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,.. ~-~-r---'u-" NAME of OWNER I -25Ub2b ~/75 309231 M2~rv Louise Hrmter -1?_-2!1!<676 ~m~Forest RCW 84.33 11/7_ 321894 '/JI 35'3R~~71~ ), .Ii (~/./ ' /""l1v 351,5..8~kb-'F&L..- C,&dL{b '#,/ij .c.tdz.h) ~ !5S-37YR-/1<. WLJ':. (I t/ 1i~:L .J.Sff.ikL !'la, "31 qfS'7C [f ~.J c::i;;:J, ,;A0P~---- ,_ ',' J C:/'" ~ '-'~UMB~: ~F ACRES fur I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved 76 ~,F.:?~S~ 21.82 77 K 77 ~() TOTAL 21 82 c~ I .,~ '.:- ~/, g ;;. -- " u I -/ ~. c;J. /2- _ 21, 'I J- CLA~S FOREST 31.- g3 N___. ~5" .;)/,/.... .;(;t-,.....- CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / '" C) Rd, 5ch. I PlJrt PUD I fPD I I M. G. Vaughn 3 311 SI 1 ~ /I flenry G. ~t:ock .eL'''' II // II 3 12 L H .3 L:J,.~J:L_ II. .>f d."J #. ,,-;., ,J \ iJ Oyder Timber r-- VALUATIONS . Unimproved Impro....d ImprOVlmlnh (Buildings) 1680 ..7./J Co ;;! I 'ftJ .", ...,.~ .::."-- d./ I S- .-::~:5 J I;; I'fs- 137S- /3'JtJ I.~(,,{) , i ,- , ~~~, B~~, lGo. r~O~t/~o...o.q.a;aic)t" - ,'~" - . . I , ' M:!Q.F~ .., SALE PRICE #21760 ~f~~g~~" -q 7.::l 79/ w.v Wo /" J'o B. of E. VALUE /66'0 c!2- O,5() ,R/'ItJ /9~~ ,;1../IS- d/;;t.:S'6 /~ 9'::;- /37.s- /.3:1cJ 13&0 -{-,~-~ ~-.-..,.,- <. "'------ cc_.A -~ ~ 8<~""'_~:.-: ..~\r ,. - ":"--- .Ju~ 7/151 ,,,-,,"~,---~,:,,,", . ~ . --- --. ~