HomeMy WebLinkAbout523095000903 DESCRIPTION: PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN WESTSIDE #2 LOT 10-B BLK iF ACREAGE J~'T3f ()!D.IOI91613i SEC TWP RGE - ------- =----~- DISTRICTS I AFFIOAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ -- .. - -.-14_.______~.Iy OF T A"nM ^ khn-r:nn f"n"or+ I A()t. U " IQ U I I r- . I f' 0 M. y 93'i ln~5~~~1 s/-ni- .- il! (.(. if... It'" f :.>;y ^ ..~strom .~ J, ~o:: ~,t, /c-t..l. {'l~v .s. ~C rcO #7~?~0 11/81 ~~/. " I I, r;i ~::; teven A Qls.Qil. I , ----1------- -+---- _n -. ! ---~I i ~ I I --- - ---- I I -- - [- , , I I. -. , I I , --" - ACREAGE 'IALUATlON - - B OF E YEAR TIDELAND ! UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL - -. ---- - I I . I .~ , (Tract B of S.P.#1028 A.F.#393162) That ptn of Lot 10, Assessor's Plat of Lk Cushman-Westside #2, as recorded in Vol 9 of Plats, pgs 96-98 records of Ma Co. Wa., descr as fol lows: BEGINNING at a pnt on the N I ine of sd Lot 10 N890I2'57" E 175.00' from the NW corner of sd lot; th S45022'36" E 145.00'; th N 89012'57" E 490' +- to the contour line 742.00' above mean sea ievel on the Wly shore of Lk Cushman. Sd elevation shal I be determined by reference to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam #1 near the Ely side of sd dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures USGS J-32 & for the purposes of this reference it is understood that this plaque is placed at the elevation of 741.50' above mean sea level; th NWly along sd 742.00' contour line 225' +- to the N I ine of sd lot 10; th S 89012'57" W 420' +- to the POB. ..e -1 "J. ,F), ',- t., <"f / " ";. '.---' <:.-./1,