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Year Flit No. NANE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS It.() SALE PRice Ad. Ie" Port PUDIFPD - - - - --2!L 111666 Harrv Creamer et ux , 11 3 L SF 7" 30%5''' vLAlSS. l"OREST ..2.. Ul. .iL ~ L II Rew 84.33 - 5117 /:1?;?H/ ./'" lu t f?( I 31! 3 iL L iL A . -' _" ,', ,. __ LL f, .''; il.' . /" - I-- - - - - ) ,. - - -- I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ '->t~ , .. " ,...,.. .. '~,.~. ~ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA T10NS Yur Oyster TImber Unimproved ImDrovtd TOTAL Oyiter Timber Unlmprovsd improved improvementl B.ofE. (BuIlding.) VALUE 54 d... aCJ cj c:< o. c i2. /00 /00 ~ -- 2iJ/!D dO'OO /.-571 /L:)rJ 5?l. [70,00 0:20,00 /b5 /6~ t.~ ~/J1t;" ~ ~oS:-' "- ;ic;~ ~ttfJ ~t.~ ~ ~A" L.~,."t:!ol.:::l..~ - I~AAA -~~"4 2;t ~ :';"'75' ~o ~ ~tRs d'GZ>~ ~ZiilS ;. tile ~,O'6) '&4l.4J(J 1S- l;~~. j1<' T l,.:, /J,"" 1.!1J'l 11" /1I41J /~d~ 8i~- 1~ /57';- /r.jl/') 1-' , II I!?;/o - IZ50 7f' /(7, ."" , . W ./ - 7"i dV'CO v~,... .. /,5"'C' / IS',;:) ,cV 9j /<;':'/0 I 1/':'/,. LOT BlK. / & /1 .3 ,2.~~3..,.11PJi fffj d/, tIJ1, SEC. TWN, AGE. ~. ---...--.. - S. Q .. " I I I I I I I I I I I I I :.~ - -.. -. - NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS " ~1o Yea' , Oyst~ Timber I Unimproved ) Improved TOTAL r Oyster Timber Unimproved ImprQVld improvements I. of E. (BllildlnQS) VALUE - 'if RCW ~/' ';.0,00 d..C,O:') ;:()~'O ;<O?'r'J ~' - i1:::: ~..ft . "~RESr- .;(7SS- ::2.7SS- ~3 ;;''1/::;- - ;l.7/S ~'f S:<OO(J ,~O,(JO .;I93S- ~ 93.s- 95 - :;!'~75 {lg'75 f--.- - _. - 1- -- ---- -- . I ...- --- _._---- - 1._- - 1---' - - ---~.- -- -- - --- ----. - .==1 un ----- f-- -.-- r--- - -,- --- -. - u , . - ;, ,-- , -l ,