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Ynr FII. No. I NAME of OWNER ~ Paul Kolar ~ &;,.;zO ;;;:;z:; . Il. ~ J-I)- Ci;j;Sg - 1S ;iOy'310 RCW 84.33 4/82 402602 Adelaide Kolar He:v ,0' , -/ ~- '--:~: CONTRACT TO ~ DISTRICTS / ..:zs I~ ~~ ~ ~UDI~ ~ F.E , /J J'( / '?o ~ '1 .M..L (f u) ~~7 ~ --1---- ------ -1----- -1---- ----- - - - _.'_.:;,;~___..:_ - __ - - __ ~_..: - u:"_";" _";"_u"::"'___ _u_________:.__:.~.:.:.:.. ' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oylwr Tlmbtr Unlmprond Improved -yc,ab ~ ~? __~o 5Jl fiiJ,oo , ~ ~.OO la 2'L ~ If 7; C~W ~':ESl' 1/4).1iJtI> 7?- -;=- n Zf. 77 ~.H LOT 'SEC. 10.[',; 5 1'1 1,/ RGE. BLK. TWH. / ,,') _ ):.-~LiR__"':_._.......__. -,,~;'_; .,..':.a-j""i'"~",_,,, SALE PRiCe 11/1:301:3/ $ I 6000 ( I /2 into -~ .,..,~ '. ......"" ~ ..,,;r, '7.- .7,. 4;' ImprOYlmllntJ B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE -:7 0"" .7/0 500 .;? 5""0 -;ttJ 1- ~ u_ pt!?~ ,tf~ I",..,. 1410. 3(f)1eJ ~- 39;:( 0 ,3t,()o , ~:,-- TOTAL ~d.r Tlmb.r Unlmprond Improved 4c;;;GO 20n ,,/0 DO 7/0 110.0 c:: c?OO $0.00 ~~O ~3tJ ~/() - I~A" ;t',;~ f4!4~ ~ I'~;, 8-. ...I1ft1~ ~ ~ 3yd 0 "-to,:;,) 3(..,{)iJ L/ _ <f 0.0.0. ..,:U -1-. _-... fb;::1 'T<~-~-:?_~_~~S1.~FO J,d~ fc>. ~II .<? ,% I I 1 I I I I I I I . ..' ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS / d..P-t:J Year Oyster 1 Timber I Unimproved . Improved TOTAL I' Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved lmproyemenh B. of E. - (Build\n9'1 VAlUE .if, ~ .,~Rl S~O 00 C/o 00 3gg6 3f,f{) l.CW ....... 1/ ..jo (:<1 '-!o.QO >//J-O '-//:1-0 g;!, CLA~ FOREST I L/5;2 ~ '75..2 0 ~ 'I7%S' ~7g.5- fi'f 'I (). 00 '1tJ,() 0 'j~;;J,S- '1,f~S- I~ --1750 , 47.q) f---- 1- --- - I f------ ---- I-. 1._- .. -- ---- -- -- - --- - - --- I--- ---- ------ -- ---- - - --- - u_ , - I ., ,,-'."