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Y.., FII. No. .. f f.. NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Ie;, / SALE PRICE ~/' ':<7 Sf} 3 Rd. "h. Port PUO!FPD - - - - ~ 69259 Ralnh Av~rs -1_ \11- -, < < 1 ' < ...L ,F "'-/';;/..2/ ...u /,f;JS'b / -f.. g; IC-. ... . _ ..", . , y,~. , - - - - !!In-:J.7ff.:J.? l) 3 1// 3 /;J. L 1/ :i'3.'>/.7s- 7~ 3c4#7 CLAS~. FOREST 9)'" ff r Jfr - .3 W J" it .- . l!,(;W 8433 " i::nul/J fJ ,>If? 5$2/'7'1 5Mf) I~ , e :d:k:. -::2':< 000 ,ezt - - - - "'N;<' - - 7" . - - - \'lOP .5L.Bl 41 S61 S Ralph W. Parso s t..!,!! ~ JlI1i ~ [,l #83247 QeD ~ 1/ J'PI./& (.Iv .c-: df. (ij. (,0 ~~P7jEf' ~"'''' :/l. ~ 14-3/A85" . f;~hJ.., ':/'. rr~, I, , fr2. ,J ~ 703;',f' ~ t.L9///)/) tL~ .-C",J)1(,v. ,I " ~) (/ . :llgt, '/91f?lf.:i. ~ 0./ 71 Y. /' 1.\ /' -==1', L -4. .. L . \'7) - - - - 5'/S(" '15~-3 'Ie; .cd ~L \ !.up 7 . T7 - - >-- - - - '1 ----~ - -----.'-= NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS VU, Oyster Timber Unimproved ImprovlM! TOTAl,. Olli.r Timber I":::;; Improved Impro'lllmenb B. of E. (Buildln".) VALUE 54 3(..,00 3c;:.,OlD /J{) Qj :?/. {J /\ .7 j... n<;V .?? ,r) ~'7o 5[, j 0.0/ j b.Oe JoS- dcf0 b;J. 30. 00 7?tn.J ~o, 0--0 ,;J,oS- 5'0 .;:j !::" 5' W- ~L,lJtJ - gt., ~ lJ 'S'/.c:;:- - .3/S" f4 I-... -:j .::;'9/1 :> 9/\ ~ -:g~. Of) ~..tJO 1< h ~~ -s'.dl~ 0 ~ ~K 35Yo w,~ l- .'. '. II 3/5 ~stQ , =tiP.E:5" 1'1"J ~.Il t>% - 7t)J't) ?~Po k CLASS. ~REST 3.~. "0 :3 (,..(j", .19Ft) 19 I?t) sua 70 c?/~; ...J .?/:" ~ II ?t. . - - .;1.&,.:;: -: ~..-, 'J:j ~ 7}; r?" ~: ,~.' ,":'(..,"'1 d /.'..., /'J - .;:;>1.. .' , 3/ . - r.: ~ ;" _ i -, ,"":" Lt>T BLK. - . lEe. TWN. RGE. (t~~J~-J ' I I I'" .. 20 ~~._ u.. 6~.f:j.O~l, '-. 5 SW NE E:.c. . .. '.', .. ,~__,..;,)~C)~ . ~ .' <"'/ ~"'k/~ u~//.::Y/l .;:-:./ 'l'hat ptn of the SW NE 17-20-5W.W.Ivl" EXCEPl'ING THEREFRa'1 the W 416' of the N 416': AISO EXCEPI'ING therefrom the following described property: Beginning at the NW corner of sd NE%: th S 0038' 04"W alg its W line 1739.306' to TPOB; th continuing S 0038' 04 "w alg the W line of sd SW NE 907.05': th N 890 12'12"E 1120.307': th N 0041'30"E 503.516'; th N 60039'0l"W 803.24'; th S 890 12'23"W 416.13' to TPOB. AISO EXCEPI'ING therefrom the E 197.60' of the SW NE. ~ Tract 3 of SW !'IE'.") ':.': . __:n. Y', " , :; r, .;; ):J / c~,,/ JLd: Ra4!Cu.'l'-'~m. p~~ Of-- 'lir s. <y- !cvnd 7/;, ~ J2u<.J Ex: /lI' 4/(,' (JF' N 41e,' T.es /, Z rt:3 .:5111 NE I I -I I I I I ! I ---- -- .- -~UMBER OF ACRES . .. v.:f-o",,, I. I VALUATIONS tf,. ,pg Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I 1- Oyster Timber Unimproved I ImprQv.d Impro....m.nh \ 8.01 E. (Ruild,nQ') VALUE ,10 ~LASS. 'OP.b~"i 3(.,0(/ ~'t. - )</0 r ~ 741/) j ,Of) -< If. ri':"-io ..-- . , ~ ~~ () r' I.t' n : , ~ (')-1 '6{l{"O rJ'/r>O a,</7/0 i .- , ,/. CLAS FOREST .3/) )._4 (:J_<"I,>'" -'j i :.) ., , .. ~7 ['?/~ ft ?3 ....J.., 1 .. .. N'i7:J ;tOOt) J7 '/~ 0 7D<;'~f) - ) f3 ---- ';.00 / rJ V i /, " u l.c.~ 1r'1" ,-/...," ~ /1) J' 75 Y:J S~ .- >---- - '1. "''' I.,.,,, /0.1"0 /9:::>05 17"1"'" .:;;7L/?5 /:/. 1."0 I u' /0".' 1/,')0') 0:;-1"0) "!:2--,(Je') ---- - -.-- ---- - I -- ---. -----. -- --- --- ----- -- 1___ - -- -- -- ---' ---- --- - ,===t - -~-- ----- -- --- I- --- .. - -- ,_. I ----I ! I j \ -