HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/04/07 - Regular Packet April 7.3
Pursuant to Proclamation by the Governor 20-28, in-person attendance to Commission
meetings is temporarily prohibited.
Our Commission meetings are live streamed at http://masonwebtv.com/ and we will accept
public comment via email — Mdrewry@co.mason.wa.us; or mail to Commissioners Office,
411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to
listen to the Commission meeting via your telephone, please provide your telephone
number to the Commissioners' office no later than 4 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.
We intend to limit our meetings to discuss and/or take action on only necessary and
routine matters or matters necessary to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and current
public health emergency.
Commission Chambers— 9:00 a.m.
411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584
April 7, 2020
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak we are suspending Citizen Input at this time. We
will accept public comment via email — Mdrewry(aco.mason.wa.us; or mail to
Commissioners Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-9670 ext.
419. We will revisit this suspension on a weekly basis.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Items appearing on the agenda after"Item 10. Public Hearings", may be acted upon before 9:15
7. Approval of Minutes — March 17, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes
8. Approval of Action Agenda: All items listed under the"Action Agenda"may be enacted
by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the
Action Agenda and considered as a separate item.
8.1 Approval to pay Jessica Koehn and Dawnell Arndt Lead Pay from March 9,
2020 to May 8, 2020 for performing duties of a higher classification.
8.2 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8071037-8071307 $ 995,685.39
Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for most recent version. This agenda was last
printed on 04/06/20 3:42 PM.
If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair
April 7, 2020—PAGE 2
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 66858-67246 $ 715,777.35
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7005075-7005098 $ 500,027.10
8.3 Approval to authorize the Deputy Director of Utilities and Waste Management
to sign a one-year contract extension, with amendments, for the sludge
hauling agreement with AAA Septic Tank Pumping and Portable Restroom
Rentals, LLC. There is no cost increase to this extension.
8.4 Approval of the Mason County Telework Authorized Essential Employees for
Community Development, Public Defense, Public Works/Utilities and Waste
Management and Support Services for the COVID-19 emergency.
8.5 Approval of the Mason County Disaster Declaration for COVID-19, which will
expire 90 days after adoption with the option to extend per authorization from
the Board.
8.6 Approval to allow the Planning Department to negotiate a contract with BERK
Consulting for the preparation of a Planned Action EIS for the Belfair Urban
Growth Area.
8.7 Approval to pay Kell Rowan and Alex Paysse at Salary Range 46, step 0,
effective March 16, 2020 for working in a higher class due to the absence of
the Director of Community Service because of COVID-19 assignment. This
special pay shall be removed when the Director of Community Services is no
longer working at Emergency Management. (April 1, 2020)
8.8 Approval of amendment#2 to contract CL:2019-2021.3 in response to the
Washington State COVID-19 Emergency. Total award is$36,235 $49,235 for
emergency housing.
response to the COVID 19 emergency. This position will be a volunteer
8.10 Approval for the Chair to sign a letter of support to the US Army Corps of
Engineers regarding the Columbia River System Operators Draft Environmental
Impact Statement(EIS). This is at the request of PUD3 and has a due date of
April 9, 2020.
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
9.1 Announcement from Public Works regarding a speed reduction on Hulbert
Road West due to the WSDOT culvert project.
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time -In response to the
COVID-19 outbreak we will accept public comment via email — Mdrewry@co.mason.wa.us;
or mail to Commissioners Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or call 360-427-
9670 ext. 419
10.1 Public Hearing to inform citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses
of the 2020 Public Services Community Development Block Grant (PS-CDBG),
and receive comments on the proposed activities, specifically, funding to the
Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason &Thurston counties as well as
receiving comments on the 2019 program. Staff: Jennifer Beierle
11. Board's Reports and Calendar
12. Adjournment
J:\AGENDAS\2020\2020-04-07 REG.doc
ell" rl�
FROM: Ginger Kenyon Ext. 380
DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda
DATE: April 7, 2020 No. 4.1
ITEM: Correspondence
4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in a Marijuana Processor
License Application for Anon Extractors LLC and OGZ Fire Weed LLC.
4.1.2. Joseph Myers sent in an application for the Planning Advisory Commission.
4.1.3 Federal Emergency Management Agency sent in a letter re: The Flood
Insurance Study Report and Flood Rate Map.
4.1.4 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in a Liquor Application for
Added Privilege on the behalf of Sugar Tap Holdings, Inc. and Eagle Creek
Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board.
Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask
learRD0.W1nd6m ,-.paq6ez°
Washington State
Liquor and Cannabis Board
License Division - P.O. Box 43098
Olympia,WA 98504-3098
Customer Service: (360) 664-1600
Fax: (360) 753-2710
Website: http://Icb.wa.gov
RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov
License: 429749 -7B County:23 1976-01-11
UBI:604-357-689-001-0001 (Spouse) 1976-11-29
OLYMPIA,WA 98506-2932
Phone No.: 661-317-8990 WILLIAM FIORELLI
Privileges Applied For:
As required by RCW 69.50.331(7), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has
applied for a marijuana license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on
this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no
objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a
written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you
need information on SSN,contact our Marijuana CHRI desk at(360)664-1704.
1.Do you approve of applicant?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ❑ ❑
2.Do you approve of location?. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to
request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
(See WAC 314-09-060 for information about this process)
4.If you disapprove,per RCW 69.50.331(7)you MUST attach a letter to the Board
detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your
objection(s)are based.
Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask
CIt er:k; b,OQ.Y d om A.02�6°Ir
0Washington State k - Ioi0eA
t-r� Liquor and Cannabis Board
License Division - P.O. Box 43098
Olympia,WA 98504-3098
Customer Service: (360) 664-1600
Fax: (360) 753-2710
Website: http://Icb.wa.gov
RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov
License: 416412 -7B County:23 1982-15-11
SHELTON,WA 98584-4603
Mail Addr: 2525 ALASKA AVE E
PORT ORCHARD,WA 98366-8213
Phone No.: 360-865-9640 TY RUNDQUIST
Privileges Applied For:
As required by RCW 69.50.331(7), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has
applied for a marijuana license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on
this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no
objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a
written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you
need information on SSN,contact our Marijuana CHRI desk at(360)664-1704.
1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
2.Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to
request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
(See WAC 314-09-060 for information about this process)
4.If you disapprove,per RCW 69.50.331(7)you MUST attach a letter to the Board
detailing the reason(s) for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your
objection(s)are based.
Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask
,cQi;—rk�3&—n E E 4'EQ o 3
eolvi CO
r. Mason County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext 419;275-4467 or 482-5269
1854 Commissioners
I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT To Planning Advisory Commission
NAME: Joseph J. Myers
��E _
PHONE: 253
5: IM(OR AREA IN T1-fE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL joseph.j.myers@outlook.com
Victor Impinovement 7`11j,11,ii Gnunt�j COMPANY: The Boeing Company 28
I"I — -- YRS
(Past president),Allyn Community
Association-Allyn Days Vendor Coordinator POSITION: Software Development Program Mgr
Peninsula Advisory Commission Pierce
-('Qun1y.WA)- CesaurA Presidena..Math and COMPANY: U S Navy Active&Reserve 43 YR
Computer tutor, Odyssey of the Mind coach
and Washington state ludge. POSITION: Numerous Command Assignments
In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying:
Provide a pi iblin forum for certain coty plannin d d
reep investigate,evaluate an
aggregatedetails and inputs with respect to applicable code,regulations county plans etc. Provide fact based
rationale and Wtft-e�1-aGtivitleb as requubted
by the county commission.
What interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council?
Utilize my det at, )mote education-aAd confirience that ol ir
county leaders are moving forward to maintain and improve our community at large.
Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board:
(i.e.create a potential conflict of interest)
-Nnng knniAgn
Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours
(such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be
able to attend such trainings? Yes
Realistically,how much time can you give to this position?
Quarterly Monthly X Weekly Daily Office Use Only
Joseph J Myers 3/20/2020 Appointment Date
Tei-in Expire Date_
Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask
Q17e kms
_ °� Federal Emergency Management Agency
�� Washington, D.C. 20472
March 20,2020
Community Name: Mason County,WA
The Honorable Sharon Trask Community No.: 530115
Chair,Board of Commissioners Effective Date of
Mason County This Revision: July 31,2020
411 North 5th Street
Shelton,WA 98584
Dear Ms.Trask:
The Flood Insurance Study Report and Flood Insurance Rate Map for your community have been revised by this
Letter of Map Revision(LOMR). Please use the enclosed annotated map panel(s)revised by this LOMR for
floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals issued in your community.
Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding this LOMR. Please see the List of
Enclosures below to determine which documents are included. Other attachments specific to this request may be
included as referenced in the Determination Document. If you have any questions regarding floodplain management
regulations for your community or the National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP)in general,please contact the
Consultation Coordination Officer for your community. If you have any technical questions regarding this LOMR,
please contact the Director,Mitigation Division of the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency
Management Agency(FEMA)in Bothell,Washington,at(425)487-4682,or the FEMA Mapping and Insurance
eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627(1-877-FEMA MAP). Additional information about the NFIP is available on
our website at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip.
Patrick"Rick"F. Sacbibit,P.E.,Branch Chief
Engineering Services Branch
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration
List of Enclosures:
Letter of Map Revision Determination Document
Annotated Flood Insurance Rate Map
Annotated Flood Insurance Study Report
cc: Ms.Kell Rowan
Planning Manager
Mason County
Mr.David Radabaugh,CFM
State NFIP Coordinator
Washington Department of Ecology
Page 1 of 4 Issue Date: March 20,2020 Effective Date:July 31,2020 Case No.: 20-10-0331 P LOMR-APP
Federal Emergency Management Agency
�0 Washington, D.C. 20472
COMMUNITY (Unincorporated Areas)
Enclosures reflect changes to flooding sources affected by this revision.
'FIRM-Flood Insurance Rate Map
Maggie Lake-Entire lake between Lakeshore Drive North and Lakeshore Drive South
Dry Pond-Entire pond located south of Lake Shore Drive South
Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Decreases
Maggie Lake No BFEs'
Zone A Zone AE YES YES
Zone A
'BFEs-Base Rood Elevations
This document provides the determination from the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)
regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision(LOMR)for the area described above. Using the information submitted,we have determined that
a revision to the flood hazards depicted in the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)report and/or National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP)map is
warranted. This document revises the effective NFIP map,as indicated in the attached documentation. Please use the enclosed annotated map
panels revised by this LOMR for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals in your community.
This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have
any questions about this document,please contact the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627(1-877-FEMA MAP)or by letter addressed
to the LOMC Clearinghouse,3601 Eisenhower Avenue,Suite 500,Alexandria,VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at
Patrick'Rick'F.Sacbibit,P.E.,Branch Chief
Engineering Services Branch
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 20-10-0331 P 102-I-A-C
Page 2 of 4 Issue Date: March 20,2020 Effective Date:July 31,2020 Case No.: 20-10-0331P LOMR-APP
Federal Emergency Management Agency
� 4Washington, D.C. 20472
We have made this determination pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973(P.L.93-234)and in accordance
with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968,as amended(Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968,P.L.90-448),
42 U.S.C.4001-4128,and 44 CFR Part 65. Pursuant to Section 1361 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968,as amended,
communities participating in the NFIP are required to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that meet or exceed NFIP
criteria. These criteria,including adoption of the FIS report and FIRM,and the modifications made by this LOMB,are the minimum
requirements for continued NFIP participation and do not supersede more stringent State/Commonwealth or local requirements to which
the regulations apply.
We based this determination on the 1-percent-annual-chance discharges computed in the submitted hydrologic model. Future
development of projects upstream could cause increased discharges,which could cause increased flood hazards. A comprehensive
restudy of your community's flood hazards would consider the cumulative effects of development on discharges and could,
therefore,indicate that greater flood hazards exist in this area.
Your community must regulate all proposed floodplain development and ensure that permits required by Federal and/or
State/Commonwealth law have been obtained. State/Commonwealth or community officials,based on knowledge of local conditions
and in the interest of safety,may set higher standards for construction or may limit development in floodplain areas. If your
State/Commonwealth or community has adopted more restrictive or comprehensive floodplain management criteria,those criteria take
precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements.
We will not print and distribute this LOMR to primary users,such as local insurance agents or mortgage lenders;instead,the community
will serve as a repository for the new data. We encourage you to disseminate the information in this LOMR by preparing a news release
for publication in your community's newspaper that describes the revision and explains how your community will provide the data and
help interpret the NFIP maps. In that way,interested persons,such as property owners,insurance agents,and mortgage lenders,can
benefit from the information.
This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have
any questions about this document,please contact the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627(1-877-FEMA MAP)or by letter addressed
to the LOMC Clearinghouse,3601 Eisenhower Avenue,Suite 500,Alexandria,VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at
Patrick"Rick"F.Sacbibit,P.E.,Branch Chief
Engineering Services Branch
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 20-10-0331P 102-1-A-C
• Page 3 of 4 Issue Date: March 20,2020 Effective Date:July 31,2020 Case No.: 20-10-0331 P LOMR-APP
0'' Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, D.C. 20472
�11ND StiGJ
We have designated a Consultation Coordination Officer(CCO)to assist your community. The CCO will be the primary liaison between
your community and FEMA. For information regarding your CCO,please contact:
Mr.Mark Carey
Director,Mitigation Division
Federal Emergency Management Agency,Region X
Federal Regional Center
130 228th Street, Southwest
Bothell,WA 98021-8627
We will not physically revise and republish the FIRM and FIS report for your community to reflect the modifications made by this LOMR
at this time. When changes to the previously cited FIRM panel and FIS report warrant physical revision and republication in the future,
we will incorporate the modifications made by this LOMB at that time.
This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have
any questions about this document,please contact the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627(1-877-FEMA MAP)or by letter addressed
to the LOMC Clearinghouse,3601 Eisenhower Avenue,Suite 500,Alexandria,VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at
Patrick"Rick"F.Sacbibit,P.E.,Branch Chief
Engineering Services Branch
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 20-10-0331P 102-I-A-C
• Page 4 of 4 Issue Date: March 20,2020 Effective Date:July 31,2020 Case No.: 20-10-0331 F LOMB-APP
Federal Emergency Management Agency
0 4~ Washington, D.C. 20472
A notice of changes will be published in the Federal Register.This information also will be published in your local newspaper on or
about the dates listed below,and through FEMA's Flood Hazard Mapping website at
LOCAL NEWSPAPER Name: Shelton-Mason County Journal
Dates: March 26,2020 and April 2,2020
Within 90 days of the second publication in the local newspaper,any interested party may request that we reconsider this determination.
Any request for reconsideration must be based on scientific or technical data.Therefore,this letter will be effective only after the 90-day
appeal period has elapsed and we have resolved any appeals that we receive during this appeal period. Until this LOMR is effective,the
revised flood hazard determination presented in this LOMR may be changed.
This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have
any questions about this document,please contact the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627(1-877-FEMA MAP)or by letter addressed
to the LOMC Clearinghouse,3601 Eisenhower Avenue,Suite 500,Alexandria,VA 22304-6426. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at
Patrick"Rick"F.Sacbibit,P.E.,Branch Chief
Engineering Services Branch
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 20-10-0331P 102-1-A-C
Table 10: Summary of Discharges
Drainagei Peak.Discharge(cfs)-
Flooding Area
Source Location (Square, 10% 4% 2% _ .1%',.,'* 0.2%
Miles)' Annual Annual Annual . Anhual Annual
Chance Chance 'Chance.:. Chance Chance
Coffee Creek with 5.04 495 * 680 765 950
Goldsborough confluence
Creek with Coffee 49.1 1,850 2,520 2,795 3,450
Goldsborough Confluence
Creek with Puget 50.7 1,965 * 2,660 2,935 3,585
Skokomish Confluence
River with Hood 236.9 26,900 33,500 36,000 41,000
300 Feet
Tahuya River downstream of North 47.5 4,965 * 6,390 61900 8,195
Shore Road
Union River with Hood 25.5 1,940 2,605 2,785 3;415
Figure 7: Frequency Discharge-Drainage Area Curves
Revised Data
[Not Applicable to this FIS Project]
Table 11: Summary of Non-Coastal Stillwater Elevations
Stillwater Elevations
Drainage: (NAVD)
Flooding Source Area(Square 10% 4%° .2%° 1%._ 0.2%
Miles) Annual. : : .Annual Annual Annual Annual
Chance Chance Chance_ Chance , Chance
Maggie Lake 0.27 360.9
Dry Pond 0.07 * * 366.5
EFFECTIVE:July 31,2020
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NIF"W"I Without Base Hood Elevation(BFE).
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Regulatory Floodway
"Az s.. 0.2%Annual Chance Flood Hazard,Areas
of 1%annual chance flood with average
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MASON COUNTY 530115 0295 E
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EFFECTIVE:July 31,2020
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Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask
C1eri P.Oind wvi .4,f_rt(.1Je e_
r Washington State M -See S
Liquor and Cannabis Board
License Division - P.O. Box 43098
Olympia,WA 98504-3098
Customer Service: (360) 664-1600
Fax: (360) 753-2710
Website: http://Icb.wa.gov
TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.icb.wa.gov
DATE: 3/24/20
UBI:603-116-926-001-0001 APPLICANTS:
License: 350373 -2N County:23
Loc Addr: 18340 HWY 3 E MCCOY, GAIL L
ALLYN WA 98524 1959-08-24
Mail Addr: PO BOX 2130 1956-11-07
ALLYN WA 98524-2130
Phone No.: 406-862-1522
Privileges Upon Approval: MAR 2 4 2020
KEGS TO GO Commissioners
As required by RCW 66.24.010(8), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has
applied for a liquor license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on
this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no
objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a
written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you
need information on SSN,contact our CHRI desk at(360) 664-1724.
1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
2.Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to
request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
(See WAC 314-09-010 for information about this process)
4.If you disapprove,per RCW 66.24.010(8)you MUST attach a letter to the Board
detailing the reason(s) for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your
objection(s)are based.
Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Trask
cClerk�-Noind • Q,0ee_.
Washington State
Liquor and Cannabis Board
License Division - P.O. Box 43098
Olympia,WA 98504-3098
Customer Service: (360) 664-1600
Fax: (360)753-2710
Website: http://Icb.wa.gov
TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.icb.wa.gov
DATE: 3/24/20
UBI:601-088-166-001-0002 APPLICANTS:
License: 361867 -2N County:23
LILLIWAUP WA 98555-9787 1963-08-22
Mail Addr: PO BOX 208
Phone No.: 360-877-6729
RE` F )
Privileges Upon Approval:
AR 2 4 2020
KEGS TO GO Commissioners
As required by RCW 66.24.010(8), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has
applied for a liquor license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on
this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no
objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a
written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you
need information on SSN,contact our CHRI desk at(360)664-1724.
1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
2.Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you wish to
request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑
(See WAC 314-09-010 for information about this process)
4. If you disapprove,per RCW 66.24.010(8)you MUST attach a letter to the Board
detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your
objection(s)are based.
Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North Sth Street, Shelton,WA
March 17, 2020
1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:09 a.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance—Todd Parker led the flag salute.
3. Roll Call— Present: Commissioner District 1 - Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2— Kevin
Shutty; Commissioner District 3—Sharon Trask.
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in a Special Occasion Liquor
License for North Mason Rotary Club for an event at the HUB in Belfair.
4.1.2 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in a Marijuana License
. Application change of location for The Dab Lab.
4.1.3 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission sent in a letter re: 2019 Owner's Dam Safety
Program Update, Cities of Tacoma and Aberdeen.
4.2 Bid award announcements- Staff: Mike Collins
4.3 News Release- Modification of Services Staff: Frank Pinter
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input— No public present due to COVID-19.
6. Adoption of Agenda - Cmmr. Neatherlin/Shutty moved and seconded to add items 8.10 and
10.2 to the agenda, and to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried
unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye.
7. Approval of Minutes—March 2 and March 9, 2020 Briefing minutes; March 3 and March 10, 2020
Regular Minutes; March 10, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes. Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and
seconded to approve the March 2 and March 9, 2020 Briefing minutes, March 3 and
March 10, 2020 Regular Minutes,and March 10, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes as
presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye.
8. Approval of Action Agenda:
8.1 Approval to cancel the ILA for Lobbying Services with City of Shelton and Professional
Service Agreement with Phillips Burgess Government Relations and approval to
authorize the Chair to sign the termination letter.
