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Y.M r-fll. NQ -r--~--~-+ NAME of OWNER -~ONTRACT TO ~ "."". ,., SALE PRICE ,d, :'!~ ~~I~: I 1 I ~ I 11/7 .28ill.9. _~p.ith Ilddp.nhp.rg P.t [IX 1117578 33/>706 ---5amueL K ,8/ /, <II 3 11 L J:L_ n3220 lln ~3D8J_ NAI c;.nn " ~, , 1)20 ') -- ----,-~-- -- ,~y ,-- -~-+ 1fT ---- ~-~~ ,-- -..- --- f-'--, ---- , .~~-'---- ----~- -"-- -- , " .. ,. ~';. -.-~-'-,- , -- ~-,."---,, , ' ' NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS 1t,S'!') Year Oydl' Timber UnimprQved Improved TOTAL I Oyst., Timb.r Unlmprovad ImprQyed ImproYlments 8. of E. (BuildinO;I) VALUE 1)1) S; CO ,5, c/O /75{' P7S0 .lL ,'S'"C (' ,) sotJO 1ft S.oo .!). ('l 0 '/?Opo ftJOd , tooo f/t>o cJ ---- ,-- ---- -- -, 1-- -- - ,-- I- I -'- -- .~.)~ LOT BLK. ~&LOOI 00, .2.9001 ! ,'-./~! ~', /0 .., W!()J \ SEC. TWN. RGE. 73.Q.Q" .~. , , .. ..,6. 2800 I , ,7 " ," ."~ . ",.",-- ~. -- ,"<.- .'""""< '-""";<'1"-:""'" ..., .' - (Tr 28 of Survey Vol. I, Pg 7 AF# 281597) The south 331.62 feet of the north 1326.47 feet of the east half of the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 10, Township 20 North, Range 6 West, W.M., excepting therefrom road rights of way. .Ju~ 9/01 cc, coo- '----c,; ".;,~"~---oc,=_,,=-.-=>" "c.....':-=' -- -- -..=~ ".--" ,-,--- - - . .--- ' ,_. '----- ...,--.-....,,~ ~' -~:;-<".;;:.::--~-:;--;:. ~ ,-; #,' " I