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Year --File NCl --1"'---"_._'._-- NAME of OWNER - I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / t:- I SA.lE PRICE ___ Rd. ~1!?!.LPUD'fPD I I ~ /72 27.1397 _Vincent L. Varaca11i et al 3 11 3 112 I L I H I _~ 1~74 294423___ Donald Ih Knuc sen~ ux _l_C___lt~1584- , ~ 7fDIY9b 3/79.>>3.3],2.___ Charles ~ er $'i~nnn-Da '/%d-. 39'JllL~".uilk~d-~WJM4.D /, h :1'/ / ?ff ~ ;Z L fI =17bS';>'~h ~b_itMI ~.ll. L,.;/;,p):z ,1. 111 /r ..~_ -=l?(/~~ II /f11871-s.-rh. 0,:';"" ,_~/~~_, ~ ,j r--"'S8~.:<('I''''"Sj3Sf Jil_i!!.fJ,JOS::,~, _ )'j.{E it ;'M...Jl,' jr.,'I1~ " 5A, ~ 11~'113 "._ t' (f I~) .,1, f, J'~ rYh " ,,,.) ~ (J'I:~;!,O'f9~", ~ 4~5(POr,l \ JO V,L J. /A vi . -#, ,/.-j !'c' ""-7 ~ !1 %f~ L>tV- - '\ ;rP- = I - ~"" ll___ 11 SL Ji._ NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder limber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Building,) VALUE 37'30 ..59.3d ~ 7770 7770 /bS5Q /t S-S-o /1, 5's-o /~ $;;0 .s: ?' C' s. C' cJ ..7-5~ 5..5.;2 s;s-').- S~ 1-' 1---- , -~-- ~,--i-_.- - -, 1---_.. - ,---_. -1---.+--.-. -----.- - lOT BLK. SEC. TWH. ~,.-.-.19,. 6 ~'19C;6I?ffP/J!~ , TI~ct ,Ii; oK ~e.IUf~,~ C~_, .-.-..- ,-=-l-~..._ ~' J~i RGE. liO"",' ' <<.."",- AI I that ptn of the W 1/2 5-19-6W.W.M., lying Nly and Wly of Decker Creek daf: Commencing at the SW corner of sd Section 5; running th NOlo 55' 06" E alg the W I ine of sd Section 5, 3263.38' to TPOB; continuing NOlo 55' 06" E alg sd W line of Section 5, 683.41' to the NW corner of SW NW of sd Section 5; th N 870 38' 33" E alg the N I ine of sd SW NW of Section 5, 230' + - to the C/l of Decker Creek; th alg sd C/l of Decker Creek in a generally Siy direction tap which bears N 580 39' 3i" E from TPOB; th S 580 39' 31" W 350' + - to TPOB. . ' ,'--, - - ~---~- -~-- - - --- .-- -, -e-- , Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Nt) SALE PRICE Rd, Soh. Port PUO FPD - - - 54 '/V-eyer'haeuser Timber Co. 3 311 3 L 1!!. .N ,:,-t:;' /,-:l<!o ,j t;;::)<~~ e ~ 3-/9,.3 ,r/ tv ;r' b (1", d ,3j[ ;3 (2:. L H g( / i/( ,L a .k 1L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - ~~__~~__~_____~~____~________________~~_____~______~_~__~__~~___~~_~:=~~_~_~c=~~=-- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA liONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementl B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE 5L <J- S- :;2.0 .20 ~ 75 .9':-- .,/ 5t-, 5.-t? 0 ~OO 60 6t) 59 c; 5.00 L- - S- OD .=, U- ~() j() ~ IJP ~o 1(.1 R~~9~S'l' ~ ~% tPo ~O.J g~ fl.. /, / ..:: , ,;// ' c:--:~.-- J-, < ) " .' , , .. I LOT BlK. - / .