HomeMy WebLinkAbout520085000003 ,.. DESCRIPTION: PLAT MORROW'S UNRECORDED PLAT LOT Tr. 3 BLK '* ACREAGE I~.,I~I ~1R.-I.rtt:>lc,lIolol 0131 SEC TWP RGE , - , ~.-- __.._n __ .. ---- I , LGoI rt7~o I OISTRICTS I AFFIOAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: L) f G('Ro--sc iPT UD I FO HO CD SALES $ ---- ._~--_.__.-.- ------ - -" _._~._"._~._-_.. -- , 58~_ D. T. Morrow ryson H. Jones U"""- 3 311 3 L ,- ._~------ , 3 311 3 12 L H --"-," --....-- ---- - -+----.- , .. I &1 I 31.1__ 3 /. L. H ---~._--- I i ! ------- . " ------ -----------. - I ,-, -.-- ------- ~,,- - , - -+----~ --.----- - -~ , I .., I ---- --'--r- I - : , ~---~ . - -.. -----~,-- I -- , ==--== ACREAGE 'IALUATlDN ~~AR..1.. TIDELANO -- B OF E i UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TlDELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILOING TOTAL I I 5~~_____ .15 .15 200 - 200 --. - I .15 .15 200 380 580 6.l._+__ I - ~ 400 380 780 ~~-- 400 390 790 - ~_L, 25% 500 490 990 ---~ - -, I 70 I -- 50% 2750 980 3730 ~---t---- - 74 I 100% 5500 1960 7460 -1--- 76 I 8750 6950 15700 XI .;< ,;;(/VJ D I~ C;-oo .=?dl:".n,) ff{t , /7000 /~ StJO .;2 q 500 ! ... , ------J------- ---- - , , , , .. -4i ."......'ll.'"""-" A tract of land situate in Gov. Lots 2 & 3 of Sec. 8-20-5 described as follows: Beginning at a point in Lot 3 marking the SE corner of Tract 10 of F.E. Hewson's Lake Nahwatzel tracts; run thence N 20 33' E 50' to the initial point; run thence S 870 27' E to the Ely line of Lot 2; thence Nly along said Ely line to a point thereon which is 50' at right angles to the S line above defined; thence N 87027' W to a point which is N 2033' E 50' from the initial point; thence S 2033' W 50' to the initial point.