HomeMy WebLinkAbout520081490160 ';:J;I! R38c" T..' FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS hI SALE PRICS g-l'l5.7- //$ (. 7"_7 Rd. 10.. Port PUO!FPD ., - - - - ,~ , / ~ , , 1 ..lll 1 L ~ , .,-z( lor g'1~, /f/?/el 7i/e f 'f e 1'4: 2V - - , ff'jg07'j 6/78 346253 0 John C ,-Janice Tupper .3 .:S II 3 !2. L H $6000011 ..of' , [J\) ') 1'1 I 311 d.. /:J- lL 1l ~~ - - - - - - - - - - -- -. - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -- - - - - -I " ~-~ ' ' ,. ,'--.....:.:-.... -- - . ~ ~_.- -. =~= ~~._...~.~ -- -- - -- - ::---.-.... NUMBER OF ACRES t- V ALUA TlONS Year Oyl\.r Timber Unlmpro....d lmpro....d TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro....d Improv~ jlmprovllmenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 2i /?,I"I " f,1<J ~</O .;2..t/O ~ -- - 5? /,)7 ,>?J? r2:JO .;J / Cl c;-<;{) .5.7 4 It{ -t.l1 ,J..~o -2760 .'3000 /;9 ,s7.lf ~/? ..:1 ,y,?o ;{?~d Sh~O M 8"- II t'. // ,;< J'rFo ;2 ?.:o .5~fLo izL .f./I .f// .;;:J.%.f' 0 3.::</5"" (,09& ~ .Lz2. 01 '-/;1/ 33/0 3330 t,~ slo V -" ~ ~ :z. 33/~ ~/Io 1.1/90 t/, ,I;.. ~' JPJlo .!!17'L'r> ~ c.. I /J1';!: I.l~' IJ. .!ll I.J ""i~.<' ,. S'31.1) ~ I~ it,3A>~ p~"t) -'~- 3.7' .3. '7."- /. -- J'~() - f II -D~ ~.//H} N:4iM '1// I ~ -3~/ 3,1/1 ,;J.t!6/(J /6~ /#(1/0 7(P 'ffc3YO " ~:li-Ij 7iJ?)O LOT ILK. I S -;/ :::~ "y I I 00, ~~ .1 "90 {t../J.' " I sse. TWft, ROE. I, ", ':/.'J " "*. ", : , " '-'. .'-. . f' ....~~, - :.' ,,: .:"--, , - " ......--- ,. .-' , , ,. -.,-- 7'" That portion of Govt Lot 1 in Seo 8-20-5~ which is as follows: Bgn at a pt 315.5 ft Sand 7'.8 ft W of oorner to fraotional seos 8 & 9, said twp and range, on Sly shore of Lake Nahwatzelj Thn N 43006' E, a dist of 18.53 ft to E line of said Seo 8; / Thn S 0056' E along E line of said seotion, a dist of l81.8,Hto Nfy'RI...W line of Mason Co. Rd; / . Thn S ~3~~3' W along the Nly R/W line of said Co. Rd;~ a dist of 274.3 fti, ~,,______ -. ~ Thn S 45 43' W'a-lQ~ said Nly R/W line~-rBt of 445 ft to an iron pipe; , ./" Thn N 40' 32' W a dist ofJ,4l ft, )ll-O're or less to Sly shore of said lake; ''-------.x:.--: . 0 Thn REly along Sly shore of ai~ke to a pt whioh is N 40 28' W from the pt of bgn; , _,~ ' Thn S 40028' E. a d of 291.2 ft more~or less to pt of bgn. Combined Tr. 5 with y:'l6 --------',~ Bgn at a poin~752.521 S. and 635.32' Wof the cor to fractional Secs 8 & 9-20-5 on Sly shore of LaKe Nahwatzel and running Thn Sly by a curve to ~t having a radius of 675', andbeiiring at the point of !lgn. S 88 25'50" E. a dist on sa1a'wrve of 55' more or less/t'o meander line of Sly shore of Lake Nahwatzel; Thn following s-ame"NWly and Nly t9~pt N. 4028' W. of the pt of bgn; Thn S. 4028' E. 96', more or less to'p~f bgn, containing 1110 acre and located in Lot 1, Sec. 8-20-5 -'-- '-....'". -"....~,-'".:. ~,,~. , I I I I I I I I I --. I -e- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year 1 9yder Timb.r I Unimpro...ed Impro....d TOTAL I Oyder Timb.r Unimproved I Impro....d Improv.mlnts B. of E. (BuildinQ~) VALUE 12 ~:d I., iJ-t. I.I/--b d /.' /6?,<Lo 5u --,Ii / 2';?,,-xY/? -' / -'7:i ? ?,Z5n. 111 - <)", .... I '1'160 /9760 ti ",,-,-, ,&, I ,0/ </100 '1/00 <2) I-- 3(,,600 36()OO .l!L 1---.- - ,(,.1 .&/ 3/.;I./)0 ..3/:( ao _. - --- ------- .--- -. . -- -.- ----- . 1-----.- , I ,I c __ --