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'. Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /6 1 SALE PRice Rd. Soh. Port puolFPO - - - - - - 54 !Vielvin Towe 3 11 L -- L ~ 300>177 e1u~ t, ~> !1.. 2. !liL ..i.. &. L II' -li:<l3b/P- - fJ!:-- 19cc178 J)HuM Y/f'1Uuj~J ~ if! -'- "fll .3 ('J. 1- .fL l->tJ() /f-$ 61.3 .'2 !J 2fL 80/;1:;<;0 fJe;r"joi 7JI~.J-"o/(J"~"/P) -cIi '/ SPY'O - - - - S l(a7() w'" - - .') It~ - - - - - - f' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- e-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -I , . .. ---,.-- ~-- -...-- - '-. - '-- ,- .. . ---- -=-...d.--~ -"------- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yler Oyater Tlmb.r Unlmprov'<i Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprovld Improved Improvlm.nb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 54 ,;2,0 1:< () It) /0 I~ -- :M :;lc .5;:) M - ,t,1J;J ~~ .~ ,;;z. b ..21JJ . ~~77 -' /;,dM ,(;~ /. ,,~ /&?C'(fJ, /';;'tJlfJ "7 77 ., ~ ' e-;Jc c <.. .' - 1l. ;; rJ (', ::: (1'- 7 S-o D )':;:00 E 7: -(:'.',..~ /uCO tis-co E'f ~ 00 , , [I [./ 95'tJO 100 <.> 'tJ S'tJo 'is 9500 7"'JOO l7~oo (}(...- "., 0u ~ '150"-' 7000 / ~ .5"00 "; ) - #-Ib 2.d- '" !? r , . - , LOT BLK. 1 L'-- /c; ~/ -, - c- /.. ":' /1' / ~, I - -- 'i~ I :J~~<:9!~OllIQj SEC. TWN. RGE. I "'," ,..;-,. , . " ~',' , '.., .~,: 'i ",' " h ,.'-"" .... Tract of land in NW corner of Lot 3; Sec 31-19-6 as follows: Bgn at NW corner of Lot 3j Thn run E along X line of said Lot 3 208 ftj Thn S parallel with W line 416 ftj Thn W parallel with N line of said lot 208 ftj Thn N along W line 416 ft to IF. 1+'-,>,,", 't-.&.><L...L 3,;}, y/ </73 ,"- ~ Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS lee!) SALE PRICE! Rd. .... Port PUOIFPD - - - - ~ 147439 Euey Fr8nces Schonack 3 511 L -- ~ / - ..!-:-~ 1.53IS2-- J;~ &.....a '!7' ~ . .,,, #4 .du.. /,f- /0/- /. ,0~ /.5':11rJ3 J~':!t'A""""') ~ ~A', W, A IV/.//I'fb ,,7- "I, __7- i ~ _ d1 _ -;:;,7 . .; . /tJ O(), ",L.;n tI'...4,-,,) //}".;.J.. .+) t/. . -WL':. 1 xl.:19 7;; - - - - f-- ~/.;I3 9rC .3 31/ 3 /". L II .1; I 71( .? ,-' I /.I - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - f-- ~""'... " ...,---:-, " .. , .. - .;~ , ~ ,-,., 'e-- --...... --- -...=-== . . .., - . --'- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year OYlter 11mb.r Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oylter TImber UnImproved Improv~ IlmprOVemlllntl B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~I, ,;{O ;'<0 :{o /00 /:2 0 , ";)".7 20 ,:;>00 ,'1':h'} .5~ . / [) , ;[J 02/J c/~rJ 0( ,f () ~ .tC ' //! /0 'CJ /0 5'"9 ,/0 ..-/ .S- ., /D .!:i (pLl 5 .5' .12 S- ~ 2!i REFOREST ,/0 /0 /, 6% /0 /fP '1- ('\AVIY ~ p:lr I, - /' , . ' I '-I .- 'i /-. L ;<. T I '--...... , , ... '-~ . , , . J LOT BlK. 1 () 1 '1 .C' I ,:) -" Li:J:j' ,.) / T'"l SEC. TWN. RGE. ~ . , ~'" .. .-.-"