-; ~ : ~l SEC. T 1 , TWN. RGE. - "-..;;,-' "" '<~... c, '}p , Year Flle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /~,/ SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. Port PUD FPD ""-- - - - - - - ---2.JL Ed. S. Evers /.. "', A'T:.. 3 311 .L L FP ~.P.;'ct - - - - A- I '77'J"o iI. .'0'. A r. 1'0, D , ~ ~ ) '-- r U ., )/ .~ ,Ii' ~/, - - - - - 63 /J /~ " ~-, d:?/o<<,y J ,1/ - - - - C::u -"JcJS?9'c' d. / (I ~~/, .. " - - /,1./- IA _ ~:)(: - ~ 7/", dd / 1+, '7 "'" /r?,p' - f-- - - /7 ~07.P:: a, ~. ~...r;"~..d' dJ /,-1: - " . '1"- -'.':' , - - - - - - ~ I:i;JJ' 'Vincent L Varacalli Et Al ~ .3/1 ~ ~ lid L .IL !JJ1 ,U)!3 -- {/'- .- .Jill! 'I!. //, .Ad -tl.2//!:f$';/- - - n .L ~(( - .3 Q -'=- II - - - - - - - - - - - - ~--~~~:~:~-~=~~~~~~~-~-=~~-=;~~~~--~:~--~~:~-----~~~=~~::~~;~^'..~..~'~~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES ~- VALUATIONS Yea, Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 51 ~~ 6 /;<0 /.:< 0 /30 ~70 5[; 1-),..1) /. ,,- ,.., .:J/o cs. <) 0 - ",&l '''5' ~,vu '<Va /) .) /9tJ ..y-;J 3/0 1/YCJ ..;.( .(J(" ,:j'1 k,?R./)/J 2./kJ :Jc1 /J/) 6f/c/ 1"'0 ....::;'/t'J , 54/1 - .fRL ;<g',tm ~ .3o.,?-1> :</0 ~ 3/0 .<?bO " ~ 7., ~~o ~ ';9'd 2atL I; oc;, - a ~.1l0 :;;./j:..'lO b .., --b- ~/LJ" .50", If, t:" dtJ , t!fp/ ~ ~ F P 7C:" .3~1Ja. -e-- 5"91& 2i d:l.fo Lb.5:. Bt. 'lJ& 2fi ifk 7" , /,,~, / I') 9S"a, ,-r; IWI$' ~ J'g{l~ - i- ~,"i) TJ I lief'") //69'.5" 1r) '5 IE. c;. 'i.:J D (.J '5 9, 'IS b3hC 0300 2L r?1~;J ) - / (~ _i. ,~ , ~--'-- . LOT BLK. {., - ~ ... ,\ j SEC. TWN. , RGE. r , ..,~~ .-,\:_'_._--.,.o-..~-_~--- -~~- :.-:.~.-:-.- --', --~ . ~_.-::':"i~'--: -."- .o,,~__._ . -~-I .--, .~-~,~----.;, :0...,-: -....., -' , -~""~ Except * 10 acres .J ...--:;-,- E of River and E of County Road Cl' Ii. s Year Flte No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 'Ir;,t)' SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Po" PUD ,PO - - - - - - ~ 1/vever:b a euser Tinber Co. l 'HI - l. - 1- WE A s:!;~ /59~t/ t~~~d ce ,.dL.e..- y-/9-.3 N'tt/IVE &, d 1M - -3. Ld ..k JL If? L [;j / .3 Q -'= 1i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - -... -... ._-~ '"' ~.~:'"~~ ~-:~...~~-- :.~---_.~-~.._~..,,-:-=---~-=_..._:...... .:._......=-:....:~.~::~-.=$~..=-:.-:;.,..:::.-=::~~~~~~~-~ NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA nONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementl B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE 5~ /() /0 \ ?-c;J ~O 31, /47;) , / ..-- - , -.', /!2/'J /) /.:2S-- /.;?~ .;Jtp /{),{)O 59 /D,Oc /0.00 (0 /0 M 70 ;2cJ 'M.- .PO' Prt1 U REFOR!\:ST 10 00 /O,OU III \9~ /~O' /6,tfj .K. 11.'" '" .:llI ~ //., ,.-, ',L, ' 6, , it /', ....------- t...- ~:,---- I LOT BLK. / &> /'7 {J 33 60/ 00 I . . lJ SEC. TWN. RGE. l' . ~ ;71'<-::;, -..~;...--:.. , I . .. ," - .,:;c.. '", . - , c: ," ~ :,"",,'1;