HomeMy WebLinkAbout520082100260 '-....::! Y..r FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1(",/ SALE PRICE Rd. 10', Port PUOIFPO DVJ.ialJ D. 54 Richard F. Reck et ux Shefler < III l L , '(\" . n ~~"s.) _L!(L ,f," - -- - - ..4 It 2#~ 1/ - , ? '1/)0, ()O .L.r ;to .frCU~:7!.u~I) J - ~ /?//IJ'(. ~ #//.".5" - r';-60 ""' ~ ftf. ; '11 /1 //J.. -;l ../J/J ~, -= /;(>7.-\ >-- /~"', !/9P;T/b 4?J /7. c! /k Il. _ fi'J/7_ .. ' ~ V/,~ / ~} '1-- - - t7"17%2~ .L/. alP.. Q --:? ,_ _.?~, '77"; A ~~~ab ,73? D 777 '/1 ,~ / 3 5// 3 /:J. L II n'" %1 / ;III .;L /,J. J H \0 - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - ----~ I """'f ~,::..:......., , ,CCC , , ." ' .' '".-. , .... ".., . "- ~'" :-"'~~~ -- ~_....- ' " ------ ~--- -' . "c', NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yea, Oyster Timber Unlmpro....d Improv~ TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unlmpro....d Improm Improvements B.off. (BuildIngs) VALU,E -2i ",< r;, ,;((, 200 :2.00 ::2). b ,?. 6 .:U; -:7,<;-/1 2$0 -- lP2 ,~t:, . ;J...t" 700 :-'"00 Iik. ~ & 5~() .bt:,6 -"-- St:Up 7~tJ; ./..:JII;!IJ -1IL .c; % ,- -. ~~ S"7.3t:J l;;.LL"'in ~ Il -0% s:l:"~o GY66 Jj<t/,~ 7(" q 7St.- 9fi,/{) It;> &0 J..L ,oZ.' ,.:2..1. ~.ccY) :;vJ4!:' 0 4",;) </5"0 ZI/ ,;J.f, 1:2(, 1")01:)0 :{Ot! S-O 37~0 . , l I I LOT BLK, / S- c2Q 08 - / 011 C?,O / .. SEC. TWN, RGE. .~ ~~()j,:e~~ldl: '<. .~< .. ... , .'l>_ ......L - .... 169 D P--134 Beg. at a point on the east line of Gov. lot 4, sec. 3-20-5.R"est. 545 ft. so. of the north line of gov. lot Jlt4 ; thn. west, paf'allel with the north line of said gov. lot 4, 300 ft. thn. so.730 00' east 319.3 ft. thn. north ?7030' east 31.7 ft.morA or less to the shore of lake Nahwatzel; thn. northerly and weA~rly, along the lake (shore line) and the east line of said gov.lot 4, to the point of beginning. -~: ~......... ..a.....~."'~..~ ........-..~ ,'"""",- ~..~.L.~<, , .~