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Y.., FU. No. MAilE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /6./1 BALE PRICE Rd. ... Port PUD FPD - - ~ 99700 !';ilwaukee Land Co. " II 3 ~ )Yf F.~ kf;-.2/- ~ 55 /6t?63t/ :;t::::;~ ~ - /VuJ &, ~ ~Ii 1-3 I:? L fL 81 ':/ fl 7 112- 1- fI . - - - - -, I-- - - - I-- - - - - - - f--- - - - - - ~\.--_.:_----- - .:._------------_.: -~ ------- ----.. .:_--_:._.:._-_.:__.._-_.:._-~_-.:.,,; '."O~ ~ ~~......- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ' ..' Year o,.t.r Tlmb.r Unlmprov.cl Improved TOTAL o,lhr Timber URhnprovtd Improved ImDro~utl B.ofE. (5uUdlnga) VALUE <;/ ~~ lit? @Qn,-' 3':<-0 3.:20 /"t,I 6'/0 2;;<;:]:b .1.;< ~:SZo ..::2.wL~ 2!,L ~FOR ~~T..~, bo '?~O, 00 /~:tJ , ;:;-'''''0 .5'1..:;}/1 , - () 'j ~. - "~c' " LOT BLK. / (- .2.f /:> 3 1.<'- 000 oa- /~ lEe. ,~ ~ ~ 'I TWN. ROE. ~ ..-..-A.~ i ~ .~_~ 17G I / .; n "...... , "'-.' ~,- ....,.. - - m