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1 v,., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 3~ d2- SALE PRICE Rd. Ie.. Port PUOIFPD ~ ,- ~ Annie Johnson et al t. ' ) I j{J 2 400 1 L F.P '# ~~/b 3 'J.lL<. ;u'I1,.,.-.-t-h r f/ 1;';'3s;L IhA,;JldJ"nfL,t/L.-!J,n" , I . ;t ~t1<1 / L I' " r-.5-" .....2L ,/ ';\""~ 4~l"tb;?~ Ii 11 ~ :L 8,jy - - ~ - /1). /! ,...,. JI/ '" il L I/n~ ( L L fL FZ ."... - /1 ,#,: ./ ..s:;O~"" / / - - - - - - Arvid & Arthur johnson C.D.Gravatt et ux - - f-- - - - 10./72 266229 Robt B.Moore #C&959v e ux - - dl.5oC) ~ ,:J7/35i 1'./J/"~.1JdJ~;/L ",;/-a.,/ " .- ., - - #7;.) ,'-?J> S'3tJj ~C 8. ,il.. .1 ;r ~dfl'/.5' 4- - - 1-- - - ~C~/,! ~ 4- f/!?r( JI;fM... (!, d~d"'-Y v '1;;1.15// c.v.o - - - - - - 62 )) - - - - - - - - I ~~::-:"__:"~.._-':~ ----~ - .:.--.:_~:. .. .~....... .... 'i1S 'y ~---- --------- .-= -- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS .Yo Vur o,.ttr TImber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Ordtr Timber Unimproved Improve<! Improv.mentl B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5-1 ,;LeI ;J 0 /,t;o /00 ..56 bO{) I~J <20,0 "') _:?d -56cJ .s;:::- rJ "- ~ ~.o ~4J jJ.. ~5 ~' I/o -?tJO tf>/15 .1.tL ,r >'~ ~. /1:. /LJ /6/0 .U ~ ~..:J 5 d3.bcjJ L-L2S' 37<ZJ:IJ @1/Rb t:il?Ro i ..:2~ 9.~o /," ,~~ .;r?SO - .;}7a '/' Y.!5 d!..;J.5' ?.3f fjSfJ ~ Iii'.es ",_A,_ 41=- :1.~S ..lell ~.3' /. ",1" <9.do 36'7l> ~~ 71, " j:-":5.) .5-" ~'U !iL <<,;(5"' t" 1/ fl..? 1, ';:1/:< ;; 5" ,2/~S'5"" 15 2"l <II/") oi'l '-/ III I LOT BlK. / " .: / oj , .r O() I ~ ."". TWN. RGE. ~!/:/I I. 'fOo:a: /;ol - . " ".,:.I~~'..'.'- ,.. ~ ,~,.., " " ", ,. ',- .>.";.-' , "- ~ ....."'T j~ .......~T""<~'- ""..~".~. "', I ._7__..-............,..,. 7'_" "~ B~ginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter (sEt) of the Northeast '-:Sllarter (NEt) of Section 11; thence West, along the North line, to the Northwest corner thereof ; thence in a Southeasterly direction, following the foot of the hill, to apoint on the South line 3 chains West of the Southeast corner; thence East, along said South line 3 chains to the Southeast corner; thence North , along the East line, to the point of beginning. L-.v;?z, /,{;S-/' ..; 5' _<;""50 /' ~'~,>.M';!I.~"'~_", <q \'..' ~ , 'I" ,