HomeMy WebLinkAbout619057500040 ~-~-T---._._- NAME of OWNER~, f.3-'1JtJ5~ I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /(~O SALE PRICE -~ Rd, ~I.!?!L PU~ l~fPD I I - 10/7 f-yincent L. Yaracalli Et Al .H.Knudsen ~ 1"11 "I 12 L HI ---.- ~J. L #44448 ' JL75 ~48!L 1--' meR.Iversen c" :!.;J;J!. jjQ,OOO '!sJ- 39 iLn IL1" .I.I;V?::. .6" "/'. c.J(,~ /1 ." ,& 7G.'P2-'1 I~ "'''' 'j'J-- +03J7?- 1'71,#j,. ,/f,L",,~ ,jJ;; "f /1. ' \ . "'" .- ----- __.u_ t-" loOrP -- - , . .. , '.- . , roo, I 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS '{., Fo TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst... Timber Unimpro.ed Improyed Impro....m.nts B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 11~ /J ..:j,.(J~ ~.. ~,!> / 77 10 "'lIt?, ("C,KS /7/9to 1K. /.;2. 0/0 ,;ltl310 .31. 3,;l.O 1f &, f{' " .. 105/,1 ',~ 105'';0 79 1" -5 t, 'to; .5 /,., "l.-~ i'?:J - - '-i~ 1/ :;' /"50 /,,~ 050 ~= V .. r , r;, USI/I ? ,.:5 7:,,S f3 /;2J ~kL/ /3/)~CJ /3oS--' - S.3 ~7u /. 7( I Jt.S- 96,5' -- I-' Ixv . /J' (1.. A ~I /3"so ) 30 f:cJ 9'f (,., 70 t,,70 . T g/;S- gt,,~ ~5 / / ((, I (I- /..2 _ _;.50 /..3/)SO -. f!: (p/7Q (",,70 1- ~50 ~sa - : LOT ILK. ~ ,r ~ CURRENT USE SEC. TWN. RGE. 'f) 0 :11 JJD..f),1,'OCOPENSPAC,E -' _' ' AGRICULTURE ., .~..,." 1:" --.. - ~--.' --,.' '...... .-0 .. r r ro,.t'1e.J:f''1-; r / rp=J....,.~n;j'--.. r Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 5; thence North 010 55' 07" East 1333.26 feet along the West line of said Section 5 to the true point of beginning of this described tract; running thence South 010 55' 07" West 511.12 feet along said West line of Section 5; thence South 880 04' 53" East 581.54 feet; thence North 170 54' 06" East 136.74 feet: thence South 880 04' 53" East 249.75 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the West Fork Satsop River; thence Northerly along said centerline of the Middle Fork of the Satsop River 400 feet, more or less, to a point Wich is South 880 04' 53" East fran the true point of lleginning; thence North 880 04' 53" West 985.87 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning. . "'"-""!"......~--""..- ~;-..'" - / ~/' / / ' /.Ie/ /r t. ~- ~..~~~~-,-.