice Briefmg Summary 7/15/2020 MASON COUNTY j DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 3 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Mason County Hearings Examiner FROM: Phil Franklin, Right of Way Agent, for Mike Collins, County Engineer Cc: Loretta Swanson, Director of Mason County Public Works SUBJECT: ENGINEER'S REPORT—ROAD VACATION FILE NO. 406 Vacation of the North half of Fir Street adjoining Lots 21 through 28 of Block 8 in Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City.These lots are identified as Assessor's Parcel Number No. 32232-52-08021, dedicated in the Plat of Grays Harbor & Union City Railroad Addition to Union City on August 1, 1890 Background: Neil &Julie Jones petitioned for the vacation of the north half of Fir Street adjacent to Block 8 Lots 21 through 28 in the Plat of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City. The area that they have requested to be vacated is approximately 200 x 30 feet in size and would allow Mr. & Mrs.Jones to add useable space to their lot and shut off unwanted access to the back of their property. The area east of the Jones property, along the same street, was granted a similar vacation back on August 14, 2012 (Vacation #382). The applicants claim that this street is already vacated by Operation of Law, and if this is true,the approval of their requested vacation will clear up title on the vacated area.The right of way width of the entire street is 60 feet, according to the original plat map and the request is for the north half of Fir Street that abuts the petitioner's property. If any of the properties to the south of Fir Street want to maintain access to the lower portion of their property there will be a 30-foot portion of the dedicated platted road left to be used if needed. The majority of the properties to the south of Fir Street are quite steep off of Fir Street. All of these properties currently access their properties off Spruce Street. In compliance with RCW 36.87.40 and at the Board of County Commissioners and County Engineers direction, Public Works Department staff examined the portion of road right-of-way requested to be vacated and solicited comments on the proposed vacation. Our findings are the following: 1. The street is used very rarely as access to any of the properties in this area and all properties have other ways of access to their property that are much better suited for use. 2. The road is classified as "Class A" per MCC 12.20.040 and no compensation for fee simple interest or appraisal is due prior to vacation. 3. The proposed vacation area is not deemed necessary to preserve for the County road system for the future. 4. The public will benefit by this action, since it will clear title for the petitioner, add more area for the petitioner to build on their property, add the vacated area to the tax rolls and relieve the county of liability. Public Notice Public notice has been provided as required by RCW 36.87.050, both by posting at the site and by publishing in the county official newspaper. Recommendation Public Works recommends the vacation of the North half of Fir Street located South and adjacent of Block 8 Lots 21 through 28 as recorded in the Plat of Grays Harbor & Union City Railroad Addition to Union City as petitioned, subject to existing easements for ingress and egress or any other purpose, if any, and, in accordance with RCW 36.87.170, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated right of way. Hearing Examiner Options 1. Find that this vacation meets the standards established by state law and recommend the vacation be granted as petitioned and/or as recommended by the County Engineer. 2. Find that this vacation fails to meet the standards established by state law and recommend the vacation be denied. 3. Finding that only part of the vacation as petitioned or recommended by the County Engineer complies with the law, develop recommendations to grant the compliant portion and deny the other. Attachments: • Exhibit Al thru A6-Applicant's Petition • Exhibit B1 thru B8- Aerials & Maps of Vacation Area • Exhibit C- Legal Description • Exhibit D1 thru D5 - Letters of Approval from Local Agencies f I MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MUNIS VENDOR#1925 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON,WA 98684 (360)427-9670 Receipt No: 17023 Date: 09/26/2019 Payment Type: Check#1012 Name: Neil Jones I.tar n L16 Description Amount Road Vacation#406 500.00 TOTAL $500.00 Receipted by: Braakman,Amy Exhibit A-Pg.1 MASON COUNTY PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners c/o: Mason County Public Works Department 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 We, the undersigned,being owners of the majority of the frontage of the below-described county road,hereby petition the Board of Mason County Commissioners for vacation of the following described county road: Road Name: ti l r '_54ree Road Number; {Description of road right of way