HomeMy WebLinkAbout520081300031 . DISTRICTS /~/ Year FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO -,--- SALE PRIG. Rd. Sch. Port PUD~I 1 I 68 ~ 3'1 ~(~~ Clifford Reeve Lee Dawson 3 3D 3 I Ii L H #14491 -- ;:/:30,....-/ " "of.eu 1) A.AI ",Tad , hoi'1o_ 11 ~,,,. As>: Stanley D. Hall ~/ ..,<5 I.~ /~ " =.h .?4 .0 d rv... .. p.-, "'d1?"?07 ~"d I., L 11-1 - . N ~3 4J6'1/JJ.~ if ""0; ,~" ,\\o~'Lo"'O \\ a,,~ 3/1 3 f,J. . 0 ," HL!. ,~ 9<1 II" ~ I '}I .41 :A u YLh. 011 . " I , wD , D I rr I I I I ---.-.""-.-- ~"- - -. ,. '..-.":',....'1l!!!!1!J.... ~ ~-...,-.-- --- ---- -, ,------ --- -~- -- -- ,.~-"c--=_ ~~~-~ ...: ~- NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAl+l VALUATIONS Yeer I Oyster Tlmb.r Unimpro...ed Impro....d OY5ter Timb.r Unimpro...ed j Impro...ed I Improvements i B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,- ~ ,~ .~ n__ //~S" l~ ;,~ ~ ~.:3.SIJ 1tJ 11....1. ~ 9&-0 J~4!) 0 .M9?o i~ '.', ._'..,,.. /::J i-~~ C /: ~8o 9D /-,v;) ~- ~- &1 I :2.S , .2-5-' 4':<000 3'i400 X";"'O 0 %.<1 .;zs- .;zs .3;2,000 $'1~tJo 7/-/00 I I . , - I S --? J tJt? .I ~ (00 "It[~!.:lV,,,O Ki.L..rJA4i-llf ~J lOT BLK. ; ...:; SEC. TWN, RSE. . .-_.- . , . ~. ~ '[ , - -.-.. ""'....~_.~...-...--.- ~'!l'I;""': . A tr of lnd in G.L. 2, 8-20-5 W,W.M., particularly desc as follows: , exM-lENCING at a pnt on the Nly margin of the Co ReI right-Qf-way which is 1789.1 S ,& .1:456',3'W>uf.=l:n to FCt.ion: Sees R &9,sp. ~nship& range, on the S shore of Lake Nahwatzel, & running th along the Nly roundary line of sd Co ReI right-Qf-way S 490 32' W 245' to the POB of the Tr of land hereby descr; th continue S 49032' W along the Nly right-of-way line of sd Co Rd, 100' to the Ely corner of a tr of land conveyed to D.T. MJrrow by deed re=rded in Vol. 93, pg 83. records of M3.son Co, Wa., which pnt is 20009.5' S & 1685.8' W of sd fractional corner to Sects 8&9, on the S shore of Lake Nahwatzel; th N 40032' 1'1, along the Ely line of sd MJ=ow tr, 370' +- to the Sly shore of Lk Nahwatzel; th in a NEly, along the S shore of sd Lk Nahwatzel, to a pnt thereon which is N 40028' Waf the POB; th S 40028' E to the POB, excepting from the above clesc land, however, such portions thereof, if any, as includes shorelands. -.', . ,-. -- - - '~'.':\.~-.n"i.'" .' . ;'-:'''':'~~?~r-- ' , ..,~.-",~. .... , j\ ~ ~'-.J 2.::-; /~-/,.j : ,"r;' /' y E:- " ., .., J/,:-!.J-:: ~{/ x/..!. ",7.:? J /,;!-f ~ /_VJ i~/?,(/ / /.-, ;L-/,r),.!':" t, /;, ~,C:.f_' ',1!,/L:;> r .. . /~- It',"';-"'"" ...... - ..... ~. . ,J____:-).' --. , 1/.' -'. H~d_''''.::6 .....;.-',- -.-.-,