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Year Fill No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS It, 0 SALE PRICE' Rd, Sch, Port PUO FPol_ 311 - 54 State Game Dept. 3 3 L ,) --- t/ / 711 " 1,;2- 1. if::. 1:1--' ~ ,~) - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... "".'~i' . .' , -.... " , ,.-- - ~ -- .....<1: L4 ] -,,,, NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vlar Oysbr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy'wr Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementa B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE /, : &, <,} CJt!J:^O - - i LOT BL~ / 5' - '0) ,---: 7 - /- 0"\ :, 00 '1 ,~..~~ ~ :~:~~~:Od~~l. ~ ~ I see, TWN. RGE. . (j) / 5 ;2 0 0 '1 ,;.c 2- 00 L~ 00 , , . <."'. "",,. ",. .' '..--- < ..... Tract 2 Tract 3 . ~~ .' -'---. .- 1" , ~-;:' That portion of E. 75 ft. of W. 662.31 ft. of Lot 2, Sec lying North of present County Road R/W . ...... 9-20-5 '. That portion of E. 75 ft. of W. 557.31 ft. of Lot 2, See 9-20-5 lying North of present County Road R/W '. _.0;:;;- - - :--- '~..;:,.,.~--::-;;..__.,.,.. . ~".,.. -i.".---.....-- ---;-_ 7'~ ._~ ~~--~~ - - -. .~ * Both .68 Acres