HomeMy WebLinkAbout619314090180 Ye.:r-Fue Nl) .-r-----..-,.-.-~-N~E of O'^'~----I-.. CONTRACT TO - 365'128 J 5/79 3.9()926 _Iillllam E._ Shumate et ux______. 3 1511 ~o 3g~fo'/--"--_ fF lLll/Jr Li. 1// ,;>/n ,J sA', -viA ...i!i_ 311~9F-.duj.,,,/" //Id~~, 914,,- !/J.L 1/17-llto_'Ff.zuU-'12;,,"',; ,Q",,- \\j{) \ II " DISTRICTS /60 RC[T5cll. ; P?rtPliD~YFPO i I 1 ' , ' , 3~-'-Li .Li-H i #62896 l"\ I . [_~I I/~~% 32:e. I "'" 7.9.0o.y _I----~ SA'~ :11/2 -L If' ~ girl;" f> SA.lE PRICE __1~ J'/ /Iqll _m_' ______ .__ ,1--- --f-- ___I- __.__m u -. . 1---- -- ~,t" . NUMBER OF ACRES I. I Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster 7'1 /.t,Lo /. tlo -1---. ,j'f) {L. I, <1(/ / yo ~'I I - --.- -, - --,-- ----_..,---------- -----, VALUATIONS I . Timber Unimproved Improved improvements (Bllildjn9~l B. of E. VALUE 10.35 /4<00 ,f'M C! gO!')"" /035 /400 5'':;'''0 - go CYl ---,-.---.- -- ---f------- 1 1.__- ._.==1 r-' ----1------1----- LOT SEC. BLK, / TWN, h 1'1 .:JI <I- 2 0/.9 OO~~~~ i .J1 I:lJ/2.,S!;~_ 'G~ 19 ~. .' ,II t H, of (Tract 4 of Short Plat #867 Revised) AI I that ptn of the N 1/2 of SE 1/4 31-19-6W.W.M., lying E of the Satsop River and W of the Satsop-Cloquallum Co. Rd, all in Mason County, Washington daf: Commencing at the intersection of the Wly r/w I ine of sd Co. Rd and the S line of sd N 1/2; th N 360 12' 20" E alg sd r/w 672.54'; th N 870 43' 03" W parallel with the S I ine of sd N 1/2 449.31' to POB; th S 360 12' 20" W parallel with sd Wly r/w 405.00'; th N 870 43' 03" W parallel with the S I ine of sd N 1/2 150.00' to the SE corner of a tr of land as conveyed by REC recorded under AR# 358459;th N 360 12' 20" E parallel with sd Wly r/w 405.00' to the NE corner of sd tr; th S 870 43' 03" E 150.00'to POB. --~.-- .._----.~ --- ~ Y..r FII. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DiSTRICTS 16D SALE PRICE Rd, Ioh. Port PUOIFPO - - - - - --2!L Schafer Bros. Log. Co. 3 Bll 3 L ~7.4~) ~ ~A", -- - - kIJ'-I?-J ~ /S1 t/cI3 -Yilja tVli/!IIb Co linf'{ ,! /~;"M"'<>">') /7/.,.-y) ill A) tf, " - - :zf'-/c,t 3rt:, '-, .1. 3ff 3- 2- L if:.. , - . , \ J il L ~/I 3 Q -'=- .1i \ - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -I ~......,... . , ,. '^ '." . '.' , . ,,"." .....- .' ...,!, ';l ' ..~ . ~ .... . . ..~ I ---- . -.... -~ ~ -- .. ---=-=--=--. " . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~'7) Y..r OJ.t.r Timber Unimprov.d Improvtd TOTAL Oyd., Timber UnImproved improm Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlng.) VALUE 5~ d.O ;;<0 /70 /7D $ qOf? -:>. -- S(;, -; ::!(JoO /7i) /70 ~o,oo M v1.o,/') 0 ,,;! 0.00 ..:J70 07,70 ----c: 20JJ[) '2.0,00 .;2,cJ ,;20 :rL -'d- ~a Fa ~ /60 /~~ ~ REFO '<;. 0 .2() ,()() /, ~Z 3~t:> $.;l " (I, ltC,i "'- ~." b J -EJ, I , ,. '. ) ,IIi t J ;I \! I I \ , - , -~ I . ; LOT BLK. / 0 /7 .2 ( 7' .:;' .. iJ " t7 co! / - ~ - SEC. TWN, RGE. 1 ! j 1 . . - 7 '~ ",~ -" '>>-", "" . .., ,