HomeMy WebLinkAbout523091060010 .~," "" DISTRtCTS Year File No. NAME of OWNER eONT RACT TO Rd. Sch. Po" PU FPD SALE PRICE 54 UNITED STATES () 81 140 ~ 3 L H FZ t:YJ' ... . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Imprcwements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 85 SEG 80.00 80.00 'V qO/()(.O LOT BLK_ 8L1~1o.9 j (). ~ ~C.lL>l SEC. TWN. RGE. 9 23 5 wt NE i:.f{{-A - - Yoo, FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlsmlCTS .3L? SALE PRICE' Rd. 8oh. Port PUD FPD - - - - A /'7e r.it:y nf' Tf'~"()mQ n ~ "Ai Rnflp " .4iliL ..lL -3. -- ~ u # 30R11 X'r ..L Irki4 H 3 l- f( {'7 - - - - - - - r-- - - - r- - - - r-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - f-- - - - - - -I ----'.--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----'- ~.---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Orater TlmlMr Unlmpnlved Improved TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmb.r UnlmDroved ImDroved ImDrovemenh B. 01 E. (Buildings) VALUE 5:/0 LOT BlK. / S .? 3 oy I <,L Cl. ' ..J c} ? ? SEC. TWN. ROE. D I , ~ ' , : 1 , , . ,9- "., ~ Tr-"ct 3 ------........ -~. _...,...~.-:.--..,_"L - PARCEL 3 The South 265.00 feet of the north 1,115.00 feet of the Et of the NE1: of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M.. Mason County, W~hington, lying westerly of and upland of the contour line 742.00 feet above sea level. Said elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaq.ue imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the easterly side of said dam, which brnn",,, plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32". and for the purpose nf this reference it is understood that said plaQue is placed at the elevatinn 741.50 feet above sea level. '."~.'~~ ----~----- --- --- --------:-e.;;,.._h!; ,.. Vear File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I Rd DISTRICTS 3(,,3 SALE PRICE 5ch.! Port IPUD I FPD 1_ , #,,;;2 9&'~~ 1/17 Lake Cushman Co. Stanley Covert ffl .L M Il 3 L ff Fz. I I . TOTAL+I . NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA liONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improved Improvements ) B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,- 7! ,-r: -"t> LOT BU<. I ..:' ;I " 09 I / tJ '. ! ; .J ~ SEC. TWN. RGo. (1] i : I -; . . . . , 9 23 5 , , - - The South 320.00 feet of the North 850.00 feet of the Et of the NEt of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington lying westerly of and upland of the contour line 742.00 feet above sea level. Said elevation shall be detennined by reference to the bronze Hlaque inbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the easterly side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is un:ierstood that said plaque is placed at the elevation of 741.50 feet above sea level. Except the United States Forest Service Road No. 2357 fonnerly No. 2~5. SUBJECT TO AND TOGE'llIER WITII a non-exclusive easement 15.00 feet in width for access and utilities over the existing Staircase-Dry Creek road and trail. Containing 5.3 Acres more or less. .-- ., --. ------=-- ----- ._--~ - -. Year File No NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO I DISTRICTS~, 1..3 SALE PRICE ~2.s!!.:..~.PUDIFPD 1--' ' , , .P' GI 9-50 .,... 2/72 Lake Cushman Co. <obt Johnson ~ -t==b-lIih m.. :(q::?37f I: ",A. /i,,_ fi 9/ L /Q'i --# 7flb.s-<( 1 C . (!(rn I I '- . - - -- - . - I NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmprovemllnh I B of E. (Buildings) VALUE 11 ~~ -- J I I I ~ ..?~ 21 I I Ov - lOT ILK. c:.> -- .J,J /' SEC. TWN. RGE. 0 l ; 1, . , . . . 9 23 5 tractS , -, -- ' "----- - ".- ..- -' - - -~, The North 530.00 feet of the Et of the NEt of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington, lying Westerly of ani upland of the Contour line 742.00 feet above sea level. Said elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the easterly side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is tmderstood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50 feet above sea level. EXCEPT the United States Forest Service Road No. 2357 formerly No. 245. SUBJECT TO AND TOGETHER WIllI a non-exclusive easement 15.00 feet in width for access ani utilities over the existing Staircase-Dry Creek road and trail. Containing 5.9 Acres more or less. " I /' 1 ~ ..-.... -" ''----'<. .~{H'!' '((i Di /0/90 -----. --~-- .. - " ( Year File No NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 3(,3 SALE PRICE Rd, I Sch. I Port PUO IEQj--.J 12/' 1 City of Tacoma .W.FinlavBDn 2 1+04 ;r L ! HI #29216 ?/ 1 ,~ ..Ji. 21_ ..L .fL rz I I I I .. . - , . I NUMBER OF ACRES I I V ALUA liONS Year I Oyster Timber I Unimproved I Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved ImPfovllmenh! 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ?1h-i -- I I I / 5 - '" 9//0 2- :3 OO) nQ -; lOT BLK. - -, -:-1 SEC. TWN. OGE- a ~ ~ -~- -- -"-. . . . , Q_l0 <; .n+ 1 . - - ..- The S 200' of N 2286' of Et NE Section 9 and that portion of NWt Section 10 lying Sly of the Ely prolongation of the N line of aforementioned tract in section 9, and lying Nly of the Ely prolongation of the S line of the aforementioned tract in said section 9 and lying Wly of anl!upland of the contour line 742' above sea level. Said elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the Ely side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is understood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50' above sea levelk Except United States Forest Service Road No. 2337. A____ -=-' ,~,-. .. .. Year File No I NAME of OWNER CO NTRACT TO JL? SALE PRICE 12/7 City of Tacoma DISTRICTS Rd. I Sch. I Port I PUD I FPD J .B.Dallen Jr. 2 40 31 n ...LiJ.h~ I fI ,? L H I .iLl F'~ #29129 Timber I Unimproved I Improved - I TOTAL I Oyster I Timber .i 9/J I I ! I I , - -- . VALUATIONS I Yearl~~ .--'~- -- NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved Improved Improvements I (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE LOT BlK. ! 5 ;). ? 0/10 2- 3 f? () :~_ (?, ) , , -' I i SEC. TWN. RGE. cr~ - . . ~_10 .5 . . , 23 Tract 2 ~.- " .~r The S 200' of the N 2086' in the Et NEt Section 9 and that portion of the NWt of Section 10 lying Sly of the Ely prolongation of the N line of the aforementioned tract in said section 9, and lying Nly of the Ely prolongation of the S line of the aforementioned tract in said section 9, lying Wly of and upland of the contour line 742' above sea level. Said elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the Ely side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is understood that said plaque is placed at the elevation of 741.50' above sea level. Except United States Forest Service Road No. 2337. - A_~_ ~ -- -- --~ -- --~ . Year File No. I NAME of OWNER ! CO NTRACT TO I Rd. DISTRICTS 31. ~ SALE PRICE Sch. I Port PUD I FPD I I 1/72 ., II i ~.2 97/& 266721 Lake Cushman Co. Philin VandAn'" I , F/ L "dH /I 31 L'iL F.z I I I I I I I . "' , .' I NUMBER OF ACRES H V ALUA liONS Ye~rl~~ Timber Unimproved I Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 1LJ .6-&11 I / :.~) -, "l/~::J 2- 003. 00 C' lOT BLK. . .3 7 . - , ,. , 1 SEC. TWN. RSE- a ~ ~ , . . . , . ~:/~ 23 5 Trac t 3 ............ -,- ' , - -- -~~' "" That portion of the Et of the NEt of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the west margin of United States Forest Service Road No. 2337 at Engineers Station 4 * 00 as shown on United States Forest Service Map Sheet 1 of 4, titled Right-of-Way Plat U.S. Forest Service, Dry Creek Road No. 2337; thence northerly along said westerly margin to the southerly margin of United States Forest Service Road No. 2357 formerly No. 245; thence generally easterly along said southerly margin to the east line of said subdivision; thence S 12007'09" E along said east line to the south line of the North 1886.00 feet of said subdivision thence S 87038'39" Walong said south line to the West line of said subdivision; thence N 13049'31" W along said west line to a point lying S 87038'38" W from the Point of Beginning; Thence N 87038'38" E to the Point of Beginning. TOGETHER with that portion of the NWt of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M. lying southerly of the United States Forest Service Road No. 2357 formerly No. 245, and lying northerly of the easterly prolongation of the south line of the aforementioned tract in said Section 9, and lying westerly of ani upland of the contour line 742.00 feet above sea level. Said elevation stall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the easterly side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S., J-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is understood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50 feet above sea level. EXCEPT United States Forest Service Road No. 2337. SUBJECT to and TOGETHER with a non-exclusive easement 15.00 feet in width for access and utilities over the existing Staircase-Dry Creek road and trail. CONTAINING 5.6 Acres more or less. .-~--- -- -. " Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS Jt..3 SALE PRICE Rd. 5ch. I Port PUD 1E!2.J I I I .Jj]J Lake Cushman Co. J.E. Swanson r. {nOD 53 %/ ..L'w~,., If ,? L Ii! F7 - - . - . , I NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS Year I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impl'o...em.nts I S. of E. (Buildings) VALUE s: :JI) I LOT 8lK. / 5' ;Z -. .~O 2- .2- 00/ 00 'f J SEC. TWN. RGE. , 9 -If) 23 5 Tract 6 of E~ NE , " , . ,-.- ~ ",~.--",", - -- The south 200.00 feet of the north 1,315.00 feet of the Et of the NEt of Section 9, . Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington, lying westerly of ' and upaand of the contour line 742.00 feet above sea l~vel. Said elevation shall be dete:rmined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Custman Dam No. 1 near the easterly side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. J-32", and for thepurpose of this reference it is urrlerstood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50 feet above sea level. ' TOGETHER with that portion of the NWt of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 West, W.M., lying southwesterly of and up land of the aforanentioned contour 742.00 feet above sea level and ,!,ying northerly of the easterly prolongation of the south line of the aforanentioned tract in said Section 9. EXCEPT the United States Forest Service Road No. 2357 fonnerly No. 245. -ec--- Ye<!lr File No I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO I'd. DISTRICTS .3t '1 SALE PRICE Sch. I Port IPUD.!..f!.Q.... ~H I 3/72 267829 City of Tacoma A.B.Pearson 2 40 3 $30475 RJ ..L u.~ J.I ~ J .1L F?- I I -- - - , .., . I - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - Ye<!lr I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oystor Timber UnImproved Improved Impl'ovemenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 9.,()tJJ I , I LOT BLK. I S Z-3 7''/-O 2- :3 OO~ 00 9 SEC. TWH. OSE. D ; ; -- -~- : l , , , ....9-10 , 23 5 - Tract 7 , That portion of the Et NE, 9-23-5 described as follows: Beginning at the Wly margin of United States Forest Service Road No. 2337 at Engineers Station 4 + 00 as shown on United States Forest Service Map Sheet 1 of 4, titled R/W Plat U. S. Forest Service, Dry Creek Road No. 2337 approved Feb. 1, 1965; thence Nly along said Wly margin to the Sly margin of United States Forest Service Road No. 2357 formerly No. 245; thence generally Ely along said Sly margin to the E line of said subdivision; thence N 1200~'(lJ9" W along said E line to the S line of the N 1315.00' of said subdivision; thence S $7038'38" W along said S line to the W line of said subdivision; thence S 13049'31" E along said W line to a point lying S 87038'38" W from I.P.; thence N 87038'38" E to I.P. TOGEl'HER with that portion of the NWt 10-23-5, lying Wly of an upland of the contour line 742.00' above sea level. Said elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the Ely side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. 0-32", and for the purpose of this reverence it is understood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50' above sea level, and lying Sly of the Ely prolongation of the N line of the aforementioned tract, in said section 9, and lying Nly of the United States Forest Service Road No. 2357 formerly No. 245. --.-~ . _ __c_ Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO [ Rd. DISTRICTS 3"3 SALE PRICE Sen. I Port IPUD I FPD 1-1 , I HI 3/7 City of Tacoma .W.Lavell M.D. 2 rl-04 If 13 L #30649 if / ~ ..JL ..1. - .L II Cz I I , ,- - - - - -" - - . I NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /:;) f/~ lOT BU<, (5 :2..-;5 '1(10 '23 00 ') DC) i SEC. TWN. RGE. 0 I I . , , , 1L~10 23 5 Tract 8 .. >- .,.-__..C_ , Et NEt 9-23-5 Except N 2286.00' TOGETHER with that portion of the W~ Hl-23-5 lying Sly of the Ely prolongation of the line of the aforementioned N 2286.00' in section 9; and lying Nly of the Ely prolongation of the S line of the aforementioned subdivision in said sedtion 9; and lying Wly of an upland of the contour line 742.00' above sea level. Said elevation shall be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No. 1 near the Ely side of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. 0-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is understood that said plaque is placed at the elevation 741.50' abovd sea level. ( ''<! Sli ~.,,,..,~-.. '~.--=- - "'---~- - ----..