8.2 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#s 8070946-8071036 $ 229,382.80
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant#s 66468-66857 $ 682,437.96
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7005040-7005074 $ 975,192.75
8.3 Approval of the three following 2020 Heritage Grant Applications totaling $1,179:
• Matlock Historical Society: $179 for the purchase of archival storage materials for
the Rediska-Hearing collection.
• League of Women Voters: $500 towards the cost of creating six professionally
designed mounted posters that focus on woman leaders in Mason County, to be
displayed publicly.
• Mason County Historical Society: $500 towards creating six 24"by 36"display
boards showcasing six historically significant communities in Mason County.
March 17, 2020 - PAGE 2
Mes under and aeress eeunty read rights of way.-Postponed
8.5 Approval to authorize the Public Works Deputy Director/Utilities &Waste Manager to
work on establishing internet service at the Hoodsport Drop Box facility, and approval
to purchase another Paradigm License and computer to track and manage solid waste
operations at the facility.
8.6 Approval to amend Resolution 2020-20 Mason County Personnel Policy, to update
Chapter 4.5, Unusual Weather Conditions/Extreme Circumstances Policy to include
public health emergencies. (Ex.A—Res. 2020-28)
8.7 Approval to adopt a Mason County Telework Program Policy and Procedures. (Ex. B-
Res. 2020-29)
8.8 Approval to suspend certain limitations in County Code Chapter 2.88 Meetings of
Board of County Commissioners regarding Commissioner participation in
Commissioner meetings via conference call or video conference and requirement that
two Commissioners be physically present. This suspension is in effect until April 30,
8.9 Approval to sign letter to the Governor requesting the state's Business and
Occupation Tax for industries and small businesses be suspended.
8.1OApproval to have the Chair sign the Washington State Department of Commerce
Community Services and Housing Division COVID-19 Outbreak Emergency Housing
Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.,10.
Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye.
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)- None.
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items set for a certain time—
10.1 Public hearing to consider approval of budget supplemental appropriations and
amendments to the 2020 budget. Staff: Jennifer Beierle
Jennifer Beierle, Budget Manager, read through the requested appropriations and amendments.
She stated that grand total in the authorized expenditure appropriations.for the general fund is
$274,162; Special and other funds total is $976,823.
Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to continue the hearing until Tuesday,
March 24, 2020 at 6:15 p.m. in order to receive public comment. Motion carried
unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye.
10.2 Public Hearing to consider the surplus of parcel 42212-51-48008 as an
intergovernmental exchange to the Port of Hoodsport for use as a septic drain field for
community restrooms. Staff: Loretta Swanson
Engineer Mike Collins announced that the hearing was set and advertised, but due to staff error,
it did not make it onto the original agenda due to Public Works staff oversight. He asked to table
the hearing until May 19, 2020.
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Shutty moved and seconded to approve tabling the hearing until
May 19, 2020. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye;T-aye.
March 17, 2020- PAGE 3
11. Board's Reports and Calendar-The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week
and announced their upcoming weekly meetings.
12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:32 a.m.
Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
From: Loretta Swanson Action Agenda x
Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 769
COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 7, 2020 Agenda Item # g
(Commissioner staff to
Please provide explanation of urgency
ITEM: Approval to pay Jessica Koehn and Dawnell Arndt Lead Pay from March
9, 2020 to May 8, 2020 for performing duties of a higher classification.
Background: Per both the Engineers Guild and the Teamsters General
Services Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), Section 10.3 and 10.5,
respectively, "..Lead Worker: The County may designate an employee as a
Lead Worker; such designation is not considered to be a "job vacancy" or
"newly created position."A Lead Worker will typically direct, oversee and/or
organize the work of other employees, although the County reserves the
exclusive right to make a Lead Worker designation based on other factors and
rationale. The Lead Worker cannot hire, fire, or discipline other employees
within the Bargaining Unit. This job classification is used at the discretion of
management (and with prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners).
A Department Head will post within his/her Department a notice of intent to
appoint a Lead Worker. He/she will give full consideration to all departmental
applicants before going outside his/her department. Any employee who acts as
Lead Worker will receive an additional ten percent (10%) salary for the period
of time they perform that function.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to pay Jessica Koehn and Dawnell Arndt
Lead Pay from March 9, 2020 to May 8, 2020 for performing duties of a higher
Attachment: Temporarily Working in A Higher Class/Out of Class/Lead Pay
Request Form, Section 10.3 & 10.5 of the CBA's.
El Out of Class Pay WLead Pay ❑ Working in a Higher Class
All out of class,lead, or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department
head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County
Commissioners,erior to the assignment of additional duties.
Employee Name: Jessica Koehn
Employee Job Title:Financial Analyst IV Department:Public Works
Please insertthe lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the-Collective Bargaining
Agreement if applicable:
See attached page 27, from the Engineers Guild 2017-2019 CBA
What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long:
With the departure of Merrilee Kenyon,Public Works Finance Manager,there is a need to designate a lead in PW accounting and
financial services as we transition to a new Finance Manager.Jessica Koehn will serve as a lead employee and will oversee and coordinate the
day to day operations,tasks,and procedures for Roads and ER&R financial services.She will provide a higher level of support to the Director and fund managers by
fielding complex questions,and assisting with current ER&R transition.It is anticipated this lead designation will last at a minimum of 60 days.
Effective Date:3/9/202.0 End Date: 5/8/2020
EAttach a copy of the eI'MD �tyee`s current asl o esctriptro
Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date:
Department Head/Elected Official Signature: Gv vw` Date: �/ Z3 2620
Support Services Director Signature: Date: Z J' 2144
BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date:
cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll
"Am,-I MtiR»vf�1 t�t I!t3 1�1I'l�i(( 1tall) ,1,�ti'it�lir 1►��l\+.rr ra;t�tr1zC
A supervisor may assign an enhployee to perfum-i the majority of the primate duties of a higher job
rlassilicatioth, whelk those clutics are not part of the employee's current jc)b clalssific liioa, for the
A. Providing work coverage during 1r.authorized vacation period;
B. Providing,work coverage doling nn authorized sick lea%ye;
C. Providing wort;coverage for an authorized leave of absence;or
1). F'rcwiding wort,coverage for a currettlly vacant position.
IC the: c-rihl,loyee is s4hoduled to work in tic [higher jc,b classification tc�r ten (1 fl) consecutive workdays
or more, tho employes; shall he purl at(lit:sive of tltc sahiry nand, for the higher classification that
provi:es'11 least a► five percent (54-1)) increase. The pay adjustment shall commence on thea first clay of
the work out of classification assignment.
A supervisor may temporarily assign (lie clutics ora higher level job classification to one eniployce or
to several enlployces ror cross-training purposes, so long as the assignment is for fewer than ten(10)
consecutive-:workdays, -fhmv shall be no acljus,nient in pay during die cross-training tlssigtunent(s).
However. the County may not ulili-zc this crossAraining provision in order to avoid paying for work
performed outride.ofan eniployee's regular job classification (e.g. assigning multiple rotations of
"cross-training" totaling more than ton(lees) consecutive workdays).
No employee shall be reduced in salary or benefits when temporarily assigned by the County to
pe.rforni the vmrk of a lower classification, cxa pt in the cve.ni ol'ta disciplinary deniolicn.
. ► i r�1 .i 1 : 'fate County may dcsignatc an employee as a Lead Worker; such diosignation is not
considered to be a"job vLt;uhttcy''or`'newly ercated position."A Lead Worker will typically direct,
Oversee andlor organize the work of other employees.. all-how-di ilio County reservers the exclusive
right to i-make a Lead Worker designation based on other factors and ra(ionalle. The Lead Worker
cannot hire, fire-, or discipline other employees widiin the Bargaining, Unit. This job classification is
Lcd at the discretion of management(and with prior approval of the Board of County
Colnnlisic)ners), A Department Head will post within his/her Department a notice ofintentto
appoint a Lead Worker. f fc/slle a-rill give full conslderution (o all departmental appliemits before
Going outside [his;'her&partnhent. Any employee hail acts as Lead Worker will receive an
:ldditioncll tell percent(10,70) salary ('or the period of Cirne they per'tlorm that function.
10.4 XUL .-wt-:lzu;tnttit.rist,�n
All ba_•gainin,o unit employees who ,►re, rocluired to uao their own vehicles for County bU.ShICss shall
be reimbursed it the nhilearge mite set by the curroM policy for all miles driven on such business.
10.5 Lo,\;(; vrr
The County sh,►I1 provide additional monthly compensation above.each eligible cniployl-O.'s hase
salar}'CO recchgni•re cotttinurnls length of service, as a COUntV empinyce,as fc�llu4ls:
Towl Years ol'Service Coni)leted Additional Pay_ Incrontgg
I-10 Years 0
I I-IS Years 1.5 °`a
16-20 Years 3.0%
211-?i Yeau•s 4.5 vivo
'16 or more Ycahls 6.0
'a ! (, ' 'L• i �' +Ilf, �'gyp :. .J i!i- v3.r..-t --I�Irt I`n^_e?7
❑Out of Class Pay ®Lead Pay' ❑ Working in a Higher Class
All out of class,lead, or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department
head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County
Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties.
Employee Name:Dawnell Arndt
Employee Job Title:Senior Accounting Technician Department:Public Works - U&W
Please insert the lead,out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining
Agreement if applicable:
See section 10.5 Lead Worker on attached page 29, of the Teamsters Union-General Services 2016-2018 CBA
What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their,current position description and for how long:
With the departure of Merrilee Kenyon,Public Works Finance Manager,there is a need to designate a lead in U&W accounting and
financial services as we transition to a new Finance Manager.Dawneli Arndt will serve as a lead employee and will oversee and coordinate the day to day
operations,tasks and procedures in U&W financial services and she will provide a higher level of direct support
to the Director,U&W Deputy Director and U&W Managers. It is anticipated this lead designation will last at a minimum of 60 days.
3/9/2020 5/8/2020
Effective Date. End Date: _
Aaeh a co Y flf t e etiztp ayee"s c ent positiarr d'eseri.,tion
Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date:
Department Head/Elected Official Signature: ��il7 Date: 3�3 2026
Support Services Director Signatur Date: 7/1, 3 2,)u
BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date:
cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll
_ \
.. � � Com. � 't` _. � . ..
, n
A. Providing\-work coverage during au ivahorizcd vai 1ti011 period;
R. Providing workajvcrage daring an authirrizcd sick Icavc;
C. Providing work coverage for tin atlthoHv.cd (cave ofabsence. or
D. hroVKhno vwol'X Coveraoc 101•it Currently ValW11 l7USitloll.
I`mploy'ec(s) nislgned to work ill 1. @ast Ghee (3), eight (S' hour day's within it t ventv-ot1C (21)
calendar day period, in a highe=r classification will receive the first titch salary of tyle appropriate
classification that provides at least a five percent (5%) increase far all tithe spent in that higher
classification. 'File employee must 13C perfo:ttling, most of the essential function,; of [lie higher
classille.uion to have that time court: toward the additional cmupensation. This section is not
applicable to,employces who arc. being tra llCLI to pot-Corm the work of tile, higher classification.
10.3 Ib1ILEAM', ftimml;URSENJENt
All bargill1 ing unit employees who etre required to use Cicir town vehicles For Frilploycr business
shall be reltabiu-sc'd tit the; mileage rale set by the current policy liar all 111HOS driven con such
11C.County shall ht•avide additional monthly compel.sation above each eligible, rmllilr Full-tante
enlployea's base sl.lary to recognise cantinuraus length of service as a County employee. 1 '•igiblc.
r.(,1uliu•pal-t-time Crlll)ItlweZB Shall receive a Pro-rated longevity benefitin proportion to the number of
huut•s the piu-t-time employee-is in pay status durino [lie Inontll its compared to lliat required Lor iull-
tinlcenlpinylllent. The longevily hcnalit will ba implemented in accordance wit:°t Il)c following
Beginning in I I lt' and continuing lJwu l art'}eters 1b--,'L')ve huse
Re ,inning, in 16°i and colttinuing thru '10"i years _ — 3.0%,. above base
girininf in 21st ;tad c ctntinuittg tutu 25'1'years 4.5%above bash
R.L-1111111"111 261h VeCir alta{ C011t111t1illh thel'C'a�f�Nl" i 6.01,14, nboye haso
The County nui desigliale till elliployce as a Lead Worker, such desic1116011 is not considered to be
a "job vacancy" or "nevd created position" us rcfcrenccii in :1[i"1'ICL.E � – SI.N[i)f.f l'Y, Section
2. A Lead Worker will :yhically direet. oversee and,'ur orranin elle wort: of other employccs,
uldlotlo h the (:,oullly reserm, the_ eXC1Llsivc ri�11ht tri Trak a Lend Worker dcsignation based on
other ilnd I11.00nale. The Lcuc. Workcr cannot hire. fire. or di.wipline other cmpioyecs
within the Tekim.�Iurs hargainin.; unit. This -job classilieatilnl is uticd tti the dJscratlun of
ntanagenlellt (tact with prier approval of tile. Ronrd of County Commissialle.rs). A 11epartment
[Ic'.td will past wit'litt hislhl r Department a ncitice of irttc►lt. to Appoint a Letts worker. Ire/she evil!
rViv4 full consideration to all depa nncntul applictinis bc:ore gcoinu oulsi& hiS/IXr d4P;lr1llletll. Any
Cn.1110VCC whro ;tcts a: LCilll WorkCr ,%,il! rece-ivo tel addilironal tell pe*cent (101!•,0 salary for the
p�=rind of-tillC they perfblill that function.
The Coulity shall pay I stn•all required rltectica: examinal_on5 irn.�luding employces who are required
to pctSSGs r is Gonunercial Driver's License. and iilsil reinllaurse suc11 Cf)I. holders For the cost
above the bu-sic Wkishington Smic D-iver's Lic.eMSC th_n ars urliyuK! tO mmintainin{, their CDL
(��chlcling any cr";stite4s catiscd by VhiS hcilclit shall Exe
for utent
.- .+,...;r rK,• ilyfkZ,
iiil w ` --'
From: Ginger Kenyon Action Agenda X
Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380
DATE: April 7, 2020 Agenda Item # g
(Commissioner staff to complete)
Please provide explanation of urgency
Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8071037-8071307 $ 995,685.39
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant#s 66858-67246 $ 715,777.35
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7005075-7005098 $ 500,027.10
Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County:
Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason
County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County
Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers.
Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 5,988,870.05
Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 4,270,756.21
Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 4,494,636.80
Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 1,660,430.47
Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants:
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8071037-8071307 $ 995,685.39
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 66858-67246 $ 715,777.35
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#s 7005075-7005098 $ 500,027.10
Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of
the Board)
FROM: Richard D, Deputy Director/ Utilities and Waste Management
DEPARTMENT: Public Works I EXT: 652
BRIEFING DATE: l4aF;h_3a,2LA "yWo
ITEM: Sludge Hauling Agreement Extension with AAA Septic
Mason County has an existing contract with AAA Septic for hauling the sludge from
our three wastewater plants (Rustlewood, North Bay, and Belfair) to the City of
Shelton for solids processing. The signed agreement allows for three one-year
extensions upon mutual consent of the parties.
AAA Septic has provided very good service to the County. In 2019 they hauled a
total of 644,705 gallons from the three plants.
The price of 12 cents/gallon will not increase and is a lower cost than what Mason
County was paying to haul sludge to bio-recycling prior to the agreement with the
City of Shelton.
This will be the second extension to the current agreement. Staff is proposing to
extend the contract another year to February 7, 2021. A draft amendment is
provided for your review along with the existing agreement.
Cost Impact to the County
The cost of this contract is covered by the operation and maintenance budgets of
the three wastewater systems.
Commissioners authorize the Deputy Director/Utilities and Waste Management to
sign contract one-year extension amendments to the sludge hauling agreement
with AAA Septic Tank Pumping and Portable Restrooms Rentals LLC that have no
cost increases.
1. Existing Sludge Hauling Agreement
2. Agreement Extension
Briefing Summary
This CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred
to as"COUNTY" and AAA Septic Tank pumping and Portable Restrooms Rentals LLC,
referred to as"CONTRACTOR."
WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to retain a person or firm to provide hauling of sludge from the
County's Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Belfair, Allyn and Rustlewood; and
WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR warrants that it is qualified and competent to render the aforesaid
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the CONTRACT made, and the payments to be
made by COUNTY, the parties agree to the following:
Special Conditions
All materials handling including handling, transportation, storage, deposition, disposal, and
utilization will be subject to current state and county regulatory codes. All activities will be
conducted in accordance with applicable codes and their intent to prevent illegal handling and
disposal practices, and the resulting contamination from the same, vector breeding, hazardous
materials handling, and aesthetic and other public nuisances.
General Conditions
Scope of Services:
CONTRACTOR agrees to provide COUNTY the services and any materials as set forth as
identified in "Exhibit A Scope-of-Services," during the CONTRACT period. No material, labor or
facilities will be furnished by COUNTY, unless otherwise provided for in the CONTRACT.
Performance Period:
The performance period for this CONTRACT shall be for a period of two years from date
acceptance by the Mason County Board of Commissioners, said date being February 7, 2017.
Services provided by CONTRACTOR prior to or after the term of this CONTRACT shall be
performed at the expense of CONTRACTOR and are not compensable under this CONTRACT
unless both parties hereto agree to such provision in writing. The term of this CONTRACT may
be extended by mutual consent of the parties; provided, however, that the CONTRACT is in
writing and signed by both parties
After two years the duration of this CONTRACT may be extended annually by mutual written
consent of the parties, for periods of up to one year, for a total contract length of five years.
CONTRACTOR shall pick up sewage from the facilities owned and operated by the
County and transport to receiving facility at the total cost of twelve cents/gallon
($0.12/gallon) including tax. Details stated in "Exhibit B Compensation."
Independent Contractor:
CONTRACTOR's services shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR as an independent
contractor, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to create a relationship of
employer-employee. All payments made hereunder and all services performed shall be made
and performed pursuant to this CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR as an independent
CONTRACTOR acknowledges that the entire compensation for this CONTRACT is specified in
Exhibit B Compensation and the CONTRACTOR is not entitled to any benefits including, but not
limited to: vacation pay, holiday pay, sick leave pay, medical, dental, or other insurance
benefits, or any other rights or privileges afforded to employees of COUNTY. The
CONTRACTOR represents that he/she/it maintains a separate place of business, serves clients
other than COUNTY, will report all income and expense accrued under this CONTRACT to the
Internal Revenue Service, and has a tax account with the State of Washington Department of
Revenue for payment of all sales and use and Business and Occupation taxes collected by the
State of Washington.
CONTRACTOR will defend, indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, its officers, agents or
employees from any loss or expense, including, but not limited to, settlements,judgments,
setoffs, attorneys'fees or costs incurred by reason of claims or demands because of breach of
the provisions of this paragraph.
CONTRACTOR understands and acknowledges that COUNTY will not withhold Federal or
State income taxes. Where required by State or Federal law, the CONTRACTOR authorizes
COUNTY to withhold for any taxes other than income taxes (i.e., Medicare). All compensation
received by the CONTRACTOR will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service at the end of
the calendar year in accordance with the applicable IRS regulations. It is the responsibility of
the CONTRACTOR to make the necessary estimated tax payments throughout the year, if any,
and the CONTRACTOR is solely liable for any tax obligation arising from the CONTRACTOR's
performance of this CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to indemnify COUNTY
against any demand to pay taxes arising from the CONTRACTOR's failure to pay taxes on
compensation earned pursuant to this CONTRACT.
COUNTY will pay sales and use taxes imposed on goods or services acquired hereunder as
required by law. The CONTRACTOR must pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the CONTRACTOR's gross or net income, or
personal property to which COUNTY does not hold title. COUNTY is exempt from Federal
Excise Tax.
No Guarantee of Employment:
The performance of all or part of this CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR shall not operate to
vest any employment rights whatsoever and shall not be deemed to guarantee any employment
of CONTRACTOR or any employee of CONTRACTOR or any sub-contractor or any employee
of any sub-contractor by COUNTY at the present time or in the future.
Accounting and Payment for CONTRACTOR Services:
Payment to the CONTRACTOR for services rendered under this CONTRACT shall be as set
forth in "Exhibit B Compensation." Where Exhibit"B" requires payments by the COUNTY,
payment shall be based upon written claims supported, unless otherwise provided in Exhibit "B,"
by documentation of units of work actually performed and amounts earned, including, where
appropriate, the actual number of days worked each month, total number of hours for the
month, and the total dollar payment requested, so as to comply with municipal auditing
requirements. Acceptable invoices will be processed within 30 days of receipt.
