HomeMy WebLinkAbout520081400060 File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /h I SALE PRICE! Y..r I " I" - Rd, So" Port PUD I FPO - - - - - - .. 54 149588 Lee E. Dawson et ;(/I!-f1/ .-J i.: 3 311 1... L /L--/. ? I$'7I ux " - 1-- :#4<000" I ..d2 /I?///'s- ,f:J-",II"OI-A ~ -&P/ , ' ..J'-~L , -:Sll 3- ,q Q L fI (- ) il 3/1 W ..b" ff I) \ \), ..L :.L - - - I-- ,. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I w=: "'. . ,...,. -'.. - ~. -, - . , " "r~'l!'"..'.&... ~.......-- -~- ~~ -~== ,=--= ~_.~- ---..,.- - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS v.., Olster Timber Unimproved Improv~ TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved lI.proved I Improvements B, of E. (Buildings) VALUE E- . 0;5 10 <j (PO /,:;,"-0 .:2.10 S5 ':;;0 -270 ,330 h.2tc. ,(Jf5 , I) 57 ?,() ",,-, . ~.3d ,-::0< //) 57 tJ,J' , &I ,.p ,300 ::< ;7 cJ o/'o .h- ,oJ> .CJg 300 3th ""/~ tOl .og , oS /? '~ .,006..;:< .300 7.30 /0.30 (,;;< ,oJ ,0 fl .5"00 '730 /~.30 -"- 5P~ R~~ 1.3~o ""- ~ lot ~~~ .. /aL1.~ /~ 1fL c 1.: &S"~d .:<~(,o 95.6 , U /" f.~ S'/JtJc ~~.o ,/~" 7& t /,'..- t.o , /S:J.So . (j) . t> q' , of:' .:;~ 110:;' I 7301l 3?3iJO U ,(',r: . ,vi! /700" / 7 30:" ,'-I. .:?:::-?:::.'1 , LOT BLK. I 5 c."; C) ') ;7 / 'I I,Orml"\) / ' SEC. TWN, ROE. ~ A.L r-:2tJ,~:~?'1 ~~~~', , \~S '.- -, -. ,.'- ,', ~ ;. <'~'-', .-_. , '.' ...... -1"'-'-' " , Bgn at a point on Nly margin of Co'; Rd'; R/W 1367";5 ft Sand 953';54 ft W of the oorner to fraotional Seos 8 and 9, 20-5, on the S shore of Lake Nahwatzel, and running Thn a1on~ Nly boundary of the Co'; Rd'~ R/W S 49032' W 50 ft; Thn N 40 28' W 100 ft, more or less to the S shore of Lake Nahwatze1 Thn a10n~ same NEly to a point N 40028' W fromthe pt of bgn; Thn S 40 28' E 90 ft, more or less to pt of bgn. '1 =..... 1,1 .- ,,,~--- ----..-,,'~~ . .......... '," "~""--~,'U ". ~~.41,;,.,