HomeMy WebLinkAbout619181400030 Yeu r File No -T----..-----~~ME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. ~1!.2!!...PUDlfPD' I 3 311 ~12 _~LLW-i :r 1.:2 /(./ I SALE PRICE --f--- ,,1 ) W (/ I L H Llff #40136 $2345 7/74 290875 of-James W. & Eulal ia N. Comoton ....--- ------- --f------- f---.. - I-- . I ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I 1l t/.. b q ~bq r J '(, ~ .... . . n liL 'I?? <j b '7 1'1 - VALUATIONS Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements {Building,} B. of E. VALUE 2SSo 2..580 ,;,". ..."-'., " 1 .-, - - - c~ f 9--. /9 -';.:,:, r?~:; ,,;.'J',~_ I ?J'I/J (l /37tJO ::<9556 '13:::.s:o J.95!:{) '13 :<:::0 1--- ----- f---- +-- --- f----- --------- LOT BlK. / Go SEC. TWPII. .GE- I 18 19 6 .. -- - 'C:i , 1,.,.1 I i ~ ~ '(I~r/:9. 1%1 ~C1:dc)~@ . . 17207: i Tract 3 of E 1/2 NE ..,......-. ,-;~:. ...,::. 1 A ptn of the NE 1/4 18-10-6W.W.M., lying easterly of Mattock Co. Rd daf: Commencing at the SE corner of sd NE 1/4; th N 000 03' 27" W alg the Ely line of sd NE 1/4 a distance of 678.001 to TPOB; th continuing N 000 03' 27" W a distance of 476.03'; th N 890 49' 38" W a distance of 302.07' to the intersection with the Ely I ine of Matlock Co. Rd; th S 270 54' 51" W alg the Ely I ine of sd road a distance of 540.56' to the NW corner of a tr conveyed to W. E. Oien, AF# 237398; th paral lei with the E-W c/I of sd section and along Oien's N line N 890 55' 31" E a distance of 554.65' to TPOB. -----. --.--- Y... File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS If, C> SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 54 Schafer 3ros. LoO". Co. 3 311 L L - - - - 0'5:. /5'''71''09 -A....;>':!-"~) ~ .~. W FA ,-1-<<- ( i?'/9. 3 - - - - - - Ntu 11/ r;. -.0L Itl",'y,;., A. .?/ //~;.YdM) 6 . P/)L396 . ,J ~ ~~./...... ",) - I- - - - ..? 2iL .d. &:. l- LL - J'( ( M - ~ f2 -'=- IL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~.-~~_:';';':":_----------------~-----------'--';'-------_':::'-__~_:..-;.. :..__._-.:.:.. '::'::t.,~__~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS Y..r Oyster Timber Unlmprovlld Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE 'il dOO 4/ O,[) b 7$'0 7.Po & .1/0 -f-rJ ,;:{:;>'L) 33-5 :0 40 () U tfo 00 I,L() ,/0 , c,,::J. to, {J-7. f 0, o-v /0 Ro ~ S'P.~O 1?~ AtJ -L~ /60 7::1 ~ ~ titr 2i ~FORiE~'1' ~.oo ,~ , ft).(fV ItJ / :JJ.?t> /.:JRo ,~ 1 U.,ljr I " . 'i I -'"' .I - " , - ' - - I LOT BlK. ' - ,- ~ -0 (, ,_L . c/ . ..--- ...... I SEe, TWN. RGE. "'" , , . , . , , J"TI t'l 1 . 17~/O., . . , ~.._.. . .- _-.--'-s.;."O. -- / . - '.. " . ~, Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlsmlCTS I (/J ;J Rd. Seh. Part PUD FPD SALE PRICE' 54 5chafer Bros. Lo~. Co. ~ 1,,~-Io5 j/'" A .iEL //,'1:2'1& ./, '~d,..( 1/ 3 311 3 L ) L AfJ I ) ~~;-, A/A) d. W FA ~/J' /9-3 I1'tvlVG 71/"7'3,1'(., :5 2lL_ 212. '-- II .5l! I 3// .3.- .!s2 -'=- j{ -1--- --1-- .--' .,.' , .'. ---- ~~~-------------------~---------------~--------------------------------------_. ~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeer o,ster Tlmbllf Unlmprovlld Improved TOTAL Oyrler Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngs) VALUE ---..2l ,;/0 4t:J c;z. Cl? .;<. eX:> 5t htM .- I(.J "ifo 0/'"0,00 t;:a, 0 () -;;JOc:J .;i.e.' () .5K f-rJ.OO lJo -00 0270 k;< ./0 ~ LfO,O C' '-ID,DO L/O " v/ '10 --- , , M 'I't;.bO /ftJ.~ Yo Yo .Zit ,3..;h 3,g)(!) 71", REEOI S1' wa.a CJ ..;.0 ,0 d 1/1..10..'-: t:.~ ~~ ! '...- - I, " , i A I , , LOT SEC. BLK. I TWN. " ./. ... , / RGE. 11' ..!:~-~--~' -......-..-.; - :.. r ! '1 t / /--'