to be vacated: Plat Name: mo t [ o 11 jkiq Recording Date; Y1 e— Z Section: '32— Township: — 7,2. Range: Attached herewith is a map secured from the Mason County Engineer or from the Mason County Assessor. We have shaded the right of way herein petitioned to be vacated and have also shown the ownerships along said right of way. IN SUPPORT OF SAID PETITION,PETITIONERS ALLEGE: I That the undersigned are the owners of the majority of the frontage of the county road right of way petitioned to be vacated and said right of way is located in Mason County,Washington. II That contact information,signatures and legal descriptions of the property owned by each petitioner on the right of way to be vacated are provided below: NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY/PARCEL# PHONE so, 0�_ 4 , h• 2 (f x PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 1 Exhibit A-Pg.2 NAME/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PHONE PROPERTY/PARCEL# 3 X 4 X (Additional petitioners are listed on the attachment hereto.) )II That, if the plat was recorded prior to March, 12, 1904, and, if the right of way is not now in use as a public road, the following proof is provided that the road was never opened for public travel for five years following recording of the plat: Ike- am MA31,0610(i....P2E ho AA ku K A IV That such county road right of way is useless as a part of the county road system and that the public would be benefited by its vacation for the following reasons: tr A11 rp e(-1� O n-&-G' h 0, 4-et U i )ter Aecim A That this road vacation is e ested for the following purpose: v C04 VI That this petition is accompanied by a deposit in the suin of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), payable to Mason County Public Works,pursuant to statute, conditioned upon petitioners paying into the Mason County Road Fund the amount of all costs and expenses incurred in the examination, report, appraisal and all proceedings pertaining to this petition for the vacation of said road right of way. DATED this day of YV ,20 . PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 2 Exhibit A-Pg.3 ATTACHEMENT TO PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD ADDITIONAL PETITIONERS NAIVIE/ADDRESS/SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PHONE PROPERTY/PARCEL## 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 X 11 X 12 X 13 X PETITION FOR VACATION OF COUNTY ROAD Page 3 Exhibit A-Pg.4 Fir Street Union OVA Petitioned Vacation area RCW 36.87 Exhibit Map The north half of Fir Street adjoining Lots 21 through 28, Block 8, all in the plat of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City, shown on the official plat thereof on file in the office of the Auditor in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 1, records of Mason County, WA 4s6 Y 1 � IaEsc 5 cif s IEPRTT NSENDST ' 'ry''? 6 Section III notes The area on Fir Street I am petitioning to vacate has already been vacated by Operation of Law,I am petitioning the County for this vacation to clear the title of my property description up. Section IV notes Driving a standard passenger car is not practical almost to the point of being treacherous because of the condition of the surface. It is extremely in-Liddy and slippery when wet, and I had to move several large rocks before being able to drive my Impala through it. In addition,it is secluded consequently public use creates a "back entrance"to several properties which causes a significant security concern. All adjacent properties have access via other means and this vacation will not create any land lock situations. This vacation will also create the opportunity for the County to collect more tax revenue. Section V notes 1) To increase security to the back side of my property 2) To increase the area available for constructing a house and garage (I have a 30' surface water setback on the opposite side of my property). 3) To create a larger distance from our house to the adjacent Union County Park. Exhibit A-Pg.5 Previous Vacation directly adjacent to this request Vacation Pile No 382 Resolution 48-12 A portion of E. Tacoma Street and Fir Street, in Sec 32,T 22N, R3W,W.M., Mason County, WA, described as follows: All that portion of E. Tacoma Street adjoining Lots 25 through 32, Block 7 and Lots 17 through 20, Block 8, and the-north 30 feet of Fir Street adjoining Lots 25 through 32, Block 7 and Lots 17 through 20, Block 8, all in the plat of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City, shown on the official plat thereof on file in the office of the Auditor in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 1,records of Mason County, Washington. 