HomeMy WebLinkAbout520017500150 , Yut File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. $ctlc.I'ort DISTRICTS pue fPO I 3 L H 1'/::<' I SALE PRICE 8/741 :>Q1q18 Glenn E. Correa et ux Cuole R.Muth I ~ 109 ",~",.. A D Pruitt J..L- Ii", Wia-vE-v!" 7~1.1,3 I~{>~ -., .3 It- t II "'-^~8 "-: [:t.;.q ~':'~3'?~ 4 773.3~J tic 7 9~;Lil ""p "',., No 79s/;L ,,;;; 1.0"- '?- fi1 3L15- 298~44 "171' 3,//;.91 '( .2k~ ,1M) <:'W) 5,#- q 4-.:1. 1 ';0&,24/ ,',,' 8/t;!. I,;o~</:;,>? k }'n" 1),...0", '-<-4- JL ~,;z.11~7{,:,gf~ fi,,,: "0- ./' A --+.7-- ,,0-) \ " " /I r, J'(II 0' 31/t~ L iH I, " " ). , ~" '" Y.., I 0,..", . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unlmpro....d Impro.,.d Itnpro....m.nfl (8ulldlnVI) .. of E. VALUE 115' '7.,,~ "7...." ~ 7~"'() -/i / /, .'- /'7 ;',<'J .u.?,~ c, 'I"({,'I$6 1'}d,Cd 7"t>~~c 5'15'50 2.l 9'-1 7,tJ(p 7.(}6 LOT ILK. TWN, 16E. 451 . 1('" ,r~ Jr~ -~ ,~ i:7500:;Sf~l of _SlI.ryey lB~2 _ , __~, __ ___ :.:1'ZK"O/-8, l."EC. aw~ 2. Tr!lct 15 v ' Ccmnencing at a brass monument mark1ng the 811' corner of BWi-, thence N 89015'10" E along the 8 line of NWi a distance of 1058.04'; thence N 30044'36" W 627.03' to I.P.; thence N 74005'46" 11' 322.72'; thence N 44032'28" E 546.90'; thence 8 43022'37" E 154.46'; thence N 89009'40" E 550'; thence 8 0050'20" E 274.53'; thence 8 82016'18" W 740' to I.P. -.' -- - -. ~ .,;,....;1 , /,..17 10. '6/571 ~ 7-. r , 5-: - . ~,' , r. , , -;' c '" . " ..; (,;, 1: t., i/'[{f (,' 1'? .v: f_-~ ), - "/ "f/~'