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, / 1/ _-J;4J~ /.7l7 Year File No. ;/ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I Rd. DISTRICTS /({./ SALE PRICE ISeh. IPort 'PUDIFPD '_ I 69 222840 Chester R. Bibbins Pyramid ProP. '3 ~ll '3 12 L H .)J., AO~6-_ 69 239409 R.T.Painter il ..L 1m 3 1.:1- L If $1~0 ?t1 ~ R,hV'.(.)..1 A 'm .P:I /u/ 't; a. ,!L > /""',<'Z'''' "6b.3' .C:;Y--d /..0., %c:, )~ Vb" / 11 11 ~?%/ 1, rJ l.Mt,;/ Ii/W,'Jlf; ~. t. 'n7; nA5. ;S6",,""-Obro/ 3.aS- .;J1.P/J ~ ( ,-. _,,, JJl. ,1/:4.' -"'" 7/2$5-/ .J ~d:-'C;-;'" /) ~ ;;t.' 13 5'/1 e. t/. ~ ~ '/ II Is~ (L ^ '-In. V'A.' '!.:t";~) '* J./;l.:l-3 qq ({If') V G7 ,]J ~u~ ,. , --NUMBER OF ACRES , .- -L- TOTAL+l (. :,r 0 VALUATIONS YeaT I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved I ImP'"oyemenh , B. of E. (Bllildin9s) VALUE I~ / /, O-P J., () (J I,,:), (Jj) .1M ~S- /..3.~~ "Mr .~ ::# f -e- ~~ :tJfJ ~7J tts/3 () 11~ A 11'~ ~ ~~tJ /~~ " 17t1 3,,0# J.IHJ V'6J!} ~~,~ VAAA 0",,,,. 71.. 1~p, " 7,,/l /.~.o ,f'.O/J sc-;;5 .5'00 0 /oC;~ .- , T 9/?:r (,,3/( /S'7'CP S- .8/ Joo /,0 (.) %.00 c:? tJ,r ~a 935"0 Sa IS'CJ 1.. ), '.. LI- If., 'is"O If 3.!:' 0 95' .5c.) 3el / S-CJ yv VSB 70::/ 100 loo (J. 1/ 7<;/5 /001')0 Cj 36 () ';;0) '10 &-1 7n.u.. J.d It 'IS'o '130;-0 730;-0 3tJ/S'0 fl 7.00 /" Q 5.00 ~,71 ("gS- /tfOOD '1.3.5"0 .:<otf3S- LOT BU<. / I In! 1141/./ ~~, '1 f)()-X'D ';:U~"TlI. i SEC. TWN. RGE. ~p N 5fW.."E i . i.... ,,"- ~~, ....,... ...GAIGUI,rlH'll .L p ""'- ~' --'X'-, Beginning ai'the intersection of the Ely R/W line of cC>1JUlty road (running Nly and Sly 'j across NW SW SW and the N line of NW SW ); thence E along N line to centerline of Bingham Creek; thence Sly along centerline of Bingham Creek 450'; thence S 500 W to Ely R/W line of county road; thence Nly along Ely R/w line to I.P. Z'-Y.7/l- '1 j ~.~ . . ."":'";.,;....