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Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 300 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPD 1_ - 54 lacant dfl/,.{ ;;t; /' . ) 2 ._Of' ;I'~"-j' _..c. /.~-I~7' l~J.... , , "'I. /Y?<! -~ ( :-t: ,#r '7' g J!li ~_L '" / W/.- '''~_~",J CI, / " ( /'/ .!~ ./ ..,(. ~, .J..t..L--. I f;/.f' 6-i~ h--1C <;L- , i .t '/'IC 511 ...1. 40'1 .,,2 L .Ii:. /.'/"' i..--:t. Ij,:;-/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -= '.' . _________.______________~___~:_~~~~_:~__~4~~~~ .._-- '-. ---=------._- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I' 1 ,.' , - Y..r Oyahr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 0!L I , 'I / /^ LOT BlK. / " 01/ ::2. 2- 4 ()oo ao ---2 '\ ~ -~ SEC. TWN. RGE. ~:/ 'J ,/t~~~~ :0: ~JCID' ?1 '.._, _5 S~ SW "~,- - - - ", ." . -.' - -' .'.' .. .. . ~. ..' .'~ y.... FUe No. NAIIE of OWNER 62 Simpson Timber Co. , NUMBER OF ACRES v.., Oy.hir Tlmb., Un!mprond Imprond fd, I..tl l'l~ I~ xc: /53.oc REFOREST rt::7;o~ 15.':1.6() :'-~/I'f CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 300 Rd. lah. Port" PUD FPD 2 4:Q:! - 3- - L L1Jf. r /I %( i J/PH 3- .1....iL -1----- ------ ------ ------- ------ SALE PRICE -------1 .' ...~ TOTAL Oyd., Unlmprond 1mprond Ilmprovem.nts..... B. of "~".~~- (Buildings) VALUE /S!?_ _ VALUATIONS T1mb.r 63.0() 1~5' 3o~ I~() eJ.t/V() AS !? IJ l. I..." ~~ i ~ r ./. ./ I I I~~ ::.. ..' R;: </ _c-, ~~ , 1 f i" -:.:-;: ........:0.._.. 3o~ _ /~~ l~~() = I i , . ~.. \C' ,'.--" -,--o-"-'-_.~ ~ ~.~ .:.~--:---; ~-- Class 1961 - E 5 acres of W 12 acres " 1936 - E 8 acres of Nt NE SE " 19~6 - Sf NE SE " 19 3 N NW SE ~ " 1959 - S2 NW SE & sw SE .:J./ ~- ~c..:r " 1936 - SE SE ....., .~ of Nt NE SE