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54 ~jqr'~<r.lioloibld'" Year File No. CONTRACT TO D'SIR/CIS ft../ I _ _'~ _ SALE PRICE Rd. ISch. ,Port IPUD IFPD I I I 67 .;l.J;lb~? land Contract Inc. et a1 11_ I. ~ AA - ''I,J f;. ff6"'~~ . ;7 . 'j /' ~A W P7 p, '1/'?o.:J,r'ij9., '/0 '<, h. , / (i- ..,.e/ ., FH 1 "'311 jh1~J)~'.t;<.) 1-10.(;1,/ M "e'/,' nl- ",(5 <\T^'''\ ~ ;/1/,(}7-7- (f}'--)rYl 1}/o.-'t.i.J.,{LL 'A" I 'J/DTII NAME of OWNER or' 3 311 r ~ . (..... NUMBER OF ACRES V..n O,der I TImber Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster /.-l'J :::,1) ;.,/ "1;" '.7..., , if )'1; ~w II?/)~ LOT 'LX, r... u:,.:J{,/ 00 ,)S t./ 0 c:j O( '-' SEC. TWN, RGE. '~Tract 54 . RIVER HAVEN ""'c . . - ' . '3 [;;2.. L H l~~ L~ VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved ~b /~~ / - - ~ ,J;loO A:r"Jt!J () 7 :>00 J?.?.SO ,~:~ 02"/- i "~-t "/",,1- 7/ lC... #.83387. JiOr'A /J~'" Improvements (Buildingl) B. of E. VALUE -? ~CJ / t7 5tJ:' / / ~'" ~~ 1--.:7.:>6.0 75"'00 /;';%00 .;'<,/(}S'O -,<.~-:.:'