HomeMy WebLinkAbout521114100110 V.., RI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS S/~,;l. SALE PRICE Rd. kh.IPort PUDlfPD H 8/72 271659 Theodore Richert et ux Arthur Krause 2 04 1 9 I L H 79~O2152 - -,- .eI J7i / <#1" I r l- ii lto.z ~ ....r,~'.~" /'1A~} "}jJ .1'. :L.-I L/ (I- - 1-:-" I~S9'$>~ Wn ft/$61CJ &60tUJo , .I, ' '.. I~ ~7::- G.u..., , ""8S8/S d~"I,'" t<-<D I'D I \\] - . -- .. , -'-, I I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS rUt I OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improy.d Imr.:o....m.nta I. of Eo ( ulldln~l) VALUE 11.:1 /,~ r!/.d~ S:SZ 3(;) d1~o /~/5 1./;:foS-- ?J .IS" ~LI'J ,- .'- /,,;2 9/'j 2i- 1/.., Z. - - .;}.!:'"S"O - - i5 ,;U.S7/J ,J_ 1-7~~A .&k.~, 'lAl , ~ " - "IS I,? ';,'. ~:. () -/-1 //,,'J_~O 'il. .:?S 35'0 , ~ " 7/ -r '. J 1/ " II. C;'O t " . fi ,;) I~' :':-~y/' , " " 90 //tJS0 ';(33'1S 3'1 '/'/S- r,:/ I,-Sn I L/ CJL ."j~.s !. ,;;,/7IS- 3'1t'.:;"o 5"S" 76,s;- II" ty< ., C; InO </s9V.s LOT IL.K. -- / , / ,,-',' .' I . , 'I SEC. TWN. RSE. ~/jj .lii.D.O. /~ ,~4i J I " 21 S Tract .U' of Nt SE .....:;.~..............,- -~..;.'''-..~ .. ........ --.~ ..- .. "~'.,~. '_~":'-'i:." Par. of the SEt of Sec. II, Twp. 21 N, Range 5 West, W.M. desc. as follows: i COMMENCING at the East quarter corner of said Section 11; thence S 0022'02'1_~ along the East line of said Section 11, 1180.53 feet; thence N 7~05'32" W 989~ f-eet to the t=e point of beginning of this description; thence continuing N 73005'32" tv 374.17 feet; thence S 0022'02" E 646 feet, more or less, to the South bank of Vance Creek; thence Southeatsterly along said Southbank of Vance Creek to a point S 0022'03" E of the t=e point of beginning; 1 I L L1 . J ~ ~, thence N 0022' 02" W to the t=e point of beginning; also Imown as Tract "D" of Vance Creek Trs. ';." ...-. . -~~ -~-~- -- --" -- - ~ -- - - ------ ---- -_.- ~o.-~=,_ >. V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,~IJ .2 SALE PRICE ,d. k".IPort PUD I 'PD I i 75 Theodore Richert 2 04 1 9 L H 'ID8'i1"l e. 8..1. S~~66~<! 9i:J2. Earl Freeman 1%>..2 408'1<1,., ~../~, J?/ I I/o.. / 9 J If rz -clitJ03'f'l . t;\::!:r I Y.r?- lifNr./r/? /'.. ;J :.:f>//./H./t"-'L ' #ffo3'i!3 wo , .1 "I (".,'.J 1'" v.., I 0",,, ... NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster timber UnlmproytMf ImproVlld Improvemenh B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE l~ .RI ,# /.".- tJ8's- ~'S- . I~" ~L10 '7..,dn .AL .'-' ~~ - ~ ~J."" -J , / 2:,', ,- ,. t;,- , q/ 7./JO 70D / 7,5"t:> 0 /75"L>cJ ~S ? /77" :> ''"1/''10 - / " C . , LOT ILK. , .. '/ .:; SEC. TWN. 06E. ~./ I~ /6. ~ , ~t ,.,..2._. .... ,...,~cr.act 16 of ~..s~. ....... , . '';'',-~-_._-- .. -;>0.-...- ~ ',., That portion of the Nt SE lying N of Creek, S of Road and between Trs. 2 & 10 daf: / That part of the east 3/4 of the NE SE and of the NWt of sd SE in 11-21-5W.W.M., lying southerly of Skokomish Valley County Rd No. 4164, northerly of a line running N 730 05' 32" W from a point (hereinafter referred to as point A for the purpose of this description) on the east line of sd NE SE 500 22' 02" E 1180.53' from its northeast corner, westerly of a line running southerly from a point on the southerly margin of sd Co. Rd No. 4164, 1150' Wly of its intersection with sd E line of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter to a point N 730 05 I 32" W 1077 I from hereinabove mentioned point A; EXCEPrING therefrom that part lying West of a line running S parallel with the W line of sd E 3/4 of the NW SE from a point of the sd S margin of Co. Rd. No. 4164, 377' Ely of its intersection with the E line of the W 435' of sd E 3/4 of the NW SE. . ~ ,.-- _.~