HomeMy WebLinkAbout520081400110 Y... File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS hi SALE PRICE, Rd. ""h, Port PUOIFPD . - - - - lH.GP Donald EacLennan et ux > ~ <I- 1 31' l L ~ ~ - f-- /'0 ~ Cfi-'A:I:- q;J;;n, ~tl~~#/l/ J-./ .a.nU ~A. s-~ ~_7 ~ .:u.' 35"10 (v 4 ,7 -,.I'A> "_.~ I -A--.. /' #67,,",.s~ ~ 1( . ~-, 'I tu.-dJuy j) , 'tIJ~ / I 21L 3 L it 9;;,? 1M ~ - ~ ''110 (0 g( / '3-/( ..3 In ...L JL A !1 I/~ 0')- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -\ ~= _. _ _-...~.;~t;tt:...::....:...:. .:.~.~ :~_:'-:.:_:"~_ =-~_ . , .. ...- . ....... .,,,._-''/- - - - --- -'ii<' NUMBER OF ACRES [ VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Ul'llmprond Improved TOTAL Oyst.r TImber UnlmproYed ImproYed I'mpro....menb B.ofE. (Bulldlng1) VALUE 1- 3'1 ,/~ 1/'1' to /00 /~o ~ t,O /.57) c2/o g j# . /jI 60 /,-,,> 0 c2 /cJ '~ " /, >_/ , ~ :':> 21- . /.'1 .It 60 15"0 ,J./O &. ,/ 7'- ./;/ ,;0 cJ /60 ::U-O 1"Q .1r,L- ./,~ 300 '- .300 k2 ,/'/ -/t/ <1-50 '/5"0 .J.k ill ;Z .~~ $,2; 'b... <Ii ~ ~AJ "-",n ~ ,~.!J ,CZ3 11' ()eJ (0 /tJ.I C Sb/(J Y- I/AL., ~. 'r;6-tJ ~M. /~~ 7", /.;.;" " " -. j' J.:5{ .. !dL / -,.3 ,:2-5 3'-/000 "l~":,; <j3~"o it! ..:{"~t!)o 9500 3SS-00 I LOT BLK. / '" .~ (J 0 5' ( '-I- I O~.p 00' t--- '.. " SEC. TWN, ROE. "S':~~Ci/"1 f'- '0',,. /'/ OJ" . ." ',-<<".;.,. .. ,', . ., ~. -. . . . 'F" '-,.., "':' ,.. r~ ~grfta P '~p~ on Nly margin of Co'; /~~d ' ~/~ 882'; 15 it, S and~08'. 43 ft W of the corner to fractional sectional Sees 8 & 9, 20-5 on S shore of Lake Nahwatzel~ and running 0 Thn alon~ Nly boundary of Co; Rd'~ R/W S 49 32' W 50 ft; Thn N 40 28' W 125 ft, more or less toSshore of said lake; Thn along shore line in NE direotion to a pt which bears N 40D28' W from theo pt of bgnj Thn S 40 28' E 130 ft, more or less to pt of bgn~ Formerly T~. 16-A Commencing at fractional carner between section0 8 & 9, on Sly shore of Lake Nahwatzel: thence S OO~G' ~ alonG E line of section 8, 4R3.79', ~ore or less, to Kly RjW line of County Road; thence S 43043' W alone Nly line of CC1L~ty road 274.3'; thence S 45043' W along }!ly line of county road 445' to an iron pire and I.P. of tract of land; thence N 400'2' ',7 141', more or lees, to shore of Lnke na11'llatzel; thence in SEly direction to a point on Illy RjW line of county road which is N 45043' E of LP.; thence S 45043' W 30' to I.P. Formerly Tr. 18-A The Ely 30' of follo?ang description: TI,eginnine at an iron pipe on '~y RjW line of cOl1nty road, said point being 1024.1' S and 536.8' W of fractional corner of Sections 8 & 9 on Sly shore of Lake Kahwatzel; thence S 49028' W along lily RjW line a distance of 230' to an iron pipe; thence Ii 40032' Wa distance of 65', more or less, to Sly shore of Lake; thence }ffily along Sly shore to a point r 40032' Waf I.P.; thence S 40032' E a distance of 99', more or less to LP. , ~...;e-- . -...,"~" ..~-,.",.. ,~, '. '-- 'foj Year FIl. No_ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO J.UI40'-j 68 185323 Lee E. Dawson et ux H.E.Wenzel j,g ~~['f'l/t, ~ ~ ; j) I)J //~ ~n# ..r (- .~. .l / . ~- NUMBER OF ACRES Y.ar Timb.r Unlmpro...ed Oyster 5tf oct 1/,0 It,;;t 6& II,x 7-: -J-t/ lOT see, ,lJ(, TWN, I !) ::(0 RGE. ,. . Impro....d . $"0 , ;;7 ,57 .:37 gl o I? TOTAL . 'J..-t/ .50 .s7 S7 r;-7 , pt/ , . f po 1')' i I Oyster DISTRICTS Rd. ;Sch. Port IPUD iFPD I I I I 3 11 3112 L H SALE PRICE ffU'-j'('O $15,000 ... 'l"". . VALUATIONS Timber Unlmpro...ed Impro...em.nts (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE __ ~o !c,3o &30 I/~O lift/o 1</40 Impro...ed so t,3n z:'3c / IS-O /t/rlo /t/t/o .--'--..., -~ ,-~,., . i ~ 0, , :. 1 ~ . ~ ~ : . , , 1 I ' "~,t~,-~~ . - - ',," "...........~-;-. Commencing at the corner to fractional sections 8 & 9 on the S shore of Lake Nahwatzel; thence S 0 56' E, along section line, 474.95', more or less, to an iron post on the Nly R/." line of Shelton-Matlock County Road; thence N 43 58'11" E, along Nly R/w line oil said County Road, 120.09' to LP.; thence S 43 58'11" W, along Nly "/w line of said County Road, 142.82', more or less, to a point taereon 20' due.';/:-Oi'~l~vt Lot 1, section 8; thence N 0 56' ',f, parallel with the E line of slid Govt Lotl and 20' W thereof, 128.30', more or less, to a point which bears N 40 28' W from a point on said section line S 0 56' E 330.92' from the NE corner of said Sovt Lot 1; thence N 40 28' W 299', more or less, to the N line of Govt Lot 1; thence NEly, along the N line of said Govt Lot 1, to a point thereon N 27 52'31" W from loP.; thence S 27 52'31" E to LP. __~ - __.A_ -<"......~ N_~."'.. . .-....."'