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Y..r Flit No. i i ./. I) , ~ NAME of OWNER 'L<_ h /yy,',I) CONTRACT TO I DISTRICTS I&- a Rd. Sch. Port PUO I FPD 3 31] = 3 e-- L SF SALE PRICE" ~ 1074991 Charles' Strnllss ~ /6:;'1/~_: --tf.-~/~,a-,--?~..:u //J " I ./L , I!. (L 1 _ ,_ ' hf. "" ~ (,'" 0 ~..<.~:S8 I ~ //, g-~~ -'".~ ----- /H-64- /,7 ./.-/uni I(P~A J#'; ~1_ L., __1-__ ;9ZFf!- 69 ~N'Mj fJ~.L.-~k-hL_~ () ~3Jl-~W L H ""'" ~j-f:19"11 ~U /l J &- -.;.,p. A ) ~r %f -LJJL "L.l.l-L Ii ;#1>;""../7/ij- /b/11 1fc31p;). V~;;.7J/~ ..ef/1/ ~66t?/~J',;sc,d' 7';1 30tft/cJ'1-c.ass. FOREsr- IlCW 11433 ) " \ "';"/ ~\ 1I Yur Ord..r Improved TOTAL ~ VALUATIONS ...~!~ , J''' .=W, NUMBER OF ACRES Tlmba, UnImproved Oyst.r Tlmb.' Unlmprovad Improvtcl IlmprOVlmenb (Buildings> B.ofE. VALUE 5'-1 f ~ ?~ 'k 0-:OL 6, tJIJ CLAS~:. neT 84.33 I~dotl ~"'~ .:20 50 (.,() //34 ~() -~<~ 3c9s- ^f 7 (') If '10 ';<0 50 I' .t!J //..!J~ ~~o .,/- 70 .3ps- 11. 7g 2f' Cj() .2L 9'^ '13 it..! +70 ,tl9o "",- -~. 5..>) /f5- .! L-,,' ,r-- '- 5,(.~() .:.-' ,..~ ..d2.r 5 I:. Lf?S' .5".;t,S- Io/'~?~ LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. 1 ,- ,c::'::) u 7 RGE. S,OO 530 ~0"7~1 ~/\I-J~l~ .._-' .'- J I::' ~~ 5"::<S- 530 , CLASS FORES%' , . .,. C .:".- :. _~, .- .. ,--" I I I 1 I I .I I I I I I -::. . '"', NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS {P,~ Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro.<ements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE I?S' CLA S FOBBS~ 5.00 5.00 .,5,:;0 5:J..O .