HomeMy WebLinkAbout523102160000 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. $ch. Port PUD FPD 3f.t.J SALE PRICE 54 UNITED STATES ( ) /10 2> 2 312 3 L ------- ';<WdJ 3 L II ;Z 19.:{ H 3' Ji......k I-< :1/ ..L11rL!:I JL ~ Ji..U 11 F7 --1---- -I-- -- I~------------ NUMBER OF ACRES ----------~------------~--~---- VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvement_ (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE :<'1 i: 'IS '.' '::')- 3/LI1/ 14h'()(' /' ~ (r:>(" .? () "'C(b , LOT c;,{LK, / S ,~ 3 loJ ~ SEC. 'CiJ/ ROE. ~jl /.)~/:" O()() 01 ~ 'J . 2 : / -'.- I 'ciO, 23 5 0NE NW , , U:i../L - ,. , - , , - - --.----- * NE NW Vacant 40.00 Acres -NW Ifill, -..Qu'J vi 'F8.ee.'UQ - !M.ea .ei i'lw <lC J~ "di:;; ,., .". .J!-{///U. 1-..,... '" .__.~.~ ~ .. .j::J(. ~'_I 't.'J-..r f"/qu C' Year FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .;i iJI SALE PRICE Rd. a.h, Port I PUD FPD - - _h ~; +Jr "of" rpo,.......m~ jJ <: 11 r.""'I.roT"+ .2- Af'I, U ~ ...L. ..1L # 3()735 A~ 18 .;L. ~ ..H. ;L .19.. ..L .tl Sf ..L 1-1 "L JJ.. .L Ii.. ~ , - - - - '-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____~---__------------------------------------------o--________________________~___~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnlmDroved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenlt B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 5:.30 , LOT BLK. ! :5 ;;2.3 /0 ::> "2- v .. -,,- :---' (.' I - I SEC. TWN. RGE. e ; ; "--- b- ->2 - n_ft^+ -- '~ '0 , - - '- - ~ 11 that portion of the 5Wt of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M. , Mason C01.Dlty, Washington, described as follows: Conmencing at the northwest corner of said subdivision; thence S 14054'05" E Along the west line of said section a distance of 329.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 14054'05" E along said west line a distance of 309.34 feet; thence N 89012'57" E 825.00 feet more or less to a point lying westerlv of and upland of the west shore of Lake Cushman Reservior and lyiIU1: on the contour line 742.00 feet above sea level. Said elevation shall be detennined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Custnnan Dam No. 1 I near the easterly side of said dam, which plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32," and for the purpose of this reference it is tmderstood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50 feet above sea level; thence generally northerly along said contour line to a point lying N 89012' 57" E from the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 89012'57" W 810.00 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. , ~.-~- - ------..-.,.--- -- -~.,.......,---~ - - ..,..,.....------=- -.",-- --- ,a: '- ~ ..... YMr NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I Rd, I Sell. Port DISTRICTS ~3't/: ,PUD I~-.J File No 12/7 G"T"V A Lake Cushman Co. --I--- 7~ L':[Q::{W--i.~. l'il fj .1 i!tJJ-/11I 3 19 -' .':.~-~UM~~R O::':ES I \ VALUATIONS Ye.!lr I Timber Unimproved Unimpro'f'ed Improved TOTAL Oyster Oyster Timber 111 5:40 L ./ 1- fl.I.c.z. """l SALE PRICE '*'.;;< 9.5&..3 . -- .- --- -- Improved IlmPl'"O'f'emenh I (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE I .5 ..., ~ /) 3 -:< 0.; (, . /' lOT BLK. ~._. :.- .. SEC. TWN, RGE. OJ ; --.---- ~. . ~ '" 10 23 2_ Tract 1 of 5W ....... . - -- . That portion of the swt of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington, described as follows: Conmenci~ at the northwest corner of said subdivision thence S 14054' 05" E along the west line of said section a distance of 639.31 feet - to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 14054'05" E along said west line a distance of 360.90 feet; thence N 89012'57" E 555.00 feet more or less to a point lying westerly of and upland of the west shore of Lake Cushman Reservoir and lying on the contour line 742.00 feet above sea level. Said elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dan No. 1 near the easterly side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U. S. G. S. J-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is understood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50 feet above sea level; thence generally northeasterly along said contour line to a point lying N 89012' 57" E from the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 89012'57" W 825.00 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EX.CEPT the United States Forest Service Road No. 2337 SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WIllI a non-exclusive easement 15.00 feet in width for access and utilities over and across the easterly one-half of said parcel. CONTAINING 5.3 Acres more or less. .--- ,.---- . - - .--- , I T."k" Co, CONTRACT TO I DISTRICTS ~ 3 ~ ~ Rd. So:;h.. Pori PUD I FPD 1--' C"V"...-r .L I I : lfl 2oJ4uLj H -3 _IK.J. lJ:Li__ if / liftJ'1 fI- .3 Iii L; II Fz SALE PRICE Year Fila No. NAME of OWNER 11-12... -",:7 945;::2 S- : Year 1 Oyster Timber I Urllmproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster V ALUA liONS .- - - - -. I NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved I Improved jtmPfovemenh I (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE 2L S:r~ ~ lOT BlK. I :::> ':<3 10 3 2- 00 I () 0 '1 SEC. TWN, OSE. D ~ -~ - .---.-~1 I . , . 10 23 5 Tract 2 of SW ." . .. -< - .. . --. . --- That portion of the ~ of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the wi corner of said Section; thence S 14054' 05" E along the west line of said Section a distance of 329.97 feet; thence N 89012'57" E 810.00 feet more or less to a point lying westerly of and upland of the west shore of Lake Cushman Reservoir and lying on the contour line 742.00 feet above sea level. Said elevation shall be detennined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near tbe easterly side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is understood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50 feet above sea level; thence generally northwesterly along said contour line to a point lying N 89012'57" E from the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 89'12'57" W 595.00 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT the United States Forest Service Road No. 2337. SUBJECT TO AND TOGE'llIER WIlli a non-exclusive easanent 15.00 feet in width for access and utilities over and across the easterly one-half of said parcel. Containing 5.3 Acres more or less. -_. -- .---