Unless specifically stated in Exhibit"B" or approved in writing in advance by the official
executing this CONTRACT for COUNTY or his or her designee (hereinafter referred to as the
"Administrative Officer'). COUNTY will not reimburse the CONTRACTOR for any costs or
expenses incurred by the CONTRACTOR in the performance of this CONTRACT. Where
required, COUNTY shall, upon receipt of appropriate documentation, compensate the
CONTRACTOR, no more often than monthly, in accordance with COUNTY's customary
procedures, pursuant to the fee schedule set forth in Exhibit"B."
Withholding Payment:
In the event the CONTRACTOR has failed to perform any obligation under this CONTRACT
within the times set forth in this CONTRACT, then COUNTY may, upon written notice, withhold
from amounts otherwise due and payable to CONTRACTOR, without penalty, until such failure
to perform is cured or otherwise adjudicated. Withholding under this,clause shall not be
deemed a breach entitling CONTRACTOR to termination or damages, provided that COUNTY
promptly gives notice in writing to the CONTRACTOR of the nature of the default or failure to
perform, and in no case more than ten (10) days after it determines to withhold amounts
otherwise due. A determination of the Administrative Officer set forth in a notice to the
CONTRACTOR of the action required and/or the amount required to cure any alleged failure to
perform shall be deemed conclusive, except to the extent that the CONTRACTOR acts within
the times and in strict accord with the provisions of the Disputes clause of this CONTRACT.
COUNTY may act in accordance with any determination of the Administrative Officer which has
become conclusive under this clause, without prejudice to any other remedy under the
CONTRACT, to take all or any of the following actions: (1) cure any failure or default, (2)to pay
any amount so required to be paid and to charge the same to the account of the
CONTRACTOR, (3)to set off any amount so paid or incurred from amounts due or to become
due the CONTRACTOR. In the event the CONTRACTOR obtains relief upon a claim under the
Disputes clause, no penalty or damages shall accrue to CONTRACTOR by reason of good faith
withholding by COUNTY under this clause.
Labor Standards:
CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements, including
but not limited to those pertaining to payment of wages and working conditions, in accordance
with RCW 39.12.040, the Prevailing Wage Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and
the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act providing for weekly payment of prevailing
wages, minimum overtime pay, and providing that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to
work in surroundings or under conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous,-or dangerous to
health and safety as determined by regulations promulgated by the Federal Secretary of Labor
and/or the State of Washington.
Assignment and Subcontracting:
The performance of all activities contemplated by this CONTRACT shall be accomplished by
CONTRACTOR. No portion of this CONTRACT may be assigned or subcontracted to any other
individual, firm or entity without the express and prior written approval of COUNTY.
Conflict of Interest:
If at any time prior to commencement of, or during the term of this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR
or any of its employees involved in the performance of this CONTRACT shall have or develop
an interest in the subject matter of this CONTRACT that is potentially in conflict with the
COUNTY's interest, then CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify COUNTY of the same. The
notification of COUNTY shall be made with sufficient specificity to enable COUNTY to make an
informed judgment as to whether or not COUNTY's interest may be compromised in any
manner by the existence of the conflict, actual or potential. Thereafter, COUNTY may require
CONTRACTOR to take reasonable steps to remove the conflict of interest. COUNTY may also
terminate this CONTRACT according to the provisions herein for termination.
Non-Discrimination in Employment:
COUNTY's policy is to provide equal opportunity in all terms, conditions and privileges of
employment for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color, creed,
religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
CONTRACTOR shall comply with all laws prohibiting discrimination against any employee or
applicant for employment on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status, except where such
constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification.
Furthermore, in those cases in which CONTRACTOR is governed by such laws,
CONTRACTOR shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and treated
during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age,
marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status, except where such constitutes a
bona fide occupational qualification. Such action shall include, but not be limited to: advertising,
hiring, promotions, layoffs or terminations, rate of pay or other forms of compensation benefits,
selection for training including apprenticeship, and participation in recreational and educational
activities. In all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by them or on their behalf,
CONTRACTOR shall state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
The foregoing provisions shall also be binding upon any sub-contractor, provided that the
foregoing provision shall not apply to contracts or sub-contractors for standard commercial
supplies or raw materials, or to sole proprietorships with no employees.
Non-Discrimination in Client Services:
CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national
origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status; or deny an
individual or business any service or benefits under this CONTRACT; or subject an individual or
business to segregation or separate treatment in any manner related to his/her/its receipt any
service or services or other benefits provided under this CONTRACT; or deny an individual or
business an opportunity to participate in any program provided by this CONTRACT.
Waiver of Noncompetition:
CONTRACTOR irrevocably waives any existing rights which it may have, by contract or
otherwise, to require another person or corporation to refrain from submitting a proposal to or
performing work or providing supplies to COUNTY, and CONTRACTOR further promises that it
will not in the future, directly or indirectly, induce or solicit any person or corporation to refrain
from submitting a bid or proposal to or from performing work or providing supplies to COUNTY.
Certification Regarding Federal Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary
Exclusion- Lower Tier Covered Transactions:
CONTRACTOR further certifies, by executing this CONTRACT, that neither it nor its principles
is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily
excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or Agency.
CONTRACTOR also agrees that it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered
transactions (a transaction between CONTRACTOR and any other person)with a person who is
proposed for debarment, debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from
participation in this covered transaction, and CONTRACTOR agrees to include this clause titled
"Certification Regarding Federal Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -
Lower Tier Covered Transaction"without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and
in all solicitations for lower tier transactions.
The"General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-
procurement Programs" is available to research this information at http://epls.arnet.gov/.
Ownership of Items Produced:
All writings, programs, data, public records or other materials prepared by CONTRACTOR
and/or its consultants or sub-contractors, in connection with performance of this CONTRACT,
shall be the sole and absolute property of COUNTY.
When CONTRACTOR creates any copyrightable materials or invents any patentable property,
CONTRACTOR may copyright or patent the same, but COUNTY retains a royalty-free,
nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, recover, or otherwise use the
materials or property and to authorize other governments to use the same for state or local
governmental purposes. CONTRACTOR further agrees to make research, notes, and other
work products produced in the performance of this CONTRACT available to COUNTY upon
Patent/Copyright Infringement:
CONTRACTOR will defend and indemnify COUNTY from any claimed action, cause or demand
brought against COUNTY, to the extent such action is based on the claim that information
supplied by the CONTRACTOR infringes any patent or copyright. CONTRACTOR will pay
those costs and damages attributable to any such claims that are finally awarded against
COUNTY in any action. Such defense and payments are conditioned upon the following:
A. CONTRACTOR shall be notified promptly in writing by COUNTY of any notice of such claim.
B. CONTRACTOR shall have the right, hereunder, at its option and expense, to obtain for
COUNTY the right to continue using the information, in the event such claim of infringement, is
made, provided no reduction in performance or loss results to COUNTY.
CONTRACTOR, its employees, sub-contractors, and their employees shall maintain the
confidentiality of all information provided by COUNTY or acquired by CONTRACTOR in
performance of this CONTRACT, except upon the prior written consent of COUNTY or an order
entered by a court after having acquired jurisdiction over COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall
immediately give to COUNTY notice of any judicial proceeding seeking disclosure of such
information. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY, its officials, agents
or employees from all loss or expense, including, but not limited to, settlements, judgments,
setoffs, attorneys' fees and costs resulting from CONTRACTOR's breach of this provision.
Right to Review:
This CONTRACT is subject to review by any Federal, State or COUNTY auditor. COUNTY or
its designee shall have the right to review and monitor the financial and service components of
this program by whatever means are deemed expedient by the Administrative Officer or by
COUNTY's Auditor's Office. Such review may occur with or without notice and may include, but
is not limited to, on-site inspection by COUNTY agents or employees, inspection of all records
or other materials which COUNTY deems pertinent to the CONTRACT and its performance, and
any and all communications with or evaluations by service recipients under this CONTRACT.
CONTRACTOR shall preserve and maintain all financial records and records relating to the
performance of work under this CONTRACT for six(6) years'after CONTRACT termination, and
shall make them available for such review, within Mason County, State of Washington, upon
request. CONTRACTOR also agrees to notify the Administrative Officer in advance of any
inspections, audits, or program review by any individual, agency, or governmental unit whose
purpose is to review the services provided within the terms of this CONTRACT. If no advance
notice is given to CONTRACTOR, then CONTRACTOR agrees to notify the Administrative
Officer as soon as it is practical.
Insurance Requirements:
At a minimum, CONTRACTOR shall provide insurance that meets or exceeds the requirements
detailed in "Exhibit C Insurance Requirements."
Insurance as a Condition of Payment:
Payments due to CONTRACTOR under this CONTRACT are expressly conditioned upon the
CONTRACTOR's strict compliance with all insurance requirements under this CONTRACT.
Payment to CONTRACTOR shall be suspended in the event of non-compliance. Upon receipt
of evidence of full compliance, payments not otherwise subject to withholding or set-off will be
released to CONTRACTOR.
Proof of Insurance:
A Certificate of Insurance naming COUNTY as the Certificate Holder must be provided to
COUNTY within five (5)days of CONTRACT execution.
Industrial Insurance Waiver:
With respect to the performance of this CONTRACT and as to claims against COUNTY, its
officers, agents and employees, CONTRACTOR expressly waives its immunity under Title 51 of
the Revised Code of Washington, the Industrial Insurance Act, for injuries to its employees and
agrees that the obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless provided in this CONTRACT
extend to any claim brought by or on behalf of any employee of CONTRACTOR. This waiver is
mutually negotiated by the parties to this CONTRACT.
CONTRACTOR Commitments,Warranties and Representations:
Any written commitment received from CONTRACTOR concerning this CONTRACT shall be
binding upon CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise specifically provided herein with reference to
this paragraph. Failure of CONTRACTOR to fulfill such a commitment shall render
CONTRACTOR liable for damages to COUNTY. A commitment includes, but is not limited to,
any representation made prior to execution of this CONTRACT, whether or not incorporated
elsewhere herein by reference, as to performance of services or equipment, prices or options
for future acquisition to remain in effect for a fixed period, or warranties.
Defense and Indemnity Contract:
Indemnification by CONTRACTOR. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CONTRACTOR
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold COUNTY and its departments, elected and appointed
officials, employees, agents and volunteers, harmless from and against any and all claims,
damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to court costs, attorney's fees and
alternative dispute resolution costs, for any personal injury, for any bodily injury, sickness,
disease or death and for any damage to or destruction of any property(including the loss of use
resulting therefrom)which 1)are caused in whole or in part by any act or omission, negligent or
otherwise, of the CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents or volunteers or CONTRACTOR's
subcontractors and their employees, agents or volunteers; or 2) are directly or indirectly arising
out of, resulting from, or in connection with performance of this CONTRACT; or 3) are based
upon CONTRACTOR's or its subcontractors' use of, presence upon or proximity to the property
of COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of CONTRACTOR shall not apply in the limited
circumstance where.the claim, damage, loss or expense is caused by the sole negligence of
COUNTY. This indemnification obligation of the CONTRACTOR shall not be limited in any way
by the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, or by application of any other
workmen's compensation act, disability benefit act or other employee benefit act, and the
CONTRACTOR hereby expressly waives any immunity afforded by such acts. The foregoing
indemnification obligations of the CONTRACTOR are a material inducement to COUNTY to
enter into this CONTRACT, are reflected in CONTRACTOR's compensation, and have been
mutually negotiated by the parties.
Participation by County—No Waiver. COUNTY reserves the right, but not the obligation, to
participate in the defense of any claim, damages, losses or expenses and such participation
shall not constitute a waiver of CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations under this CONTRACT.
Survival of CONTRACTOR's Indemnity Obligations. CONTRACTOR agrees all
CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations shall survive the completion, expiration or termination of
Indemnity by Subcontractors. In the event the CONTRACTOR enters into subcontracts to the
extent allowed under this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR's subcontractors shall indemnify
COUNTY on a basis equal to or exceeding CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations to COUNTY.
Compliance with Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations:
This CONTRACT shall be subject to all laws, rules, and regulations of the United States of
America, the State of Washington, political subdivisions of the State of Washington and Mason
County. CONTRACTOR also agrees to comply with applicable Federal, State, County or
municipal standards for licensing, certification and operation of facilities and programs, and
accreditation and licensing of individuals.
Administration of Contract:
COUNTY hereby appoints, and CONTRACTOR hereby accepts, the Mason County's Deputy
Director Public Works- Utilities and Waste Manager, as COUNTY's representative, hereinafter
referred to as the Administrative Officer, for the purposes of administering the provisions of this
CONTRACT, including COUNTY's right to receive and act on all reports and documents, and
any auditing performed by the COUNTY related to this CONTRACT.
COUNTY's Administrative Officer:
Bart Stepp, PE
Mason County
Deputy Director Public Works-Utilities and Waste Division
100 Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
Phone: (360)427-9760 Ext. 652
E-mail: BStepp@co.mason.wa.us
CONTRACTOR's Administrative Officer:
Debra Lovely, Owner
AAA Septic Tank pumping and Portable Restrooms Rentals LLC
2272 E Brockdale Road
Shelton, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 427-6110
E-mail: aaasepticllc@gmail.com
Except as set forth elsewhere in the CONTRACT, for all purposes under this CONTRACT
except service of process, notice shall be given by CONTRACTOR to COUNTY's Administrative
Officer under this CONTRACT. Notices and other communication may be conducted via
e-mail, U.S. mail, fax, hand-delivery or other generally accepted manner including
delivery services.
Either party may request changes in the CONTRACT. Any and all agreed modifications, to be
valid and binding upon either parry, shall be in writing and signed by both of the parties.
Termination for Default:
If CONTRACTOR defaults by failing to perform any of the obligations of the CONTRACT or
becomes insolvent or is declared bankrupt or commits any act of bankruptcy or insolvency or
makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, COUNTY may, by depositing written notice to
CONTRACTOR in the U.S. mail, terminate the CONTRACT, and at COUNTY's option, obtain
performance of the work elsewhere. If the CONTRACT is terminated for default,
CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payments under the CONTRACT
until all work called for has been fully performed. Any extra cost or damage to COUNTY
resulting from such default(s)shall be deducted from any money due or coming due to
CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall bear any extra expenses incurred by COUNTY in
completing the work, including all increased costs for completing the work, and all damage
sustained, or which may be sustained by COUNTY by reason of such default.
If a notice of termination for default has been issued and it is later determined for any reason
that CONTRACTOR was not in default, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the
same as if the notice of termination had been issued pursuant to the Termination for Public
Convenience paragraph hereof.
Termination for Public Convenience:
COUNTY may terminate this CONTRACT in whole or in part whenever COUNTY determines, in
its sole discretion, that such termination is in the interests of COUNTY. Whenever the
CONTRACT is terminated in accordance with this.paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall be entitled
to payment for actual work performed in compliance with Exhibit A Scope-of-Services and
Exhibit B Compensation. An equitable adjustment in the CONTRACT price for partially
completed items of work will be made, but such adjustment shall not include provision for loss of
anticipated profit on deleted or uncompleted work. Termination of this CONTRACT by
COUNTY at any time during the term, whether for default or convenience, shall not constitute
breach of CONTRACT by COUNTY.
Termination for Reduced Funding:
COUNTY may terminate this CONTRACT in whole or in part should COUNTY determine, in its
sole discretion, that such termination is necessary due to a decrease in available funding
including State and/or Federal grants. Whenever the CONTRACT is terminated in accordance
with this paragraph, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment for actual work performed
in compliance with Exhibit A Scope-of-Services and Exhibit B Compensation.
1. Differences between the CONTRACTOR and COUNTY, arising under and by virtue of the
AGREEMENT shall be brought to the attention of COUNTY at the earliest possible time in order
that such matters may be settled or other appropriate action promptly taken. For objections that
are not made in the manner specified and within the time limits stated, the records, orders,
rulings, instructions, and decisions of the Administrative Officer shall be final and conclusive.
2. The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to additional compensation which otherwise may be
payable, or to extension of time for(1)any act or failure to act by the Administrative Officer of
COUNTY, or(2)the happening of any event or occurrence, unless the CONTRACTOR has
given COUNTY a written Notice of Potential Claim within ten (10)days of the commencement of
the act,failure, or event giving rise to the claim, and before final payment by COUNTY. The
written Notice of Potential Claim shall set forth the reasons for which the CONTRACTOR
believes additional compensation or extension of time is due, the nature of the cost involved,
and insofar as possible, the amount of the potential claim. CONTRACTOR shall keep full and
complete daily records of the work performed, labor and material used, and all costs and
additional time claimed to be additional.
3. The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to claim any such additional compensation, or
extension of time, unless within thirty(30) days of the accomplishment of the portion of the work
from which the claim arose, and before final payment by COUNTY, the CONTRACTOR has
given COUNTY a detailed written statement of each element of cost or other compensation
requested and of all elements of additional time required, and copies of any supporting
documents evidencing the amount or the extension of time claimed to be due.
Other than claims for injunctive relief brought by a party hereto(which may be brought either in
court or pursuant to this arbitration provision), and consistent with the provisions hereinabove,
any claim, dispute or controversy between the parties under, arising out of, or related to this
CONTRACT or otherwise, including issues of specific performance, shall be determined by
arbitration in Shelton, Washington, under the applicable American Arbitration Association (AAA)
rules in effect on the date hereof, as modified by this CONTRACT. There shall be one arbitrator
selected by the parties within ten (10)days of the arbitration demand, or if not, by the AAA or
any other group having similar credentials. Any issue about whether a claim is covered by this
CONTRACT shall be determined by the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall apply substantive law
and may award injunctive relief, equitable relief(including specific performance), or any other
remedy available from a judge, including expenses, costs and attorney fees to the prevailing
party and pre-award interest, but shall not have the power to award punitive damages. The
decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and an order confirming the award or
judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The parties agree
that the decision of the arbitrator shall be the sole and exclusive remedy between them
regarding any dispute presented or pled before the arbitrator. At the request of either party
made not later than forty-five (45)days after the arbitration demand, the parties agree to submit
the dispute to nonbinding mediation, which shall not delay the arbitration hearing date; provided,
that either party may decline to mediate and proceed with arbitration.
Any arbitration proceeding commenced to enforce or interpret this CONTRACT shall be brought
within six(6)years after the initial occurrence giving rise to the claim, dispute or issue for which
arbitration is commenced, regardless of the date of discovery or whether the claim, dispute or
issue was continuing in nature. -Claims, disputes or issues arising more than six(6)years prior
to a written request or demand for arbitration issued under this Agreement are not subject to
Venue and Choice of Law:
In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or interpretation of any
of the terms of this CONTRACT, the venue of such action of litigation shall be in the courts of
the State of Washington and Mason County. Unless otherwise specified herein, this
CONTRACT shall be governed by the laws of Mason County and the State of Washington.
If any term or condition of this CONTRACT or the Application thereof to any persbh(s)or
circumstances is held,invalid, such.invalidity shall not affect,other terms, Conditions or,
applications which qjq b
,h. be given effect,without the invalid term, Condition,or qppli,cation.... To;this
end, 'th
6 terms and conditions,of.ithis CONTRACT aredeclared severable..
Waiver of any breach'.or:condition of this CONTRACT shall not be d0emeda waiver o ,
ally prior-
or subseqpent,.breac.h.. No term or condition of this CONTRACT shall beheld to be waiver_',
modified of
deleted h6reto. ThLa.fall-otia
of COUNTY to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants of this CONTRACT or to
exercise,8hy'optibri hbre'ih:conferred in any one or more instances,.shall not be construed to be
a waiver orrelinquishment of any such, or any other'covenants or-contracts,, but the,same shall
be and;remain:in full force and effect.
Orderof Precederipe:
A. Exhibit A.—Scope of Services
R. Exhibit B:_ Compensation
C.. Exhibit Insurance Requirements
D..Request for Proposal aftdAddendurh:#1
This Written,CONTRACT, cornprlsed.:of the writings-signed Or otherwiseidentified and attached
hereto represents.the entire-CONTRACT between the parties.and supersedes any prior oral
statements,;.disciistibris.or und6rstandirigs between the:parties..
of the.dato and'year kistwrittei!b61bw,.
Debra;G901y, Owner- Kdvin,Shutty, C air,
Dated: bated, 7- 1117
Tim:Whitehe'ad',Chief DPA
A. Transportation and Disposal of Sludge
The Contractor shall transport the sludge/material directly from the County's Wastewater
Treatment Facilities in Belfair, Allyn and Rustlewood to the City of Shelton's Treatment Plant or
any other site the County designates. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be allowed
to make any additional stops in transit to the disposal site to haul any payload other than the
sludge or sewage material.
