HomeMy WebLinkAbout521123300150 r Yu' File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. kr..IPort DISTRICTS ..:..~ &:..z PUO 1.,0 I I I 1 9 L E SALE PRICE 72' Jh3 J.76 '14fo !/n-JU:F'11 !is.te.. t/.53Qe;8' 1.t1. (1 ,} AA Ai 1" ' d<-<-Y ~hf{' i/.5-H/-~1 ~ ,'#,1~, /? 2f ~A .. 4~.;I,Jl) Theodore Richert 110'''; ) 2 .04 VI' 'P. ,/J,lL?&.- 1##, ofn: .J ~!__O<D /'.... %/ / 1/rJJ.i , /66;s-l'M-.r; -as tJ,j; 1 "'.n;; // / I r I If ip:2 tUf:J IVb . " '., ... Y.er Oyster Timber 7.2 1..J1 . ~ 7" 77 tJl '711 ~ ~. fi UnlmprOV8d TOTAL LI 1'-'15 /5~ h.t'Hi VALUATIONS NUMBER OF ACRES .fo S"i> //s //1'.1 I. of E. VALUE ;1.1f(!) S':15' ~"'S"S- ~ ~' ': )7"'7 jObS) 'f).i:~,'- SI<t7S I00..s-0 'is''tJ3o 5'-'~,?d ,;;. 33~ ";"/::'-(1,:<::/7-;::- I'-".".'~ ~_.. /'7'/'/-2--- ,// '-" - 4/5" ~/5: /"G:.<t;" . htrf R/~" Improved Oyller Timber Unlmprov.d Improved Improvem.nta (hlJdlnQI) ,..l "l. ,~ _/ , . , , /.."'~' 4''';~- ~,()(J e, ' D" / ,{, r ,~ ~ 'l'l.;) ..., - t-") </~ (', I.I',~ '1 7S /77/~ -M-' 1'771S- '-',-,- ~';'::>) Y-<775' ,771!..- S' 177/.s;- ,ql{)O r-70oU ll&Ir>o/J I -? - ---e- / :1 nnO ':~~/]/~~ci.9/~'~ . ~~. 1""- I~CL:--~-'.) 1, r - ,'..; 35 4<] LOT BLK. SEe. lWN, , L<> ,......, / - . 1/ I , /~ , , -~ ~ .; !~ '. I ~ , /-0 ~t.f? ~.oC> :2. 0/0 oC / -..; ~ "-, -" .GE. J 0; !hSl.~j;. 1;;offt SW -,.,m;-~')O"~........:-_~U'~~it...s.~.L.l'./-""~.s2L.~.<lL.cr.......,._~~~..tha-~~ 1"'1-55"'- =,,;. ::; "O'J'--irlre- II-- l.i.H'''-ui'~-W--e57' ~ Conmencing at the west quarter comer of said 5ection 12: thence 5 O' 22' 02" E along the " west line of said 5ection 12 1180.53 feet: thence 5 89. 46' 55" E 855.00 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; thence continuing 5 89. 46' 55" E 298.00 feet; thence 5 O' 22' 02" E 828 feet, more or less, to the south bank of Vance Creek; thence Northwesterly along said south bank of Vance Creek to a point 5,'0. 22' 02" E of the true ",) point of beginning: thence N O' 22' 02" W to the true point of beginning. LES5 County Road. .,~-.~ _. -- ------ - -- - - .~ .---~~-- ~