HomeMy WebLinkAbout521114190100 Y..' FlI. HQ. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .,::-",{,2 SALE PRICE ,d, ~IPort PUO I fPO I , 1132824 9/7: ! ,273026 Theilciore Richert et ux 1\. D. Winans 2 04 1 9 L H' $28500. $- J.f: :: qSi / :r//",-"'/- /(/~?r/~ /.', I1A L J-I-cc II t.- l:I3b/IS ;q.. 1'r~~'7 3(,6//5'~ IL dd" II 1../, '4 ~~ 1.~~,f~M" 1 VA m&''''''~~ - , \~CY ?f Ii. 1,(~90.5";'>" ~ 4.37'1-08' -' rf.rJ~ I 9 Ji rz '/S-IJO UJL.I t " f\:f 7 0 0\" . '--'..C'__ .- -- ---- I " I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS " Yeer I Oyster TImber Unlmpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyster 11mb.r Unimproved Improved Im~oY.m.nts I. of E. ( ulldlnQI) VALUE 7..;c /" 7b /tJ.7p .3~ '''7,''A.-. //p~~ ?t, I~ ~ 7~.5b /~""'O ... - '"S?!.. l..: J,. " //~~> ": , ' 1~ - /. /:5 /1,85 ' /, :. a!..-;(I 1.37'/0 19520 .'~ , .5, ''It) ~./- ':;;11 b~5o S</tl7o 60&,,;70 91 I 1,"'i 1../'" ~ 4~' 19'-/0 '"' 3?:~0 :?g'lbo ",s , " 5'3 ls..Ef"t /. (-t, /.06 t7/pr-: 410800 d / _~ /'" 85 /tlOor> 51.:<CJO "//;(.aQ \ elK. / " J . / . ( LOT ! SEC. TWN. .6E. ,In.. l /7,d /~i;-'-- . ., '0' '. ~n. 5 Tra;;:t/~ of lit SE , , " . '''~'--.... .- " ..~.,~_. _ _.,__~_'__...._~_....... ."_ ~_...:.>...........z;' .~ .-.....-.J . A tract of land in the NEt of the SEt of Sec. 11, Twp. 21 North, Range 5 West, W.M., particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly right-of-IV<lY line of the County Road and the east line of said Section 11; thence S 0022'02" E, along the east line of said Section 11, 560 feet, more or less, to a point on the east line of said Section 11 which is S 0022'02" E 1180.53 feet from the east quarter corner of said Section 11; thence N 73005' 32" W 525 feet to the true point of beginning; thence in a northerly direction 687 feet more or less to a point on the south right-of-,,ray line of the County Road which is 450 feet northwesterly, as measured along said southerly right-of-way line, from the east line of said Section 11; thence westerly along said southerly margin 700 feet; thence southerly 791 feet more or less to a point which bears N 73005'32" W 552 feet fran the 'I1RUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 73005'32" E 552 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. .~ r. -, L- ~ i. ", It/or: 7/2. 1'1 /Y'z-S~ Now Tract A of Short Plat #1457: That ptn of the NE SE 11-21-5W.W.M. daf: Beginning at the NE corner of the SE of sd section; th S 0022'02"E alg its Eline 1180.53'; th N 73005'32"W 525'; th N 11015'35"E 686.92' to the Sly margin of co rd; th N 54006'45"W alg sd margin 104.43' to TPOB; th N 54006'45"W alg sd margin 203.66'; th NWly alg sd margin and the arc of sd curve 123.88'; th N 79027'43"W 43.03'; th S 6048'05"E 362.52'; th S 88016'24"E 83.43'; th N 13043'36"E 61.73'; th S 88054'49"E 138.42'; th N 17031'06"E 135.76' to TPOB. ~.~ ----- -,------------ -- -- ---- --------~~ -" -,-- -- - '. --- --. -- ~~- ~- ~.