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Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS It. t? SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port puolFPD I 54 Simpson Logging Ceo 3 3il-T-TWfA ~;) --~-- 0)~_) &" ;3 2iL - 2 I) t. 11 ~ J/1Nli_ -' ) 51 I ~I/ ~ 1/.2- L ;I J if 'J' --' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ~=- -' , .~--- NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA nONS / 7-<', "pCJ' Y..r Oy.lIr Tlmb.r Unlmpro....d Improvlld TOTAL Oy.lIt Tlmb.r Unimproved Improv~ I Improvements B. of E. (Building.) VALUE 54 640,ot. 64.QO'O 640 640 .fd -- - / J- ,Po /:2-g"() Z.:? S/;?<Z'I 57.,:]}?? 1!:L REFOR 8'1' (I'",t / ~d , / . J!8 ~ CL SSIFlED (p..;c ,cv ,-' ASSlfllil 1c'1G 'co ~ll ~ 7-1505 7'f.s QS' , I LOT BLK. CLASSIFIED DATA ON REVERSE SIDE OF CARD. CLASSIF1ED ~. SEC. TWN. RGE. OjE1i;{~~~~~q~ J~:.?()~.~ ~,'~~ / "" 2/ 2(') I . 6 .'.'-'- ,-' _ <? 6"L.' .;2/.,/, ~ -~