HomeMy WebLinkAbout620214400010 /(,.{ . Y..r Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRice Rd, Soh, POI'!PUOiFPO __I --5..!L harC'aret " Crowell 'ill ~~ L 6. if "3175 f?"",,~ (" Jfl:^^"O,I""nn(,^""IJOO 1.3 811 -I i3 /",2r-&-1I ~ 3'Y7'1'13Jf'f ."..ru. I~Q", ~ _,3bOO1Q l?(}b~.ce. >:cu.. ~~dt.0( J-I J 3/1 <3 1;;1.. .... 1-1 1!b.;ISaO 1/85 <H;;'93~ ~ - t--- , -- ~li'S:,/.53.'7 -~- - -, - 3/85 'fL/333'i -1-- 11 - "'I J}C- - i '?~...... - - - - /1-. / /- - - - - - - - I~ . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -I ~~~'C ". :.:.:~~.-:_~~__-... '. ~ , ", ! ;..;.,{. -,,,, - ~ NUMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS Y..r OYlwr Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Improwtd TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved I Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE SL .;2.7 /:27 /tJ .30 40 $"2 /0 30 ..,Lo ~ {; - ,,";'7 .5(} :?cJ ...7. /'---:;/ c-:::;,t; (PI .;)..7 ,;;;'7 50 (,,0 //0 G/, 50 3D ff'o; .fzk b, ~ ~c> tJo /{}tY ~ Iii ~ .;<. .i? 0 ?() :3..;?t!} "It) .I.rl:i9% 50-0 - S"a:J . .22 /CCl:> /::;/1.) lL ~..l /;r;/ ' ,4/ 1070 /C7() .2.L . <I I , <II SS'C:1{) .:: Cd() PL , <// ,</1 ..,j-Coo ~5DO i LOT BlK. ~ ,......--- lEe, TWN, ROE, ': ~~O~/:44/.o'O:Oi/@I'l , ,. . .. .,"'-' '-' ", ,l ai:, ~ '. ',' ~ ", ',~- " , owing described real estate in sE! of sE! of Sec 21- As an IP, when measured parallel to the Matl ies Nly 215 ft'. from a po - n~the E and W sectiOD~ of said Section 21, last named point being '., .... ' clllthe section corner common to Secs 21, 22, 27 and 28,__~~ ~::...a,f..e,resaid; Thn from said IP l1ln-- ~and parallel to' tlock Road 200 ft; Thn run I\' W -' -~' Thn ru 0 ft parallel to Matlock road; T y ~O ft. to pl of bgn. NEW DESCRIPTION AS FOLLOWS: All that ptn. of S! SEt SEt Sec 21-20-6 as follows: Comm. at the SE corner of SEt of said sec.; thence Wly along S line of said sec. 277.53' to the W~ r'w line, of Matlock I' a'lj;l,...."""J"t'&... ~,.'!.#lIQliw;y.r/w 1"li1 Co. Rd. thence NEly, along sail Wly line 182.79 ' to a pt. 200' 0 a nact conveyeii to Matlock Church of the Nazarene by instrument under And. File No. 116556; said pt. being the pob; continue NEly along said Wly right-of-way line, 200' to the Southeast corner of ChUrch tract; thence NWly, along Sly line of Church tract,90'; thence SWly, and parallel with said Co. Rd., 200'; thence SEly, and parallel to said church tract 90', to said Wly r/w line of Co. Rd. and the pob; ex. rds. ~ ~, 7/.. i i--t ..... ~. ___J~ t 5 '/- ~:: 'J ~<LC '--:, 'r_ , I ~- r. , _<~.. 4 _ ~ ...._t. 1(- ~rl It UCl ~( \J\..e.J"-<....U(J ~~ 'v,'-0' " ~'''C,,'\.~J -1-, ^ ., II! '..L COi I \ ',f\iY -' ,: v....J , ~-...