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Yur FlIe No. 65 ~8661> 65 "2ooblc 65' -.- .Yea' Oyster '--L 7/ g~ LOT SEC. 'LK. TWN. :3 NAME of OWNER Hidfork, Inc. Harie L. SpaJJing NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved RGE. &: 1/45 Ill". ~J'. ... , (S~I\I"""'i CONTRACT TO 2Cuu TOTAL Oyster ~:; ....;~ /IIU) % ~. DIS_TRIC!S lip / ___ SALE PRICE R; ;~~ ~ ';OI!!O t-!I #23137'-- 2 -==tr- J=#31d125= .2.JiL_d.Q L )-/ _____ _u__ 'iJ I --'-:3iL _ 3.... Jll..L 1l. ----- [-------- --1------ 1---1----- ~-----, 1 ----1----.-- ------------ ~ VALUATIONS Timber U . d I' d Improvements B. of E. nlmprove mprove (Buildings) VALUE I df~n~tJ__ I 9-i--~- ~~ 1-f!L---1-2r12 I3!5P ----- - i 7"& - 'J'7@J.,924 _ 1 ! L-S1J!ol__ u .. i 1'~CJ(;I__ ~ ;~~I____10P~~~_ ..!f..__ _ _ ___ !_-'/ _ __ I .~- -...--.--- ---1--- - --_.- --- ! _.._._---_._-!---~ - .- __ __-i__ _ -- ----1- --- I 1___ -- - I "'..1/1"31 01...1',,10 ~Io~ b-I SATSOP MAPLEWOOD GLEN .. - ~ ~..-.- .,-... - ....;,:.,.-'.-4-.-. ~ _ ,.;..__ --'-->"-_........._~...