3FZ�,Z�29B i293T '' a'QDI �'123288$fl�6 � 32252£ 8097 3 ' _3299 3� Exhibit A-Pg.6 Mason County OVA GIS Page I of I Mason County WA GIS j -}- O 2vTM arch by 'arcel orAddres Iu0 ;�TH'T 70 ETACOhdAST 050 5THST E 511t cr , F 5 I ti - - I I - 2.'2.I E.STH ST Fl�I E 5THY I E 5TH ST J I 5TH S i4 ' 20E POP.TT YINSEND 5'T O O O m 7 Q 200 EALDERNEY ST 5fi0 E hiCRE m O 40 E PO T TOYVNSE1:JC�ST L f:ilpg7Untt-y a.1 EPORT OLINSENDST P°tl 'I EALDEERNEYST fJ 73 E FORT TO';yNSEND S T 1411 TACOMA ST 71 E-PORT TOYMET ND ST Requested Vacation Area N E GREATEEND DR 4 I_E_SERUt:ES� O 100fl Exhibit B-Pg.1 https://gis.co.masoii.wa.us/mason/ 10/10/2019 Mason County WA GIS Paue I of I Mason County WAGIS NJ IkST p, 9 1H S` - �1 E15 iT I - -'§_ H12AEFORTTC -itlS.EFN I IE ( T * F 20 A U E P t I EV ST CE-t.I 0 T Lm ji'EP 0 4P_ L* rl U I I rj!I WO'.. ri 21 E R___E_-A Tf I E ft E f Exhibit B-Pg.2 littps://uis.co.iiiason.wa.tis/iiiasoii/ L, 10/10/2019 Legend Jones Requested Vacation S. 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T�J-� ry}71r c �• �� �.�•��y�•4,.w. t�:11'rA "�, x 'G' ��''"�a .'L- ./,t' „.'\ ����4�����3,-'iu>h��-�'. 1• *\•i "s`•`- ���y 4 - s�:.�, +, ..., i4.• �r�_r•���1� few^''L.,�Y� 1/ t1* I" i1°' • �, aza � 5., .fit J ✓ •� R (�� (".,.Eij `LlC"'R�_cir' ."•{ �•' / _ �. `;� vi :. Ii��[r..ta k t,w.� � �i -�iit ' � '�•.fd7'I�`I7l1'K% �.:+• ti" a :t;'!: a e ,�'S.p ��,;�.,1 ;Y. � `. `�1."�.t.i \.. .• �,` •+... wI .l`s��t.: •'• �: v•' `.�,u•'. 1�''.Y,�'�I,�y` ._ }t �' Z '�. t__ 9 1 4 `7f• t k :.7 w r? rjl� Exhibit C Legal Description of Vacated Area The North half of Fir Street adjoining Lots 21 through 28, inclusive, Block 8 as shown in the "Plan of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City", Mason County, Washington, as filed in Volume 2 of Plats at Page 1. Exhibit C-Pg.1 Re: Road Vacation in Union-Phil Franldin Pagel of 1 Re: Road Vacation in Union i i Brenen Profitt Fri 10/11/2019 6:38 AM To:Phil Franklin <Pdf@co.mason.wa.us>; I I Good Morning Phil, The only concern that I would have with this would be the seasonal waterway that flows through it. Mr.Jones was told that he needed to continue to pass the water from the existing cross culvert through the proposed vacated area. Other than that, I don't see any issues with this area being vacated. Thanks, Brenen From: Phil Franklin Sent:Thursday, October 10,2019 10:39:35 AM To: Brenen Profitt Subject: Road Vacation in Union Brenen, Can you take a look at the area of this road vacation request and let me know if you have any comments or concerns about this portion of Fir Street being vacated. Just to let you know,the property to the east,that adjoins this request,was granted a road vacation for the North half of Fir street about 3 years ago. An email response, for my Vacation File,would be best if possible. Let me know if you have any questions and I will get right back to you. If I remember correctly,you and Al met with Mr.Jones about installing his drive way and the drainage adjustment that will have to be made to use that access, Thanks so much Brenen, Phil i i Phil Franklin Right of Way Agent Mason County Public Works 360-427-9670, Ext. 456 Exhibit D-Pg.1 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 10/16/2019 i Re: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at... -Phil Franklin Page 1 of 1 l Re: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at 73 E Port Townsend Street in Union i Michael MacSems Fri 10/11/2019 8:51 AM To:Phil Franklin <Pdf@co.mason.wa.us>; cc:Kell Rowen <KRowen@co.mason.wa.us>; What happens with to the access for the two mid-block lots on the south side of Fir St? I guess that they could still get in on the south half of the r/w. Michael From: Phil Franklin Sent:Thursday, October 10,201910:48:02 AM To:Michael MacSems Subject: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at 73 E Port Townsend Street in Union Michael, Neil Jones recently purchased the property at 73 E Port Townsend Street in Union. He has requested a road vacation of the North half of Fir Street that lays South of his property. I attached images should help you see what he is requesting. He purchased this property recently as one of the County Surplus Properties. If you could please pass this around to your staff and see if they have any questions or concerns, please do, and have them email me with any questions or concerns with the vacation. I know that the name, Fir Street, does not show on the aerials but I did check the original plat, and that was the name of the street in the dedicated plat. I know it does not show on any of the aerials, but the North half of Fir Street to the East of Mr.Jones's property was vacated a few years ago as well as a portion of E Tacoma Street in the same area. Thanks so much for your input and help. Regards, Phil Phil Franklin Right of Way Agent Mason County Public Works 360-427-9670, Ext. 456 Exhibit D-Pg.2 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 10/14/2019 Re: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at... -Phil Franklin Page 1 of 2 1 Re: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at 73 E Port Townsend Street in Union i i Michael MacSems Mon 10/14/2019 9:11 AM To:Phil Franklin <Pdf@co.mason.wa.us>; i ccKell Rowen <KRowen@co.mason.wa.us>; ' i i Thanks Phil, If you don't hear back from