All hauling and handling equipment and labor shall be provided by the Contractor. Hauling
equipment shall not permit sludge to leak or splash onto roads during the loading or
transportation. Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning up any spilled, leaked, or splashed
sludge or other contents on roads or other areas at or away from the site of Work.
All truck tanks and trailers used for hauling of sludge will be rinsed out prior to taking any sludge
from a Mason County Facility. The tanks shall not have any inorganic bio-degradable items like
paper, band-aids, clothing material, or plastics in them prior to accepting sludge from a Mason
County Facility.
HOURS OF OPERATION: The hours of operation at all facilities are from 8:00 AM until
4:00 PM seven days a week. Special arrangements or emergency service may be required
outside of these hours on an as needed basis. The City of Shelton will only accept sludge
Monday-Thursday and does not accept sludge after 3:00 PM.
The Contractor shall provide copies of the County approved volume based "trip ticket", by the
fifth (5t')day of each month.
NOTE-include billing/invoice specifics.
A. Compensation:
CONTRACTOR will be compensated based on the amount of sludge hauled. There is no
minimum amount guaranteed to the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR will be paid a total
cost of twelve cents/gallon ($0.12/gallon). This price includes a hauling cost of eleven
cents/gallon ($0.11/gallon) and a tax of one cent/gallon ($0.01/gallon).
B. Requests for Payment:
1. At a minimum the invoice is to include: performance period; date of submission;
CONTRACTOR's name, remittance address and phone number; number of gallons being billed;
invoice total; and any additional applicable information.
2. Submit via e-mail or hard copy as preferred to:
Bart Stepp, PE
Mason County
Deputy Director Public Works-Utilities and Waste Division
100 Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
Phone: (360)427-9760 Ext. 652
E-mail: BStepp@co.mason.wa.us
3. Payment will be made to CONTRACTOR within thirty(30)days of the receipt of a complete
and accurate invoice
A. MINIMUM Insurance Requirements:
1. Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office"Commercial
General Liability" policy form CG 00 01, with an edition date prior to 2004, or the exact
equivalent. Coverage for an additional insured shall not be limited to its vicarious liability.
Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. Limits shall be no less than $1,000,000 per
occurrence for all covered losses and no less than $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily
injury, personal injury, and property damage, including without limitation, blanket contractual
2. Workers' Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as
required by law with employer's liability limits for CONTRACTOR's, with two (2)or more
employees and/or volunteers, no less than $1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses.
3. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including owned,
non-owned and hired autos, or the exact equivalent. Limits shall be no less than $2,000,000 per
accident, combined single limit. If CONTRACTOR owns no vehicles, this requirement may be
satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If
CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR's employees will use personal autos in any way on this
project, CONTRACTOR shall obtain evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such
B. Certificate of Insurance:
A Certificate of Insurance naming COUNTY as the Certificate Holder must be provided to
COUNTY within five (5)days of CONTRACT execution.
C. Basic Stipulations:
1. CONTRACTOR agrees to endorse third party liability coverage required herein to include as
additional insureds COUNTY, its officials, employees and agents, using ISO endorsement CG
20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004. CONTRACTOR also agrees to require all contractors,
subcontractors, and anyone else involved in this CONTRACT on behalf of the CONTRACTOR
(hereinafter"indemnifying parties")to comply with these provisions.
2. CONTRACTOR agrees to waive rights of recovery against COUNTY regardless of the
applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all indemnifying parties to do likewise.
3. All insurance coverage maintained or procured by CONTRACTOR or required of others by
CONTRACTOR pursuant to this CONTRACT shall be endorsed to delete the subrogation
condition as to COUNTY, or must specifically allow the named insured to waive subrogation
prior to a loss.
4. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional
requirements by COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall not make any reductions in scope or limits of
coverage that may affect COUNTY's protection without COUNTY's prior written consent.
5. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide evidence of the insurance required herein, satisfactory to
COUNTY, consisting of: a) certificate(s) of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required
and, b)an additional insured endorsement to CONTRACTOR's general liability policy using
Insurance Services Office form CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004. CONTRACTOR
agrees, upon request by COUNTY to provide complete, certified copies of any policies required
within 10 days of such request. COUNTY has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance
it deems necessary to protect its interests. Any premium so paid by COUNTY shall be charged
to and promptly paid by CONTRACTOR or deducted from sums due CONTRACTOR. Any
actual or alleged failure on the part of COUNTY or any other additional insured under these
requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this CONTRACT in no way waives any
right or remedy of COUNTY or any additional insured, in this or in any other regard.
6. It is acknowledged by the parties of this CONTRACT that all insurance coverage required to
be provided by CONTRACTOR or indemnifying party, is intended to apply first and on a primary
non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to COUNTY.
7. CONTRACTOR agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions on any portion
of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any indemnifying party
to self- insure its obligations to COUNTY. If CONTRACTOR's existing coverage includes a self-
insured retention, the self-insured retention must be declared to the COUNTY. The COUNTY
may review options with CONTRACTOR, which may include reduction or elimination of the self-
insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions.
8. CONTRACTOR will renew the required coverage annually as long as COUNTY, or its
employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this
CONTRACT. This obligation applies whether or not the CONTRACT is canceled or terminated
for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until COUNTY executes a written
statement to that effect.
9. The limits of insurance as described above shall be considered as minimum requirements.
Should any coverage carried by CONTRACTOR or a subcontractor of any tier maintain
insurance with limits of liability that exceed the required limits or coverage that is broader than
as outlined above;those higher limits and broader coverage shall be deemed to apply for the
benefit of any person or organization included as an additional insured and those limits shall
become the required minimum limits of insurance in all Paragraphs and Sections of this
10. None of the policies required herein shall be in compliance with these requirements if they
include any limiting endorsement that has not been first submitted to COUNTY and approved of
in writing.
11. The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this
CONTRACT to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the
provisions of this Exhibit.
12. Unless otherwise approved by COUNTY, insurance provided pursuant to these
requirements shall be by insurers authorized to do business in Washington and with a minimum
A.M. Best rating of A-:VII.
13. All.insurance coverage and limits provided by CONTRACTOR and available or applicable to
this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this
CONTRACT limits the application of such insurance coverage.
14. CONTRACTOR agrees require insurers, to provide notice to COUNTY thirty(30)days prior
to cancellation of such liability coverage or of any material alteration or non-renewal of any such
coverage, other than for non-payment of premium. CONTRACTOR shall assure that this
provision also applies to any subcontractors,joint ventures or any other party engaged by or on
behalf of contractor in relation to this agreement. Certificate(s)are to reflect that the issuer will
provide thirty(30) days' notice to COUNTY of any cancellation of coverage.
15. COUNTY reserves the right at any time during the term of the CONTRACT to change the
amounts and types of insurance required by giving the CONTRACTOR ninety(90)days
advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to
16. Requirements of specific coverage features are not intended as limitation on other
requirements or as waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific
reference to a coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue
and is not intended by any party or insured to be all-inclusive.
17. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide immediate notice to COUNTY of any claim or loss against
CONTRACTOR arising out of the work performed under this agreement. COUNTY assumes no
obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right(but not the duty)to monitor the handling of
any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve COUNTY.
Submittal Date: January 5,2017
Mason County is currently requesting proposals for the hauling of accumulated sludge from the County's
Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Belfair,Allyn and Rustlewood;transporting sludge to the City of Shelton's
Treatment Plant located at Fairmount Avenue in Shelton,Washington.ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTING SITES
MAY BE INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT although that is not anticipated.
The Contractor shall provide all equipment,materials,supplies and labor to successfully carry out the requirements
of this service agreement.The cost and availability are important considerations in the process of selecting a
Contractor,but not the only considerations.Other factors include:responsiveness to the RFP qualifications,track
record of successes at other municipalities,identification and understanding of the County's requirements as
embodied within this RFP,and experience and qualifications of key personnel.
Background and Need
Mason County is responsible for the maintenance and operation of three wastewater treatment facilities;the Belfair
WRF(Belfair),the Rustlewood WTP(Grapeview)and the NorthBay/Case Inlet WRF(Allyn).These facilities need
routine hauling of sludge to keep the systems operating effectively. The solids percentage at each of these facilities
is expected to be between 1—4%. In 2014 Mason County hauled 495,000 gallons of sludge. In 2015 Mason
County hauled 658,500 gallons of sludge. The sludge will be delivered to the City of Shelton treatment facility and
processed into Class A biosolids.
The original proposal(of no more than 6 pages)and four(4)copies must be submitted to Public Works in a scaled
envelope by 4:00 p.m.on January 5,2017 and clearly marked:Sludge Hauling Services.Proposals should be
delivered to:
Mason County Public Works
Attn:Bart Stepp
100 W Public Works Drive,Bldg 1
Shelton,WA 98584
Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.Any proposal received,after the scheduled closing
time,shall be returned to the vendor unopened.Proposals may be sent by mail or turned in personally;however,if
sent by mail,the responsibility for delivering a proposal to the County before the deadline is wholly upon the
A vendor may not withdraw its proposal after it is formally opened by a representative from the County.
Vendor shall provide a cost per gallon for the hauling of sludge from each facility to the Shelton Treatment Plant.
Vendor shall include in its proposal all applicable local,city,state and federal taxes.It is the vendor's obligation to
state,on their proposal sheet,the correct percentage and total applicable federal,state,city and local taxes. Taxes
shall not be imbedded in other costs in the proposal but shall be explicitly expressed.
Those submitting proposals do so entirely at their expense.There is no expressed or implied obligation by the
Mason County to reimburse any individual or firm for any costs incurred in preparing or submitting proposals,
providing additional information when requested by the Mason County,or for participating in any selection
Vendors:with.questions about,the proposalinay eontactBart Stepp at(360).427-9670,ext;,652 or by email,at
bsteppirzt o mason`.'wa.tt; The IVlason.County contact will.:also receive written requests fon clarification and/or
interpretation fdr thi§Request for,Pr0i osal.up to seven.(1),business-days prior to the due date.
Proposed Schedule
Publish RFP ...... ,.. : .:.,... ,,.Dedeihbet22;2016&December 29;2016
Proposal Due Thursday January 5„2017,at 4 P.M
Anticipated Award Announcement; , Tuesday January 17,.2017
Anticipated Contract Start Date .:;. ,........VVednesday. February 1,20.17
In order,to.thoroughly analyze the zesponses to the Mj,vendors are required to prepare:(heir,proposals:iii:
accordance•with the instructions outlined in this section.Vendors whose proposals deviate from these instructions:
.may be considered no resp ye:and tnay be disqualified:at the.discretion of Mason County.
Vendors:must present their products; ervices and app lcab.le,features in a clear aid concise manner that.
demonstrates the vendors':capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP.Emphasis should be concenfrated.on
accuracy,clarity;:comprehensiveness and ease of identifying.pertinent:information and suitability of the.product and:
:services The proposal sh..ogld.be:organized;into the following major sections•Instructions relative to each section..
are defined in Proposal Requirements:.
Letter,of Transmittal
Bid Proposal`Attachment#1”
Statement;oflntent to:Pay Prevailing Wage'as applicable
Client Reference's
Mason County hereby notifies all:parties that it will affirmatively insure that m any contract agreement entered into
pursuant to this advertisement,minoncy'busmess.euterprises will,be afforded;full opportunity to sulZmit bids in
response to this uivitation,and,will.not be;drscruiiinated against on the grounds of race;color,sex;;qr national origin
in consideration for an award.
Agreement for.hauling.of sludge will be for a peri'd.begir nmg upon approval.of the applicable contract agreement
bythe Board of County.Commissioners and expiring two year from tliat.date,with the option to extend one;year:
The Contractor whose proposal is aceepted shallprovide the necessary Perforinance.Bond,and Liability_
Insurance prior,to contract.agreeinent approval:. The Contractor shall also proSide:trip.tickets
demons,tratrng,xoluines,b'auled:per.trip. Such trip ticketsshall be submitted toahe;Count., with .each invoice;
submittal by tht'Confracto ..
The Contractor shall also ped'ide a Statenient of Intentao Pay Prevailing Wago if required:;
Vendor Profile,
Please provide a vendor profile.that indicates the number ofstaff;year's.established and.key personnel..In:addifion;
please provide.relevant experience ofyour firm.in performing similar work..
Bid Proposal(Attachment"1").
The contraetaward.will bebased on the cost per gallon to Mason:County for hauling of sludge including all,
applicable taxes.
Client References
Please provide a list of at least three municipalities or wastewater utilities that use your services that are comparable
in size and scope to this request.Please include names and phone numbers of responsible individuals who can be
Performance Bond
The Proposer shall provide Mason County with a Performance Bond or Letter of Credit from a bank or other
approved financial institution in an amount of$10,000.00.Said Bond or Letter of Credit shall be furnished to Mason
County on or before the effective date of this agreement,and shall be subject to the approval of the Mason County
Prosecuting Attorney.
Wastewater Facility Locations
Services shall be hauled from the following locations:
Belfair WRF North Bay/Case Inlet WRF Rustlewood WWTP
25200 NE SR 3 1001 E Reclamation Ridge Rd. 111 E Rustle Way
Belfair,WA 98528 Allyn,WA 98524 Grapeview,WA 98546
Method of Payment
Payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice delivery to the County,assuming the services provided
were accepted and that proper and correct billing has been received by the Mason County Department of Public
Works/Utilities&Waste Management(100 W Public Works Drive,Shelton,WA 98584)before the 5th of each
Mason County,in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
78 Stat.252,42 U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49,Code of Federal Regulations,Department of Transportation,
Subtitle A,Office of the Secretary,Part 21,nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of
Transportation issued pursuant to such Act,hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any
contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement,disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full
opportunity to submit bids in response to this Mason County Public Works Sludge Hauling Services RFP invitation
and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race,color,or national origin in consideration for an award.
Regulation Compliance Requirements
All materials handling including handling,transportation,storage,deposition,disposal,and utilization will be
subject to current state and county regulatory codes. All activities will be conducted in accordance with applicable
codes and their intent to prevent illegal handling and disposal practices,and the resulting contamination from the
same,vector breeding,hazardous materials handling,and aesthetic and other public nuisances.
At a minimum,the Contractor shall provide insurance that meets or exceeds the requirements detailed in
"Attachment#2,Insurance Requirements."
Equipment Inspections
The County shall have the right to conduct an on-site inspection of the Contractor's equipment prior to award.
Evaluation Criteria
Mason County requires a vendor that is responsive. Please include in your proposal the following:
1. Relevant Experience of your firm in performing similar work
2. Schedule Availability
3. Costs of providing the services
4. Outline of intended data reporting procedures for collection
5. References
Final Ranking and Selection
A committee-will make a recommendation for the award of the contract to the vendor whose proposal is determined
to be the most suitable for the County,considering all the criteria as set forth in this Request for Proposal.
Discussions:Best and Final Proposer
The Committee reserves the right to recommend a vendor for contract award based exclusively upon the written
proposal,without further discussions.Should the Committee determine that further discussions would be in the best
interest of the County,the Committee shall establish procedures and schedules for conducting discussions and/or
presentations and will notify specific vendors.When in the best interest of the County,the Committee may permit
all qualified vendors,those who meet the mandatory criteria,to revise their proposals by submitting"best and final"
Rejection of Proposal
Mason County reserves the right to reject any and or all proposals,and waive any informality in proposals.
Service Agreement Structure
A negotiated Service Agreement will define the relationship between the County and the selected Contractor. The
initial Agreement will be for a period of 24 months. The Service Agreement may be negotiated,at the County's
discretion,for an additional period. Subsequent agreements will not be for less than yeaily increments. The
Agreement will include specific guarantees and stipulations to be met by the selected Contractor and the County.
Furnish Sludge Hauling Services to the Mason County Department of Public Works as described in the proposal
information. Service shall be between the Belfair Wastewater Reclamation Facility located in Belfair,WA,the
North Bay/Case Inlet Wastewater Treatment Facility located in Allyn,WA and the Rustlewood Water and
Wastewater Treatment Facility,located in Grapeview,WA.
Hauling sludge in compliance with the attached Provisions.
Initial delivery of service shall be within thirty working days after receiving a notice to proceed.
Belfair Water Reclamation Facility
Bid price: cost per gallon $ a f
Sales Tax(cost per gallon) $ a
North Bay/Case Inlet Water Reclamation Facility
Bid price: cost per gallon
Sales Tax(cost per gallon) $
Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant 1
Bid price: cost per gallon $ 1
Sales Tax(cost per gallon) $ 1 �'
Bidder's Service Facility is located at: W � �,Gh
Submitted by:
Signat e
Printed ame
Company: ^L _
- o
S(M-Y-1 - ta(lC)
NOTE:Should the Grand Total Amount exceed the budget for this project,the County reserves the right to decrease
the work or make other changes in the work as necessary.Mason County will incorporate the bid proposal as part of
the Contract Agreement.
For the duration of this Agreement the Contractor shall maintain in effect all insurance as required herein and
comply with all limits,terms and conditions stated therein. Work under this Agreement shall not commence until
evidence of all required insurance and bonding is provided to the County. Evidence of such insurance shall consist
of a completed copy of the Certificate of Insurance signed by the insurance agent for the Contractor and returned to
the Mason County Deputy Director of Utilities/Waste Management. If for any reason,any material change in the
coverage occurs during the course of this Agreement;such change will not become effective until 45 days after
Mason County receives written notice of such change. The policy shall be endorsed and the certificate shall reflect
that Mason County is an additional insured on the Contractor's general liability policy with respect to activities
under this Agreement. The policy shall provide and the certificate reflect that the insurance afforded applies
separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to limits of the
company's liability.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide fire insurance for any equipment used by the Contractor. This
fire insurance shall cover the entire replacement value of the equipment insured.
A.MINIMUM Insurance Requirements:
1.Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office"Commercial General Liability"policy
form CG 00 01,with an edition date prior to 2004,or the exact equivalent.Coverage for an additional insured shall
not be limited to its vicarious liability.Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits.Limits shall be no less than
$1,000,000 per occurrence for all covered losses and no less than$2,000,000 general aggregate,for bodily injury,
personal injury,and property damage,including without limitation,blanket contractual liability.
2.Workers'Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with
employer's liability limits for the Contractors,with two(2)or more employees and/or volunteers,no less than
$1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses.
3.Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including owned,non-owned and hired
autos,or the exact equivalent.Limits shall be no less than$2,000,000 per accident,combined single limit.If
Contractor owns no vehicles,this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general
liability policy described above.If Contractor or the Contractor's employees will use personal autos in any way on
this project,Contractor shall obtain evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person.
B.Certificate of Insurance:
A Certificate of Insurance naming County as the Certificate Holder must be provided to County within five(5)days
of Contract execution.
C.Basic Stipulations:
1.Contractor agrees to endorse third party liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds
County,its officials,employees and agents,using ISO endorsement CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004.
Contractor also agrees to require all Contractors,subcontractors,and anyone else involved in this Contractor on
behalf of the Contractor(hereinafter"indemnifying parties")to comply with these provisions.
2.Contractor agrees to waive rights of recovery against County regardless of the applicability of any insurance
proceeds,and to require all indemnifying parties to do likewise.
3.All insurance coverage maintained or procured by Contractor or required of others by Contractor pursuant to this
Contract shall be endorsed to delete the subrogation condition as to County,or must specifically allow the named
insured to waive subrogation prior to a loss.
4.All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval,modification and additional requirements by
County.Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope or limits of coverage that may affect County's protection
without County's prior written consent.
5.Contractor agrees to provide evidence of the insurance required herein,satisfactory to County,consisting of a)
certificate(s)of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and,b)an additional insured endorsement to
Contractor's general liability policy using Insurance Services Office form CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to
2004.Contractor agrees,upon request by County to,provide complete,certified copies of any policies required
within 10 days of such request.County has the right,but not the duty,to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to
protect its interests.Any premium so paid by County shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contractor or
deducted from sums due Contractor.Any actual or alleged failure on the part of County or any other additional
insured under these requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this Contract in no way waives any
right or remedy of County or any additional insured,in this or in any other regard.
6.It is acknowledged by the parties of this Contract that all insurance coverage required to be provided by
Contractor or indemnifying party,is intended to apply first and on a primary non-contributing basis in relation to
any other insurance or self-insurance available to County.
