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VMr I File No. -r--. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J<j;:'" SALE PRICE A.. ISch. I p.,rt PUD! FPD I I I Hi 9174 292855 Arnold F. Stoehr 3 30~ 3 I 16 L ----S~ "iffCB"? 5.#. --~ tb!. .;t 554!!"'-'" W.L ....n7839 f-- Rich R-Linda M 1UImbach 11/7__ 35':!~114 {}Y ~rris L. Smm '" t ,1 :'?93 12950 ,-~ rf'( / 11,~ .3 rt, L fI - I'~ _..~_._. __n__~ --+~ - ---- - . -" - - ~ - , - .______....0 ,,,,I 0,,,,, NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimpro.ed Improyed ImproYements B. of E. (Bvildin9t) VALUE -/: , .r .. , :S-;'~(? .-'":5'/",_-- ,-~.-"'/" - -- -./ , i19 ----- _7.00 .5 C(1 5C,JU ,;;J 000 <jl /~ co 0 /c"''''o )(tI s. c; C) ,5';CJG 17 S"oo )7~-<'o ----, ,---- -, -, -- -- -- -- - -- , ~,\{ i LOT ILK. ,~1 ~__,-,~ -~ , j SEC. TWN. 16E. , , 2Jt '. . . .. "~,~.'-'--- .'-' stl.J2t , \lal ::l , ".J,.sa..._~,__ . ,-_..~-' .,,,.. , ~ The sf of the NW NW SW of See 1-20-5\1'. W.M. fray :2.()<-( / -,;J () -5' -.----.: ~- *1 A L ". 1'.' ( ('()CJlO?; s L, ~I{,/Y)/Y},F)! (r}r:i I(\,' ..... JO-S'ff'4" S lL- Ii: I~ I'- V /) , ( /Y. 1-;: -r"t I TT ;>'.0, ~. , 'f.