HomeMy WebLinkAbout621270000010 v.:r-FU. No -r---'-"--- NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS / h / Rd. : Sell. I p'>rt ruo, fPO I I - I 1~_.:o.~8JJ.Q..I-Simpson Properties, Inc. 3 311 3112 L H ~111 :35''1')1) ,fj..,.A....;JJ.., --rn. 'f/rnJrl ,j 1X.l. J/nl =c= 12/(. 2?.I1e;L__ ..J <on" I' )J 0 It I , %-0 373t,)Q= (~. V, II P ,II, PI" 81 I 13 I 13 l.::l J- II- ?/lti~I~1o.1jl "~.. ,- /, . .:fy.3,~Q9.zu.,_.wp i t1L'U1+,j{/t/~j,: ~ ~~ V , ,- \ d)O'-' I CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE #61941 <l/:IP:2 "IV-v,;, 4- :Zd, PO() 1;11)1)'))) (Jr./) I ,~ 775"7~ "/I-:~~ "'~ '\ , .~ .. v.:h;,o< NUMBER OF ACRES I I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder :M REFO EST 2:3.'1$ 23, '75 \ 21~-":L ,.-- 7/12 7.0/2- go "-(T ,,""... 1-.11 - 7 '1...... 7t;:.. D. '7,- , n .-, -- + ---- ,'1,"'-, , ~ (/"'-. &i - I II l) 5ib 7,c't1 VALUATIONS "'-~'1' Timbar Unimproved Improved Improvlmlnt. (BuildinQ') B. of E. VALUE 1'7{st, 2"11/0 /7t15"0 7".G fSt) 1703() .L/(P~50 ~8'~ u..c:, ~ 3.3:. '7 /5'"050 ~GI&:'() t'loo C tO~'1'a'O 3c5'o I ;..S !. 13" IS'CJ!Oo ---- - ---- - -I----f------ ---1--- ' - LOT SEC. " B~~. /.~ J. / . :'11 b~7 .~., 1\ /J M''1[) 1/ I::>:!J .. 2-L-.~'" Tract \'O.f, En~1 re Sect~on. .~., . . ..0-. I i ~ -. '- -~. ' /7.7 .,j ~ FORMERLY: An irregular shaped tr of land sit partly in the SW NW; NW SW & NE SW 27-21-6W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the NW corner of the SW NW of Section 27; th S 20 00' 02" W alg the W I ine of Section 27 a distance of 928.57' tap on the Sly r/w I ine of Mason Co. Rd #142 as it now exists and the POS; th continue S 20 00' 02" W alg the W I ine of Section 27 a distance of 399.73' to the W 1/4 corner of Section 27; th continue S 20 00' 02" W 387.87'; th S 790 52' 12" E 349.20'; th S 760 56' 22" E 179.71 '; th S 610 28' 33" E 351.18'; th S 550 34' 26" E 220.81'; th S 270 10' 32" E 570.86'; th N 540 08' 53" E 353.16'; th N 250 30' 38" W 229.57'; th N 100 47' 52" W 315.68' th N 190 45' 43" W 241.35' to the Sly r/w I ine of Mason Co. Rd #142' th alg the Sly r/w I ine of Co. Rd N 540 13' 49" W 358.13'; th N 620 05' 42" W 1130.21' to POS; EXCEPTING therefrom Co. Rds. . .......~.. NOW: Comm. at the NW corner of SW NW, 27-21-6; thence, along the W I ine thereof, S 2000'02" W 928,57', more or less, to a pt. on the Sly r/w I ine of Seevi I Ie Loop Co. Rd., and the pob; thence continue S 2000'02" W 399.73' to the SW corner of said SW NW; thence continue S 2000'02" W 387.87'; thence S 79052' 12" E 349.20'; thence N 23046'54" E 603.43', more or less, to said Sly r/w I ine; thence along said Sly line, N 62005'42" W 633.23', more or less, to the pob. ~ ~ /0/106 ---- - -.- - ----- ...;., ~~ " , e"t<WJ. iL 'ttJj 101 ~ ;;....:..~"."";.-.-..-i..., JJ'oP j~fU u..tk '1Jl. 1I../~!~r(;lA j J,,\. -'C' ;' j((AU'I.-iit-- 7) / . -t.jO-:t.~J..A./} '_ ~, <.:i W-11ACl..! K tU~ g tCj/ ;t:;t: '373(, II (~A"d,/ ~~ j2dt 9u.d<JVd/ci A-"- Mffl. 4 roc,P/........., j.t j. /JuU:1.f/ . id!)/