7.Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions on any portion of the insurance required
herein and further agrees that it will not allow any indemnifying party to self-insure its obligations to County.If
Contractor's existing coverage includes a self-insured retention,the self-insured retention must be declared to the
County.The County may review options with Contractor,which may include reduction or elimination of the self-
insured retention,substitution of other coverage,or other solutions.
8. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as County,or its employees or agents face an
exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this Contract.This obligation applies whether or not the Contract
is canceled or terminated for any reason.Termination of this obligation is not effective until County executes a
written statement to that effect. :
9.The limits of insurance as described above shall be considered as minimum requirements. Should any coverage
carried by Contractor or a subcontractor of any tier maintain insurance with limits of liability that exceed the
required limits or coverage that is broader than as outlined above,those higher limits and broader coverage shall be
deemed to apply for the benefit of any person or organization included as an additional insured and those limits shall
become the required minimum limits of insurance in all Paragraphs and Sections of this Contract.
10.None of the policies required herein shall be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting
endorsement that has not been first submitted to County and approved of in writing.
11.The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this Contract to the extent that
any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Exhibit.
12.Unless otherwise approved by County,insurance provided pursuant to these requirements shall be by insurers
authorized to do business in Washington and with a minimum A.M.Best rating of A-:VII.
13.All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are
intended to apply to the full extent of the policies.Nothing contained in this Contract limits the application of such
insurance coverage.
14.Contractor agrees require insurers,to provide notice to County thirty(30)days prior to cancellation of such
liability coverage or of any material alteration or non-renewal of any such coverage,other than for non-payment of
premium.Contractor shall assure that this provision also applies to any subcontractors,joint ventures or any other
party engaged by or on behalf'of contractor in relation to this agreement.Certificate(s)are to reflect that the issuer
will provide thirty(30)days'notice to County of any cancellation of coverage.
15.County reserves the right at any time during the term of the Contract to change the amounts and types of
insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety(90)days advance written notice of such change.If such change
results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor,the County and Contractor may renegotiate Contractor's
16.Requirements of specific coverage features are not intended as limitation on other requirements or as waiver of
any coverage normally provided by any given policy.Specific reference to a coverage feature is for purposes of
clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all-inclusive.
17.Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to County of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of
the work performed under this agreement.County assumes no obligation or liability by such notice,but has the right
(but not the duty)to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve County.
REVISION':NO. 1 - On the first page of the:RFP at the end of'the paragraph in khe
section Titled "Background and Need"the following sentences.are added.
"The:truck.tanks used to haul sludge will be rinsed out prior to taking any sludge from a
Mason County facility. The tanks,shall not have any inorganic:non-biodegradable.items
like paper,.band=aids, clothing material,,or plastics:in them prior to accepting sludge.
from a.Mason County Facility.."
REVISION NO 2— On the first page of the RFP at the end of the. last paragraph in the
section:titled"Requirements'' the following sentences are.added.
"The cost per gallon will not include the dumping fee. The County w'iIl pay the City of'
Shelton;directly for tfie cost of processing sludge from County facilities. Any costs`to
the Vendor to tinsel out Vendor trucksz prior to.receiving the sludge will be included in the
bid price per gallon.: This contract is subject to state prevailing wage:requirements and
Vendor must pay prevailing wages for all employees working on this job.."
The RFP due'date of January 5,, 2017 at 4 FU.has not changed:. s
Bart Stepp, PE
Deputy Director/Utilities &Waste Management
2 ,
The CONTRACT between COUNTY and CONTRACTOR is amended as follows:
1. The contract expiration date is extended to February 7, 2021. The original
agreement allowed for three one-year extensions by mutual consent of both parties.
Amendment No. 2 would be the second one-year extension.
2. All other language of the original contract not altered by this amendment remains in
Amendment dated this day of March, 2020.
Debra Lovely, Owner Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director/
U&W Management
Tim Whitehead, Chief D.P.A.
From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x
Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747
DATE: April 7, 2020 Agenda Item # g
Commissioner staff to complete)
BRIEFING DATE: March 23, 2020
Please provide explanation of urgency
ITEM: Approval of the Mason County Telework Authorized Essential Employees for
Community Development, Public Defense, Public Works/Utilities and Waste
Management and Support Services for the COVID-19 emergency.
Background: Pursuant to Resolution 2020-29, Mason County Telework Policy,
approval is granted by the Department Head and Elected Official.
Budget Impacts: None —teleworker's compensation and benefits do not change
due to participation in the Telework program.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the Mason County Telework Authorized
Essential Employees for Community Development, Public Defense, Public
Works/Utilities and Waste Management and Support Services for the COVID-19
Attachment(s): authorization forms
Human Resources Budget Management
Mason bStreet County Support Services Department Commissioner Administration
411 N 5 Emergency Management
Facilities, Parks&Trails
Shelton, WA 98584 Human Resources
360.427.9670 ext. 422
- Information Services
}" Labor Relations
Risk Management
Mason County Telework Authorized Essential Employees
Per Mason County Resolution 2020-29,Telework Program Policy and Procedures. Policy,XXII 1(b),Application
Procedure, "In the event of an unusual weather condition, extreme circumstance, or other public health emergencies,
an Elected Official may authorize critical employees to Telework without completing the forms and training as required
in the policy."
Elected Official Office: Mason County Community Services
The following employees are deemed as critical employees during the COVID-19 emergency:
1. Lydia Buchheit Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
2. Todd Parker Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
3. Abe Gardner Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
4. Christina Muller-Shinn Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
5. Audrey O'Connor Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
6. Ben Johnson Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
7. Elizabeth Custis Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
8. Danial Stein Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
9. Joy Fulling Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
10. Casey Bingham Response to COVID-19 and essential public.health services
11. Sunni Evans Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
12. Shelly Bellisle Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
13. Stacy Ells Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
14. Kim Knapp Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
15. Alex Paysse Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
16. Ian Tracy Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
17. Jeff Wilmoth Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
18. Rhonda Thompson Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
19. Luke Cencula Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
20. Wendy Mathews Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
21. Kayla Hamme Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
22. David Windom Response to COVID-19 and essential public health services
23. Kristopher Nelsen Response to COVID-19 and essential services
24. Kell Rowen Response to essential services
25. Grace Miller Response to essential services
26. Michael MacSems Response to essential services
27. Marissa Watson Response to essential services
28. Mariah Frazier Response to essential services
29. Scott Ruedy Response to essential services
30. Genie McFarland Response to essential services
31. Ariane Paysse Response to essential services
32. Julia Kerkes Response to essential services
33. Kathy Chaussee Response to essential services
34. Curtis Ek Response to essential services
35. Jayme Martin Response to essential services
36. Amber Selby Response to essential services
37. Joshua Luck Response to essential services
38. Tricia Woolett Response to essential services
39. Dave Kuzawa Response to essential services
40. Drew Carlson Response to essential services
41. Nichole Norris Response to essential services
42. Michael Six Response to essential services
As the Elected Official, I understand that I am responsible for documenting the equipment each employee removes from
the County office to ensure it is returned. I am also responsible for ensuring each Teleworker understands and knows
they are responsible for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, information, and paper files
used when Teleworking. A Teleworker must follow all applicable County,federal,state,and departmental policies, laws,
and regulations to protect data accessed or maintained while Teleworking.
Teleworkers are to protect information assets from unauthorized access and use by others, including family members,
friends,and other visitors. Required to leave information assets only in secured locations and not in unattended or
unlocked vehicles,or other locations where they may be easily stolen. Ensure that any County issued equipment,such as
cell phones, hot spots,or computers passwords are protected from unauthorized access and use by the Teleworker's
personal equipment(i.e.County issued hot spot hooked up to personal laptop or cellphone,etc...)or used by others,
including family members,friends, and other visitors.Costs incurred by personal use shall be paid by the Teleworker.
Elected Official Signature Date
Human Resources Budget Management
Mason County Support Services Department Commissioner Administration
to Emergency Management
411 N 5 Street Facilities, Parks&Trails
Shelton, WA 98584 Human Resources
360.427.9670 ext. 422 Information Services
Labor Relations
Risk Management
Mason County Telework Authorized Essential Employees
Per Mason County Resolution 2020-29,Telework Program Policy and Procedures. Policy,XXII 1(b),Application
Procedure, "In the event of an unusual weather condition, extreme circumstance, or other public health emergencies,
an Elected Official may authorize critical employees to Telework without completing the forms and training as required
in the policy."
Elected Official Office:Support Services
The following employees are deemed as critical employees during the COVID-19 emergency:
1. Frank Pinter No specific time.
2. Diane Zoren No specific time
3. Melissa Drewry No specific time
4. Dawn Twiddy No specific time
5. Nichole Wilston No specific time
6. Ross McDowell No specific time
7. Tammi Wright No specific time
8. Todd Cannon No specific time
9. Ben Ramsfield No specific time
10. Kelly Frazier No specific time
11. Jennifer Beierle No specific time
12. Kelly Bergh No specific time
13. Becky Rogers No specific time
14. Meehan Andrews No specific time
15. David Coughlin No specific time
As the Elected Official, I understand that I am responsible for documenting the equipment each employee removes from
the County office to ensure it is returned. I am also responsible for ensuring each Teleworker understands and knows
they are responsible for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, information, and paper files
used when Teleworking. A Teleworker must follow all applicable County,federal,state, and departmental policies, laws,
and regulations to protect data accessed or maintained while Teleworking.
Teleworkers are to protect information assets from unauthorized access and use by others, including family members,
friends, and other visitors. Required to leave information assets only in secured locations and not in unattended or
unlocked vehicles,or other locations where they may be easily stolen. Ensure that any County issued equipment,such as
cell phones, hot spots,or computers passwords are protected from unauthorized access and use by the Teleworker's
personal equipment(i.e.County issued hot spot hooked up to personal laptop or cellphone,etc...)or used by others,
including family members,friends, and other visitors.Costs incurred by personal use shall be paid by the Teleworker.
Elected Official Signature Date
Human Resources Budget Management
of Mason County Support Services Department Commissioner Administration
Emergency Management
411 N 5'Street
Shelton, WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails
- Human Resources
360.427.9670 ext. 422 Information Services
Labor Relations
r.: It s,✓a Risk Management
Mason County Telework Authorized Essential Employees
Per Mason County Resolution 2020-29,Telework Program Policy and Procedures. Policy,XXII 1(b),Application
Procedure, "In the event of an unusual weather condition, extreme circumstance, or other public health emergencies,
an Elected Official may authorize critical employees to Telework without completing the forms and training as required
in the policy."
Director Office: Indigent Defense—reporting to the Board of County Commissioners
The following employees are deemed as critical employees during the COVID-19 emergency:
1. Ron Sergi When needed by courts and clients
2. Jennifer Serafin When needed by courts and clients
3. Jesse Nations When needed by courts and clients
4. Eugene Austin When needed by courts and clients
5. Peter Jones When needed by courts and clients
As the Director, I understand that I am responsible for documenting the equipment each employee removes from the
County office to ensure it is returned. I am also responsible for ensuring each Teleworker understands and knows they
are responsible for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, information, and paper files used
when Teleworking. A Teleworker must follow all applicable County,federal,state, and departmental policies, laws, and
regulations to protect data accessed or maintained while Teleworking.
Teleworkers are to protect information assets from unauthorized access and use by others, including family members,
friends, and other visitors. Required to leave information assets only in secured locations and not in unattended or
unlocked vehicles,or other locations where they may be easily stolen. Ensure that any County issued equipment,such as
cell phones, hot spots, or computers passwords are protected from unauthorized access and use by the Teleworker's
personal equipment(i.e. County issued hot spot hooked up to personal laptop or cellphone,etc...)or used by others,
including family members,friends, and other visitors.Costs incurred by personal use shall be paid by the Teleworker.
Director Signature Date
Human Resources Budget Management
Mason County Support Services Department Commissioner Administration� Emergency Management;n
411 N 5t� Street
Shelton, WA 98584 Facilities, Parks&Trails
Human Resources
360.427.9670 ext. 422 Information Services
A ; Labor Relations
Risk Management
Mason County Telework Authorized Employees
Per Mason County Resolution 2020-29,Telework Program Policy and Procedures. Policy,XXII 1(b),Application
Procedure, "In the event of an unusual weather condition, extreme circumstance, or other public health emergencies,
an Elected Official may authorize critical employees to Telework without completing the forms and training as required
in the policy."
Department: Public Works/Utilities and Waste Management
The following employees are deemed as authorized telework employees during the COVID-19 emergency:
Public Works Department wide
VPN Access (non-priority)for Jessica Koehn,Aislyn Garner,Terri Stamper and Richard Diaz
As the Director, I understand that I am responsible for documenting the equipment each employee removes from the
County office to ensure it is returned. I am also responsible for ensuring each Teleworker understands and knows they
are responsible for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, information, and paper files used
when Teleworking. A Teleworker must follow all applicable County,federal,state, and departmental policies, laws,and
regulations to protect data accessed or maintained while Teleworking.
Teleworkers are to protect information assets from unauthorized access and use by others, including family members,
friends, and other visitors. Required to leave information assets only in secured locations and not in unattended or
unlocked vehicles,or other locations where they may be easily stolen. Ensure that any County issued equipment,such as
cell phones, hot spots,or computers passwords are protected from unauthorized access and use by the Teleworker's
personal equipment(i.e. County issued hot spot hooked up to personal laptop or cellphone,etc...)or used by others,
including family members,friends, and other visitors. Costs incurred by personal use shall be paid by the Teleworker.
4?AZ_ —
Director Signature Date
From: Ross McDowell Action Agenda X_
Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Emergency Management / MCPH EXT: 806
COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 7, 2020 Agenda Item # $.5
Commissioner staff to complete)
BRIEFING DATE: Daily Area Command Staff Briefings
Please provide explanation of urgency:
ITEM: Disaster Declaration for COVID-19 Response
BACKGROUND: Mason County requested an Emergency Proclamation on March 5,
2020 and then an Emergency Declaration on March 13, 2020 and we are requesting a
Disaster Declaration for the COVID-19 Response.
At this time Mason County's emergency response personnel, including EMS, Fire
Service, Law Enforcement, and Health Care providers are quickly running low or
personal protective.equipment to battle this response. As with other counties in the
state and across the United States, personal protective equipment is in high demand
but supply is low.
The County is providing essential services for all County Department/ Offices. In order
to accomplish this, staff are in the following categories: essential staff at work,
performing telework, or off collecting pandemic closure pay.
The County's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been activated at level two
(partial activation) since March 16, 2020. There has been Area Command Briefing
daily, Emergency Service Functions meetings daily and Joint Information Center
briefing daily to support our response to the COVID-19 event.
The Planning Section has been working on contingency planning for sheltering of
homeless population with illness, succession planning for EOC staff, Public Health
response actions dealing with additional positive cases and contact investigations.
With the above items, Mason County is reaching the point of exhausting our resources
and having minimum support from the State we need to request this Disaster
Declaration to support our future response.
J:\Disaster\2020\COVID-19 03-02-2020\Proclamations-Declarations\Mason County Proclamation-
Declaration\Commission Agenda Item Summary-Disaster Declaration.doc
Mason County Public health has received grant funding from the Department of
Commerce for housing assistance of$505,405. The WA State Department of Health
has advised that they are providing Mason County with a $250,000 grant for COVID-
19 response.
Recommend approval of the Mason County Disaster Declaration for COVID-19 expiring
in ninety day from adoption with the option to extend with authorization by BOCC.
Mason County Disaster Declaration "Local Declaration of Mason County as a Disaster
J:\Disaster\2020\COVID-19 03-02-2020\Proclamations-Declarations\Mason County Proclamation-
Declaration\Commission Agenda Item Summary-Disaster Declaration.doc
WHEREAS,for the last 72 days (starting January 27, 2020)there has been COVID-19
pandemic culminating on April 7,2020, in a disaster by creating multiple confirmed positive cases in parts
of Mason County; and,
WHEREAS,this COVID-19 pandemic has caused local resources to be exhausted or about to
be exhausted, said resources are still depleted; and,
WHEREAS, there is a present emergency which necessitates activation of the Mason County
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan(CEMP), Public Health Emergency Activation
Functional Plan, and utilization of emergency powers granted pursuant to RCS 36.40.180 and RCW
38.52.070(2); and
WHEREAS,a viral pandemic has and still is occurring to all residents and staff of Mason
County resulting in the need for assistance to impacted citizens to quarantine and/or medically
isolate with a focus of providing assistance for medical surges resulting in the need for emergency
sheltering, funding, staffing and relaxed time frames throughout the county; and,
WHEREAS,this disaster has caused and will cause an undetermined amount of financial,
emotional and long lasting impacts to citizens, businesses and public entities in Mason County,
WHEREAS, severity and magnitude of this disaster/pandemic is beyond the capability of
local resources;
SECTION 1. It is hereby declared by the Board of Mason County Commissioners that, in
accordance with the terms and conditions of RCW 36.40.180, there is an emergency due to the
above stated conditions in Mason County; therefore, designated departments are authorized to enter
into contracts and incur obligations necessary to combat such disaster,protecting the health and
safety of persons and property, and providing emergency assistance to the victims of such disaster;
SECTION 2. Each designated department is authorized, in accordance with the terms and
conditions of RCW 38.52.070(2), to exercise the powers vested under Section 1 of this resolution in
the light of the exigencies of an extreme emergency situation without regard to time-consuming
procedures and formalities prescribed by law, (excepting mandatory constitutional requirements),
including but not limited to:
• budget law limitations
• requirements of competitive bidding and publication of notices
• provisions pertaining to the performance of public work
• entering into contracts
• the incurring of obligations
• the employment of temporary workers
• the rental of equipment
• the purchase of supplies and materials
• the appropriation and expenditures of public funds
SECTION 3. Not withstanding the authorizations set forth in Section 1 of this resolution,
designated departments shall endeavor to secure the most competitive price available for goods and
SECTION 4. Such authorization shall include unannounced entry and access onto and about
private property,where such entry and access shall not violate those constitutional privacy and
property rights under an emergency declaration.
SECTION 5. The emergency authority granted under this resolution shall expire ninety(90)
days from the date of the adoption of this declaration unless specifically extended by the Board.
SECTION 6. The Board of County Commissioners of Mason County declare Mason County a
disaster area and request the Honorable Governor of the State of Washington to issue a similar
declaration and render all required and available assistance vital to the security, well-being and
health of the citizens of the State of Washington.
Michael Dorcy, Prosecuting Attorney MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON
Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
Tim Whitehead
Sharon Trask, Commissioner
Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
From: Kell Rowen Action Agenda x
Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Planning EXT: 286
DATE: April 7, 2020 Agenda Item # Le
Commissioner staff to complete)
BRIEFING DATE: February 3, 10 and March 16, 2020
Please provide explanation of urgency
ITEM: Negotiate consultant contract for Planned Action EIS for Belfair Subarea Plan
Background: Mason County Community Services (Planning Department) requested
consultant services to assist in preparing a Planned Action EIS for a defined area of the Belfair
Urban Growth Area in order to streamline the environmental permitting process for future
proposed development. BERK Consulting was the only firm to submit a qualifying proposal.
Budget Impacts: $170,000 to $230,000 depending on final contract.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Board of County Commissioners shall allow the
Planning Department to negotiate a contract with BERK Consulting for the preparation
of a Planned Action EIS for the Belfair Urban Growth Area.
Attachment(s): BERK Consulting Proposal
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SUBM{TTsHtA G T-n-aNnLlsi
:111 BERK 2200 Sixth Avenue,S 1000
Seattle,WAA 98112121
March 3, 2020
Attn: Kell Rowen, Planning Manager
Mason County
RE: Belfair Urban Growth Area Environmental Impact Statement j PROPOSAL
Dear Kell and the Consultant Selection Panel:
BERK Consulting, Inc. (BERK) has partnered with MAKERS Architecture + Urban Design (MAKERS),The
Transpo Group (Transpo) and Herrera Environmental (Herrera) to support Mason County with a planned
action environmental impact statement and subarea plan update for the Belfair Urban Growth Area (UGA).
Collectively,our team has completed numerous planning projects in the County, including recent work in Shelton
as well as the Belfair UGA. Our team has experience working together on other projects,including a current
subarea plan for the City of Bremerton and recent work on a Manufacturing/Industrial Center Subarea Plan for
the cities of Arlington and Marysville. More information about our approach and team experience is included in
this proposal.
As required in the RFP,we have included the following contact information:
Contact Information. Lisa Grueter,AICP - Project Manager and Principal in Charge. 2200 6th Avenue #1000
Seattle,WA 98121. Email: lisp a-berl<consultincr.corn Phone: 206-324-8760.
Acceptance. BERK confirms that, as prime consultant,we are able and willing to enter into a Professional
Services Contract with Mason County.
