HomeMy WebLinkAbout619307500050 -.----- -.-----.-.-.------ ------------_. . Vur ~ No I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /~I SALE PRICE' ------ ----- . Rd, I~i!?!.!... !jL~1 fPD: : ,/ '1'83 "'M" ~= I ~ ! i . . "'''';'1'''"' ,,,,", ~97633 A~, j~" T, I,d CO". ..kNztd. 3 31 3 ; 12 , L ; H! "63 .QL7822.452L.__._,_.~---- Talmo. Inc. 'f I ;UL-~!.I.;2J,Li..d.I--__4~gM~ ~ I ~I, !)JJ-'iJ.26_9.7]9.__.___ ' ____.Le.nard N. Fitz_im1on e u~ (~ IVr-~') OP $21000 -. --- --------~. ~~- L_I__ ' .. , I _n___ ----- ---- . --------- -, lL ---- I- -- -~~--_.-. __.______n_ . I -- . _.'_. - - -- -, - 1 I .' ' . .'.'. - -L... NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS .'.'''-1 V.ar I Oyster Timb.r I Unimprond Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timb.r Unimproved I Impro....d Impro....m.nh B. of E. (Bllildin9s) VALUE 1i.. 1----, - S:6o 5&.0 4550 ~.750 Ztl. .!J: La t;: (~,', -' 7.3::5"1') 7350 . .il IS- tJ() 0 i /5000 N :;.1'0 5, frO 15'000 [ lC;;ooo . -- 1---,- --.-- -, I- . ,- ---- ---- -, 0- 1 ------ .-- ---- _. , 1._.- . - ----- .-- - -- ==\=1 - ~,-- ------ ----- -- - ---- . - ---- --- -. .---,-1-- r r-- n I ! I I ... i I "I Lor BlK. \.. tl q 04-12- -rOO"<tr'f')/, ~-1'J~ddo1Sta sec. TWN. RSE. ~, /1 ~ ~ 1'1 , 19 (i ]ri'jct 5 of Survey 4/127 " '. . , . ... - '---~- --.---'-- --..,.~ The 5 175' of the N 515' of that ptn of N 1/2 NE 1/4 30-19-6W.W.M., lying Ely of the middle fork of Satsop River; EXCEPTING therefrom the E 330' thereof; and excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. /). ''? yJ / :50-/9-0 '-. '. I _( l ~. \... ( ~'::.._~, ( ! . . -.-,-,- ~- , '~ ....,.. ,- -~----- -- . -... ,f ')(/>:., ') 7 "( " .,