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,)',1< f'_)( T.., Rio No. NAME" OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Jt" / SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port puolFPD - - - - .QL 196272 Warren c. Wrif!ht ~t ux '< .lll '< L ~ L:~ /f'ltJ )'(" r!.d T. ,2 .:S 7/'",cf"a ~ - - - j,j ~~L/Jo~ fPiJ. .. 7f:- ,~, 0 ,~, ) .". j .3 JtL .3 1;1., L iL IJ / $ ,-1--"'- :..y 0 - - - - I-- - - - - - 't.. - - - - - --- - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ,- -- - - - - -I .- e-: ." ~--~ . . " . '.... --..,,-,-,,~.... . - - - . .. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS T.., OJ.lIIr TImber Unimproved Improm TOTAL OJ.ler Timber Unimproved ImproMd Improvllm",b B.of E. (Bulldlnga) VALUE .ta t.3S c-3.!:" ~O //~() //96 - 1t:L ~ % 918 /~~ .te_ 1/.7Y/ZI - l2~ ~"h ~7/1J ~ .4I,??t) Iw ~;Z S'#6 c/iS""'6-~ ?9,JJ~ 7' 77 r 0.9?C /~/6(JII 'NS1 ~ 'i'/ ) r"2,5& , ~(, 9:) ;..=. i_..;,2j/-,J'3'" ,(J.f' ,/f "- '1'::- , 72 1 "i ()j. ~~' /':</50 11(0:;;';0 9'1 ( .:(.S'to - ,.- b, /O~oo 3::,t{{'l,'"J <I <f 3CJQ c....., -- %1 8.,../: R r 1 tJ$oo 3.,24'00 'i-3..5'c:Jo__ f1 d 5-c. d.5b J 10500 3:<300 '/::5300 I I I , / '"7 ..31 <' ~ ..J~;'/!<? ~J I ~3 3 ~O:/:o: LOT BLK. ,,' ~ .:) lEe. TWN. RaE. , l..._.p, - .. .. " .. , .. " -'''''_._--''''-'P-~,.- ") . .._~ Be~inning at the SW corner of Sec. 31; runninp; thence N $9045' 4$" E 411. 3' along S line of said section; thence N $015'3B" E 40$.56T; N 29056'37" W 305.51' and S $003$'30" W 325', more or less, to W line of said section except R!W of Scha:er Bros. Lop;ging Co and public road, if any. ~.~ ~.~ .....,