Disadvantaged Business Status. BERK is a federally-recognized Small Business Enterprise. MAKERS is a
certified,small, woman-owned (WBE) and disadvantaged (DBE) business.
We look forward to discussing this project with you In detail. In the Interim, more information about our firm,
approach,team, and client satisfaction can be found on our website: www.berkconsultin_g con].
Lisa Grueter,AICP, Principal & Project Manager
BERK Consulting, Inc.
Team Overview
The project team will be led by BERK Consulting, Inc. (BERK) for project management; GMA,
demographic, and land use policy analysis; document preparation; and public engagement.
MAKERS Architecture + Urban Design (MAKERS) will provide planning and engagement
support. The Transpo Group (Transpo) will lead all transportation related tasks and Herrera
Environmental (Herrera) will provide environmental and civil engineering support.
About BERK
BERK is an interdisciplinary consultancy integrating strategy, planning, and policy
development;financial and economic analysis; and facilitation, design,and communications.
Founded in 1988, our passion is working in the public interest,helping public and nonprofit
agencies address complex challenges and position themselves for success. Our Mission is:
Helping Communities and Organizations Create Their Best Futures.
BERK staff have a depth of expertise in SEPA analysis with experience in programmatic,
planned action, infill/mixed use exemptions, and standard expanded checklists.We have
prepared dozens of programmatic and Planned Action EISs including for the cities of
Arlington, Bothell, Bremerton,Covington, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Lakewood,Mountlake
Terrace, Puyallup, Renton, Shelton,Shoreline, Sumner, and Woodinville.
Local Experience. BERK led the Shelton UGA Planned Action EIS. BERK also led Planned
Action EISs for Gorst on behalf of Bremerton and Kitsap County.
About MAKERS Architecture & Urban Design
MAKERS is a Seattle-based urban design and planning firm established in 1972. The firm
works with a wide range of public sector clients,including local governments, regional
organizations, and state agencies. MAKERS' expertise includes planning,architecture,
landscape architecture, sustainability,and GIS analysis.Their experience in integrating client
needs,conceptual design,visualization,community priorities, and economic analysis results in
plans that are implementation-focused. MAKERS is a certified, small,woman-owned (WBE)
and disadvantaged (DBE) business.
Local Experience. MAKERS led the 2003 Belfair Urban Growth Area Plan.
About The Transpo Group
Transpo plans and designs transportation systems for people including drivers of cars and
trucks as well as pedestrians,cyclists and transit riders who share these systems. They create
transportation solutions,from transit-oriented development to context-sensitive designs,that
enable a more sustainable tomorrow for communities of all sizes, and still get everyone
where they need to go today.Transpo works with clients and communities on high-level
strategies and policy development, evaluating impacts associated with scenario planning
and EIS alternatives,and operational evaluation of transportation using the latest modeling
techniques and visual simulation tools.
Local Experience. Transpo worked on the Mason County Transportation Element Update,
Mason County Belfair Bypass Modeling, and Washington State Department of Transportation
SR 3 Belfair Area Widening and Safety Improvements.
About Herrera Environmental
Herrera is an innovative employee-owned environmental and engineering firm. Herrera's
interdisciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, planners, landscape architects, and regulatory
specialists are experienced in the preparation and review of concise,cost-efficient, and
legally defensible State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) environmental documents.Their staff
frequently manage or support project-specific, area-wide, and programmatic EIS projects.
They are thoroughly familiar with SEPA/GMA integration, and regularly work within planning
processes where their environmental analyses form the basis from which impact analyses,
land use planning, and development decisions are made. Herrera prepares technical EIS
sections and background studies that form the basis for their strong technical support of
area-wide planning.
Local Experience. Herrera led the Belfair UGA Stormwater Basin Plan and the Hood Canal
Watershed-wide Monitoring and Assessment Plan.
Key Project Staff
The BERK team will be led by Lisa Grueter, AICP, a Principal at BERK with more than
30 years of experience in land use planning and policy. She has completed dozens on
planned action environmental impact statements across the Puget Sound region. She will be
supported by Kevin Gifford, a Senior Associate at BERK with a focus on land use planning
and spatial analysis.Additional staffing support for planning,engagement, analysis,design,
transportation, and environmental is provided by our project partners.More information
about each key staff person is included in Appendix A: Resumes.
Project Experience & References
Project Description Reference
City of Shelton As part of its Comprehensive Plan update,the City of Shelton considered expansion of its urban growth area to accommodate Jason Dose,Senior Planner,
UGA EIS new residential,industrial,and commercial development.With experience in land use planning and GMA issues,BERK prepared City of Shelton,
an EIS to review this expansion,coordinating a larger team of professional experts in transportation,natural environment,utilities, (360)432-5102,
and air quality.BERK also coordinated the completion of the City's Comprehensive Plan,including authoring the Capital Facilities ;osond(a)ci.shelton.wo.us
and Utilities Element and Transportation Element.
City of Bremerton As part of a consultant team,BERK led land use planning and Planned Action EIS efforts for the Gorst Creek Watershed Plan. Allison Satter,Planner,City of
&Kitsap County Based on a Watershed Characterization model,the Plan included guiding principles and a planning framework that identifies Bremerton,(360)473-5275,
Gorst Creek areas of development,restoration,and protection intended to maintain one of the largest blocks of Puget Sound forest lands,and Allison.Sotter(d)ci.bremerton.
Watershed Plan, improve stormwater quality to allow the Gorst Creek ecosystem to thrive,while allowing for appropriate development.BERK also .,,a.us
Gorst Subarea prepared the Gorst Urban Growth Area Subarea Plan and City and County zoning regulations intended to establish a cohesive
Plan,and Planned vision for a livable district and to encourage investment through incentives for low impact mixed use development,improved
Action EIS stormwater management,and habitat restoration.BERK led the preparation of a Planned Action EIS and permit pathways with
tailored best management practices that will facilitate desired growth and restoration.BERK designed public outreach activities,
materials,one-on-one meetings with businesses and hands-on workshops for residents and property owners to create a range
of land use alternatives and a preferred plan.All project elements were vetted by multiple federal,state,and local agency
partners,and guided by a City-County-Suquamish Tribe Advisory Committee.This project was awarded the 2015 Washington
Governor's Smart Communities Award.
City of Bremerton BERK,teamed with MAKERS and Herrera,is working with the City of Bremerton on a Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS for Allison Satter,Planner,City of
Eastside the Eastside Employment Center.Our team developed an integrated plan and EIS process designed to start from the foundation Bremerton,(360)473-5275,
Employment of data analysis and engagement strategy,through crafting of future scenarios,and implementation tools.Opportunities for >on.Sctter(�cLbremPr�;_
Center Market public engagement were woven through the entire process and included a focus on hearing from a diverse set of stakeholders. waus
Analysis, BERK designed online and in-person engagement activities at key project milestones including at project launch,visioning,future
Redevelopment scenarios and draft plan stages to inform and engage the community and gather their feedback.Outreach and engagement
&Subarea Plan, activities leveraged local champions such as the local library,and popular community events,to reach a broad and inclusive
Planned Action EIS range of people.Engagement activities included in-person pop-up sessions at the Bridging Bremerton summer event and at Kitsap
Regional Library,door-to-door engagement with small business owners,a community open house,as well as an interactive online
session.BERK also designed and facilitated meetings with a sounding board comprised of stakeholders and technical staff.
City of Covington BERK provided a comprehensive analysis of market conditions,citywide employment and residential land capacity,public Ann Mueller,Senior Planner,
Northern Gateway services,SEPA compliance options,and fiscal conditions for the Northern Gateway.BERK as part of a team developed a subarea City of Covington,
Study and Hawk plan and Planned Action EIS for a portion of the Gateway called the Hawk Property.BERK supported public outreach efforts (253)480-2444,
Property Subarea including community workshops and meetings and prepared citizen friendly handouts about the SEPA process and planned omueller Dcovingtonwa,egov
Plan and Planned actions.This project facilitates a mix of residential and commercial uses and major transportation,trail,and open space
Action EIS investments on a reclaimed mine site.BERK is currently preparing a Supplemental EIS for an enlarged developed proposal.
Cities of Arlington BERK along with Makers,Tronspo,and Herrera developed a Subarea Plan that articulated a vision for the Arlington-Marysville Marc Hayes,Community
and Marysville Manufacturing/Industrial Center's(AMMIC)future,as well as goals and policies that provided a roadmap to guide future &Economic Development
Manufacturing public and private investments.The Plan includes strategies for business retention and growth,for strengthening existing Director,City of Arlington,
Industrial Center assets,expanding transportation choices,and improving environmental conditions.The joint planning effort included extensive (360)403-3457,
Subarea Plan outreach to businesses,property owners,and residents,engagement with an Advisory Committee comprised of regional and _-,es(a)orlingtonwa.gov
local stakeholders and a legislative process with two Councils.BERK and team are currently preparing a Planned Action EIS for
Project MAKERS collaborated with the community and
county and authored the 2004 Belfair UGA
Understanding Plan and will support the effort to refresh the
plan. Makers Is a leader In urban design and
community-led visioning in the state.
The Belfair Urban Growth Area is nearly 4 square Transpo worked with a team and WSDOT on the
miles located in northern Mason County. Its population SR 3 Belfair Widening and SR 302 Corridor Study
Is about 1,054 in 2019, growing by just 62 persons including all the traffic analysis and travel demand
since 2010, but serving as a commercial hub for a forecasting, and has supported Mason County on
greater area. SR 3 bisects the community and was the previous Transportation Element.
recently widened, and a new state bypass route Herrera developed the Belfair UGA 2018 Basin
is pending. With these infrastructure Investments Plan.
facilitating travel between Kitsap and Mason Counties,
a small town quality of life, and natural environment In addition to our local experience,our team has
assets, Belfair may soon see a rapid increase in Forked together including for the Bremerton Eastside
growth. Employment Center Subarea Plan and Planned Action,
and the Arlington/Marysville Manufacturing Industrial
The County seeks to develop a Planned Action Center Subarea Plan.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and ordinance
for the Belfair UGA. In association with the Planned
Action,the County intends to update the Belfair UGA
Plan, adopted in December 2004. With these two key Project Scop e
project elements,Mason County desires to facilitate
growth that supports a community-based vision for
Belfair.The 2004 Belfair UGA Plan concept identified
three centers in the community—North End, Downtown, Task 1 . Project Definition
and Salmon Center,upgrades to transportation and and Engagement Plan
sewer infrastructure, and improvement to the natural
environment including water quality as well as parks Under Task 1,our team will:
and open space.Through community engagement,the Organize and conduct a kickoff meeting with the
vision will be refreshed. County to review project goals, identify the study
The BERK team is well-suited to support Mason County area boundaries,discuss public participation
in this project through extensive experience and local objectives and strategies, review proposed
knowledge: technical analysis, and brainstorm alternatives.
BERK and its staff have developed over 20 ' Develop a document template/format, and other
planned action EISs and ordinances throughout the
administrative items for use by the EIS project
region,including for Gorst in Kitsap County along team.
SR 3 as well as the Shelton UGA in Mason County Develop a public participation plan that integrates
and many more. BERK will lead the Planned Action subarea plan and EIS outreach as well as public
EIS and Ordinance development. input opportunities.
Task 2. Vision, Scoping, and photos developed In the Subarea Plan where
possible), and circulation and infrastructure features
and Alternatives that are part of the alternatives.
We will facilitate a combined visioning and scoping Natural Environment(Herrera). Through our recent
process including: work developing the Belfair UGA 2018 Basin Plan
■ Engaging the community in a Visioning process (Belfair Basin Plan) and other projects in this vicinity
Including a community meeting and survey. These of Hood Canal,we are deeply familiar with the
activities will be part of the Planned Action natural environment of the area. We will leverage
scoping process. this knowledge to efficiently summarize key features
■ Preparing handout materials for a Visioning and of the existing natural environment and evaluate the
Public Scoping Meeting potential impacts on the natural environment for each
of the subarea alternatives . From past experience
■ Preparing a SEPA checklist and scoping notice, we know that well-conceived mitigation strategies
addressing all topics not expected to be can enable the UGA to become a more vibrant
addressed in the EIS to a sufficient level of detail, economic and social center while protecting the natural
■ Providing guidance on EIS alternatives to analyze. environment,and we will focus on mitigation during the
Recommending alternatives to be discussed during course of our analysis
scoping.We anticipate three alternatives to be
studied in the draft EIS—no action, a proposed Transportation (Transpo). Transpo will leverage the
action, and a third alternative that may vary the transportation analysis and forecasting completed for
amount and location of development. the Mason County's Belfair Mobility Plan,September
28, 2018 and WSDOT's SR 3 Freight Corridor project
for the EIS alternatives analysis. Our work will include
Task 3. Environmental coordination with both Mason County and WSDOT to
ensure we are incorporating the latest transportation
Impact Statement plans and data. We are currently completing a
Planned Action EIS for the City of Arlington and using
Preliminary Draft EIS this same approach where we are working closely with
both the City and WSDOT to ensure the evaluation of
We will prepare a preliminary draft EIS for County alternatives is consistent with the City's Comprehensive
review and comment.Although the scope of the EIS Plan as well as WSDOT's work along SR 531.
has not yet been determined, likely EIS elements will Transpo also has a good working relationship with
include the following sections: WSDOT's Olympic Region and is working with staff on
General Sections (BERK). We will prepare a fact transportation analysis for on-going projects in Pierce
sheet,table of contents, distribution list, alternatives County.
description, appendices, and other necessary A multimodal alternatives analysis will be
supporting documentation for County review. conducted to evaluate vehicle,transit, pedestrian
The alternatives description will include a description and bicycle impacts. The analysis will consider how
of the proposed land use patterns, planning envelope planned improvements accommodate the anticipated
of anticipated development in the study area, building growth by each alternative and identify potentially
typologies under each alternative (using illustrations significant transportation impacts as well as mitigation
measures. For planned improvements and identifying
mitigation measures,consideration will be given to Plan will form the foundation for planning stormwater
additional planning that has occurred by WSDOT capital improvements.
for the SR 3 Freight Corridor since completion of the
Utilities—Sewer and Water(Herrera). The Belfair
Belfair Mobility Plan.
UGA area is fortunate in having a new state of the art
Land Use and Aesthetics (BERK). We will compare wastewater treatment facility with plenty of capacity
and evaluate the proposed amount, types, scale, for growth. We will work with Mason County Utilities
and pattern of uses in comparison with the existing and Waste Staff as well as PUD No. 1 and the Belfair
land use pattern and adjacent development. We will Sewer Advisory Committee, as needed,to summarize
include an evaluation of development targets and the existing sewer and water systems, evaluate the
capacity for each alternative. We will identify policy impacts of subarea development on these utilities,
or code provisions that serve as mitigation measures. and define any system improvements that may be
We will also describe the overall aesthetic character necessary to provide adequate sewer and water
of the study area in terms of the quality of the built service in the future.
environment,the design and character of existing
buildings,and building height, bulk, and scale. Our Draft EI:'
evaluation will consider the nature and magnitude of
change envisioned by the subarea plan.The visual Based on County comments on the preliminary draft
character analysis will rely primarily on narrative We EIS,we will prepare a draft EIS for public review.
description, photographs of existing conditions, and will prepare the notice of availability for County
the graphics and materials developed for the subarea publication.
Public Services (BERK). We will review existing levels 1111 ci l 1:1";
of service, estimated needs and demand for service, The final EIS will consist of a fact sheet,table of
and projected levels of service under each alternative contents, draft EIS analysis corrections as needed,
for police and fire protection, parks and recreation, description of the preferred alternative if needed,
and schools. We will coordinate with appropriate and responses to comments.We will prepare a
service provider staff. We will base the analysis to the preliminary final EIS for County review and comment.
extent feasible on available plans and population- Based on County comments,we will prepare a final
based estimates of demand. EIS for public issuance. We will prepare the notice of
Stormwater Management(Herrera). Building from availability for County publication.
our recent experience leading the Belfair Basin Plan,
we will refresh the description of existing stormwater Implementing SEPA Ordinances
system and identify system improvements that are
needed to facilitate implementation of the updated To ensure that impacts and mitigation measures are
subarea plan. The Belfair Basin Plan determined addressed over the 20-year period,we will work with
that even with implementation of modern stormwater the County to prepare the ordinance that designates
regulations, development in the UGA would cause the Planned Action. As outlined in WAC 197-11-168,
notable increases in stormwater discharge.The the ordinance will address the type of project action;
recommended stormwater retrofits in the Belfair Basin compliance with the criteria for a planned action;
findings related to adequacy of the Planned Action
EIS; and mitigating measures required to qualify future Commission and Board of County Commissioners. One
projects as Planned Actions. meeting will be the Planned Action Ordinance hearing
We will participate in a public meeting or hearing per Task 3.
to allow public comment on the Planned Action
Ordinance. The County will maintain primary Anticipated Timeline
responsibility for public notice,meeting scheduling,
and meeting logistics. We propose a schedule that allows for community
engagement and development of the Subarea
Plan Update and Planned Action EIS over a
Task 4. Subarea Plan Update 12-month process allowing for sufficient visioning
Our team will update the 2004 Subarea Plan. We and stakeholder engagement and development of
will. analysis. A 12-month process would allow the scope
to be phased over more than one year which may be
■ Integrate a refreshed Vision from Task 2 and helpful for budgeting processes and staff resources.
update the Subarea Concept. This process can be either expedited or extended
■ Analyze existing land use/zoning designations and based on County preferences; we have prepared
propose necessary changes. similar combined plans and EISs in 7-10 months where
■ Revise and update the current Subarea Plan with engagement and evaluation is more streamlined and
amended goals, regulations,and implementation alternatives and environmental topics build on prior
strategies. work. Greater time would be appropriate if extended
stakeholder engagement or evaluation is desired. With
■ Facilitate a Draft Plan workshop with stakeholders a planned action,the County can adopt the subarea
such as major landowners, residents,and agency plan and associated comprehensive plan amendments
staff. out of the normal docket cycle and on its preferred
■ Develop a Revised Draft Plan for County staff to timeline (RCW 36.70a.130(2)(a)(v)).
shepherd through the public review process.
Task 5. Project and
Agency Coordination
Our team will develop a regular communication
protocol with the County such as regular conference
calls and a milestone schedule updated monthly or as
needed. We anticipate two County staff workshops,
to develop a draft vision and concepts to share with
the public and to meet with other agency stakeholders,
e.g. WSDOT.
It is anticipated that the Mason County Department
of Community Services will lead the legislative review
process. Our team will attend two legislative meetings
to present the draft plan such as with the Planning
The schematic below details our approach in accordance with the proposed project timeline listed above.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
sI Project Kick-off
••• Ongoing Project Coordination&Communication
Vision Workshop
Vision,Scoping &
Alternatives Scoping Alternatives
Preliminary Draft EIS(PDEIS) pDElS
Draft Subarea Plan
TASK 3: ---------------------4 q
Environmental Impact 30-Day Comment Period
Planned Action Final EIS(FEIS) HIS
Ordinance(PAO) PAO PAO
Evaluate Land Use
TASK 4: Draft Subarea
Draft Subarea Plan Plan Revised
Revised Draft Subarea Plan Subarea Plan
Agency Coordination
TASK 5: 4..................
AgencyProject& Agency Coordination
� Legislative Legislative
Coordination Meeting 1W Meeting
Cost Proposal
The table below outlines our proposed approach and anticipated level of effort by task for
a total budget not to exceed $199,949. Key staff hourly rates are included below.
Anticipated Level of Effort
Task Total Hours Total Cost
Task 1. Project Definition and Engagement Plan 80 $14,305
Task 2.Vision,Scoping,and Alternatives 130 $22,470
Task 3.Environmental Impact Statement 468 $87,708
Task 4. Subarea Plan Update 288 $49,951
Task 5. Project and Agency Coordination 127 $23,535
Subtotal Consultant Cost $197,969
Project Expenses(2%of budget) $1,980
Total Budget 1,093 $199,949
Alternative A Reduced Effort: County Leads Subarea Plan. Consultant focuses on Visioning
and Peer Review of Plan. County leads Public Services in EIS with Consultant Peer Review.
Fewer Meetings.
■ Alternative A Total budget: $170,000
Alternative B Enhanced Effort: Greater engagement and agency/stakeholder
coordination. Additional technical effort to develop capital plan. Provide greater effort on
responses to comments.
