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18 Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1/, I SALE PRICE Rd. I Sch. j Port j pu~ I FPO I I 6q .0105"10" Land Contracts Inc. ;.;j,dfork Inc. i 11 '< 12 L H Lv..4_ !ilL :21t/{o 77 '--J'ho"'j-'<''<, <?v< . iii "/{-,%d~ kh. #..77/"'-/1 ?;; I 17d<;,,,,1 ..;} /u.-(f d. 7 "A .t!A~ f} .eJfLt- " 4~ I RIl 1,"-\ n J..... Iw .tf1f 34-J-/-o.,j'4 A~~J: - ,h., ~ iJe-91~-f>-t.. J )1 ) . . . y...1 0,.... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r TImber UnImproved Imprond Impt'o....m.nts B. of E. (Buildlngl) VALUE I~ ~ ~.c;-"'" 71) ~ il bf / r-r<t) J.. .c;:?O . 7/ ..., //,tP .::?t1J L/I!> "'1'dl 1JOP"';.!:j l*.?~ l~~ 'lit W/)~1) .., ,J / ~ ~ ~"'(') ?i _. ~~"l~ 3l'a20 j oO/J "1 G:> 2-0 0 /1(-.".... -; r ," ,.. ,~ r-~ "'; ~./ "'.::" -:'; ~_, rJr .::< c, -", ,_ , lOT 'LK. " SEC. TWN. ,SE. 1~/J9I~I4ISl~It1lol/V1 ' . _ ,!"act 18 5,,1:30P ;1Al'LE,IOOD GLEN 2nd Add ...J "0