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Fit No. c ~~f~WNER W I /7), CONT~TT~ d DISTRICTS I.;2S SALE PRICE' Year ; ta e ntr. Rd. 8oh. P." PUO FPO ;? bJ. . - - 55 12588 PAl"\1......l1~_4- j.j ~^I.!j 30e . V h sF. --)Ld ~ lQ2. --1 L f- -- ~/ I/,rC y'/{, /y,? pl. ~I! _..d..;V/','- ff 2- ~ 3 II" ..L.... 1L '-" S'f ?o ~ 3 -1J, .J... JL ...L II ::) f-- f '- --.) If b I-- I- - ...:-. - - - - - - - - ~ ' ... "~'!' ~ .'. ., ' ------------- -. -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye.r Oy..r Timber Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL Oyd.r Timber Unimproved IlIIproved Improvements B.ofE. (BuildIng.) VALUE .55 I..i>o'/ () /,5-6,[. '/1 7So "7SfJ 5"J I/.~. ,1/) /$dj/J J J.5() II/SO !fJ /50, DO /50.00 /;2.. 00 /';< 0 0 "- ~ 1.-1. 1/$2:l (j /.S2HO ~ - /~!1f..~ lL<:-". ". L.! B>h _. /"~7D 1/6#0 -11 / I~/-;-; ---- ------- ~~/ , , _I I 'il /:;! /:;'rc,',. , LOT BLK. / :0 ;; 0 3(:, 3 I 000 o c.J 7 SEC. TWN. RGE. ~1..1"~'I)'''~I)~W , . , - " -,-. .. .. ..-,,;, ....; . - ~-~ ,