■ Alternative B Total budget: $230,000
Key Staff Effort by Team
Hourly Rates Member
Name $/Hr Name $/hr Firm Effort
Lisa Grueter,AICP $225 Erica Bush $140 BERK $77,640
Kevin Gifford $160 Jon Pascal $245 Transpo $40,630
Jessie Hartmann $145 Stef Herzstein $195 Herrera $34,699
Rebecca Fornaby $140 Matt Fontaine $201 Makers $45,000
Project Support $125 Joy Michaud $252 Expenses $1,980
John Owen $215 Total $199,949
Kevin Gifford (Deputy Project Manager& Data Analyst, BERK) has a
background in GIS and spatial data analysis, data visualization, and urban
planning. Kevin specializes in the development of analysis and data tools
to inform public policy decisions, including comprehensive planning under
Washington's Growth Management Act,environmental documentation under the
State Environmental Policy Act,economic development plans, and other forms
of land use analysis. Kevin also supports BERK's practice with his experience in
environmental impact analysis,cartography, and visual impact assessments.
Kevin recently completed the Mountlake Terrace Planned Action Ordinance
EIS and has supported dozens of EISs throughout his career.Currently,he's a
Education planner on the City of Bothell Canyon Park Regional Growth Center Subarea
Plan and Planned Action EIS. He led the aesthetics task for the Seattle Uptown
■ M.S., Information and EIS.
Data Science, University
of California, Berkeley Kevin earned a Master of Urban Planning and a Bachelor of Environmental
Design,cum laude,from Texas A&M University. He recently completed his
■ M.S., Urban Planning, Master of Information and Data Science from the University of California,
Texas A&M University
■ B.S.,Environmental
Design,Texas A&M
Relevant Project Experience
■ North Mason Regional Fire Authority Strategic Plan
■ Gorst Creek Watershed Plan,Gorst Subarea Plan, and Planned Action EIS
■ City of Mountlake Terrace Planned Action Ordinance EIS
■ City of Bothell Canyon Park Regional Growth Center Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS
■ City of Snoqualmie Mill Site Development EIS
■ City of Seattle Uptown EIS
■ Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan Update Capital Facility Plan and SEIS
■ Port of Douglas County, Douglas County,City of East Wenatchee Northern UGA Master Site Plan and
Planned Action EIS
Lisa Grueter, AICP (Project Manager, BERK) is a Principal at BERK. She
Is a senior land use planner with more than 30 years of experience in
r policy planning for the public and private sectors. Her expertise includes
comprehensive and subarea planning under the state's GMA, and non-project
environmental facilitation tools under SEPA.
Lisa has managed more than 30 programmatic and Planned Action EISs,
and complex comprehensive, shoreline, and subarea planning projects. Lisa
led the Lakewood Downtown Plan and Planned Action EIS,the Sumner Town
Center SEIS,and the Puyallup Downtown Planned Action EIS. She is the project
manager for the Bremerton Eastside Employment Center Subarea Plan and
Education & Certifications Planned Action EIS. Lisa served as Project Director for the Shelton UGA EIS,
and previously prepared the Shelton UGA Plan. Lisa led the Gorst Subarea
■ M.A.,City Planning, Plan and Planned Action EIS on behalf of the City of Bremerton and Kitsap
University of California, County.
■ B.A., Social Ecology, Lisa has worked with counties and cities across Washington State and spent
University of California, seven years as a senior planner for the cities of Sumner and Renton. She
Irvine received a B.A. in Social Ecology from the University of California, Irvine and a
Master of City Planning from the University of California, Berkeley.
■ Registered Planner
Relevant Project Experience
■ Gorst Creek Watershed Plan,Gorst Subarea Plan, and Planned Action EIS
■ City of Lakewood Downtown Subarea Plan and Planned Action
■ City of Bremerton Eastside Employment Center Market Analysis, Redevelopment& Subarea Plan, Planned
Action EIS
■ City of Shelton UGA EIS
■ Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan Update Capital Facility Plan and SEIS
■ City of Covington Hawk Property Subarea Plan and EIS and Lakepointe Planned Action SEIS
■ City of Bothell Canyon Park Regional Growth Center Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS
■ Snohomish County Southwest UGA Boundary Planning Study
■ City of Seattle Uptown EIS
■ City of Sumner Town Center Planned Action SEIS
■ City of Puyallup Downtown Planned Action EIS
■ City of Snoqualmie Mill Site Development EIS
■ Port of Douglas County, Douglas County,City of East Wenatchee Northern UGA Master Site Plan and
Planned Action EIS
-- Jessie Hartmann (Analyst & Information Design, BERK) focuses on planning
f and analysis. She is a design expert specializing in analysis,outreach,and
design for local projects. Her experience includes conducting research and
technical analyses, and she is well-known for designing technical graphics that
catch the eye and convey information in a friendly,accessible manner.
` Jessie has supported the firm's EIS work with analysis and information design.
She is currently working on the Bremerton Eastside Employment Center
Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS and the Bothell Canyon Park Regional
Growth Center Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS. She has supported
planning projects for the cities of Seattle,Tacoma, Pullman,and Snoqualmie.
Education & Certifications Jessie graduated cum laude with University and Departmental Honors and
■ B.S.,Mathematics, a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Western Washington University,
Western Washington then earned a Master of Urban Design and Planning from the University of
University,cum laude Washington with a Certificate of Achievement in Urban Design.
■ M.S., Urban Design&
Planning, University of
■ Certificate of
Achievement in Urban
Design, University of
Relevant Project Experience
■ City of Bremerton Eastside Employment Center Market Analysis, Redevelopment& Subarea Plan, Planned
Action EIS
■ City of Lakewood Downtown Subarea Plan and Planned Action
■ City of Seattle Mandatory Housing Affordability EIS
■ City of Seattle Uptown EIS
■ City of Sumner Town Center Planned Action SEIS
■ City of Bothell Canyon Park Regional Growth Center Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS
■ City of Snoqualmie Mill Site Development EIS
• Snohomish County Southwest UGA Boundary Planning Study
■ City of Puyallup Downtown Planned Action EIS
Rebecca Fornaby(Engagement Lead, BERK) has more than 6 years
of experience working in outreach and communications. She uses her
multidisciplinary background in urban planning,marketing, and visual art to
develop clear project materials,creative stakeholder activities,and rigorous
w,. outreach summaries for diverse audiences. Rebecca truly enjoys synthesizing
even the most voluminous bodies of feedback to pull key ideas into the next
phase of work. In addition to writing concise,comprehensive summaries,
Rebecca's digital photography skills help tell the full story and lend texture to
all project documents.
In addition to developing stakeholder and public engagement plans, Rebecca
Education & Certifications crafts presentations and exhibit boards, develops agendas and meeting
plans, and facilitates group discussions. She has experience with one-on-one
■ Master of Urban & interviews, design charrettes,visioning workshops,focus groups,advisory
Environmental Planning, groups, and public open houses.
University of Virginia
School of Architecture Rebecca recently supported outreach and project management of the Freeway
Park Improvements, SDOT Pedestrian Wayfinding Project, Lake Forest Park
■ B.A.,Art History, Hamilton Town Center Vision, and the RapiclRide G Line (Madison St BRT).
Relevant Project Experience.
■ Seattle Parks& Recreation Freeway Park Improvements
■ City of Bellevue Great Neighborhoods
■ Sound Transit West Seattle and Ballard Link Extension
■ Steilacoom School District Student Generation Rates
■ Tumwater School District Student Generation Rates
■ City of Lake Forest Park Town Center Vision
■ City of Lake Forest Park Safe Highways
■ City of Lake Forest Park Safe Streets
■ City of Shoreline Sidewalk Prioritization Plan
■ City of Tacoma Theater District Placemaking
■ City of Tacoma Tideflats Subarea Plan Outreach
■ Sound Transit Roosevelt& First Hill Transit-Oriented Development
■ Seattle Department of Transportation Madison Bus Rapid Transit Outreach
Erika Busch (Urban Designer, MAKERS) enjoys bringing creative solutions to
concerns at all scales. She is an energetic people person with a sharp graphic
sense who is valued for her dynamic presentations and ability to relate to
an audience. She developed her facilitation and project management skills
through her previous roles as an urban designer and planner of a diverse
range of projects from public space design and management to large scale
affordable housing developments.
As an EcoDistrict Accredited Professional, Erica is committed to creating
sustainable,equitable neighborhoods,seeking out clients' unique needs and
concerns while working towards vision alignment of diverse stakeholder
Education & Certifications interests. Her project experience includes the management of projects at all
scales from site design to master planned communities. Erica has also worked
■ Master of Landscape internationally in China, Denmark, and Japan and has a keen interest in
Architecture/Master bringing equity and health to the forefront of planning and design discussions.
of Urban Planning,
University of Washington
■ Bachelor of Arts,The
New School, New York
Relevant Project Experience
• City of Bremerton Eastside Employment Center Market Analysis, Redevelopment& Subarea Plan, Planned
Action EIS
■ City of Portland Citywide Space Planning Study
■ Veterans Affairs Hospital Landscape and Wayfinding Design
■ Delridge Triangle Landscape Design Vision Plan
■ Port of Edmonds Marina Pedestrian Improvement Plan
■ Seattle Public Utilities Infrastructure Vision Planning
■ City of Fife Facilities Master Plan
John Owen (Urban Designer, MAKERS) has been a partner at MAKERS
since 1978. His professional experience covers a variety of work ranging
from waterfronts and public improvement projects to site master planning,
1'4 comprehensive planning, and urban design projects. The common threads
�t running through this diversity of work are a focus on a team-oriented
community participation design approach,solid management,technical
capabilities, and commitment to providing a personalized professional service.
John was involved in the Belfair Urban Growth Area Plan in 2003. He has lead
urban design projects for dozens of communities statewide, including current
work with the City of Bremerton on the Eastside Employment Center Subarea
Education & Certifications Plan and Planned Action EIS with BERK. He has led urban design projects for
the cities of Seattle, Everett,Tumwater, Oak Harbor, Port Townsend,Auburn,
■ M.Arch., University of and Kingston.
In Urban Design
■ Bachelor of Science, Case
Institute of Technology,
Structural Engineer
■ Professional Architect(WA)
Relevant Project Experience
■ City of Bremerton Eastside Employment Center Market Analysis, Redevelopment& Subarea Plan, Planned
Action EIS
■ City of Bothell Canyon Park Regional Growth Center Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS
■ City of Oak Harbor Urban Growth Area Study
■ City of Kingston Community Design Study
■ City of Raymond Community Development Plan
■ Mason County Belfair Urban Growth Area Plan
Stefanie Herzstein, PE, PTOE (Transportation Engineer, Transpo) is a senior
engineer with over 18 years of experience in multimodal transportation
planning and operational analyses. She has managed and conducted hundreds
41P of transportation studies throughout the western United States. Her work
includes advising private and public sector clients in transportation, land use,
and policy decisions as well as identifying and developing feasible solutions
to mitigate significant transportation impacts associated with development.
Stefanie also helps to develop comprehensive transportation demand
management strategies and offers specific expertise in parking management
strategies, policies, and technology deployments throughout the region. She
helps client efficiently balance the needs of vehicles,transit, and non-motorized
Education & Certifications transportation.
■ MS,Transportation Stefanie is able to distill complex data sets and relay technical information to
Engineering University of a variety of audiences in presentations. A leader in the engineering industry,
California Berkeley Stefanie has been involved in ASCE at the national, regional, and local levels
■ BS, Civil Engineering, since 1998. She also currently serves as co-chair on the WTS Scholarship
University of New Committee and is a member of the ITE Parking Standing Committee.
■ PE,Washington,Oregon,
■ Professional Traffic
Operations Engineer
Relevant Project Experience
■ Cities of Arlington/Marysville Manufacturing Industrial Center Subarea Plan
■ City of Rock Island Waterfront Subarea Plan
■ Cities of Sumner/Pacific Manufacturing Industrial Center Subarea Plan
■ City of Port Townsend Fort Warden Planned Action EIS
■ City of Bellingham Waterfront District Redevelopment
Patrick Lynch, AICP (Transportation Planner,Transpo) is an experienced
multimodal transportation planner with solid technical expertise and a public
sector perspective. Patrick has successfully prepared and implemented many
multimodal transportation plans throughout the state that focus on the needs of
pedestrians, bicyclists, and connectivity to transit service.
Having served as both a public agency employee and a senior-level
consultant, Patrick offers unique expertise and thoughtful insights that result in
effective transportation planning, realistic funding strategies, and forward-
thinking transportation policies to accommodate all modes of travel and
people with varying levels of mobility. Known as an effective communicator
Education & Certifications who can relate technical information to a variety of audiences, Patrick leads
planning efforts to build support for potential concepts and policies.
■ B.S., Environmental Policy
and Assessment,Western
■ Registered Planner
Relevant Project Experience
■ Mason County Transportation Element Update
■ Mason County Belfair Bypass Modeling
■ Washington State Department of Transportation SR 3 Belfair Area Widening and Safety Improvements
■ City of Ferndale Main Street Planned Action EIS and Transportation Plan,Ferndale,WA
Matt Fontaine (Water Resources Engineer, Herrera) is a licensed civil engineer
with 15 years of integrated experience in planning and design. He specializes
in sustainable design and planning for municipal infrastructure, development
projects,and retrofit projects. He has guided complex projects through
environmental permitting and written stormwater manuals and municipal code.
Matt has a strong track-record of completing a wide range of projects for
public and private clients, ranging from small technical analyses and design to
'.f large-scale and complex planning efforts.
Matt worked with the County and their partner to prepare a stormwater basin
plan to address flooding and water quality issues. The team evaluated four
Education & Certifications different build out scenarios that represent different stormwater management
strategies. Existing conditions were modeled based on geospatial analysis of
■ M.S., Civil Engineering land use data and future conditions were based on predicted impervious area
with an emphasis in under the selected buildout scenarios. These results and field review were used
Water Resources, to identify a variety of projects to reduce future flooding and improve water
University of Washington quality and habitat.
■ B.S,. Civil/Environmental
In the post seven years,he has led stormwater capital improvement program
development for the cities of Bremerton, Edgewood, Edmonds, Lacey,
Lynnwood, Pasco, Port Angeles, San Juan County, Seatac, and Sequim. He has
• Registered Professional also led the stormwater and utilities elements of subarea plans in the cities
Engineer in Washington of Arlington,Marysville, and Bremerton, as well as climate change resiliency
planning for Tacoma and Shoreline.
Relevant Project Experience
■ City of Bremerton Eastside Employment Center Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS
■ Arlington/Marysville MIC Subarea Plan
■ City of Belfair Stormwater Basin Plan
■ City of Tacoma Climate Resiliency Plan
• City of Shoreline Climate Resiliency Plan
Joy Michaud (Principal Scientist, Herrera) has over 25 years of experience
as a water resource professional. Since Joy successfully ran a small business
for nearly 20 years, she is expert at managing multiple and diverse projects
and responding to a wide variety of client needs. She has an interdisciplinary
background that includes; water quality studies,fish and aquatic habitat
- assessments, watershed planning, policy development, project permitting,and
public facilitation among others.
For the Hood Canal Watershed-wide Monitoring and Assessment Plan, Joy
led development of a comprehensive and long-term stream and river water
quality monitoring plan for Washington's Hood Canal Watershed. As project
Education & Certifications manager Joy acted as liaison between Herrera staff and a diverse group of
stakeholders that included regional planners,citizen activists,and academics.
■ Post-Graduate Research, She helped build consensus among the stakeholder group in defining the goals
University of Uppsala and constraints of the new monitoring plan. Drawing on her more than 25
■ M.S.,Environmental years of water quality monitoring experience she guided Herrera Staff in
Science & Engineering, the development of a cost-efficient monitoring plan that evaluates a range of
University of Washington indicators(water quality, streamflow, aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance,
■ B.S.,Water Resources, and habitat integrity), which will help aid future water management and land
University of Wisconsin - use decisions.
Stevens Point
Relevant Project Experience
■ City of Belfair Basin Plan
■ Mason County Hood Canal Watershed-Wide Monitoring and Assessment Plan
■ Washington State Department of Transportation Water Resource Impact Assessment for SR 167 Highway
Corridor Expansion EIS
From: David Windom Action Agenda x
Public Hearing
DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT:
COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 7, 2020 Agenda Item # 8 -7
(Commissioner staff to complete)
BRIEFING DATE: March 23, 2020
Please provide explanation of urgency
ITEM: Approval to pay Kell Rowan and Alex Paysse at Salary Range 46, Step 0, and
effective March 16, 2020 for working in a higher class, due to the Director of
Community Services absence in the office because of COVID-19 assigned Duty Officer
Assignment. This special pay shall be removed when the Director of Community
Services is no longer working at Emergency Management in response to the COVID-19
health emergency.
Background: An employee who has been assigned to perform all of the significant
duties of a higher level job classification, due to the absence of the employee who
normally holds that position, and who performs such duties for five (5) or more
consecutive days, shall be compensated on that step of the salary range of the
higher job class that provides at least a five(5) percent increase over their(the
employee working out of class) current rate of pay.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to pay Kell Rowan and Alex Paysse at Salary
Range 46, Step 0, and effective March 16, 2020 for working in a higher class, due to
the Director of Community Services absence in the office because of COVID-19
assigned Duty Officer Assignment. This special pay shall be removed when the
Director of Community Services is no longer working at Emergency Management in
response to the COVID-19 health emergency.
Attachment: Special Pay Forms
❑Out of Class Pay ❑Lead Pay I Working in a Higher Class
All out of class, lead, or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department
head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County
Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties.
Employee Name:Alex Paysse
Employee Job Title: Environmental Health Manager Department:Community Services
Please insert the lead, out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining
Agreement if applicable:
An employee who has been assigned to perform all of the significant duties of a higher level job classification,due to the absence of the employee who normally holds that position,and
who performs such duties for five(5)or more consecutive days,shall be compensated on that step of the salary range of the higher job class that provides at least a five(5)percent
increase over their(the employee working out of class)current rate of pay.
What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long:
Additional pay for working outside of their current position will be set at Salary Range 46,Step 0.This will give at least a 5%salary increase from the employee's current salary,as required by the policy.
Alex will be filling in for Director Windom while he is attached to the EOC.Alex will review payroll,time sheets, scheduling,vouchering
and will supervise the front counter and financial staff until Casey Bingham returns from sick leave.Alex will supervise all aspects of public health with
the exception of Community Health until the return of the director and will serve as ICS Commander for ESF 8.
Effective Date: 3/16/2020 End Date:_ +ri `y
A-- re--'0c)-0-Ae--/
*Attach a copy of the emplo ee' current position description*J
Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature: Date:
Department Head/Elected Official Signature:%_,,,-,, Date: 0/3.2e)
Support Services Director Signature: Date:
BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date:
cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll
❑Out of Class Pay ❑Lead Pay I Working in a Higher Class
All out of class, lead, or temporarily working in a higher class pay requests must be submitted by the department
head or elected official on this form to Human Resources for review and final approval by the Board of County
Commissioners,prior to the assignment of additional duties.
Employee Name: Kell Rowan
Employee Job Title: Planning Manager Department: Community Services
Please insert the lead, out of class or temporarily working in a higher class pay language from the Collective Bargaining
Agreement if applicable:
An employee who has been assigned to perform all of the significant duties of a higher level job classification,due to the absence of the employee who normally holds that position,and
who performs such duties for five(5)or more consecutive days,shall be compensated on that step of the salary range of the higher job class that provides at least a five(5)percent
increase over their(the employee working out of class)current rate of pay.
What specific job duties this employee will be performing outside of their current position description and for how long:
Additional pay for working outside of their current position will be set at Salary Range 46.Step 0.This will give at least a 5%salary increase from the employee's current salary,as required by the policy.
Kell Rowen takes over operational control of Building, Planning and Permitting until such time as
Director Windom is able to return from attached service to Emergency Management as Planning
Chief. Kell will suprevise all the daily operations to include but not limited to billing, vouchering,
payroll, and coordination of all public activities in response to COVID-19 in Building 8 until April 3
Effective Date: March 16, 2020 End Date: 4p
*Attach a copy of the erloyee's current position description*
Manager/Supervisor of Department Signature Date:..5 /SZ7Z-61
Department Head/Elected Official Signature , Date: l/jo?G
Support Services Director Signature: Date:
BOCC or Elected Official Signature: Date:
cc:CMMRS/Elected Official/Department/Payroll
1 c
Contract Between
Mason County
Community Lifeline
Professional Services Contract #CL:2019-2021.3
Amendment# 2
The purpose of this amendment is to increase the total award of the contract for the COVID-19 response
IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THEREFORE: That the Original Contract is hereby amended as follows:
1. FUNDING SOURCE: Washington State COVID-19 Outbreak Emergency Housing Grant
2. AMENDMENT TERM: March 15, 2020— September 30, 2020
Mason County reserves the right to terminate this amendment sooner than September 301h, should the
county emergency response to COVID-19 come to an end.
