HomeMy WebLinkAbout523095000910 , - DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSORS FLAT - LP.KE CUSHMAN WEETSIDE #2 LOT 4-C BLK iF ACREAGE 1S12.131017'lsblobl.9V I~ SEC TWP RGE - DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ - -- ----------- --------- tl "U ..7.4 CITY OF TAr'OHA 2 404 H 3 H L . - -- P.O.BOX 477 et , 11 8./84, 1 1,1, 0000', Thomas A. Nl,!gent 404 H 3 H L #88931 - -- .-+-. T 1 - --- .m. . -- i ._--~ , I +------ _. I I - -- I : -- , I .-- - _. I ---- ~ - i - , -----~- I I , ... m ------ . - ACREAGE 'IALUATlON YEA.R _ j . B OF E TIDELAND iPRD:"" IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ~ - I I I - ---- =-+~~... , - I -----t- I "--- .-- I, TRACT D CF SF # 1507 That portion of Tract four (4), Assessor's Plat of Lake Cushman Hestside No.2, according 1:0 the recorded plat thereof, Volume 9 of Plats, pages 96 thru 98, both inclusive, described as follows: CO~~lliNCING at the Southwest corner of said Tract 4; thence North 87038'38" East, along the Bouth line thereof, 750 feet to THE POINT Or' BEGINNING; "thence North 13049'31" I'lest, parallel \vith the l'1est line thereof, 101 feet; thence North 87038138" East 508 feet, more or less, to the East line of said Tract 4; thence southeasterly, along said East line, to the Southeast corner of said 'I'ract 4; thence South H70 38' 38" \\fest, along the South line of said Tract 4, 630 feet, more or ~~~ to the point. of beginning. ET AL THOMAS A, & PEGGY J. NUGENT H&W BFIAN S. & PATRICIA A. SlmD H&W CHARLES M. & CLAIRE M. BERRY HE,W TENANTS IN COMMON