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Ytar Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1,;25 SALE PRICE Rd, Soh, Port PUD!FPD - - - - 54 Port Bla:(e~ Li 11 Co. 3 09 -,- ~ WF ~A.' - - ...:E.. '30 <!3C,J, CLASS. FORES /3 RJ;WSU,.&q " It.; ,"..,'-' ~ i!Yt ( ~o'i 3 j{ ~ y.~'~-y/ if:-;" i/. ,,,,. 1rT ~~ A.-A.b.. //..d c,p J'l"'9[" ,/2'" J7( il L c?c/./ .... _-?" .tV ~ 'C5 r- - - - - - I- - - - - ~ - -- - -- I ~ - - - - -. - - - - - I I~--------------------------- __________u___________________~.---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALVA TlONS Year Oyder Timber Unlmp,rovtd Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Imprond I Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE -2i 40 //c:J .2.00 -<'ex> J1p.. (PO() (;-SO 50.. 4/00 0 t./o. 00 :;'-00 30cJ 57 lJo. DD ';0. OD /0 2-D /D :z 0 ~ 1/0,00 ..f!o,O{. 4/ ?cJ 1L ;7 (] €'lfrp ~ - " il' ~ ~ 9t) ~~6) , . M- J>IJ.()O flO, ~/; 7~t) 93t) 1h PO. /)tJ Ib,t)~ I~ ~.t -- /-1; t!UJ/J IPA.......", ~ A.I.~ .J? ~ ~. ~~tJ d~/J .:;t ~"IJ /IU)!J~ -U- I(Ln. . eq. b~ ~J~ ~ .;;1~;D ~l/tJ,6 - ~ C/ ~ t/ }C.j;,.._ l'~ 9'~"o 22 I ,~ (1 :4 .&/J ..sP~ G.3~ 1'JI 9 tJ" d' atJ" 1>9"" I " LOT BLK. ; 6W9~~9'o 't:J.O t:J.~ :SEC. TWN, RGE. 19 5_, --) CLASS. FO~ ! 7,?/Q ,.SiR. SE _________~ 84.aa ...- ..,..,...-- -- o.~' .... k .Jt.uu{...U'{' /0/4-3 d ( .=' Year i - . · NUMBER OF ACRES I Oylte' , Timber i Unimproved I Improved I TOTAL ~I. Ont&f cus;-~..J:;:.. . r: f!;: + .n , , r, !fo JD __ - - _'J:'.-. V7 ~ ,..." ~ c . . ,. -BOBES - -.:...: . fo.. 0 ;/0.0, '(.5" I I .- . t-.~ ~. VALUATIONS I Timber 'Unlmpro't'ed Improved t ~t:(l J..;,~t/t)~ t ZUa~- ?Rf{}J :/r '/0 t . O-Sc"O... _ _C'~I"'I.O,:L I I -1-__ /tPt-' "L //S-e70, . ,~ '1J/,J I _ -1-_ n ?l/s : .+ f.'I.? ;; f 1&'.3s -- - --~-- - , ., . Ilmprovemenh I (8uildin911 .+ . ~~ .t + -- 1'- ,-- + --- +- , ~' -- +- /. 0 B. of E VALUE -:-YS'Yd ..:-1~(L .- Z2f;tL I ,,' - ----~~ -j ~ {dl.. J.I..L"'~ -1L~ . J /c:t,.=- 1/IS'o ....~ -. ./, I 1-. .-" rqq:;~ :1. '1 ~36 '. .,- --