3. TOTAL AWARD: $49,235
Administration: $13,000
Staffing: $30,960
Supplies: $2,795
2 Portable Standard Restroom: $1940
1 Hand wash station: $540
Submit a separate invoice with the title "Community Lifeline COVID-19 Response CL:2019-2020.3"
All activities and expenditures must comply with the Washington State COVID-19 Outbreak Emergency
Housing Grant GUIDELINES.
In response to COVID-19:
a.) Up to $2,000 a month for administration costs
b.) 2 shelter staff at up to $15/hr
c.) Supplies, all supplies must be pre-approved prior to ordering.
ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original Contract and any subsequent amendments hereto
remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESSWHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof on the day
of a(P,. , 2020.
Bert Pedersen Sharon Trask, Chair
Board Chair, Community Lifeline Mason County Board of County Commissioners
+°a�N a�' 7S .10•
April 7, 2020
MASON COUNTY US Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 2870
OF Portland, OR 97208-2870
To Whom it may Concern,
1ST District The Board of Mason County Commissioners endorse the comments
RANDY NEATHERLIN from Mason PUD 3 on the Columbia River System Operators Draft
Environmental Impact Statement.
2"d District We particularly support PUD 3's comments on the EIS Preferred
KEVIN SHUTTY Alternative regarding the objective to Provide a Reliable and Economic
ra Power Supply.
3 District
SHARON TRASK Although the Preferred Alternative may mean marginally higher
operating costs at dams throughout the Columbia River basin, the
"Multiple Objective Alternative 3" would be a disaster for the Pacific
Northwest economy. Choosing MO3, with its breaching of four Snake
Mason County Building 1 River dams, could extract up to $13 million in discretionary spending
each year from the Mason County economy alone.
411 North Fifth Street
The Preferred Alternative proposed by the co-lead agencies is the
Shelton, WA 98584-3400 wisest path to take in managing the resources of the Columbia River
System moving into the future. It balances, to the highest measure
(360)427-9670 ext. 419 possible, the multiple use objectives for river operations:
(360)275-4467 ext. 419 • Provide a Reliable and Economic Power Supply
• Improve Juvenile and Adult Salmon, Resident Fish, and
(360)482-5269 ext. 419 Lamprey.
• Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Fax (360)427-8437 • Maximize Water Management and Provide Water Supply (Water
quality, irrigation, maintain navigable waters for barging
freight, flood control, etc.)
Thank you for the opportunity to provide support for Mason PUD 3's
Sharon Trask, Chair
Mason County Commission
From: Kelly Bergh for Jennifer Beierle Action Agenda _
Public Hearing X
DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 644
DATE: 4/7/2020 Agenda Item # /0. 1
Commissioner staff to complete
BRIEFING DATE: 2/24/2020
Please provide explanation of urgency
Public Hearing to inform citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses of the
2020 Public Services Community Development Block Grant (PS-CDBG) and receive
comments on proposed activities specifically funding the Community Action Council of
Lewis, Mason &Thurston Counties (CAC) as well as receiving comments on the 2019
Mason County coordinates with the CAC on an annual basis to apply for, receive and
provide services through a PS-CDBG administered by the Washington State
Department of Commerce (DOC).
In 2019, as with subsequent years the funding, usually around $100,000, was
used to provide service referrals for a minimum of 6,000 individuals in Mason and
Lewis counties of which a minimum of 3060 must meet HUD's 51% income
qualification and provide direct services and referrals for a minimum of 300 child
victims. This year's allotment is $102,225, of which $3,500 will be used to off-set a
portion of our administration costs.
This Hearing will solicit public input on the proposed activities and services to be
provided as well as comments on current programming.
Recommended Action:
Make a motion to approve the submission of the CDBG application, sign the resolution
authorizing the submission and certifying the County's compliance with CDBG
requirements and authorizing Frank Pinter, Support Services Director to act as the
Chief Administration Official for the CDBG program.
Program Hand-outs
J:I Grants I CDBG Public Service Grant12020 2021 I Application I Agenda Item Summary-Public
Hearing doc
WHEREAS,Mason County is authorized to apply to the state Department of Commerce for a Community Development
Block Grant(CDBG); and
WHEREAS,Mason County has identified a community development and housing priority need for which to seek CDBG
WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain conditions be met to.receive CDBG funds;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Mason County authorizes submission of this application to the state
Department of Commerce to request $102,225 and any amended amounts to fund public service activities in
coordination with Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason&Thurston Counties and certifies that, if funded, it:
Will comply with applicable provisions of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974,as amended,
and other applicable state and federal laws;
Has provided and will provide opportunities for citizen participation that satisfy the CDBG requirements of 24 CFR
Will not use assessments against properties owned and occupied by low- and moderate-income persons or charge
user fees to recover the capital costs of CDBG-funded public improvements from low- and moderate-income owner-
Has established or will establish a plan to minimize displacement as a result of activities assisted with CDBG funds;
and assist persons actually displaced as a result of such activities, as provided in the Uniform Relocation Assistance
and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970,as amended;
Will conduct and administer its program in conformance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing
Act,will affirmatively further fair housing(Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968);and
Has adopted (or will adopt) and enforce a policy to prohibit the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies
within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations; and has adopted(or will
adopt)and implement a policy to enforce existing applicable state and local laws against physically barring entrance to
or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction,
in accordance with Section 104(1)of the Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act or 1974,as amended;
Certifies to meeting the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)through a determination the CDBG-funded public
services will not have a physical impact or result in any physical changes and are exempt under 24 CFR 58.34(a), and
are not applicable to the other requirements under 24 CFR 58.6; and are categorically exempt under the State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) per WAC 197-11-305 (2); and Mason County designates Frank Pinter as the
authorized Chief Administrative Official and authorized representative to act in all official matters in connection with this
application and Mason County's participation in the Washington State CDBG Program.
Melissa Drewry, Clerk of Board Randy, Neatherlin, Commissioner
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Sharon Trask, Chair
3/24/2020 Print/Preview
0 Department of Commerce
Powered byZoomGrants""
Washington State Dept.of Commerce
2020 CDBG Public Services Grants
4/8/2020 deadline
Mason County
Mason County
jump to:Applicant Feedback Citizen Participation and Title VI certification Project Funding and Budget Project Summary and Description Your
Uploaded Documents
USD$102,225.00 Requested Mason County,
411 N 5th Street Telephone360 427-9670
Shelton,WA 98584 Fax 360 427-8437
Project Contact Web www.co.mason.wa.us
Kelly Bergh Director of Support Services
kbergh@co.mason.wa.us Frank Pinter
Tel:360 427-9670 ext 644 fPinter@co.mason.wa.us
Additional Contacts
Applicant Feedback top
1.Jurisdiction Name
(Not required but appreciated)
Mason County
2.The application instructions were clear.
i. 1:Strongly Disagree
i 2:Disagree
3:Neither Agree Nor Disagree
_J 4:Agree
✓ 5:Strongly Agree
3.The application questions were easily understood.
f 1:Strongly Disagree
L.! 3:Neither Agree Nor Disagree
L! 4:Agree
✓ 5:Strongly Agree
4.1 was able to receive the assistance 1 needed from Commerce to complete the application.
i-i 1:Strongly Disagree
.= 2:Disagree
3:Neither Agree Nor Disagree
! 4:Agree
✓ 5:Strongly Agree
5.1 had adequate time to prepare the application prior to the deadline.
U 1:Strongly Disagree
!.j 2:Disagree
Li 3:Neither Agree Nor Disagree
✓ 4:Agree
1-j S:StronglyAgree
A-on-A 417
3/24/2020 Print/Preview
2.Announced on radio or television station
3.Posted at location(s)frequented by non-English speaking residents
✓ 4.N/A-the Assessment answer was NO
9.If you included[item 3]as part of your answer to the previous question,please list the location(s)where the notice was posted.
Enter N/A if this does not apply.
10.Residents,especially LMI residents,of the areas in which CDBG funds are proposed to be used were encouraged to participate and
provide input.
✓ Yes
L.; No
Conductingthe Public Hearing
11.Provide the date of your public hearing:
4/7/2020 Public hearing date
0.00 TOTAL
12.The public hearing was held within 18 months of the CDBG application submittal date.
✓ Yes
13.The public hearing was conducted by the applicant local government.
✓ Yes
U No
14.Minutes of the public hearing were taken.
J Yes
15.Both of the following required CDBG handouts were distributed at the public hearing:CDBG Fact Sheet and Federal Citizen
Participation Requirements.
These documents are available for download from the CDBG website.The link is provided in the Instructions section at the top of this tab.
J Yes
16.Because I answered YES under the ASSESSMENT step above,alternate-language versions of the required handout were provided.
Find the Spanish versions of the handouts on the CDBG website under Guidance Materials/Public Hearing Resources
J N/A-the Assessment answer was NO
Documenting the Public Hearing
17.A copy of the public hearing notice's affidavit of publication OR a copy of the actual published notice from the newspaper has been
uploaded with this application.
✓ Yes
18.Because I answered YES under the ASSESSMENT step above,documentation of outreach steps for non-English speaking residents
(like a copy of the translated notice from the newspaper or public hearing posters in the alternate language)has been uploaded.
L i Yes
J N/A-the Assessment answer was NO
19.The public hearing minutes have been uploaded with this application.
You are required to provide a copy of the official minutes If they are not available by the CDBG application due date,enter statement from the
clerkindicating when the minutes will become available.Send the minutes as soon as possible.
Ci No-please explain:
3/24/2020 Print/Preview
identifies a timetable for providing such services in the future OR describe the reason no services are planned.
Enter"NIA"ifno explanation is required.
29.The following steps will be taken to ensure CDBG benefits are offered to all residents and Title VI protected groups within the
community:(check all that apply)
✓ Protected groups will be informed of the opportunity to apply for the direct assistance program funded by CDBG
✓ -Protected groups will be informed of the availability of programs to be located in a CDBG funded facility
✓ A community meeting will be held to inform all residents of benefits resulting from this CDBG project
✓ REQUIRED:A final public hearing to receive comment on this CDBG project is required and will be conducted with outreach and
accommodation for non-English speaking residents,if applicable
Project Funding and Budget top
.------------ Amount
CDBG USD$102,225.00
CDBG Program Income
Other Federal
Other State
Local Public ^
Total USD$102,225.00
---.--------- Service Delivery Costs CounV Administration Costs Combined Totals
Staffing USD$98,725.00 USD$3,500.00 USD$102,225.00
Goods and Services USD$0.00
Equipment USD$0.00
Travel USD$0.00
Indirect Costs USD$0.00
Total USD 98,725.00 USD$3,500.00 USD$102,225.00
Project Funding and Budget Narrative
Staffing includes salaries&benefits
Project Summary and Description top
*****fURISDICTION***** Input-(25 character max)
Jurisdiction Name Mason County_
Contact Person Name Kelly Bergh
Contact Title Financial Analyst
Mail Address
Street Address(if differentthan mail address)
City_(if different than Applicant) _
Zip Code(if different than Applicant) _
Email kbergh@co.mason.wa.us
Phone Number 360 427 9670 ext 644
Fed Tax ID# 91-6001354
SWV# 0001893-11
DUNS# 06-958-0751
UBI# 232002101
SAM.gov Exp ration Date 07/02/2020
Fiscal Year(From-To) January 1-December 31
Project Location and Service Area
- - .. ___.________.—....................._.., a.n_-_-_-_'__ I—n--1 A oo 14 aOMMQ .nv.+—o r./7
3/24/2020 Pdnt/Preview
#of persons _ _ -_ _ 21700
#of LMI persons J� 4,172
LMI Percentage �+ 54°/o
How were the numbers of beneficiaries determined?(C)LMI Limited Clientele ^
Your Uploaded Documents top
Documents Requested* Required? Attached Documents
Resolutions with Certifications of Compliance J
Official minutes of public hearing held for this CDBG request
Copy of public hearing notice affidavit of publication-OR- Hearing Publication
copy of actual hearing-publication from newspaper
Local government's current adopted Grievance Procedure Grievance Procedure
Calculation to average 2 counties for Demographics
Census/longitude latitude MASON
Census/longitude latitude LEWIS
*ZoomGrantsIm is not responsible for the content of uploaded documents
Application ID:160665
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Problems?Contact mat QuestiansL@ZoomGrants.com
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"ZoomGrantV and theZoomGrants logo are trademaft of GrantAnalyst.com,LLC.
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Department of Commerce
a„.;_•. �=vim'_
For planning or construction of public infrastructure,community facilities,affordable Grow and improve jobs in Washington
housing,and economic development projects. State by championing thriving
Competitive. Maximum grant up to$750,000 based on project type. Application communities,a prosperous economy,
materials available in March and due in June. and suitable infrastructure.
Kaaren Roe
For state and local priority projects resulting in economic resilience and development Section Manager
in rural communities. Local Government Division
Competitive. Application materials available in July and accepted after the state 360.725.3015
Capital Budget is approved. kaaren.roe@commerce.wa.gov
For off-site infrastructure or the community facility component of a state Housing Eligible applicants are Washington State
Trust Fund project. cities/towns with less than 50,000 in
Competitive. Maximum grant generally$200,000. Application materials available in population and not participating in a CDBG
July and accepted with a HTF Stage 2 application. entitlement urban county consortium;and
counties with less than 200,000 in
PUBLIC SERVICES GRANTS $1,500,000 population.Eligible cities/towns and
For 17 counties and community action agencies to fund new or expanded services for counties are listed on the CDBG website.
lower Income persons.
Allocated by formula based on population and poverty. Application materials Special purpose districts,public housing
available in February and due in April. authorities,community action agencies,
economic development councils,other
non-profit organizations,and Indian tribes
HUD NATIONAL OBJECTIVES are not eligible to apply directly to the
state CDBG Program for funding,but may
CDBG project activities must meet one of three HUD National Objectives: be a partner in projects and subrecipient
■ Principally benefits low-and moderate-income(LMI)persons of funding with an eligible city/town or
■ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight county applicant.
' Addresses imminent threat to public health or safety
1011 Plum Street SE,Olympia,WA 98504
CDBG eligible activities can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations: Title 24-Housing and Urban
Development, Chapter V, Part 570, C, Section 570.201 on page 40 of this guide. Further definitions
of CDBG eligible public services and specific guidance on housing-related services are also in this
To be CDBG eligible, the service must meet the following five criteria:
1. Be on HUD's list of public services, or be a substantially similar service and not on the list of
ineligible public services.
2. Be identified as a new service or an increased/improved level of service. See instructions to
this application's Project Description and LMI Benefit Table for definitions.
3. Be directly linked to delivery of a specific service to a client.
4. Principally benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons. See instructions to this
application's Project Description and LMI Benefit Table for more information. The current
Income Limits chart is on the CDBG website under Guidance Materials and LMI is up to 80%
of median household income by family size.
5. Target residents of CDBG non-entitlement areas (outside of CDBG entitlement cities). The
state CDBG program cannot fund activities that benefit residents in CDBG entitlement cities,
since these cities receive CDBG funds directly from HUD. The ineligible CDBG entitlement
cities, located in eligible state CDBG counties are:
Anacortes Longview Walla Walla
Bellingham Mount Vernon Wenatchee
East Wenatchee Pasco Yakima
Kennewick Richland
In general, any activity not described above is not eligible. Specifically, Public Services Grants cannot
1. Activities and administrative costs eligible under another CDBG fund, such as:
• Planning and community organization activities, not directly linked to the delivery of an
eligible public service to a client. Unlike CSBG, CDBG cannot fund general outreach
activities or partnership building activities, unless you can count and report on the clients
receiving a direct service from those activities.
• Housing rehabilitation, including weatherization
• Facility acquisition, construction or renovation
2. Administrative costs for the general management of the organization
3. Lobbying and political activities
4. Direct payments to individuals for their food, clothing, utilities or other income payments. (Income
payments or emergency vouchers paid to a third party for no more than three consecutive months
may be eligible.)
5. New housing construction costs, including administration of new housing development programs
Contact Jeff Hinckle at (360) 725-3060 or leff.hinckleacommerce.wa.gov if you have any
Mason County
Community Development Block Grant
Grievance Procedure
1. Submit complaints in writing to the designated official; the Budget Manager: A record of the
complaints and action taken will be maintained. A decision by the designated official will be rendered
within 15 working days.
® If the complaint cannot be resolved to your satisfaction by the designated official, the complaint
will be heard and discussed by the Mason County Board of Commissioners at an open, public
meeting. A written decision will be made.within 30 working days. The decision of the Board of
Commissioners is final.
2. A record of action taken on each complaint will be maintained as a part of the records or minutes at
each level of the grievance process.
Adopted this 22nd day of September, 2015.
Randy eatherlin, Chair
zor, Clerk of the Board
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Sheldon, Commissioner
Tim Whitehead,Chief DPA Terri Jeffreys, Co Wis oner
A. What is a Public Hearing?
A public hearing is a meeting of a governmental body during which the public is invited to the
council or board of county commissioners, who will primarily listen and receive public input. The
comments received go into the public record. A public hearing may be held as part of a
regularly scheduled public meeting, but do not assume a regular council or board meeting
automatically meets the public hearing requirement.
B. Meeting the Needs of Non-English Speaking Residents
The federal citizen participation regulations state that"public hearings shall be conducted in a
manner to meet the needs of non-English speaking residents where a significant number of
non-English speaking residents can reasonably be expected to participate." The applicant
jurisdiction must review local demographic data and consider the potential impacts of the
proposed project to determine the appropriate outreach steps and accommodations to meet the
needs of non-English speaking residents.
If the result is over 10%for any single language, then additional outreach and additional
accommodations are necessary as described in the Citizen Participation Documentation form
and sample Public Hearing Notice to encourage participation from non-English speaking
Of the 17 counties proposed to receive a 2019 CDBG Public Services Grant, only the following
counties show over 10% of the population speaks English "less than very well'. This
information is based on "Origins and Language",Table Number DP02 "Selected Social
Characteristics in the US 2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates",
"Language Spoken at Home" section. Data on the number and percent of non-English speaking .
residents in a jurisdiction can be found on the US Census website at
County Language Percentage
Grant County Spanish 17.3%
Yakima County Spanish 16%
C. Public Hearing Notice
When must the advance notice be made? A legal notice is generally published at least two
weeks before the hearing date. The notice must meet the local public hearing notice
Where must the notice be made?—The hearing must be well advertised, generally in the official
local paper. If it meets the local notice requirements, the hearing notice can be on an official on-
line source. In addition, public notice can be made using community bulletin boards, local
newsletters, billing statements, newspaper articles or door-or-door distribution. Residents within
those areas in which CDBG funds are proposed to be used, especially the low-and moderate-
income persons, should be encouraged to attend or provide comment.
What must the notice say?—A sample notice is provided in this guide.
D. Public Hearing Logistics
What must the CDBG hearing cover?—The purpose of the hearing is to obtain citizens'views
and respond to proposals and questions. The hearing must cover community development and
housing needs as well as the availability of CDBG funds. This purpose is supported by
distributing the required CDBG handouts. Distributing additional materials describing the
proposed project(s) is advisable. Spanish versions of the handouts is provided on the CDBG
website under Guidance.
Who must conduct the hearing?—The applicant county must conduct the hearing. Although
some applications are developed by potential subrecipients such as community organizations or
special districts, these organizations cannot conduct the hearing and have it meet CDBG
When must the hearing be held?— Prior to submission of the CDBG application and within 18
months of the application submittal date.
Where must the hearing be held?—The hearing location must be accessible to persons of
disability. The location must also be convenient for persons likely impacted by the proposed
project. This is particularly relevant for a county proposing a project in a community that is far
from the county seat.
NOTE: If funded, an additional public hearing will be required towards the end of the project to
review and receive comments on the project's performance. This final public hearing should be
included.in your proposal's Work Plan and can be conducted at the same time as the new public
hearing (see item#5 of the sample public hearing notice). Also if funded, a public hearing would be
required'if activities are proposed to be added, deleted or substantially changed from the original
E. Grievance Procedure
What must the procedure do?—The grievance procedure must provide citizens the address,
phone number, and times for submitting complaints and grievances, and provide timely written
answers to written complaints and grievances, within 15 working days where practicable. An
existing Grievance Procedure may be submitted with the application. A sample grievance
procedure is provided in this guide.