anyone in Planning in the next two days,figure that we are okay with this. Michael From: Phil Franklin Sent: Monday, October 14,2019 7:19:11 AM To: Michael MacSems Subject:Re: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at 73 E Port Townsend Street In Union Michael, Yes they could still use the South half plus they have access from above off of Spruce Street. If you look at an aerial of the area you can see the property owners south of Fir use Spruce plus the property is always posted at least two weeks before the hearing that allows them to come in and comment on the vacation if they want to. I post the property, plus I post it at two other public locations such as the post office and, in this case,the fire station or a library, if near the area. I am required to post it in at least three place and then we also put it in the local paper for the same minimum of two weeks. I thought the same process Michael and will note it on the Engineer's Report that l turn in to the Commissioner's. Phil From: Michael MacSems Sent: Friday,October 11,2019 8:51:42 AM To: Phil Franklin Cc: Kell Rowen Subject: Re: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at 73 E Port Townsend Street in Union What happens with to the access for the two mid-block lots on the south side of Fir St?I guess that they could still get in on the south half of the r/w. Michael From: Phil Franklin Sent:Thursday,October 10, 2019 10:48:02 AM Exhibit D-Pg.3 https://owa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 10/14/2019 Re: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at... -Phil Franklin Page 2 of-2 To: Michael MacSems Subject: Requested Road Vacation by Neil Jones Property owner at 73 E Port Townsend Street in Union Michael, Neil Jones recently purchased the property at 73 E Port Townsend Street in Union. He has requested a road vacation of the North half of Fir Street that lays South of his property. I attached images should help you see what he is requesting. He purchased this property recently as one of the County Surplus Properties. If you could please pass this around to your staff and see if they have any questions or concerns, please do, and have them email me with any questions or concerns with the vacation. I know that the name, Fir Street, does not show on the aerials but I did check the original plat, and that was the name of the street in the dedicated plat. I know it does not show on any of the aerials, but the North half of Fir Street to the East of Mr.Jones's property was vacated a few years ago as well as a portion of E Tacoma Street in the same area. Thanks so much for your input and help. Regards, Phil Phil Franklin Right of Way Agent Mason County Public Works 360-427-9670, Ext.456 Exhibit D-Pg.4 https:Howa.co.mason.wa.us/owa/ 10/14/2019 Re:Requested Road Vacation in Union-Phil Franklin Page 1 of 1 Re: Requested Road Vacation in Union Terry Conley Wed 10/16/2019 6:58 AM To:Phil Franklin <Pdf@co.mason.wa.us>; Hey Phil, have no issues with this vacation. Terry From: Phil Franklin Sent:Thursday,October 10,201910:33:12 AM To:Terry Conley Subject:Requested Road Vacation in Union Terry, Could you please give me feed back on a road vacation in Union. have attached a couple of aerials for reference. The petitioner is requesting to vacate the North half of Fir Street that adjoins his property. know the name of the street is not on the aerial, but I have checked the old recorded Plat and it is Fir Street in the old original plat map. An email for my records, on your feedback,would be appreciated. Thank you, Phil Phil Franklin Right of Way Agent Mason County Public Works 360-427-9670, Ext. 456 Exhibit D-Pg.5 https:Howa.co.mason.wa.usIowa/ 10/16/2019 RESOLUTION NO. VACATION FILE NO. 406 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF AN UNUSED PORTION OF FIRST STREET WHEREAS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Public Works Department is requesting for the vacation of the following right of way: An unused portion of north half of Fir Street adjacent.to Block 8 Lots 21 through 28 in the Plat of Grays Harbor and Union City Railroad Addition to Union City. The vacation area is approximately 20x30 feet in size. WHEREAS, the Board of Mason County Commissioners did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Hearing Examiner on the matter and directed Public Works to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said hearing has been set for Wednesday, August 26, 2020 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and be heard either for or against the vacation of a portion of the above said street located in Mason County Washington. DATED this day of , 2020. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Assessor Auditor Kevin Shutty, Commissioner County Engineer Petitioner Post no later than (20 days prior to hearing at each terminus of the county road or portion thereof proposed to be vacated or abandoned.) Vacation File No. 406 JOURNAL— Publish 2t: — (Bill Public Works)