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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 11/ SALE PRICE Rd. Sc.h. Port PUD fPD I - - - - 1<.,- Sgattlg HOlllli Mtg ~O"'r. + lJ.2 J- L..... ......... - -- t..7 -; :! .J:i '011. .7;;, /3 I? ~ oS7?~O --0 ilL? / II "aI, -#. \/ ~ ',!7/-77;"" 0# /. -ff: 1M!.. /Vi - I- - - - *"''/6ii63 :< //> //?"2 /. ri,~~ - - - - - - -- ~~.q"" 3/11 5:::':513 ('j- A, LA.. fL - 7Ikrb",;f-/"",c / / is) ) ill 0- (3 1- ~ '- >/.\,..- '- L-c - ~9 I . , !kl. ;1.1....1"" Jf. dri- II -b'l7~ 3U,;?/~ - - -'/3 St2f)__ <f!gl 3t?.?1 ()(, I ~ k.<.w L, ?;;r. fA ~} (f d,:';/L J......, ,:i:)(x , , - - ,p 8 ~-- r/J~ 10105,/'<; ,-!.l,.h", " f)~.h - - - - -- , v fI - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -~----_.- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -I ~ '-.~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - :t.. Oyster , Improv.mentsl B. of E. TImber Unimpro....d Impro...ed TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improv.d (Building,) VALUE - I, b70 ! S~~_= '1'- t/. "" , ;~ :'~' ) ;;/1' , , e:,9 --.J..~ -L3..5:1 '7' 7 S- , '.J ., " '! /{: ,~ .. J7a/9Sc_ -~ 7~, J 000 0( 13...5...I.::S~ 15 Y!B , 1.<'7)~ 7~.'f-tL 7;; /()!Pt>/.. :; q t,() 71/ -e> -E3. .e+ , l' ./~:," 11 j3~o '(";'76 1~30_ 7~ , .:,. .:~- c_~; {. 5/.<?,' 77/0 77 45;) 0 1.~3:)' <;1.L7~'-f-~ '1'J TJ, ;V' -~,~ \ -/.6;>'0 _ ,,/S,?-J) :?/ r .. -: '~/f'7' /9/ "1j D ..::>dOO /0(" Y'O gg 5'1'10 ~ <I'f 0 7t,ftJ .- 19<1 5 </</0 /- 1J'1O , i .sfl12_ ~!m (J 10 10 1 /f~ LOT BU<. ( SEC, TWH. RGE. .;., ... '. -.:;:- .,,,,C ..,."",,, .. ~'$'- .-~ -