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V,.r FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / ib 0 Rd. 8ch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE: 56 164944 S.iln:nsorf .Tilllber- .CO,. h 11 3 1-0 SF $3.500. .a.. 3// r- 3..ll..bl1 A ;y { \31/ _:::i..I;J." L H - --f---- ---- r --f-- . ~-_____- IJiI -<I ....."." ..~--.-._" ~....,.. 4' "..l,,-::.tttrr.__ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , , Y..r Oyster TlmlMr UnlmproYed ImDtoYed TOTAL Old., Timber Unimproved Ill'IproY*t Imoroy.m.nu (Building.) B.ofE. VALUE ..$ M 14- 2A 94/ / /Q (j /tJ.t)O /Q r/~ /0,00 SD 10 .2() Rfj /~~ 'i) ~!" , SO /0 ;20 ptJ /~tv ( F-RFOR' ST ,~W&~ lCi. a 6 A)/~ /tJ, tJlJ JIM Z Y .5w 1~ ~ ~) F-~./ t'Cv Yt,t LDT 1lEC. BlK. / TWN. ';J ::. ^-'"' /\ ,'"'I j .. ~~I. V b .;---- T , -: .. ,~.~: I t -,'~.;-:.--:=:;~.'." 2.0 ROE. 3 .. 173 D P-342 The no. 10 acres of the East .9~ acres of the SW SW Sec. 8-20-6 ex. Rds. ... -.> 0_ _ _ '_.' '. ...A , _ '~o.(!