HomeMy WebLinkAbout619301290040 Ye~'l -File No .-r----...-.-.-.-NAME of OWNER --- DISTRICTS , " .L.. Rd. r $ch, :!:2!L Plj~(FPD : I 'r---- I i I , , I 70 D529.32-f-Joe G. Mi 1 es ef ux 3 ,,2l. mm 3 : 12 : L i H l tj-fJOS72 5,rJ, - --," I : , Bf::j~~~t~7T.- . ,;~wn~r;:;tAh . ~~A~-~~e.~' %1/ 4~27'-'52:W...?.l'~a../;'=L;.,. 4.".w.e ()A. /, "g( I 13'/1" ;' W-I L fI _mm' m'__ __ ",_ ..- m' 1-. IV DOT) ~;G ~__ CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE' #5850 '. !6~Z~7 , -wefl- d~ Go 41.50 (..~SO ~ W~ _m__~_ml___"- - I-- 1- -L- Year I Oyshr . NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL H_ , VALUATIONS "... 79 J?1 f!L 1.3Ct, /,3<.:'" /..;?so &, 560 ?::'tJ() lmprov.m.nhr B. of E. (Bllildin'il') VALUE I /~S~ t. COO ~500 Timber I Unimproved Improved Oyder Timber Unimproved ImprQved ..l.iU. C /,3h /3{, 1--.- , 1- --,._---- -1-- 'nn_____+-_ ------- - --- BLK. / C- I 7' ? ,.) LOT -' SEC. TWN, OGE. ...2Q 19- 6 Tn'lcf 4 of I I ' , I ~ i.~ ILl :9:f~( /~'~~tI:oJ ~1) N\'i NE ~ ~. " '*]';<''2]/ .3 I 1._- :__.==1 1-- --f--- '--'- ----.----------- 1--- ! / (Tract 0 of S.P.#733" A.F'.#373257l A tr of land in the NW NE, 30-19-6 W,W.M., particularly daf: BEGINNING at the NW corner of Lot I, BI 3 of Satsop Maplewood Glen, according to the recorded plat thereof in the Office of the Auditor for Mason County, Washington, Vol.5 of Plats, pgs 113-115; th along the W I ine of sd BI 3, S 08023'00" W 587.30' +- to the SW corner of Lot 6, sd Ill.; th W 80.46" to the pnt 241.38' E from the W I ine of sd NW NE; th NEly to a pnt on the Sly right-of-way I ine of Satsop Maplewood Glen County Road, sd pnt being N 89054'30" W from the POB; th S 89054'30" E 100.78' +- to the POB, excepting therfrom road rights-of-way. -, ,-,--~'.. , "-- - --- ~. .'. - - _.- ------ - -::- -'--"---~--- -- - - - - .......c - -- ...--'- -# oStl31 /~/ '-~C'?<-'''' 70 /"\/,',"'>/C'/l'/ I/ t/.: r. ~ /~ )I'~~~!i \;. ..< l. oj' ,:;-;.. ~ -, , DISTRICTS Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Po" PUD fPD 66 '1.6 Land Contracts. Inc. IR.N.Pearson < 1<1 < L H' .:#53/0 I L'7 ;tJ 7, /) A/7.., /J ,,/ . ,# '96.3~ .. ~J.I h.tI.7Ju .Id&,,:t;;ju," ..~ 13/1 .3 I,;) L /i ~, )"'11 ~3 CLnJJN1 ~ _ ' '1 " r7 /,d II fI II II' ''''hi? 35';.):1,5 (/ ,11_ v ~~0J ~" Tc?, ',Jr ~boI7;;z h:i""D . I r--w I 1r' . . , ' , , " .. , I NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL H VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Bulldinql) VALUE Mi /dJ.() 0 /(J.()O kO '0 70 '7tJ 17~ ~ , J~.IUJ /1)./10 ~ I-.~ B'7so 275/J ~, - , . I ?/J ~, [lLJ% #7(!:'-lJo /7.E>"~ 77 /9/1/ '1 /9c: //) 71 / .r-' ~ ---- -'--, ---/ ". .' , T/:. .~ .Of ..~.;.. I/~ [, ,( ~ 4/-. . . . I I LOT BLK. / (0 /9 .::50 I .z 00 5 ::.,. 0 '7 - : " , SEC. TWN, RGE. 1 ' ~ ~, , .' . . . . . "'...., .' .