HomeMy WebLinkAbout521123300090 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. kh. I Port PUD fPD ":4..;2.. ~/72 271942 Theodore Richert ''ISI 397951 117.../, ,L p. 1'. NAME of OWNE~ :f? 3)'j1./ N &~~--b .I~ P. E. L:arnev 2 <u4 01..., PI ..L lw" I 1 9 L H ( 9 f itl h Yoo' AI. HI:). Yoo, I 0,.." . NUMBER OF ACRES et ux J- /~ "..' II < nri.; I~ 114 Ii ~o <7/ fls ~ <:J'J limb... Unlmpro.,ed Impro.,.d / <'::J .$';0 TOTAL / ." VALUATIONS -=- Oyd... nmb... Unfmpro....d Impro'ted Impro.,emenh (1IIIIdlnQS) - lAC 4~1':J ~'-~ ~ #;1 /.)" , '1'6,0 -- :I/.;2() /" . . >. /' ,..i SALE PRICE " ~ $6450. ." .,,~ t:Jo t. of E. VALUE .t:~ ,I./Je;:- /I.:f a J',,~,: P9-' "I L/" ::) /3/cJ Q I;;''-('!- "-I -0 /65"5':::;- 1970J -:?..,.:JO ~;(~.:J.c) LOT II.K. , - " I , .' ~ 0, , , /- ~ , See. TWN. .GE. ujl .. . " ~!~t 9,of-.!iS~ .' rrr~~/I~~dO~eJ~~ .. ,-- .. :~::~7J7.. -. - ~.- ~...",- ~ tram: of land in the West half (14) of the Southwest quarter (swt) of Section 12, Twp. 2~ North, Range 5 West, W.M. particularly described as follows, towit: CCMMENCING at the West quarter corner of said Section 12; thence South 0022'02" East, along the West line of said Section 12, 1180.52 feet; thence South 89046'55" East 205.00 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described; thence continuing South 89046'55" East 336.00 feet: thence South 0022'02" East 734 feet, more or less, to the South bank of Vance Creek; thence Northwesterly, along said South Barll< of Vance Creek to a point South 0022'02' East of the point of beginning; thence North 0022'02" West to the point of beginning, excepting ~lIIfj){){ right-of-way for County Road; said land being also known and described as Tract H of the unrecorded plat of Vance Creek Tracts. -.'- ~-- -. - --....~-....."...~ . . --: