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Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I.:J .5 Rd. Soh. Port I PUO I F"PO ----- 3 09 3 L.1L fA I-- /.3 ?/ / '-tJ'1 t- LJJ... I.. /I SALE PRICE .......2.lL Weverhaeuser Th,ber Co. ~tLl/.5;7~.!;-=~J,' .;.-A.d 7 k.,~ ~/.\";11t.1 ~'A:..z..A' ~-O/.~)J.. ~/SJ 4J./OyS'l i '#/'/37';" ) )C() , -t----- -t- ---e-- ------\ ----.---_:-_-~-------- -~. -------------------.--:~:...:_--_:-~..:...._.~::.~_:::::~=------ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 171, 9 'I Yur Oylter Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ r?:<O ~;2.o / r:; 00 /6CiO .Jfz <ig()() ,/- ..5'0 3.2 tJ. oJ -"IJ tJ /&OrJ / (/J{){) ~,.(. (J 5J' 1 j,J, nr. ~~,~d ~a60 l-raoe 5~ 8:4/,0 u ~.oo 3;2 V 3;:20 k2. (,,37. ;).7 (,,31;;27 G.~o (" st 0 U /;7.75 1-175" 1i ~f~ ~I}~ .J!L REFORl ST t.,J 7..<17 id ~.27Ih 'if~ UftJ/9 " /,j'J,I'9/J ltC',. !3>1 '?5' ~371.7 /-:371.1 (,,7S'-S- b 7 S/~ LOT BlK. IEO. TWN. ..c- ,. ~~ (~ :: I q "'P.:' (', ,) ........,.. J ) , ,J~y;r9:03'oi/ .,,~i Entire" S~ction. __ '-~~ :!J I I CLASSI1'TED CJAssI1'1Fb , .J~J.L~ ROE. ~, 1 ,...19 __ 5 -<'! " ..". ~---_._._- --..-. Lot 1 - 39.53 2 - 39.38 3 - 39.28 4 - 39.08 S~ NE - 80.00 S" NW - 80.00 S~ Section-320.00